Mid-Atrassic States: Difference between revisions

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===Early cultures===
===Early cultures===
The first clearly differentiated archæological cultures in the Mid-Atrassic date to [DATE RNG]. During this time, people began to settle in more permanent villages, abandoning the nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle of their more antique ancestors. This shift was facilitated by the development of horticulture, particularly the cultivation of native plants such as {{wp|squash}}, {{wp|sunflower}}, and various seed crops. Pottery also emerged during this time as a means of storing food and other materials.
The first clearly differentiated archæological cultures in the Mid-Atrassic date to the Late Cronite Neolithic. During this time, people began to settle in more permanent villages, gradually abandoning the nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle of their more antique ancestors in favour of {{wp|shifting cultivation}} and periodic relocation of settlements within a limited local ambit. This shift was facilitated by the development of horticulture, particularly the cultivation of native plants such as {{wp|squash}}, {{wp|sunflower}}, and various seed crops. Pottery also emerged during this time as a means of storing food and other materials. Hunting, fishing, and the collection of tree nuts, berries, and other woodland botanicals remained important to sustenance even after sedentisation. Mortuary goods, fashioned from æsthetically charismatic stones, indicate the existence of a funerary cult aspect in the religious life of the time. Cultures of this period are inferred to have been highly localised, small-scale networks, with very limited areal trade or political integration. Earlier Occidental scholars presumed the archæic Northeast Cronite religion to be substantially {{wp|shamanic}} in content, but there is little tangible evidence of this, and more recent scholars have moved away from the theory.  

The earliest trappings of civilisation among the native peoples of the Mid-Atrassic appeared around [Millennium?], made possible by surplus yields of {{wp|maize}} that encouraged greater sedentism and the formation of {{wp|chiefdom}}s. Much later, these societies would begin to form {{wp|proto-state}}s, an institutionalised priesthood, and organised sports such as {{wp|chenco|čengo}}.
[[File:Mound 72 sacrifice ceremony HRoe 2013.jpg|thumb|{{wp|Human sacrifice}} in progress]]
The earliest trappings of civilisation among the native peoples of the Mid-Atrassic appeared around third millennium BC, made possible by surplus yields of {{wp|maize}} (attributable to the diffusion of co-planting techniques synergising the cultivation of maize, beans, and squash together) that encouraged greater sedentism and the formation of {{wp|chiefdom}}s. Hunting and woodland gathering correspondingly declined in relative importance to the diet as higher population densities depleted forest resources. Much later, around the mid-second millennium BC, these societies would begin to form {{wp|proto-state}}s, an institutionalised priesthood, and organised sports such as {{wp|chenco|čengo}}. The most salient archæological evidence speaking to the characteristics of temperate Northeast Cronan culture are ritual architecture in the form of {{wp|platform mound}}s, and unmistakable ritual artifacts in the form of ceramic {{wp|effigy|effigies}} and vessels, all linked to the routinisation of public, spectacular {{wp|human sacrifice}}.

