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====Free Cities of Sydona and the Order State====
====Free Cities of Sydona and the Order State====
From [YR] AD to [YR] AD, Sydona would be politically divided between two entities: the Order State, which ruled the majority of the archipelago's landmass, and the Free Cities of Sydona, a discontiguous confederation of ethnically Thračician {{wp|merchant republic}} city-states scattered across the coasts of Yerduran, Teɣer, and [other].
The Order annexed the Free Cities between [YR] and [YR], finally bringing the entire archipelago under its sole control. It did however allow most of the conquered cities to maintain their previous ruling institutions and certain foral rights, especially in regard to taxes, professions, and trade.

====Archduchy of the Sydonas====
====Archduchy of the Sydonas====
The 1566 reforms of the Elamite Order imposed by Pope Anonymous V compelled the Order to relinquish civil authority over Sydona.<ref>This was part of the Counter-Reformation.</ref> Sovereignty over the islands was sold in 1569 to Lord Maxamór, a [[Ventarya]]n nobleman whose family had a long history as benefactors to the Order. The terms of the sale were generous to the vendor, and reserved many premises and privileges that would remain with the Order. The [who] granted Sydona the dignity of an Archduchy. While the inaugural Archduke dispatched his eldest son to the islands as his captain-general, the son in question would remain in Sydona upon inheriting the throne, beginning a tradition of resident Archdukes that would last until AD [YR].
Archduke Terentius married his daughter to the [[Duchy of Bourgondi|Duke of Bourgondi]] and gifted the Bourgs the [[Great Prince's Own Royal Thračician Foot Guard]] as dowry.
Archduke Terentius married his daughter to the [[Duchy of Bourgondi|Duke of Bourgondi]] and gifted the Bourgs the [[Great Prince's Own Royal Thračician Foot Guard]] as dowry.

The Archducal government encouraged immigration; mainly from Kiravia but also from the Istroyan lands and elsewhere to help increase agricultural productivity and develop the realm's economy. Many foreign and immigrant scholars, advisors, and administrators were employed by the archducal court and government bureaucracy.
The Archducal government encouraged immigration; mainly from Kiravia but also from the Istroyan lands and elsewhere to help increase agricultural productivity and develop the realm's economy. Many foreign and immigrant scholars, advisors, and administrators were employed by the archducal court and government bureaucracy. The court itself, however, was multi-ethnic, incorporating nobles from all of the landholding races of the realm.

Of the immigrant peasantry, most Istroyan homesteaders hailed from Xelphia, the [[Melian Isles]], and the islands of what is now North Solis. Most Coscivian immigrants had roots in [[South Kirav]] or [[Great_Kirav#Baylands|the Baylands]], where population pressure was strong and land prohibitively expensive. These were the same regions from whence a plurality of the Elamite crusaders had come, so ancestral and cultural-linguistic ties helped facilitate the immigration and absorption of southern and southeastern Kiravians. A small but notable contingent of settlers came from [[Fiannria]], including Fiannrian {{wp|Albanian people|Illyrians}}.
Of the immigrant peasantry, most Istroyan homesteaders hailed from Xelphia, the [[Melian Isles]], and the islands of what is now North Solis. Most Coscivian immigrants had roots in [[South Kirav]] or [[Great_Kirav#Baylands|the Baylands]], where population pressure was strong and land prohibitively expensive. These were the same regions from whence a plurality of the Elamite crusaders had come, so ancestral and cultural-linguistic ties helped facilitate the immigration and absorption of southern and southeastern Kiravians. A small but notable contingent of settlers came from [[Fiannria]], including Fiannrian {{wp|Albanian people|Illyrians}}.
===Modern Sydona===
===Modern Sydona===
====Kiravian Possession====
====Kiravian Possession====
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The agrarian, traditionalist outermost isles (Mar-Kśaver and Manētuva), with their more Coscivian populations, were firm in their allegiance to the Federalists and later the Kiravian Remnant. The multiëthnic industrial cities and mining towns were Socialist strongholds. Everywhere else in the archipelago was contested betweent the Federalist and unitary Socialist forces, as well as various ethnic nationalist militia diverse in their ideological leanings. Nonaligned, apolitical peasant self-defence militia groups also participated in the conflict.
The agrarian, traditionalist outermost isles (Mar-Kśaver and Manētuva), with their more Coscivian populations, were firm in their allegiance to the Federalists and later the Kiravian Remnant. The multiëthnic industrial cities and mining towns were Socialist strongholds. Everywhere else in the archipelago was contested betweent the Federalist and unitary Socialist forces, as well as various ethnic nationalist militia diverse in their ideological leanings. Nonaligned, apolitical peasant self-defence militia groups also participated in the conflict.
In the later phases of the war, the Socialist side would receive support, military and otherwise, from other socialist governments around the world.
The failure of [[Kiravian Remnant]] Prime Executive [[Séan Kæśek]] to bring the war in the Sydonas to a satisfying conclusion significantly lowered his proverbial stock in the eyes of the Federalist officer corps on whom he relied, and this would hamstring his leadership of the Remnant for the latter part of his tenure. Some historians propose that this contributed greatly to maintaining a degree of collegiality and relative pluralism within the ruling Renaissance Party by limiting Kæśek's ability to cultivate an effective {{wp|cult of personality}} around himself.

