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|established_date2 =  520 CE
|established_date2 =  520 CE
|established_event3 = Imperial Province
|established_event3 = Imperial Province
|established_date3 =   
|established_date3 =  825 - 1946
|established_event4 = Independence
|established_event4 = Independence
|established_date4 =   
|established_date4 =  1946 - present
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|area =  
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|population_estimate = 32,152,365
|population_estimate = 32,152,365
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|population_estimate_year = 2025
|population_estimate_year = 2030
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Canpei, oficially the '''Republic of Canpei''' (Daxian:新都共和国) is a country in southern [[Audonia]]. It borders [[Rusana]] and [[Daxia]] to the south, [[Huoxia]] to the east and Ankivara to the west. The name Canpei can be roughly translated as 'the broad north' as the region was known to the [[Daxia]]n empires to the south, a sort of last frontier before transitioning to the barbarous, nomadic northern steppes. The capital of Canpei is the city of [[Brink]], which is located roughly in the geographic center of the country, next to the Hongse river. Canpei has a population of around thirty two million people. Canpei has a mixed economy with elements of state dirigisme coexisting with free market capitalism, economic inequality is one of the highest in the world. Most of Canpei's exports use [[Daxia]]n ports and the nation is very reliant on remittances from [[Daxia]]. Canpei is a presidential republic consisting of eleven provinces. Canpei is classified by the International Liberty Index Foundation as a flawed democracy with worrying downward trends on issues such as corruption, speech and media freedoms and free and fair elections.
Canpei, oficially the '''Republic of Canpei''' (Daxian:新都共和国) is a country in southern [[Audonia]]. It borders [[Rusana]] and [[Daxia]] to the south, [[Huoxia]] to the east and Ankivara to the west. The name Canpei can be roughly translated as 'the broad north' as the region was known to the [[Daxia]]n empires to the south, a sort of last frontier before transitioning to the barbarous, nomadic northern steppes. The capital of Canpei is the city of [[Brink]], which is located roughly in the geographic center of the country, next to the Hongse river. Canpei has a population of around thirty two million people. Canpei has a mixed economy with elements of state dirigisme coexisting with free market capitalism, economic inequality is one of the highest in the world. Most of Canpei's exports use [[Daxia]]n ports and the nation is very reliant on remittances from [[Daxia]]. Canpei is a presidential republic consisting of eleven provinces. Canpei is classified by the International Liberty Index Foundation as a flawed democracy with worrying downward trends on issues such as corruption, speech and media freedoms and free and fair elections.

Canpei's history is deeply enmeshed with that of its southern [[Daxia]]n neighbor as the latter began expanding into the area in the early 8th century. Expansion into the plains was slow at first but gathered pace as nomad tribes were either pushed further north or brought to heel by military or diplomatic means.  
Canpei's history is deeply enmeshed with that of its southern [[Daxia]]n neighbor as the latter began formally expanding into the area in the early 8th century. Even prior to that the existence of the Liang kingdom created by exiles from northern [[Daxia]] introduced the culture and language to the far north. Imperial expansion into the plains was slow and tentative at first but gathered pace as nomad tribes were either pushed further north or brought to heel by military or diplomatic means. The Qian dynasty overburdened and neglected the province for decades, considering it a backwater of little import, this lack of attention eventually gave rise to festering sedition and separatism among the local elites and the various ethnic groups who all felt disenfranchised. A coalition of local groups took advantage of the chaotic ending of the [[Second Great War]] and the fall of the Qian to stake their claim of independence. Forever after Canpei and [[Daxia]] have had a rocky relationship where the former is forever attempting to maintain alive its sovereignty against an overpowering neighbor.
Canpei is a bastardization of the word Guangbei, which is a Daxian term that means "broad-north". The region got its name for the seemingly endless plains and for the fact that for hundreds of years it was the northernmost limit of Daxian regional influence.
Canpei is a bastardization of the word Guangbei, which is a Daxian term that means "broad-north". The region got its name for the seemingly endless plains and for the fact that for hundreds of years it was the northernmost limit of Daxian regional influence.
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===Imperial rule===
===Imperial rule===
[[File:MongolCavalrymen.jpg|thumb|[[Degei Confederation|Degei]] mounted archers in the service of the Prince of Guangbei in a hunt.]]
[[File:MongolCavalrymen.jpg|thumb|[[Degei Confederation|Degei]] mounted archers in the service of the Prince of Guangbei in a hunt.]]
