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== State expenses ==
== State expenses ==
[[File:State expenses of Vallejar.png|thumb|State expenses of Vallejar]]
Vallejar is characterized by having a diversified, well-planned economy with austere spending. This doesn't mean that little is invested in public services and their maintenance; rather, by law, both the national government and those of the small municipalities and cities are prohibited from running any kind of deficit and debt, except in cases of extreme importance, danger, or instability, such as war, a pandemic, or a global crisis. In such extreme cases, any loan or deficit must be approved by the general government.
Vallejar is characterized by having a diversified, well-planned economy with austere spending. This doesn't mean that little is invested in public services and their maintenance; rather, by law, both the national government and those of the small municipalities and cities are prohibited from running any kind of deficit and debt, except in cases of extreme importance, danger, or instability, such as war, a pandemic, or a global crisis. In such extreme cases, any loan or deficit must be approved by the general government.

Revision as of 12:10, 7 December 2023

In Vallejar, everything related to the economic sphere is consistently studied and analyzed meticulously and effectively, both by the government and by independent national and international organizations, especially in the Vallos region, where Vallejar maintains a significant market presence.

Vallejar economic center, Lorca

The reason why the economic sphere in Vallejar holds such importance is intertwined with the country's history, which has endured scarcity and hardship for many centuries, primarily due to wars and foreign powers attempting to subjugate the region centuries ago. This created both resentment and an ethical value in the population, leading to the ratification in the Vallejarian constitution after independence that national sovereignty, and therefore economic sovereignty, rests with the Vallejarian citizens.

Vallejar's economy is segmented or divided into various economic sectors, as the diversification of the economy is a strong point, greatly aiding in resisting different economic crises faced by the global economy.

Economic History

The economy of Vallejar, like all economies throughout history, has undergone changes in production quantity, produced goods, sectors, among other things. These changes are attributed to the conflicts faced by the nation, the shift in ideologies over time, and, above all, technological advancements.

Origin Era:

During the Origin Era, the economy relied on barter between tribes or different native peoples in the region. Barter-based economy was minimal due to constant conflicts and struggles among peoples for superiority and accumulation of different natural resources provided by the land.

Era of Perpetual Prosperity:

Marked by a significant reduction in conflicts, this era facilitated economic development for all tribes. They began consolidating into more organized entities open to trade with any available commodity. The economy revolved around barter, gifts of goods between states as a symbol of friendship, and the initiation of currency usage. Common currency, based on coined silver abundant in the region, became prevalent.

Early Medieval Era:

Conflicts resumed during this period between now consolidated kingdoms and barbarian states, leading to economic downturns. The economy transformed into complete autarky, with only a few excess goods traded among allied states. Modernization occurred, leading to the early stages of professionalization in the manufacturing sector. The use of currency expanded, and the first monetary entities and their respective banks were established.

Medieval Era:

Characterized by stability, this era resulted from the supremacy of Sumania, a kingdom that unified the territory under its rule. This unification shifted the economy from strict autarky to a more open one, with increased importance placed on markets with other states. Manufacturing and natural resources played a crucial role in the economy, and currency strengthened its position as the primary medium of exchange.

Colonial Era:

The least prosperous period in Vallejar's modern history, marked by Pelaxia's conquest, shifted political, economic, and social power to a foreign authority. Pelaxia exploited the region's natural resources and native labor under quasi-slavery conditions. The local currency, Sumna, was replaced forcefully by Pelaxia's currency, Salía, limiting economic freedom.

War of Independence:

During the conflict between native populations and Pelaxian conquerors, the economy came to a halt. However, reserves held by revolutionaries allowed for the purchase of weaponry and influence. The revolutionaries adopted a system where all renounced their belongings in favor of the revolutionary forces. The economy relied on the manufacturing of military equipment and food production to sustain the population and fighters. Barter systems were implemented in many parts of the territory.

Independence and Sovereignty:

After the independence conflict ended in 1829, the economic system returned to the people, officially named Vallejar. Properties were restored to those who had renounced them in favor of the revolutionaries. Reconstruction efforts were promoted, and investments in technologies and industries accelerated the process. The provisional government worked on a constitution to protect all citizens and opened political borders for external resources and international relations. In late 1829, Vallejar was peacefully integrated into the Loa Empire, a significant relief for both the population and the economy. This integration helped economic and technological development, and the official currency, the Vallejarian peseta, was established, improving the nation's economic freedom and sovereignty.

