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===Late Modern===
===Late Modern===

When Populist leader [[A'kale Treo]] became President in 1954, he began reopening the country to Arcer foreign influence once again. This decision was met with mixed reactions, with the lower-class rejecting what they called "double colonization," both by Tierrador and now Arcerion. Arcer diplomats were given visa-free access to Istrenya under the guise of business activity, however, it is believed that the diplomats were also engaging in commerce with cartels such as the QCG and KB-22. Arcer influence had also attempted to keep many of the Istrenyan middle class wages quite low for the area, and when Istrenyan laborers attempted to unionize against the low wages, President Treo and other government officials were met with pressure from the Arcer government to turn them away. This was the status quo for most of Istrenya for the remainder of the 1950s until an altercation between two Arcer diplomats and unionized farmers left the officials hospitalized after being brutalized. This began a domino effect which culminated in the [[Istrenyan Crisis]]. It was the first all-out conflict on Istrenyan soil since the Great Karaba Fire in 1867. [[Ma'kle Tytosh]], a former aide to President Treo, founded the [[National Istrenyan People's Front]], or NIPF, and sparked riots occurring all over the country. By late 1959, Tytosh had begun the [[March to Karaba]], a movement politicized and publicized as the means from which they would free Istrenya from foreign corporate and political interference.
When Populist leader [[A'kale Treo]] became President in 1954, he began reopening the country to Arcer foreign influence once again. This decision was met with mixed reactions, with the lower-class rejecting what they called "double colonization," both by Tierrador and now Arcerion. Arcer diplomats were given visa-free access to Istrenya under the guise of business activity, however, it is believed that the diplomats were also engaging in commerce with cartels such as the QCG and KB-22. Arcer influence had also attempted to keep many of the Istrenyan middle class wages quite low for the area, and when Istrenyan laborers attempted to unionize against the low wages, President Treo and other government officials were met with pressure from the Arcer government to turn them away. This was the status quo for most of Istrenya for the remainder of the 1950s until an altercation between two Arcer diplomats and unionized farmers left the officials hospitalized after being brutalized. This began a domino effect which culminated in the [[Istrenyan Crisis]]. It was the first all-out conflict on Istrenyan soil since the Great Karaba Fire in 1867. [[Ma'kle Tytosh]], a former aide to President Treo, founded the [[National Istrenyan People's Front]], or NIPF, and sparked riots occurring all over the country. By late 1959, Tytosh had begun the [[March to Karaba]], a movement politicized and publicized as the means from which they would free Istrenya from foreign corporate and political interference. Arcerion, fearing for the safety of its citizens and interests, responded quickly to the unfolding political crisis in Istrenya by mobilizing its troops in peacekeeping efforts. This was shockingly met with cooperation from the Tierradorian government, as [[Walakee State|Walakee]] dictator [[Pedro Gomez]], whose foreign policy was mostly regarded as unpredictable, had also mobilized troops against NIPF forces. This strengthened ties with both nations governments, though caused a major cultural rift, as most NIPF supporters and members were of lower-class indigenous backgrounds. Meanwhile, Tytosh and the NIPF was able to establish the socialist People's Republic of Istrenya, which was meant to take over the entire country and unite it under a socialist banner. After two years of heavy fighting, and an foreign-backed coalition against the NIPF, the war was ultimately won by populist forces, and the NIPF's dreams for a Socialist Istrenya were quickly crushed, mostly by aggressive foreign policy from Arcerion.