Reorganized as a frontier military province under the name of Guangbei, the region began to gather the renewed attention of central authorities due to the military advances of the [[Oduniyyad Caliphate]] successor states in western [[Audonia]] and the fall of the reconstituted Nasrid state, which was under vassalage of the [[Daxia|Zhong dynasty]]. Hundreds of thousands of settler families were moved into the province to reinforce its defenses, quickly tilting the demographic trends against the original nomad inhabitants who ended up almost wholly absorbed by the newcomers. The fall of the new kingdom of Nasrad in 1278 turned Guangbei into an active front against the [[Ghanim]] sultanate and an imperial army was stationed there on a permanent basis. Most of the province west of the Hongse was once again devastated in the first Zhong-Ghanim war which saw Muslim forces push east up to the river before their crossing attempts were defeated. At this point the province of Guangbei became an hereditary appanage of Emperor [[Huichen]]'s only full blood brother, Prince Tao. As ruler of Guangbei, Tao also had command of significant military forces to protect the western and northern borders of the empire from invading forces circumventing the Arik mountains to the south and attacking through the flat plains. The rule of Tao and his descendants over the province brought much development to the localities under their possession, a royal paved road was built from Sui province in the south all the way to the old lands of the Liang in the far north and a system of ferries were built to traverse and ferry goods via the Hongse river. Many stone bridges were constructed across and forts built on both ends for defense and customs checks during this period. Over the years the court of the Princes of Guangbei also began to adopt some of the cultural practices of the [[Degei Confederation|Degei]] and 'Northern Daxian' peoples that were their subjects, for example they adopted as one of their titles the [[Degei Confederation|Degei]]'s Atabeg and certain Liang fashion styles. In general the Princes of Guangbei were faithful to the imperial center even as their original Zhong blood diluted over time. By the fall of the Zhong dynasty, the old loyalty was frayed and there was only a desultory act of support for the Zong against the rising tide of the Qian dynasty. When Qian messengers arrived at [[Brink]] to demand the submission of Guangbei, the Prince Tong acquiesced without fuss, an act which the Qian rewarded with confirmation of his position and a scepter of carved jade.
Reorganized as a frontier military province under the name of Guangbei, the region began to gather the renewed attention of central authorities due to the military advances of the [[Oduniyyad Caliphate]] successor states in western [[Audonia]] and the fall of the reconstituted Nasrid state, which was under vassalage of the [[Daxia|Zhong dynasty]]. Hundreds of thousands of settler families were moved into the province to reinforce its defenses, quickly tilting the demographic trends against the original nomad inhabitants who ended up almost wholly absorbed by the newcomers. The fall of the new kingdom of Nasrad in 1278 turned Guangbei into an active front against the [[Ghanim]] sultanate and an imperial army was stationed there on a permanent basis. Most of the province west of the Hongse was once again devastated in the first Zhong-Ghanim war which saw Muslim forces push east up to the river before their crossing attempts were defeated. As the local elites had not yet fully recovered from the purge of the Huoxi clan, discussions on what to do with the province took place, the need for strong leadership at the local level was clear. Emperor Huichen's younger brother, an impetuous prince by the name of Tao volunteered himself to 'tame the border' in his brother's name, an offer that was taken at face value.
At this point the province of Guangbei became an hereditary appanage of Emperor [[Huichen]]'s only full blood brother, Prince Tao. As ruler of Guangbei, Tao also had command of significant military forces to protect the western and northern borders of the empire from invading forces circumventing the Arik mountains to the south and attacking through the flat plains. The rule of Tao and his descendants over the province brought much development to the localities under their possession, a royal paved road was built from Sui province in the south all the way to the old lands of the Liang in the far north and a system of ferries were built to traverse and ferry goods via the Hongse river. Many stone bridges were constructed across and forts built on both ends for defense and customs checks during this period. Over the years the court of the Princes of Guangbei also began to adopt some of the cultural practices of the [[Degei Confederation|Degei]] and 'Northern Daxian' peoples that were their subjects, for example they adopted as one of their titles the [[Degei Confederation|Degei]]'s Atabeg and certain Liang fashion styles. In general the Princes of Guangbei were faithful to the imperial center even as their original Zhong blood diluted over time. By the fall of the Zhong dynasty, the old loyalty was frayed and there was only a desultory act of support for the Zong against the rising tide of the Qian dynasty. When Qian messengers arrived at [[Brink]] to demand the submission of Guangbei, the Prince Tong acquiesced without fuss, an act which the Qian rewarded with confirmation of his position and a scepter of carved jade.