Economic Legislation

Vallejar's book of royal decrees

According to Vallejar's legislation, each and every business, organization, and productive association is under the protection of the Vallejar government. This means that the law protects and shelters all national and foreign enterprises within Vallejarian territory, implying the state's full capacity and reservation of the right to intervene in all significant economic transactions that take place within the national territory. This is to ensure sovereignty and the defense of national interests.

The law also gives the state power to interfere in the market if the economic situation is unstable or a crisis occurs, but most of the time the market remains managed by the companies themselves and the population that needs their services or products.

Vallejar has very specific economic legislation, which helps the formation of new companies by having favorable conditions, and it also attracts both foreign companies and capital investments thanks to the comfort and security that the market offers.

Economic Sectors

Vallejar's economic sectors are diverse, distinct, and economically broad, contributing to a well-diversified and well-planned economy. These sectors are managed and maintained according to their own contexts and hierarchical characteristics. In some cases, the state may acquire ownership stakes in companies and even be part of their management teams. There are also instances where companies in a particular sector are wholly publicly owned and explicitly serve the needs of the people and/or the government. Each sector is composed of organizations, businesses, or productive associations, representing the most basic unit of the economy.

Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Production and Distribution

Vallejar vine cultivation fields, near Caravaca de la Cruz

This sector encompasses all the companies that produce and distribute food. It is crucial for Vallejar's national economy, ensuring that basic domestic consumption remains dynamic and continually in motion. All sector companies are, to a greater or lesser extent, interconnected or related to each other, fostering a spirit of unity among workers.

Vallejar's agriculture stands out for its fertile lands, where barley and grapes grow with surprising ease and quality. This allows alcoholic beverages, not as acclaimed nationally, to be sold and exported abroad, where alcohol consumption is more widespread. This contributes significantly to the sector's profits, accounting for approximately 41% annually.

In addition to fertile lands, Vallejar is blessed with abundant water resources along the coast and inland, thanks to numerous rivers that hydrate every part of the national territory. These rivers are utilized for sports fishing, supplying water to localities, and natural irrigation of fields, saving landowners considerable costs. The coastal areas are also exploited for obtaining various types of fish for commercial purposes, leveraging the vast expanse of Vallejar's seas under international maritime sovereignty laws.

The statistics of this sector correlate with its importance, with graphs showing that approximately 12,2% of economic activity and state benefits come from this sector.


Tourism in Vallejar the last years

Tourism is a sector that tends to be the main driver of many economically developed Western countries, making them sensitive to changes in global geopolitics that can potentially disrupt entire economies. Therefore, although tourism is included in the service sector, it is separated into its own category in Vallejar for specific management. The Vallejar government has enacted various policies regarding the external image of the state to attract both tourists and immigrants seeking to build a life in Vallejar. Borders have also been opened to refugees generated by different conflicts.

The increase in tourism is reflected in the percentages this sector contributes to the economy, with the overall state revenue increasing both in percentage and total added value. The total contribution percentages to the overall economy 6,9% in Vallejar.

Communications and Technological Development Sector

Despite being underdeveloped in Vallejar, the communications and technology sector contributes a significant portion to the state budget and stimulates the economy with the new capabilities that technology brings to different sectors and companies in Vallejar. This sector relies heavily on technologies imported from abroad, especially from the Vallos region, Vallejar's immediate neighbors.

"El mercadillo", Alhama la Nueva

In the short-term future, the Vallejar government has shown openness to investing in this sector to improve technologies, network systems, and communications, as well as to increase independence from foreign influences economically. The approximate percentage of market importance and participation is notable, standing at 12,3%.

Retail Trade and Domestic Consumption

This sector encompasses all the small transactions that occur in the daily lives of citizens and the small-scale or local business activities serving the local population of a single municipality. Due to the level and quality of life of the average citizen in Vallejar, domestic consumption is the economic sector that contributes the most in terms of quantity and importance to the state budget, accounting for 20,1%. The local scale of this sector has created a favorable environment for the flourishing of local businesses. Government support for business development has led to the proliferation of small businesses, diversifying and enriching the commercial offering. The government remains open to close collaboration with this sector.