====Frozen conflict====
====Frozen conflict====
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Destransar  Resava  Tertkert  Vansarvan  Ğrigurêkivon Orbansk Chjuraskovo Tabor Borgoresc
Destransar  Resava  Tertkert  Vansarvan  Ğrigurêkivon Orbansk Chjuraskovo Tabor Borgoresc

==Governance and Politics==
[[File:Plaza Houssay Av Córdoba Facultad Medicina.jpg|thumb|Cabinet Secretariat building, Destransar]]
[[File:Plaza Houssay Av Córdoba Facultad Medicina.jpg|thumb|Cabinet Secretariat building, Destransar]]

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Communal identity is a major element of the Sydonan political landscape, but not the main predictive variable of voter behaviour. With the exception of the Democratic Union Party, which appeals exclusively to Thrakoslavs, the major Sydonan parties all portray themselves as multi-ethnic and draw varying levels of support from the principal demographic sectors. The UFP dominates the Overseas Coscivian vote and generally performs well among Austral Coscivians and the Pelian upper and middle classes, but has weaker support from Thrakoslavs. The Social Compact Party most often earns a plurality of the Pelian vote and is the favoured party among rural Christians of all ethnicities and much of the lower-middle class.
Communal identity is a major element of the Sydonan political landscape, but not the main predictive variable of voter behaviour. With the exception of the Democratic Union Party, which appeals exclusively to Thrakoslavs, the major Sydonan parties all portray themselves as multi-ethnic and draw varying levels of support from the principal demographic sectors. The UFP dominates the Overseas Coscivian vote and generally performs well among Austral Coscivians and the Pelian upper and middle classes, but has weaker support from Thrakoslavs. The Social Compact Party most often earns a plurality of the Pelian vote and is the favoured party among rural Christians of all ethnicities and much of the lower-middle class.
===Status Question===
The question of Sydona's constitutional relationship to Kiravia - whether it should change and, if so, how - has been described as "the spectre haunting Sydonan politics". The issue is no longer at the forefront of political debate in the country but looms large in its political culture and shapes political socialisation, and could easily return to prominence in the future under different conditions.
Among the major ethnic groups, Thrakoslavs are the most favourable to independence and to partition, having a stronger nationalist movement and a more compact ethnic territory than the Pelians. Although Pelians can credibly claim to be "indigenous" to Sydona, their national aspirations are tempered by practical concerns, namely that their community stands to lose the most from ethnic cleansing and that Pelian-majority areas are underdeveloped and resource-poor. As such, they are moderately unfavourable toward independence and strongly against partition. Coscivians are the least favourable to independence but have a significant minority favouring partition. Minority communities such as the small ethnic groups and Muslims tend to be against both independence and partition, as they do not stand to gain their own states by partition and often view the Kiravian Federacy as a stabilising force and a hedge against ethnic cleansing.
The cross-ethnic majority of Sydonans are neither Kiravian loyalists nor supporters of independence. Most either support the status quo (whether on principle or otherwise), prefer moderate reforms in one direction or another, or are ambivalent or undecided.
Partitionists for independence are given pause by the fact that most of the country's energy resources are located in waters belonging to the outer isles, which would likely choose to remain tied to Kiravia. Indeed, the status quo is mainly held together by the weakness of the unitarian independentist camp and the electorate's strong reservations about the risks of partition.
Outside of Sydona, some Kiravian political figures have proposed disengagement from Sydona. However, under the current constitution it is unclear whether this could be legally accomplished without going through the difficult amendment process.