[Mississippian stuff? Adapted Precolumbian Mesoamrican social organisation?]
===Classical period===
[[File:Mound 72 sacrifice ceremony HRoe 2013.jpg|thumb|{{wp|Human sacrifice}} in progress]]
During the Cronite Classical period, Temperate Northeast Crona became a peripheral part of a wider transcontinental cultural and economic complex centred on what is now the territory of Varshan. This was characterised by the areal diffusion of technologies and cultural practices spread (at least in part) by large-scale north- and eastward migration out from what is now Varshan, characterised by a more definite concept of {{wp|absolute monarchy|absolute kingship}}, monarchical {{wp|city state}}s as the standard form of {{wp|polity}}, and a {{wp|English_school_of_international_relations_theory#International_society|normative interstate political culture}} in which relations among polities were governed by ritual practices such as royal marriages and sacred oaths. The latter characteristic was made possible by the standardisation of a polytheistic pantheon<ref>Contemporary scholars regard the formation of a common, standard Pan-North-Cronan pantheon not as a result of imposition of one local pantheon onto foreign states or the spread of one local polytheist religion, but rather as a decentralised process of identifying and conflating {{wp|cognate}} deities from different pantheons together, perhaps augmented by the diffusion of the cults of individual local deities to other states as a secondary process.</ref> held in common (at least among élites) across this entire vast geographic expanse. Throughout the region in question, higher-order political entities above the level of the city-state continually appeared, fractured, and disappeared in the form of both confederations among city-states and "empires" formed by the subjection of multiple subject-states to the will of a ruling overlord's state. Numerous wars among these polities are documented, with the narratives around them suggesting that elements of both realist strategic-expansionist interest and {{wp|ritual warfare}} were usually involved.
The latter half of the Classical period saw the rise of [[Zurgite Varshan]] as a regional {{wp|hyperpower}} and eventual sole {{wp|superpower}}. By the 1100s AD, most of what is now the Southern Division of the Mid-Atrassic States had come under direct Varshani domination, and by the 1200s the southern parts of the Northern Division fell victim to [[The Hunt (Varshan)|their annual Hunts]]. The threat of Varshani aggression gave impetus to the consolidation of larger, more centralised states in the Northern Division, through a combination of voluntary federation and the annexation by stronger states of their weaker neighbours hit harder by the Hunts. Such states included Čukulub (first ancestral kingdom of the modern Čikibriki people), Činneqopaq (covering the modern Chapatec, Qoptanq, and Čapticolani homelabds) and Coapaqálpan (historical antecedent of Copacaban). However, by the mid-1400s AD, even these major states entered a cycle of {{wp|political decay}}, their institutions weakening under both internal and external pressures, particularly environmental degradation and the related stagnation of regional economies. Remain though states did, political order in the future Northern Division reverted considerably to institutions based on chieftaincy, tribalism, and kinship to handle most matters of local governance, a change that bled upward into the formal state institutions as well, resulting in a more divided and less efficient political class.

[Early Kiravian contact - Goa-Mangaloreanisation of Chappaqua and {insert other region here?}]
===Early Modernity===
Kiravian exploration of the Mid-Atrassic region probably began in the 1570s AD, and there is cartographic evidence therefor from the 1580s. From bases on the island of [[Atrassica]], Kiravian navigators would fan out to chart the shores of [[Alpachnia]], [[Yordest Bay]], and points south. The Kiravians established {{wp|Factory (trading post)|trading posts}} along the coast, as well as {{wp|Christian mission}}s, predominantly led by Catholic [[Farravonia]]ns with a few [[Insular Apostolic Church|Apostolic]] missions launched from Talasea-Tanāv. These missionaries discovered, as would their Levantine counterparts, that the core Christian doctrine of {{wp|penal substitution}} translated easily into an Arzalist-adjacent North Cronite theological framework to which sacrifice was the central and defining act of worship.

Kiravian exploration of the Mid-Atrassic region probably began in the 1570s AD, and there is cartographic evidence therefor from the 1580s. From bases on the island of [[Atrassica]], Kiravian navigators would fan out to chart the shores of [[Alpachnia]], [[Yordest Bay]], and points south.
In the Chapatec lands, large-scale Coscivian settlement was attempted on tracts of pericoastal land purchased for such purposes from Chapatec tribes, but was thwarted by high mortality rates due to a poorly-understood waterborne disease known as [[Atrassic diarrhœa flagrans]], which is of unknown {{wp|etiology}} but suspected to be caused by endoparasitic protozoa. Whatever its vector, the disease was evidently not endemic on the offshore island of Atrassica, which supported substantial Coscivian settler populations and would become a permanent appendage of Kiravia in the region. Smaller Coscivian settlements were able to take root and survive in what is now the Copacaban Republic, possibly due to moderate climatic differences resulting in a lighter amœbic load in the local water supply there.

In the Chapatec lands, large-scale Coscivian settlement was attempted on tracts of pericoastal land purchased for such purposes from Chapatec tribes, but was thwarted by high mortality rates due to a poorly-understood waterborne disease known as [[Atrassic diarrhœa flagrans]], which is of unknown {{wp|etiology}} but suspected to be caused by endoparasitic protozoa. Whatever its vector, the disease was evidently not endemic on the offshore island of Atrassica, which supported substantial Coscivian settler populations and would become a permanent appendage of Kiravia in the region.
Christian converts and their descendants, along with the small mestiço population, would develop into two distinct subcultures, called simply Chapatec Catholics and Copacaban Catholics, who retained a largely Cronite lifestyle, fully Cronite languages, and their respective Cronite ethnic identities, but did adopt some secular aspects of Coscivian culture transmitted through the missions. Most remained rural and some among this majority coalesced into all-Catholic "praying villages", but some would gather around the Kiravian trading settlements, helping them grow into fully-fledged proper towns where the converted Cronites came to occupy an economic niche as a sort of {{wp|comprador}} elite mediating transactions between their pagan coëthnics and the Kiravians.