Energy Sector

Percentage of energy production of Vallejar, 2032

The energy sector in Vallejar is one of the most advanced in terms of general applications. It is responsible for providing energy to Vallejar's citizens and, with government assistance, maintaining energy sales contracts with regional neighbors. Vallejar's energy sector is characterized by the state's nuclear capacity, as 64% of the energy is produced through nuclear power, one of the cleanest and safest forms of energy production. Nevertheless, the national government regularly sends nuclear delegations to check the status and safety conditions of nuclear power plants.

There is also a strong commitment to renewable energy sources. According to recent data, there is a significant trend toward installing solar panels on properties, both residential and small businesses, to reduce costs and improve profit margins. Additionally, because the majority of energy production methods in Vallejar are clean, the environment is not adversely affected by this sector.

This sector contributes 6% of the state budget annually.

Military-Industrial Sector

The military industry is a sector with a millennia-old tradition in Vallejar, standing as one of the strategically and economically most important sectors in the state. This sector plays a crucial role in national security, advanced technology, and the economic development of the region.

Vallejar Army's main fighter, VAAL-2

The history of the military industry in Vallejar is intertwined with the very evolution of society. Since ancient times, the ability to forge weapons and develop military strategies has been an integral part of the region's identity. Techniques and knowledge passed down through generations have contributed to Vallejar's reputation as a center of excellence in the military field, recognized by armed forces worldwide.

The production of advanced weaponry, defense systems, and cutting-edge military technology has been a source of prestige for the sector. Vallejar's military industry not only focuses on weapon production but also drives technological development. Research and innovation in areas such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and space technology have a direct impact on the country's defensive capabilities.

Additionally, the military sector has played a fundamental role in job creation in Vallejar for several decades, creating approximately 15% of jobs and contributing to economic growth. The presence of companies and research centers in the region not only provides employment opportunities but also attracts investments and stimulates the creation of new businesses that complement the military supply chain.

The military sector extends its influence to education through various military schools, with its scholarship system, aiming to instruct and specialize the youth in both traditional military roles and everything related to the composition of the military, including mechanics, maintenance, and production of various devices necessary for the proper functioning of all aspects intertwined with military life.

It is also noteworthy to highlight the various military fabrications in the sector, such as: 3 classes of frigates, 2 classes of aircraft carriers, 7 types of rifles, 4 types of tanks, 3 types of infantry fighting vehicles, 5 types of armored personnel carriers, 3 types of pistols and handguns, advanced missile defense systems, 3 types of howitzers, and 4 types of artillery (2 towed and 2 self-propelled), 5 types of tactical and combat helicopters, 5 types of fighter jets, 4 troop and military material transport planes, 2 air support planes for artillery, 2 types of automatic anti-aircraft defense systems, 6 types of reconnaissance and attack drones, 2 types of submarines, 5 types of maritime control boats, 1 type of tanker aircraft, 3 types of firefighting aircraft, and 2 types of helicopters, along with 4 types of paratrooper planes, in addition to their own training versions. All products are national.

This sector contributes 12% of the state budget annually, but this percentage varies depending on orders and sales.

Medical Sector and Pharmaceutical Industry

The medical sector and the pharmaceutical industry play a fundamental role in the well-being of society, providing essential resources necessary for public, private, and personal healthcare. In the context of health, these sectors are key drivers of innovation, research, and production.

The medical sector and the pharmaceutical industry intertwine to comprehensively supply the needs of health. From medications to advanced medical devices such as prosthetics and diagnostic equipment, these industries collaborate to offer solutions that address the changing and specialized demands of healthcare.

The pharmaceutical industry in Vallejar is known for its commitment to research and the development of new drugs. From creating drugs to treat chronic diseases to vaccines for preventing infectious diseases, pharmaceutical innovation has a significant impact on improving the quality of life and extending life expectancy.

Constant research is a pillar in both sectors, driving advances in understanding diseases, treatment methods, and medical technologies. Collaboration among scientists, doctors, and engineers in the medical and pharmaceutical industry has led to discoveries that have transformed healthcare worldwide.

As healthcare has become a basic right recognized by the majority of the world, the medical industry emerging in Vallejar has been able to grow continuously due to population growth and aging, as well as the need of neighboring states to obtain this essential equipment.