Guangbei was in several ways a testing ground for policies the Qian would later replicate in other parts of their growing colonial empire, official toleration of Guangbei's Muslims on the western plains was later applied on [[Truk]] specifically because it worked in pacifying these populations in Guangbei. Guangbei's local territorial army had a greater proportion of non-[[Daxia]]ns than was the norm in other parts of the empire, their way of handling and training native recruits was later used in Qian [[Peratra]]. All things considered the Qian period was a time of expanding urbanization of Guangbei and relative prosperity, although the sedentarization of the local tribal peoples brought some social discord, as did imperial taxation.
===Modern era===
===Modern era===
====Disintegration of Imperial authority====
====Crumbling of Imperial authority and independence====
[[File:Battle_at_the_Wei_River_(Weihe).jpg|thumb|Qian forces battle a rebel army during the 1894 Guangbei revolt.]]
====Government of National Emergency====
The 19th century  saw the Qian dynasty increasingly turn its focus away from the continent and towards eastern conquests. This neglect was nowhere more evident than in Guangbei. Heavy taxation on cattle heads angered the [[Degei Confederation|Degei]] people and drove food prices up, equally angering the population of the urban centers. Sentiments of ethnic separatism began to be nourished by the writings of authors such as Wen Yaobu and Eldegai Bor who advocated for a separate Tiao identity and for a [[Degei Confederation|Degei]] homeland respectively, and later for cooperation between their two groups to achieve their ends. The Prince of Guangbei during the 1880's detailed to the imperial court in several letters, the dire state of his administration including the disrepair of many border forts and of two thirds of the bridges across the river, the built up of silt due to soil erosions and abandonment of farms, desertion and dereliction from border guards and marked increased in banditry.
====Revolution of Dignity====
====Daxian Intervention====
The response from the [[Palace of Columns]] is not recorded but is assumed to not have resulted in much help being given to Guangbei, as the problems enumerated in the Prince's missives are known to have continued well into the era of the Great Wars. A major revolt broke out in 1894 comprising most of the province's non-[[Daxian people|Daxian]] ethnic groups against increased taxation on sheep wool. Many cities and towns that depended on the wool trade also joined the rebels who marched on [[Brink]] by 1896 but were unable to take the city. The revolt was finally put down in 1901 when Qian reinforcements finally arrived but the province was completely devastated by then and the imperial government had little funds to spare on reconstruction, almost 40% of the imperial budget was being spent on the [[Great Arsenal]]. By the time some bureaucrats in the Qian administration were ready give Guangbei more than a second look, the [[Second Great War]] was beginning and the ideas of previously mentioned separatist authors taken root in the province.
[[File:2ndPrinceChun1.jpg|thumb|Jiaohua, first and only King of Canpei]]
The Society for the restoration of Liang and the Kurultai of Degei tribes agitated against [[Daxia]]'s entry into the [[Second Great War]] and produced a program that outlined increased funding for Guangebi, linguistic and cultural rights and evacuation of Qian forces, except police. A delegation of both groups bypassed the Prince of Guangbei and took the petition before the imperial court, where it was summarily refused. Back in Guangbei the government of Prince Jiaohua was preoccupied with staying in power as the realization that the Qian court was not about to provide any more than the little it was giving already. Prince Jiaohua resolved that if the central government was not doing anything to suppress the separatists, he could not really be blamed if he ended up making an agreement with them. A monarchy ruling over a multiethnic state was a more appetizing prospect than being kicked out of Brink by force or worse. Envoys of the separatist compact and the prince met at several conclaves to negotiate the terms of the transformation of the province into an entity independent of the Qian. The prince's insistence on being more than a constitutional monarch was a snag in  the negotiation process which was only resolved when the separatists threatened to unseat him by force. To mollify Jiaohua he was given the concession of being styled as a king rather than prince. They also agreed to change Guangbei to Canpei which was the northern pronunciation of the name. The separatist currents would also become fully fledged political parties and one from their number would be elected prime minister after an election of by all adult males in the territory. Jiaohua proclaimed Canpei an independent nation shortly after the 1946 [[Glorious Revolt]] that unseated Emperor [[Hongli]] and ended the Qian dynasty.