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Anti-government agitation among the Chapatec began around the turn of the millennium, escalating by 2009 to intermittent clashes between Nanzi security forces and local armed groups which would coalesce into the Chapatec People's Liberation Army.
Anti-government agitation among the Chapatec began around the turn of the millennium, escalating by 2009 to intermittent clashes between Nanzi security forces and local armed groups which would coalesce into the Chapatec People's Liberation Army.

On YZ Month 202X, a street vendor selling traditional grilled Chappaqui flatbreads in Port Hyannis' Sagadahok Square spontaneously tore the Nanzitolclatl national flag from a flagpole above a nearby building, sprinkled it generously with {{wp|salt}}, and began to cook it, much to the delight of onlookers. By noon, crowds marching through the streets of Port Hyannis and Drumthwacket were were chanting pro-independence slogans and had occupied properties belonging to the central government and its state-owned enterprises. Prominent civil society figures, including Mashawit Kennebec, the patriarch of a chiefly family that had been sidelined by Alaganek in 1998 in favour of the current West Chapatec chief, Bishumitsi Kwikimarti, and Secretary-General Paul Naugatuck of the CPLA, joined with the protestors and established themselves as its leaders and as spokespersons for its collective demands. That evening, Paul Naugatuck delivered a rousing speech in Sagadahok Square in which he articulated the vision behind the growing movement while symbolically urinating on a portrait of Chief-of-Chiefs Alaganek. In particular, he excoriated the régime for its corruption, its marginalisation of the Chapatec lands and people, and its failure to halt the Daxian advance in the west of the country.
On the [[Ides of March]], 2020, a street vendor selling traditional grilled Chappaqui flatbreads in Port Hyannis' Sagadahok Square spontaneously tore the Nanzitolclatl national flag from a flagpole above a nearby building, sprinkled it generously with {{wp|salt}}, and began to cook it, much to the delight of onlookers. By noon, crowds marching through the streets of Port Hyannis and Drumthwacket were were chanting pro-independence slogans and had occupied properties belonging to the central government and its state-owned enterprises. Prominent civil society figures, including Mashawit Kennebec, the patriarch of a chiefly family that had been sidelined by Alaganek in 1998 in favour of the current West Chapatec chief, Bishumitsi Kwikimarti, and Secretary-General Paul Naugatuck of the CPLA, joined with the protestors and established themselves as its leaders and as spokespersons for its collective demands. That evening, Paul Naugatuck delivered a rousing speech in Sagadahok Square in which he articulated the vision behind the growing movement while symbolically urinating on a portrait of Chief-of-Chiefs Alaganek. In particular, he excoriated the régime for its corruption, its marginalisation of the Chapatec lands and people, and its failure to halt the Daxian advance in the west of the country.

On [T], the Five Joint Chiefs of the Chapatec, the traditional leaders of the Chapatec people, formed an alternative government. The Joint Chiefs decreed “emergency measures” authorising the seizure of central government property, granting official sanction to grassroots “community safety patrols” formed largely along clan and village lines, and nullifying central government bans on the secessionist Chapatec People’s Liberation Party and Chapatec People’s Liberation Army. They also called for a referendum on independence from Nanzitolclatl to be held within a week's time.<ref>This deadline would subsequently be extended several times by the Chapatec provisional authorities.</ref> This move was condemned by the central government as “sedition, treason, and race-treason”,  and militia loyal to the Alaganek régime were dispatched to Chapatlan to quash the separatists.
On April 2, 2020, the Five Joint Chiefs of the Chapatec, the traditional leaders of the Chapatec people, formed an alternative government. The Joint Chiefs decreed “emergency measures” authorising the seizure of central government property, granting official sanction to grassroots “community safety patrols” formed largely along clan and village lines, and nullifying central government bans on the secessionist Chapatec People’s Liberation Party and Chapatec People’s Liberation Army. They also called for a referendum on independence from Nanzitolclatl to be held within a week's time.<ref>This deadline would subsequently be extended several times by the Chapatec provisional authorities.</ref> This move was condemned by the central government as “sedition, treason, and race-treason”,  and militia loyal to the Alaganek régime were dispatched to Chapatlan to quash the separatists.