This sector contributes 11% of the annual state budget.

Aerospace Industry, Aircraft Development, and Production

This industry encompasses both conventional airline companies and those dedicated to the rapid technological development of this sector, as well as space companies focused on the exploration and understanding of space, moons, and planets. In Vallejar, these agencies aim to expand humanity to every possible location.

These companies collaborate closely with the technological, communication, and military sectors in a joint effort. Companies dedicated to aircraft design and manufacturing, as well as those specialized in space technologies, drive innovation in aerospace engineering. From more efficient aircraft to advanced propulsion systems, the focus on technology defines progress in this industry.

First launch of a 100% Vallejarian rocket, Alcantarilla launch zone, 2011

Space agencies in Vallejar generally have a lofty purpose: to explore and understand space, moons, and planets. These organizations not only focus on scientific research but also share the vision of expanding human presence in the cosmos. Space missions, both manned and unmanned, are integral to efforts to unravel the mysteries of the universe. The vision of expanding humanity throughout space includes the exploration and eventual utilization of space resources. Companies in Vallejar are exploring the possibility of using asteroids and other celestial bodies to obtain valuable minerals and materials.

The aerospace industry collaborates closely with the technological sector to incorporate digital advancements, artificial intelligence, and cutting-edge communication technologies. The convergence of these two industries has led to the development of safer, more efficient, and connected aircraft.

Additionally, collaboration between the aerospace industry and the military sector is crucial for national security and defense. Technology developed for civilian aircraft is often integrated into military applications, and vice versa. This synergy strengthens defense capabilities and fosters innovation in both sectors.

In response to environmental concerns, the aerospace industry in Vallejar is focused on developing more efficient and sustainable aircraft. From cleaner propulsion technologies to the exploration of alternative fuels, the sector seeks to minimize its environmental impact and contribute to global sustainability.

These companies are not highly profitable, as they contribute only 4,3% of the state budget during the year in relation to the investment allocated to them.

Private Companies of Goods and Services

This sector encompasses private companies that provide services and goods to the population and society at large, including private security firms, consulting and advisory services, publishing houses, environmental care, sports associations, advertising and marketing, media and entertainment, video game companies, real estate and property investments, textiles, transportation, financial services, construction, and robotics, among many others. This diverse array of companies collectively contributes to 15,2% of the annual state budget.

Private Security:

Private security companies play a crucial role in protecting assets and individuals. They offer surveillance, access control, and security consulting services to ensure a safe environment in various industries, from property protection to personal security.

Consulting and Advisory:

Consulting companies provide expertise in areas such as business management, human resources, technology, and more. Their advice is fundamental for the growth and efficiency of other companies, offering customized solutions to specific challenges.

Publishing and Publication:

Publishing houses not only bring books and publications to life but also contribute to cultural and educational enrichment. Periodicals and books covering various topics are essential for the dissemination of knowledge and culture.

Environmental Care:

Companies dedicated to environmental care offer sustainable and ecological solutions. From waste management to renewable energies, these companies contribute to the preservation of the natural environment.

Sports Associations:

Sports associations promote sports and physical activity in society. They organize events, competitions, and programs that encourage an active and healthy lifestyle.

Advertising and Marketing:

Advertising and marketing companies are key to promoting products and services. They develop creative strategies that reach specific audiences, boosting the visibility and success of other businesses.

Media and Entertainment:

The media and entertainment industry include traditional and digital media as well as entertainment platforms. From news to television programs and video games, these companies play a crucial role in disseminating information and providing entertainment.

Real Estate and Property Investments:

Real estate companies facilitate the buying, selling, and management of properties. Additionally, property investments contribute to urban development and job creation.

Textiles and Fashion:

Textile and fashion companies design, produce, and distribute clothing and accessories. They contribute to the economy and cultural expression through fashion.

Transportation and Logistics:

Transportation companies ensure the mobility of goods and people. Their efficiency is essential for trade and economic development.

Financial Services:

From banks to financial technology companies, these firms facilitate transactions, investments, and financial services that drive the economy.

Construction and Robotics:

Construction and robotics companies are fundamental for the development of infrastructure and advanced technologies.