The military junta led by [[Dai Hanjian]] and [[Qiu Heng]] that took over from the Qian were not particularly impressed with the claim of independence but they were fully preoccupied by the internal powder keg that was [[Daxia]]. The junta agreed to extend recognition to Canpei's independence provided the correspondent part of the national debt was assumed, Qian national treasures in Canpei were returned and local ethnic [[Daxia]]ns were respected and given positions in the government. Once these conditions were either met or codified, the recognition and establishment of relations were inaugurated with a ceremony in [[Brink]] in 1948. Letters written by [[Qiu Heng]] have revealed that the recognition of Canpei was meant to be a temporary arrangement, the territory was to be retaken when it proved convenient. 21st century [[Daxia]]n authors refer to reincorporating Canpei as the 'forgotten national cause', a desirable patriotic objective but never important enough to truly galvanize the government and public to work towards achieving it.
====Republic of Canpei====
The arrangement and pact between forces that held until independence did not last long after it. By 1948 King Jiaohua chafed at having to answer to a parliament and its control over his finances, while the groups represented in parliament distrusted the king who had once been a loyal pawn of the Qian, and also distrusted one another. A brief battle erupted in 1950 that resulted in the deposal of king Jiaohua and his exile back to [[Daxia]] where kept a mini court as the 'rightful King of Canpei' until he ran out of money and died in obscurity. In response to the dismantling of the monarchy, [[Daxia]] claimed that Canpei's continuing existence was a legal fiction, as no agreement had been signed with another republic. Prime minister Wen Yishi of the Tiao National Congress who rose to run the new republic in a broad coalition with the Degei People's Party and the Ruralism Union, feared an invasion was imminent and tried to prepare Canpei's ragtag defenses. In any case it proved that noise was all the [[Daxia]]ns were interested in, as [[Qiu Heng]] had reorganized the government and was running in the first ever democratic election; Canpei and its 'toy independence' was a useful punching bag with the electorate. As president [[Qiu Heng]] secured from Canpei's government the assent to establish military bases on its territory, using the specter of intervention if refused, as happened in [[Rusana]] during the [[the Little Incursion]]. This was a middle of the road solution in [[Qiu Heng]]'s opinion, control of strategic locations and the country's growing economic dependence rendered any need for actual possession of Canpei superfluous.
A popular movement emerged in the 1970's that clamored for the withdrawal of [[Daxia]]'s military presence. The government attempted to play down the importance of the movement until it simply could not due to the critical mass it was reaching. President Ma Ying promised there would be consultations on the matter with [[Daxia]], without alerting the authorities at [[Mirzak]] first. The declaration outraged President Min Bib Doda who ordered an operation to put down the popular movement in Canpei and at the same time replace the government. Operation Zhēnkōng involved tens of thousands of troops who streamed into Canpei, while its own troops stood paralyzed in their bases without orders thanks to bribery or fear. Some units were even forced by the [[Daxia]]ns to join them on their march to the capital. Roadblocks set up by protestors were destroyed and the tent camps of the protesters in [[Brink]]'s city center were cleared with extreme violence by the [[Daxia]]ns. President Ma Ying was airlifted to [[Mirzak]] were he was forced to sign the transfer of powers to a government of national salvation composed of smaller pro-Daxian parties such as the National Union of Canpei. The invasion of 1975 was a corrective measure that altered the government of Canpei towards a decisively pro-[[Daxia]]n inclination but left much of the population ambivalent or hostile towards their giant neighbor for decades.

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==Government and Politics==
==Government and Politics==
[[File:President Dong Bao.jpg|thumb|President of the Republic of Canpei, Dong Bao]]
[[File:President Dong Bao.jpg|thumb|President of the Republic of Canpei, Dong Bao]]
Executive power is held and exercised by the President of the Republic, who is head of the government and supreme commander of the military forces of the State. The president is elected by universal suffrage for a term of six years and he can be reelected for a further two consecutive terms. A sitting president can only be removed from office by a qualified majority in the High Council of State. Successive revisions to the constitution have greatly strengthened the office, while stripping the legislature of many attributions and tools of oversight. The current President is Dong Bao, elected with 68% of the vote in 2026.
Executive power is held and exercised by the President of the Republic, who is head of the government and supreme commander of the military forces of the State. The president is elected by universal suffrage for a term of six years and he can be reelected for a further two consecutive terms. A sitting president can only be removed from office by a qualified majority in the High Council of State. Successive revisions to the constitution have greatly strenghtened the office, while stripping the legislature of many attributions and tools of oversight. The current President is Dong Bao, elected with 68% of the vote in 2026.