Arcerion, fearing for the safety of its citizens and interests, responded quickly to the unfolding political crisis in Istrenya by mobilizing its troops in peacekeeping efforts. This was met with fierce resistance from the Tierradorian government, and [[Walakee State|Walakee]] dictator [[Pedro Gomez]] threatened mobilization against Arcer forces, though the mobilization never came. Gomez quickly lost popularity in Istrenya after this supposed empty threat. Meanwhile, Tytosh and the NIPF was able to establish the socialist People's Republic of Istrenya, which was meant to take over the entire country and unite it under a socialist banner.
Following the Civil Crisis, Arcerion closed the consulate in [[Iraso]], and imposed deep economic sanctions on Istrenya. This had prompted President A'kale Treo to resign, out of humiliation. His successor, [[Woko'eli Koko]], took office in the spring of 1962. Koko's aggressive narcotic trade policy was regarded as a major catalyst of the 20-year long [[South Cronan Narco Wars]], as he saw eye-to-eye with Gomez's views on the same issue. In 1964, however, two years after Koko became president, almost little to no success was seen in squashing the drug trade in South Crona. During a summit in [[Qabór]] that same year, Ceylon President [[Jaír Santos]] ruthlessly mocked Koko's failures in foreign policy, which resulted in Koko storming out of the summit. Three days later, Istrenya severed ties with Ceylonia. Koko then enlisted thousands of cartel insurgents to attempt to overthrow the [[Republic of Tawakee (1877–1965)|Republic of Tawakee]], which resulted in the [[1964 Tawakee Coup d'Etat]]. The Istrenyan-sponsored coup did not go to plan, however, as Gomez and Santos reacted quickly to it, launching a [[Calico Bay War|full-scale invasion]] of the island and quickly deposing the cartel-led government. [[Tawakee Papers|Leaked documents]] given to the Tierradorian government exposed Koko's involvement in the Tawakee conflict, and had exposed detailed plans of an invasion of Malentina, Ceylonia, and [[Kelekona]]. Following this discovery, Gomez severed ties with Istrenya, and began militarizing the border, while also advising Malentina and Ceylonia to do the same. In 1965, the [[South Cronan Mutual Defense Treaty]] was established, with Tierrador, Ceylonia, and Porlos as the founding members. Later that same year, members of the QCG stormed the small Tierradorian exclave of [[Šuhek]], and held the entire town's population hostage for close to four months. This eventually began the [[Mosquito War]], which ironically Arcerion stepped up to Istrenya's aid despite cutting ties with them four years earlier. While the Istrenyan Armed Forces were pushed back to a small northeastern corner, they were able to rally against Tierradorian and Ceylon forces, taking back a third of the country by 1967. Eventually, as the war came to a stalemate, both Tierrador and Ceylonia would pull out in obedience to the [[Dalton Accords]], which effectively ended the Mosquito War.