This broad spectrum of private companies not only enriches the offering of goods and services but also plays a decisive role in the economic dynamics of the state of Vallejar. Their significant contribution to the annual budget reflects their comprehensive impact on society and the local economy.

State tax and financing system

Percentage of contribution to the economy in Vallejar

Vallejar's tax system is the means by which the state, along with all that concerns it, is funded. This system is based on the economic and social legislation presented by the constitution. It entails that 20% of all money produced within the national territory must go to the state, without distinction for any company, individual, or entity. This system is known as the "Golden Fifth".

There are no other taxes imposed on anything or anyone, making Vallejar a conducive environment for the creation of businesses and foreign investments. The continuous growth facilitated by the low tax burden makes Vallejar an attractive location, contributing to increased production and, consequently, tax revenue each year. This, in turn, aids in maintaining funding and enhancing public sectors with the economic resources received.

The way the state generates actual benefits is through foreign trade, public enterprises, foreign investments, and by providing money to other states or entities with interest rates.

It is worth mentioning that due to the fact that the Vallejar population produces nearly everything it consumes, trade with other states is beneficial. This is attributed to the quality and quantity of nationally produced goods, resulting in a surplus for export purposes.

The amount of money generated by internal trade and the labor market, with an unemployment rate of 2.3%, is approximately 710 billion, representing around 63.53% of the GDP. Tax revenue is estimated to be approximately 142 billion, accounting for 12.11% of the GDP. The remainder of the GDP is based on market operations conducted by the government, contributing 463 billion, which is approximately 39.47% of the GDP. This results in a total of 605 billion available for the state to invest and finance public sectors, constituting approximately 51.58% of the GDP.

Year Vallejar's GDP
2001 721 Billion
2004 778 Billion
2008 843 Billion
2011 763 Billion
2015 826 Billion
2019 911 Billion
2023 854 Billion
2027 987 Billion
2030 1,047 Trillion
2032 1,173 Trillion

State expenses

State expenses of Vallejar

Vallejar is characterized by having a diversified, well-planned economy with austere spending. This doesn't mean that little is invested in public services and their maintenance; rather, by law, both the national government and those of the small municipalities and cities are prohibited from running any kind of deficit and debt, except in cases of extreme importance, danger, or instability, such as war, a pandemic, or a global crisis. In such extreme cases, any loan or deficit must be approved by the general government.

Government spending is tightly controlled, with meticulous oversight of each investment, minimizing corruption cases and their impact on economic resources. Moreover, penalties for corruption, embezzlement, and other forms of public fund manipulation include life imprisonment, as it is considered "a theft from the effort and work of all Vallejarians."

Expenses are divided into two categories: Ministerial and Special. (The percentage of expenses is based on the total budget, not the GDP.)


These are the expenses and investments, representing the percentage of the total budget allocated to the various ministries that make up the Vallejarian government. These investments are defined by the general state budgets promulgated by the government. These expenses are flexible and not solely based on general budgets; they are also influenced by the political, economic, and social context of the nation.


These are expenses and investments representing the percentage of the budget invested in special areas of the economy or sent to areas different from the ministerial ones for direct investment or for the "Vallejarian Development Fund", which has been accumulating 5% of the total budget since the king, in 2001, approved the royal decree consolidating its creation. The money in the fund and that not invested in ministries can be used freely by the national government, always within the terms of the law.

The expenses by ministry (data from 2032) are as follows:

Security and Justice:

Investment: 16.7 billion (2.76% of the total budget)

This ministry ensures the safety and integrity of all Vallejarians, providing economic resources for the state police, the national guard, and various special security forces throughout Vallejar. It also includes justice, responsible for the proper functioning of the courts and penitentiary centers.


Investment: 27.2 billion (4.5% of the total budget)

This ministry is responsible for maintaining national security and sovereignty against any threat, internal or external. This is achieved by investing in the preparation, training, guidance, modernization, and construction of a competent and prepared army. The ministry also has the option to invest in the private military sector for the improvement of both the economy and overall defensive power. It also has the ability to manage military schools alongside the Ministry of Education.


Investment: 14.6 billion (2.41% of the total budget)

This ministry, along with its counterparts, manages, maintains, finances, and constructs all educational centers in Vallejar, regardless of their nature and origin. The ministry is responsible for improving and promoting the quality of educational centers, the materials used, the method of education, and the content of subjects. This is aimed at promoting love for education and learning, along with the religious values of the nation, patriotism, and the value of effort through meritocracy.