Following the formation of the government of national emergency, the lower house was abolished and all its powers and duties were transferred to the High Council of State. The council is the nation's sole legislature, composed of six hundred members. Of these, a third are chosen by the sitting president, 330 are elected by direct vote of the population and the remaining 70 are elected from proportional lists according to each parties voting results. All members of the council serve for five year terms and there is no limit on how many terms a legislator can serve. Current criticism of the legislative focuses on its submission to the executive under the current system of dominant party, moreover the abolition of the lower house removed more of the safeguards of plurality and against undue accumulation of authority by the executive.
Following the formation of the government of national emergency, the lower house was abolished and all its powers and duties were transferred to the High Council of State. The council is the nation's sole legislature, composed of six hundred members. Of these, a third are chosen by the sitting president, 330 are elected by direct vote of the population and the remaining 70 are elected from proportional lists according to each parties voting results. All members of the council serve for five year terms and there is no limit on how many terms a legislator can serve. Current criticism of the legislative focuses on its submission to the executive under the current system of dominant party, moreover the abolition of the lower house removed more of the safeguards of plurality and against undue accumulation of authority by the executive.
The National Union of Canpei(NUC) is the largest and oldest party in the High Council of State. An avowed conservative party, it leans towards traditional values and moderate state intervention in economic affairs. However unlike typical conservative parties, the NUC does not heavily feature nationalist themes in its ideology. After the [[Daxia]]n invasion that restored it into government, the party 'sanitized' its foundational documents and adopted an almost subservient direction to [[Daxia]]n priorities. The NUC has a two thirds majority on the High Council. Opposition to the ruling NUC comes from a variety of smaller parties such as the centrist Party of the Democratic Center and the leftist Broad Leftist Front. Both of these parties are under constant political and judicial pressure, losing their party registry several times, having some of their leaders and lawmakers arrested under various charges such as 'slandering the judiciary'. Another smaller party that has gained in popularity with some sectors is the Unification Party, its main goal being unification with [[Daxia]], for reasons of historical ties and claims that Canpei would be much better off economically in a real union with its southern neighbor.
The National Union of Canpei (NUC) is the largest and oldest party in the High Council of State. An avowed conservative party, it leans towards traditional values and moderate state intervention in economic affairs. However unlike typical conservative parties, the NUC does not heavily feature nationalist themes in its ideology. After the [[Daxia]]n invasion that restored it into government, the party 'sanitized' its foundational documents and adopted an almost subservient direction to [[Daxia]]n priorities. The NUC has a two thirds majority on the High Council in alliance with the [[Green Party of Canpei]]. Opposition to the ruling NUC comes from a variety of smaller parties such as the centrist Party of the Democratic Center and the leftist Broad Leftist Front. Both of these parties are under constant political and judicial pressure, losing their party registry several times, having some of their leaders and lawmakers arrested under various charges such as 'slandering the judiciary'. Another smaller party that has gained in popularity with some sectors is the Unification Party, its main goal being unification with [[Daxia]], for reasons of historical ties and claims that Canpei would be much better off economically in a real union with its southern neighbor.
[[File:UB_downtown.jpg|thumb|City of [[Brink]], capital and important economic hub of Canpei.]]
[[File:UB_downtown.jpg|thumb|City of [[Brink]], capital and important economic hub of Canpei.]]
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'''Daxian''': For political purposes, the Canpei government separated part of its population from the main Tiao group after independence. Those whose descent did not go back far enough in time were barred from self-identifying as Tiao and therefore had less standing before the state. This system of tiered citizenship eventually became intolerable for Daxians on both sides of the border, leading to the collapse of the post-independence government by armed force. Today pure Daxians are just over 20% of the population, have equal standing to other ethnic groups and due to their connections to [[Daxia]], are a very significant economic and political force.
'''Daxian''': For political purposes, the Canpei government separated part of its population from the main Tiao group after independence. Those whose descent did not go back far enough in time were barred from self-identifying as Tiao and therefore had less standing before the state. This system of tiered citizenship eventually became intolerable for Daxians on both sides of the border, leading to the collapse of the post-independence government by armed force. Today pure Daxians are just over 20% of the population, have equal standing to other ethnic groups and due to their connections to [[Daxia]], are a very significant economic and political force.