Shortly after the formation of the Chapatec Liberation Government, contact between the CLG and Kartika was established via the Kiravian consul in Port Hyannis, [[Arviragus Konvistilor|Arviragus R.M.H. Konvistilor]].
Shortly after the formation of the Chapatec Liberation Government, contact between the CLG and Kartika was established via the Kiravian consul in Port Hyannis, [[Arviragus Konvistilor|Arviragus R.M.H. Konvistilor]].
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<!--T+48-->Over the next forty-eight days, pro-government militia assisted by some unites of the official Nanzitolclatl armed forces assailed the western fringes of Chapatlan, seeking to bring the breakaway region back under the control of Rigo. These forces were confronted by the CPLA and Chapatec "community safety patrol" militia. Despite fierce resistence by the defenders and and covert assistance from [[International Reconnaissance Agency|Kiravian intelligence]], the pro-Rigo forces slowly but steadily gained ground. Reports from CPLA fighters and Chapatec refugees of massacres, war rapes, and the razing of farms and villages would be corroborated by mobile phone videos and by satellite imagery. Atypically for conflict news from a poor and irrelevant country, this news was widely circulated in the Kiravian media.
<!--T+48-->Over the next forty-eight days, pro-government militia assisted by some unites of the official Nanzitolclatl armed forces assailed the western fringes of Chapatlan, seeking to bring the breakaway region back under the control of Rigo. These forces were confronted by the CPLA and Chapatec "community safety patrol" militia. Despite fierce resistence by the defenders and and covert assistance from [[International Reconnaissance Agency|Kiravian intelligence]], the pro-Rigo forces slowly but steadily gained ground. Reports from CPLA fighters and Chapatec refugees of massacres, war rapes, and the razing of farms and villages would be corroborated by mobile phone videos and by satellite imagery. Atypically for conflict news from a poor and irrelevant country, this news was widely circulated in the Kiravian media.

<!--T+68-->On [DATE], Prime Executive [[Andrus Candrin]] signed orders authorising a peacekeeping mission in Chapatlan by the Kiravian military, with the objective of "bring[ing] a swift end to the {{wp|genocide}} being committed by the Alaganek régime and ensur[ing] the safe environment necessary for a free and fair referendum." The main body of the peacekeeping forces was comprised of elements of the 45th Army supported by mechanised infantry regiments and airlift wings from the Atrassica [[Territorial Defence Forces|Territorial Defence]] force, and was staged for deployment at Fort Kenmore. It was later disclosed that an advance force of Kiravian Army Rangers had secretly arrived in CPLA the morning before the peacekeeping mission was officially announced. The government of Nanzitolclatl protested the Federacy's actions to the [[League of Nations]].
<!--T+68-->On June 9, 2020, Prime Executive [[Andrus Candrin]] signed orders authorising a peacekeeping mission in Chapatlan by the Kiravian military, with the objective of "bring[ing] a swift end to the {{wp|genocide}} being committed by the Alaganek régime and ensur[ing] the safe environment necessary for a free and fair referendum." The main body of the peacekeeping forces was comprised of elements of the 45th Army supported by mechanised infantry regiments and airlift wings from the Atrassica [[Territorial Defence Forces|Territorial Defence]] force, and was staged for deployment at Fort Kenmore. It was later disclosed that an advance force of Kiravian Army Rangers had secretly arrived in CPLA the morning before the peacekeeping mission was officially announced. The government of Nanzitolclatl protested the Federacy's actions to the [[League of Nations]].

=====Nanzitolclatl War Proper=====
=====Nanzitolclatl War Proper=====
The central government led by Mirek Alaganek found itself fighting a two-front war against [[Daxia]] and [[Kiravia]].
The central government led by Mirek Alaganek found itself fighting a two-front war against [[Daxia]] and [[Kiravia]].