Investment: 8.3 billion (1.37% of the total budget)

This ministry is responsible for analyzing the general economy of the state and economic sectors. It analyzes them meticulously to present detailed reports on the situation of each, to make effective responses if necessary. It also has the capacity, alongside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to analyze external economies, their sectors, products necessary in Vallejar, and possible beneficial exports according to the context of each country.


Investment: 16.5 billion (2.73% of the total budget)

This ministry is responsible for managing, maintaining, financing, and constructing all health centers in Vallejar. It defends and maintains the right to public and universal health care. It also invests in and researches techniques and technologies to improve the quality of life and ensure the health of the population. It also conducts health awareness campaigns and, alongside the Ministry of Education, manages medical-educational centers. Thanks to the medical and pharmaceutical sector, it has the capacity and competencies to invest in the private sector for the improvement of the sector in both areas.


Investment: 34.1 billion (5.64% of the total budget)

This ministry is responsible for managing, maintaining, and constructing all infrastructure in Vallejar, on land, sea, and air, including roads, railways, bridges, tunnels, airports, and ports. The responsibilities of this area belong solely to the Ministry of Infrastructure, which must ensure the quality of all infrastructure and technological development in the sector, such as high-speed trains, effective safety measures, more efficient and less polluting planes, cars, and vessels.


Investment: 15.8 billion (2.61% of the total budget)

This ministry is responsible for overseeing all others to ensure effective, efficient, and real management. It prevents bad investments, corruption, and deficits, and also creates economic and criminal investigation commissions into public

figures as deemed necessary. Funding is provided for the maintenance of all commissions and departments within the ministry.

Foreign Relations:

Investment: 9.2 billion (1.52% of the total budget)

This ministry is responsible for everything related to relations with foreign states. It manages embassies, consulates, and foreign military bases in conjunction with the Ministry of Defense. It helps foster relationships between states and secure beneficial agreements for Vallejar in global geopolitics.


Investment: 184.7 billion (30.53% of the total budget)

As the ministry in which the highest amount of economic resources is invested, this is the ministry with the most responsibilities, different offices, and importance. It deals with everything directly related to Vallejarian society, its form and quality of life, and its economy. It aims to improve these aspects from the government with investments in various areas, including culture, housing, transportation, commerce, employment, industry and energy, agriculture, livestock and fishing, research, development, and investigation, general public services, transfers to public administrations, and other public benefits, among others.

Special Expenses:

Vallejarian Development Fund:

This fund was created in 2001 by the king to have liquidity reserves as a backup, separate from the national treasury, for investment and economic stimulation in any sector where it is urgently and quickly needed. As of January 1, 2033, it has only been used twice partially in times of widespread global instability. As of the same date, the development fund has approximately 1.096 trillion in reserve.

Vallejarian National Reserve:

This is the official monetary reserve of Vallejar, which backs investments and the value of the currency. It also serves as a significant influence in global geopolitics. This reserve has never been used since its creation in 1845. The reserve increases by the additional 5% added by the state budgets each year, resulting in the national reserve accumulating 4.305 trillion in gold.

International Aid Fund for Developing Countries:

This fund is composed of 15% of the annual budget as a rule, although it can vary or even disappear depending on the economic, global, and national context; it is subject to changes. The fund implies the total management of money allocated for international aid and also commissions that manage those resources to be invested effectively.

International Loans:

This section is related to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which manages these resources. These loans are granted to states, companies, or international or foreign entities with urgent economic needs, usually with an interest rate lower than the global average. These loans are granted with the aim of helping entities in need of economic liquidity and also benefiting from it. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs sets the clauses with the approval of the general government. This section receives 10% of the state's annual budget, 60.5 billion.

Various investments and research:

This section receives another 10% of the total budget (60.5 billion), and this is a very special section, since this money is not linked to any law or regulation other than those of good management of public resources, and therefore These can be invested in any of the previous ministries or sections, although normally the resources are destined for various investments and research both in national territory and abroad, this money is managed personally by the king based on the principle of the well-being of the people.

(The remaining economic resources after the period of one year will be distributed as follows: 70% to the Vallejariano development fund and 30% to the national reserve)