Mosquito War
===Contemporary Istrenya===

==== 2009 Rice Riots ====
The post-war Istrenya era began immediately after the end of the Mosquito War, and detailed a massive cultural revolution in the country. The first major event which occurred in this timeline was the resignation of Woko'eli Koko from his office on July 4, 1973, being replaced by [[Takoni Ušcazat]]. Ušcazat began to repair Istrenya's relations with Tierrador, even going so far as to joining the South Cronan Mutual Defense Treaty in 1975. In 1981, the SCMDT would be invoked under Ušcazat following the invasion of Tierrador by Asteria. In what would become the [[Cowboy Crisis]], Istrenya, along with Porlos and Ceylonia, sent a combined 5,000 troops to [[Tulangia]] to help combat the invasion, in a war that was swiftly won in just two years by the TDF and its supporting parties. After the death of Pedro Gomez in 1983, his successor [[Nathan Haučaq]] began pushing for better commercial deals with Istrenya, and made the promise to turn Istrenya into a developed nation by 1990. Significant progress would be made in that timespan, including implementing free elections in 1984, the creation of many Tierradorian and Istrenyan-funded government agencies which effectively organized the government from 1984 to 1988, and the intense crackdown of cartel activity which led to the end of the QCG and KB-22. By the 1990s, Istrenya's GDP had seen significant growth, due to the expansion of many of its own industries, along with better relations with Arcerion. Despite this, Istrenya was significantly affected by the [[1993 Tierradorian financial crisis]], as a lot of Istrenyan banks and businesses were tied to Tierradorian banks. Istrenya was able to propel itself out of the crisis fairly quickly, however, as in 1995, Istrenyan and Arcer businessmen, with funding from Tierradorian bank [[Vallos-Tierrador Banking Corporation|VTBC]], founded petroleum drilling company [[Istrenco]]. Istrenyan and Tierradorian drilling operations would strike oil on both nations' Songun Coasts, resulting in massive economic boosts for both nations.
Beginning in December 2008, the Istrenyan National Congress began unloading a series of harsh agricultural reforms, which included the lowering and even elimination of the minimum support price of several crops. Because of this, hundreds of thousands of Istrenyan farmers began protesting the agricultural reforms, with many labor unions prompting them to go on strike until the reforms were reversed. This led to a mass shortage of agricultural products throughout the country, with food prices skyrocketing to nearly double of what they were pre-reform. Because of this, the [[Istrenyan Heartland Movement]] was established by Tierradorian activists in late February 2009, with over 1.1 million Tierradorian citizens participating in donating leftover food to Istrenyans who were affected the most by the shortages. In April 2009, a leaked audio file of then-President [[K'wola Tatarni]] mocking the protesting Istrenyan farmers and the protest as a whole, causing mass outrage throughout the country. Later that month, police in major Istrenyan cities began arresting and using brute force against protesting farmers. This turned what was originally meant to be peaceful into violent riots. These riots were one of the largest cases of civil unrests in Istrenyan history. The Istrenyan government declared martial law in June 2009, and deployed the Istrenyan Army into various Istrenyan cites to deter the riots. Following harsh international pressure, President Tatarni resigned from office in late August 2009, and was replaced by current President [[M'Kole Tysh'le]]. Tysh'le reversed many of the reforms, and negotiated the reinstatement of a lower, but still sustainable, minimum support price with the farmers, effectively ending the Rice Riots in October of that year.

==== Contemporary Istrenya ====
In 1998, Istrenco would help to award the city of Karaba an [[Orixtal Hockey League]] franchise, which would become the [[Karaba Mountaineers]]. However, they would be forced to sell the club in 2002 after various environmental issues caused by the company. In 2004, [[K'wola Tatarni]] would be elected as President of Istrenya. Tatarni pushed for the country to adopt the [[Ponča]] as its currency, though was not successful in any of his pushes. Tatarni was by far one of the most controversial Presidents in Istrenyan history. Beginning in December 2008, the Istrenyan National Congress began unloading a series of harsh agricultural reforms, which included the lowering and even elimination of the minimum support price of several crops. Because of this, hundreds of thousands of Istrenyan farmers began protesting the agricultural reforms, with many labor unions prompting them to go on strike until the reforms were reversed. This led to a mass shortage of agricultural products throughout the country, with food prices skyrocketing to nearly double of what they were pre-reform. Because of this, the [[Istrenyan Heartland Movement]] was established by Tierradorian activists in late February 2009, with over 1.1 million Tierradorian citizens participating in donating leftover food to Istrenyans who were affected the most by the shortages. In April 2009, a leaked audio file of Tatarni mocking the protesting Istrenyan farmers and the protest as a whole, causing mass outrage throughout the country. Later that month, police in major Istrenyan cities began arresting and using brute force against protesting farmers. This turned what was originally meant to be peaceful into violent riots. These riots were one of the largest cases of civil unrests in Istrenyan history. The Istrenyan government declared martial law in June 2009, and deployed the Istrenyan Army into various Istrenyan cites to deter the riots. Following harsh international pressure, President Tatarni resigned from office in late August 2009, and was replaced by President [[Amboli Ash'wacaí]]. Ash'wacaí reversed many of the reforms, and negotiated the reinstatement of a lower, but still sustainable, minimum support price with the farmers, effectively ending the Rice Riots in October of that year.
Ash'wacaí would make Istrenyan history, being the first elected official to serve more than two terms, after he won the [[2014 Istrenyan presidential election]].
not done yet

== Politics ==
== Politics ==