===Federal Politics===
===Federal Politics===
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===Ethnic groups===
===Ethnic groups===
[[File:DeepSouthCoscivians.jpg|thumb|Historical woodcut of the [[Deep South Coscivians]]]]
{{Pie chart
|thumb = right
|caption = Ethnic composition of Sydona
|label1 = Pelians
|value1 = 34.1
|color1 = Khaki
|label2 = [[Thračicians|Thrakoslavs]]
|value2 = 30.8
|color2 = LightSkyBlue
|label3 = [[Coscivian civilisation#People|Coscivians]]
|value3 = 27.4
|color3 = MediumTurquoise
|label4 = Others
|value4 = 7.7
|color4 = Gainsboro

<!-- Taconic Mountains Taconite Coke Limestone  
<!-- Taconic Mountains Taconite Coke Limestone  
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*'''Istrojans and Istro-Coscivians''' - [Coming soon]
*'''Istrojans and Istro-Coscivians''' - [Coming soon]
*'''Welsh Sydonans''' - Immigrated from [[Caergwynn]] and [[Faneria]] to work in the mines.
*'''Welsh Sydonans''' - Immigrated from [[Caergwynn]] and [[Faneria]] to work in the mines.
The Coscivian share of the population was higher (30-34%) before the Civil War, but declined due to emigration and a slightly higher war fatality rate than other ethnic groups.

Austral Coscivian, an offshoot of [[Maritime Coscivian]] superimposed over a [[Pelian language|Pelian]] substrate, is the most widely spoken language in Sydona, by 35% of the population as their native tongue and an additional ~25-35% as a second language. The other two major languages of Sydona are Thrakoslavic (a Slavonic language) and [[Pelian language]] (an Orenstian language). All three languages have official status
Austral Coscivian, an offshoot of [[Maritime Coscivian]] superimposed over a [[Pelian language|Pelian]] substrate, is the most widely spoken language in Sydona, by 35% of the population as their native tongue and an additional ~25-35% as a second language. The other two major languages of Sydona are Thrakoslavic (a Slavonic language) and [[Pelian language]] (an independent Japhetic language). All three languages have official status
Thrako-Coscivian Creole is spoken by some 120,000 families in western Érdoran (~1.54% of the Sydonan population), with a significant diaspora in Destransar and [[Valēka]]. It received official recognition in 21193 and authorised for use in public elementary education for the first time.  
Thrako-Coscivian Creole is spoken by some 120,000 families in western Érdoran (~1.54% of the Sydonan population), with a significant diaspora in Destransar and [[Valēka]]. It received official recognition in 21193 and authorised for use in public elementary education for the first time.  
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==Notable Sydonans==
==Notable Sydonans==
*'''[[Hinko Karthinović]]''' - International tennis champion; from [[Cities of Sydona#Resava|Resava]]
*'''Iśmaev Taym''' - Founder of [[Orbital Resonance SAK]]; born in Alovudin Raion, Manētuva
*'''[[Josip Travolta]]''' - Celebrated novelist, poet, and translator.

==See also==
==See also==