'''Xingkai''': The Xingkai are a mongolic ethnic group that are native to northwestern Canpei who are speakers of the Xingkai language. They constitute the largest indigenous group in Canpei. Traditionally semi nomadic herders, around one third of Canpei's Xingkai people still maintain this lifestyle. The rest of their group inhabit the northern provinces where they form the majority of the population.
'''Xingkai''': The Xingkai are a mongolic ethnic group that are native to northwestern Canpei who are speakers of the Xingkai language. They constitute the largest indigenous group in Canpei. Traditionally semi nomadic herders, around one third of Canpei's Xingkai people still maintain this lifestyle. The rest of their group inhabit the northern provinces where they form a significant part of the population. They are called [[Degei Confederation|Degei]] in [[Daxia]].

'''Other''': The Other category includes Muslim [[Rusana|Rusanis]] who migrated to Canpei during the [[Rusani Civil War|Rusani civil war]] and their descendants.  
'''Other''': The Other category includes Muslim [[Rusana|Rusanis]] who migrated to Canpei during the [[Rusani Civil War|Rusani civil war]] and their descendants, some scattered communities of [[Zorfashazi|Jews]] and Blacks.
As a reflection of Canpei's ethnic makeup, there are various languages that are in use among the population. The constitution of the country specifies two languages as the official ones: the Liang language, which is recognized by most scholars as a dialect of [[Daxia]]n and is mostly mutually intelligible with said language; [[Daxia]]n scholars call the Liang dialect 'Northern [[Daxia]]n'. The second official language is of course, [[Daxia]]n itself which is spoken by the [[Daxia]]n minority and a great many Tiao people. One of the characteristics that sets the two dialects apart is Liang's greater user of [[Degei Confederation|Xingkai]] loanwords. As for unrecognized languages or with regional status at best, the language of the [[Degei Confederation|Xingkai]] has recognition in 3 provinces, [[Rusana|Rusani]] is not recognized but is a lingua franca of the Muslim community.
As a reflection of Canpei's ethnic makeup, there are various languages that are in use among the population. The constitution of the country specifies two languages as the official ones: the Liang language, which is recognized by most scholars as a dialect of [[Daxia]]n and is mostly mutually intelligible with said language; [[Daxia]]n scholars call the Liang dialect 'Northern [[Daxia]]n'. The second official language is of course, [[Daxia]]n itself which is spoken by the [[Daxia]]n minority and a great many Tiao people. One of the characteristics that sets the two dialects apart is Liang's greater user of [[Degei Confederation|Xingkai]] loanwords. As for unrecognized languages or with regional status at best, the language of the [[Degei Confederation|Xingkai]] has recognition in 3 provinces, [[Rusana|Rusani]] is not recognized but is a lingua franca of the Muslim community.
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Christianity is the second largest religious group, comprising 28.4% of the population in 2030. Christianity is concentrated in people of [[Daxian people|Daxian]] and [[Degei Confederation|Xingkai]] origin, geographically the distribution of Christians is heaviest in urban areas and in the sparse northwest. The vast majority of Canpei's Christians belong to the [[Democratic Christian Church of Daxia and the East|Christian Church of the East]] based in [[Daxia]], the highest official of the Church in Canpei is the Archbishop of Bianyuan. Only around 7% of the Christian community belong to the [[Audonian Christianity|Audonian Church of the East]].  
Christianity is the second largest religious group, comprising 28.4% of the population in 2030. Christianity is concentrated in people of [[Daxian people|Daxian]] and [[Degei Confederation|Xingkai]] origin, geographically the distribution of Christians is heaviest in urban areas and in the sparse northwest. The vast majority of Canpei's Christians belong to the [[Democratic Christian Church of Daxia and the East|Christian Church of the East]] based in [[Daxia]], the highest official of the Church in Canpei is the Archbishop of Bianyuan. Only around 7% of the Christian community belong to the [[Audonian Christianity|Audonian Church of the East]].  

Adherents of Islam constitute the third largest religious group, comprised of 13.6% of the population in 2030. Canpei's sizable  Muslim community are either the descendants of settlers brought by the [[Oduniyyad Caliphate|Oduniyyad]] during their brief rule of the western bank of the Hongse river, or they are more recent economic migrants from [[Rusana]]; converts are as of this time a small minority. The majority of Canpei's Muslims are overwhelmingly Sunni with small pockets of Shi'a and [[Qustanti_Islam|Qustantis]]. Muslims are concentrate on the west bank and the capital of [[Bianyuan]].