On [DATE], based on a preponderence of evidence from broad spectrum of intelligence sources, Prime Executive Candrin issued a {{wp|proclamation}} that the Nanzi central state had irretrievably ceased to function, abrogating its sovereignty, and that as the ''de facto'' authority with monopoly over use of force in the eastern half of the former country, Kiravia had established {{wp|paramountcy}} there. Now known as the Paramountcy Proclamation, the missive also granted ''bona fide'' recognition of native chiefs (albeit as {{wp|Popular monarchy|rulers of peoples}}, not territories) within their traditional remit. Kiravian sovereignty would not be formally declared until [DATE]
On December 11, 2021, based on a preponderence of evidence from broad spectrum of intelligence sources, Prime Executive Candrin issued a {{wp|proclamation}} that the Nanzi central state had irretrievably ceased to function, abrogating its sovereignty, and that as the ''de facto'' authority with monopoly over use of force in the eastern half of the former country, Kiravia had established {{wp|paramountcy}} there. Now known as the Paramountcy Proclamation, the missive also granted ''bona fide'' recognition of native chiefs (albeit as {{wp|Popular monarchy|rulers of peoples}}, not territories) within their traditional remit. Kiravian sovereignty would not be formally declared until February 2022.

During the process of formalising the boundaries between  Daxia and Kiravia concluded the [[Touxian |Touxian Agreement]] to delineate the boundary between the enlarged [[Xisheng]] and [[Mid-Atrassic Crona]], which would bisect the former capital of Rigo. Given Rigo's large population and its central position with regard to the surviving infrastructural networks of former Nanzitolclatl, it was decided that the city and its environs would be administered as a {{wp|Condominium (international law)|condominium}}, the [[Rigo Joint Security Area]].  
During the process of formalising the boundaries between  Daxia and Kiravia concluded the [[Touxian |Touxian Agreement]] to delineate the boundary between the enlarged [[Xisheng]] and [[Mid-Atrassic Crona]], which would bisect the former capital of Rigo. Given Rigo's large population and its central position with regard to the surviving infrastructural networks of former Nanzitolclatl, it was decided that the city and its environs would be administered as a {{wp|Condominium (international law)|condominium}}, the [[Rigo Joint Security Area]].  
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[[File:Mid-Atrassic States Gov't Ensign.png|thumb|{{wp|State_flag#Government_flag|Government flag}} and {{wp|ensign}} of the Mid-Atrassic States]]
[[File:Mid-Atrassic States Gov't Ensign.png|thumb|{{wp|State_flag#Government_flag|Government flag}} and {{wp|ensign}} of the Mid-Atrassic States]]
[Constitutional status and sovereignty situation]
The Mid-Atrassic States is a non-sovereign, dependent, {{wp|overseas country}} that is outside of the [[Kiravian Federacy]] yet subject to Kiravian sovereignty, placing it within the [[Kiravian Collectivity]]. Each of the States of the MAS is in its own right a {{wp|federal subject}} and external province within the Collectivity, albeit mediatised by the Mid-Atrassic States as a federative entity. The [[Index of Kiravian legislation|Atrassic Crona Governance Act]] serves as the constituting and constitutional document of the Mid-Atrassic states. The Government of the MAS derives its authority from the ACGA and subsequent supplemental legislation. As external provinces (within the Collectivity but outside of the Federacy), only select clauses of the Kiravian constitution (such as the prohibition of slavery) apply to the Mid-Atlantic States automatically; other provisions may be (and have been) extended piecemeal to the whole of the MAS by Kiravian legislation. The full body of federal law has been "{{wp|Israeli law in the West Bank settlements|pipelined}}" into the self-governing Charter States of the MAS through reception clauses in their charters.

