Mid-Atrassic States: Difference between revisions

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The earliest trappings of civilisation among the native peoples of the Mid-Atrassic appeared around third millennium BC, made possible by surplus yields of {{wp|maize}} (attributable to the diffusion of co-planting techniques synergising the cultivation of maize, beans, and squash together) that encouraged greater sedentism and the formation of {{wp|chiefdom}}s. Hunting and woodland gathering correspondingly declined in relative importance to the diet as higher population densities depleted forest resources. Much later, around the mid-second millennium BC, these societies would begin to form {{wp|proto-state}}s, an institutionalised priesthood, and organised sports such as {{wp|chenco|čengo}}. The most salient archæological evidence speaking to the characteristics of temperate Northeast Cronan culture are ritual architecture in the form of {{wp|platform mound}}s, and unmistakable ritual artifacts in the form of ceramic {{wp|effigy|effigies}} and vessels, all linked to the routinisation of public, spectacular {{wp|human sacrifice}}.
The earliest trappings of civilisation among the native peoples of the Mid-Atrassic appeared around third millennium BC, made possible by surplus yields of {{wp|maize}} (attributable to the diffusion of co-planting techniques synergising the cultivation of maize, beans, and squash together) that encouraged greater sedentism and the formation of {{wp|chiefdom}}s. Hunting and woodland gathering correspondingly declined in relative importance to the diet as higher population densities depleted forest resources. Much later, around the mid-second millennium BC, these societies would begin to form {{wp|proto-state}}s, an institutionalised priesthood, and organised sports such as {{wp|chenco|čengo}}. The most salient archæological evidence speaking to the characteristics of temperate Northeast Cronan culture are ritual architecture in the form of {{wp|platform mound}}s, and unmistakable ritual artifacts in the form of ceramic {{wp|effigy|effigies}} and vessels, all linked to the routinisation of public, spectacular {{wp|human sacrifice}}.

[Adapted Precolumbian Mesoamrican social organisation? - Cf. neighbours]
===Classical period===
During the Cronite Classical period, Temperate Northeast Crona became a peripheral part of a wider transcontinental cultural and economic complex centred on what is now the territory of Varshan. This was characterised by the areal diffusion of technologies and cultural practices spread (at least in part) by large-scale north- and eastward migration out from what is now Varshan, characterised by a more definite concept of {{wp|absolute monarchy|absolute kingship}}, monarchical {{wp|city state}}s as the standard form of {{wp|polity}}, and a {{wp|English_school_of_international_relations_theory#International_society|normative interstate political culture}} in which relations among polities were governed by ritual practices such as royal marriages and sacred oaths. The latter characteristic was made possible by the standardisation of a polytheistic pantheon<ref>Contemporary scholars regard the formation of a common, standard Pan-North-Cronan pantheon not as a result of imposition of one local pantheon onto foreign states or the spread of one local polytheist religion, but rather as a decentralised process of identifying and conflating {{wp|cognate}} deities from different pantheons together, perhaps augmented by the diffusion of the cults of individual local deities to other states as a secondary process.</ref> held in common (at least among élites) across this entire vast geographic expanse.

===Early Modernity===
[Early Kiravian contact - Goa-Mangaloreanisation of Chappaqua and {insert other region here?}]
[Early Kiravian contact - Goa-Mangaloreanisation of Chappaqua and {insert other region here?}]