Adherents of Islam constitute the third largest religious group, comprised of 13.6% of the population in 2030. Canpei's sizable  Muslim community are either the descendants of settlers brought by the [[Oduniyyad Caliphate|Oduniyyad]] during their brief rule of the western bank of the Hongse river, or they are more recent economic migrants from [[Rusana]]; converts are as of this time a small minority. The majority of Canpei's Muslims are overwhelmingly Sunni with small pockets of Shi'a and [[Qustanti_Islam|Qustantis]]. Muslims are concentrate on the west bank and the capital of [[Brink]].

The number of irreligious people or atheists has been growing in recent decades, as of 2030 24.6% of respondents self-identified as having no religion at all. Disillusion with rigid hierarchies, retrograde views, religious extremists and various prohibitions are causes that continue to affect the decline of religious affiliation in Canpei.
The number of irreligious people or atheists has been growing in recent decades, as of 2030 24.6% of respondents self-identified as having no religion at all. Disillusion with rigid hierarchies, retrograde views, religious extremists and various prohibitions are causes that continue to affect the decline of religious affiliation in Canpei.
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[[File:DEPTC_ATM-1273_20190113.jpg|thumb|Light truck manufactured by Canpei's Yanhua.]]
[[File:DEPTC_ATM-1273_20190113.jpg|thumb|Light truck manufactured by Canpei's Yanhua.]]
Canpei has a gross domestic product of $851 billion, a robust and growing economy despite the disadvantage of being landlocked. Canpei's economy grew by 4.2% on 2030 and the lowest growth in the previous ten years was 2.2 in 2015. Canpei is a mid level income country with a GDP per capita of $26,624. Canpei's most important economic partners are [[Rusana]], [[Huoxia]], Ankivara and [[Daxia]]. The country has adopted [[Daxia]]'s currency to facilitate trading and financial transactions with its most important partner. As it has no independent access to the sea, Canpei makes use of the port of [[Zong]] to transport all of its international trade, under an economic compact with [[Daxia]] all truckers from Canpei have expedited border passage and custom checks on their way to [[Zong]]. Canpei's economy is highly dependent on exports, major products for export include diesel trucks, construction equipment, shoewear, textiles, wind generator technology rubber and agricultural products.
Canpei has a gross domestic product of $851 billion, a robust and growing economy despite the disadvantage of being landlocked. Canpei's economy grew by 4.2% on 2030 and the lowest growth in the previous ten years was 2.2 in 2015. Canpei is a mid level income country with a GDP per capita of $26,624. Canpei's most important economic partners are [[Rusana]], [[Huoxia]], Ankivara and [[Daxia]]. The country has adopted [[Daxia]]'s currency to facilitate trading and financial transactions with its most important partner. As it has no independent access to the sea, Canpei makes use of the port of [[Zong]] to transport all of its international trade, under an economic compact with [[Daxia]] all truckers from Canpei have expedited border passage and custom checks on their way to [[Zong]]. Canpei's economy is highly dependent on exports, major products for export include diesel trucks, construction equipment, shoewear, textiles, wind generator technology rubber and agricultural products. Unemployment and underemployment currently sit at 2.5% and 4.8% respectively
Canpei's automotive industry has long focused on the production of trucks of various types, so as to not compete with [[Daxia]]n carmaking firms which are deeply entrenched and have much greater resources. This specialization has allowed Canpei's niche truck companies to grow and prosper in the [[Daxia]]n market by offering sturdy 6x4 diesel trucks used to haul goods, refuse trucks, concrete mixers and dump trucks among other types. Canpei has defended its internal trucking market by slapping anti-dumping tariffs on foreign vehicles, especially from [[Metzetta]]n firms. The automotive sector employs over 400,000 people as of 2030.  
Canpei's automotive industry has long focused on the production of trucks of various types, so as to not compete with [[Daxia]]n carmaking firms which are deeply entrenched and have much greater resources. This specialization has allowed Canpei's niche truck companies to grow and prosper in the [[Daxia]]n market by offering sturdy 6x4 diesel trucks used to haul goods, refuse trucks, concrete mixers and dump trucks among other types. Canpei has defended its internal trucking market by slapping anti-dumping tariffs on foreign vehicles, especially from [[Metzetta]]n firms. The automotive sector employs over 400,000 people as of 2030.  
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