The paramount officer of the Mediatrassic government is the '''Governor-General of the Mid-Atrassic States''' (''Ēvsivektur Iviatrassix Ārkáya''), who is appointed by the [[Prime Executive of the Kiravian Federacy]] subject to confirmation by the Kiravian [[Federal Council]] for a three-year term of service, which may be renewed. The [[Federal Stanora]] may recall a Governor-General by binding resolution. Constitutionally, the Governor-General governs on behalf of the ultimate sovereign, the [[Marble Emperor]], and serves as the custodian of Imperial prerogatives in the country. The Governor-General chairs a '''General Executive Council''', which acts as both a {{wp|Cabinet (government)|cabinet}} and a legislative body, having the power to enact {{wp|primary legislation}} for the country through {{wp|decree}}s known as 'conciliar ordinances' (''kovarigisvamdin'').
The paramount officer of the Mediatrassic government is the '''Governor-General of the Mid-Atrassic States''' (''Ēvsivektur Iviatrassix Ārkáya''), who is appointed by the [[Prime Executive of the Kiravian Federacy]] subject to confirmation by the Kiravian [[Federal Council]] for a three-year term of service, which may be renewed. The [[Federal Stanora]] may recall a Governor-General by binding resolution. Constitutionally, the Governor-General governs on behalf of the ultimate sovereign, the [[Marble Emperor]], and serves as the custodian of Imperial prerogatives in the country. The Governor-General chairs a '''General Executive Council''', which acts as both a {{wp|Cabinet (government)|cabinet}} and a legislative body, having the power to enact {{wp|primary legislation}} for the country through {{wp|decree}}s known as 'conciliar ordinances' (''kovarigisvamdin'').
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===Nationality and Citizenship===
[General principles]<br>
The Atrassic Crona Governance Act creates a separate Mediatrassic nationality and citizenship distinct from [[Kiravian_nationality_law#Classes_of_Nationality|all forms of]] Kiravian nationality and all grades of Kiravian civil status. The MAS government does not issue passports for international travel; instead, the [[Kiravian State Executive]] issues passports to Mediatrassic nationals who are not also Kiravian nationals, allowing them to travel under the preëxisting status of '[[Kiravian_nationality_law#Kiravian-protected_persons|Kiravian-protected persons]]'. Mediatrassic nationality does not confer on its holders any rights in the Kiravian Federacy or other regions of the Kiravian collectivity, and Mediatrassic nationals traveling with KPP passports are subject to customs and migration controls when seeking entry to other parts of the Collectivity. The reverse is not the case: Kiravian nationality ''does'' confer legal rights on its holders in the Mid-Atrassic States, as provided by the ACGA and by Mid-Atrassic legislation. Most laws extend all the rights of Mediatrassic nationals to resident Kiravian nationals even without dual-nationality. Unlike Kiravian nationality, Mediatrassic nationality can be obtained ''{{wp|jus soli|jure soli}}'', and only transmits ''{{wp|jus sanguinis|jure sanguinis}}'' to the first generation born abroad. The current MAS naturalisation process is among the most painless in the world, and only requires that a candidate demonstrate lawful entry (if applicable) and lawful residency in the country. Naturalisation is confirmed by the Passport Bureau as part of the passport issuance process.
[Internal passport system]<br>
[[Passport system in the Kiravian Federacy|Like the Kiravian Federacy itself]], the Mid-Atrassic States offers {{wp|internal passport}}s which serve as the primary identification document for MAS denizens. Unlike Kiravian internal passports, which are issued by provincial governments, MAS internal passports are issued by a central Passport Bureau.
In 2033, before consolidation, Governor-General Arolian abolished internal passport-based travel restrictions in Mid-Atrassic Crona by conciliar order. After consolidation, passport-based residency restrictions were scrapped in favour of increased {{wp|freedom of movement}}, though new legal mechanisms were created to allow chartered concessions and i̳ndigenous SAZs to erect migration controls on a local basis.  
In 2033, before consolidation, Governor-General Arolian abolished internal passport-based travel restrictions in Mid-Atrassic Crona by conciliar order. After consolidation, passport-based residency restrictions were scrapped in favour of increased {{wp|freedom of movement}}, though new legal mechanisms were created to allow chartered concessions and i̳ndigenous SAZs to erect migration controls on a local basis.  

Some native Cronans hold [[Kiravian nationality law|Kiravian nationality]] and/or citizenship. Many such people were naturalised in gratitude for their services to the Kiravian military or the civil administration. The Hailstorm Warrior auxiliaries who fought alongside Kiravian forces during the Mountain March are a notable example; having been extended Kiravian nationality by [legislation] and personally sworn in as Kiravian citizens by PE [[Andrus Candrin]] in [YEAR].
Like Kiravian and Caphirian law, Mediatrassic law distinguishes between nationality and citizenship. Mediatrassic citizenship was ordained by the ACGA, but legislation has not yet defined who is eligible to hold it, how it is obtained, nor what privileges it confers. It is expected that MAS citizenship will be defined at a later date in anticipation of any democratising political reforms.
Some native Cronans hold [[Kiravian nationality law|Kiravian nationality]] and/or citizenship. Many such people were naturalised in gratitude for their services to the Kiravian military or the civil administration. The Hailstorm Warrior auxiliaries who fought alongside Kiravian forces during the Mountain March are a notable example; having been extended Kiravian nationality by [legislation] and personally sworn in as Kiravian citizens by PE [[Andrus Candrin]] in 2025 AD.

Kiravian citizens residing or domiciled in the Mid-Atrassic States can vote to elect the [[Prime Executive of the Kiravian Federacy]]. The overseas country is currently allotted one electoral vote, and its electors are counted with the [[Overseas Regions]] for thematic purposes. All voting is {{wp|postal voting|by post}}.
Kiravian citizens residing or domiciled in the Mid-Atrassic States can vote to elect the [[Prime Executive of the Kiravian Federacy]]. The overseas country is currently allotted one electoral vote, and its electors are counted with the [[Overseas Regions]] for thematic purposes. All voting is {{wp|postal voting|by post}}.
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==Processes of Colonisation==
==Processes of Colonisation==

[Human Capital Transfer]<br>
===Human Capital Transfer===
The Mid-Atrassic States, with the general exception of the Self-Administered Zones, are the primary beneficiaries of the Human Capital Transfer Programme (''Ruvastra Hanplátidherá'') operated under the auspices of the [[Overseas Development Executive]].  
The Mid-Atrassic States, with the general exception of the Self-Administered Zones, are the primary beneficiaries of the Human Capital Transfer Programme (''Ruvastra Hanplátidherá'') operated under the auspices of the [[Overseas Development Executive]].  

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The policy of internal resettlement was ended in 2032.<br>
The policy of internal resettlement was ended in 2032.<br>

[Social dumping and its consequences]<br>
===Allegations of "Demographic Dumping"===
Critics, e.g. ''[[Ğábravik]]'', allege that before the consolidation of the Mid-Atrassic States, the Kiravian administration applied transmigration policies targeting Mid-Atrassic Crona that could be described as "social dumping". These policies are alleged to have involved the recruitment of immigrants to Mid-Atrassic Crona from among the Kiravian {{wp|working poor}} and {{wp|underclass}} through the use of inexpensive incentives and possibly unethical practices on the part of contracting "emigration agencies". Those pushing the "social dumping" narrative claim that the policy was motivated by territorial avarice, and that its goal was to maximise the Kiravian minority population in Mid-Atrassic Crona as quickly and inexpensively as possible in order to legitimise Kiravian military and political control of the country and justify future interventions. ''Ğábravik'' also claims (without evidence) that Kiravian municipal governments such as those of [[Valēka]] and [[Escarda]] were complicit in implementation of this policy, hoping to offload members of their {{wp|unhoused}} community.
Critics, e.g. ''[[Ğábravik]]'', allege that before the consolidation of the Mid-Atrassic States, the Kiravian administration applied transmigration policies targeting Mid-Atrassic Crona that could be described as "social dumping". These policies are alleged to have involved the recruitment of immigrants to Mid-Atrassic Crona from among the Kiravian {{wp|working poor}} and {{wp|underclass}} through the use of inexpensive incentives and possibly unethical practices on the part of contracting "emigration agencies". Those pushing the "social dumping" narrative claim that the policy was motivated by territorial avarice, and that its goal was to maximise the Kiravian minority population in Mid-Atrassic Crona as quickly and inexpensively as possible in order to legitimise Kiravian military and political control of the country and justify future interventions. ''Ğábravik'' also claims (without evidence) that Kiravian municipal governments such as those of [[Valēka]] and [[Escarda]] were complicit in implementation of this policy, hoping to offload members of their {{wp|unhoused}} community.

