
Joined 12 August 2020
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Tag: 2017 source edit
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Tag: 2017 source edit
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[[File:DaxianDeity.jpg|thumb|Mysterious deity, has a celestial host formed by millions of his own deformed sons and a belt that turns into a magic spear, his goblet holds the water of immortality]]
* 1-army of common men- armed wing of CPC-wip [[Army of Common Men]]
* 1-army of common men- armed wing of CPC-wip [[Army of Common Men]]
* 2-Big Twinkie - conglomerate that produces ixnay's twinkie-requires expanded lore [[Big Twinkie]]
* 2-Big Twinkie - conglomerate that produces ixnay's twinkie-requires expanded lore [[Big Twinkie]]
* 3-arnold palmer drink - corummese invention or pink lemonade- pending
* 4-pacification/compliance via opium distribution xisheng/varshan- requires further input [[Xisheng Office of Contentment]] un mundo feliz por aldous huxley [[Linge Chen's Private Reserve]]
* 4-pacification/compliance via opium distribution xisheng/varshan- requires further input [[Xisheng Office of Contentment]] un mundo feliz por aldous huxley [[Linge Chen's Private Reserve]]
* 5-Harmonious Flotilla Invincible/Unconditional Divisions-wip [[Harmonious Flotilla Invincible]]
* 5-Harmonious Flotilla Invincible/Unconditional Divisions-wip [[Harmonious Flotilla Invincible]]
*6-Jenkem poop drug zambia jizz-pending
*7- plateau of leng-done? create a kingom of leng historical entity [[Plateau of Leng]]
*7- plateau of leng-done? create a kingom of leng historical entity [[Plateau of Leng]]
*8- defense companies paramilitary orgs-pending
*8- defense companies paramilitary orgs-pending
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*14- Abominable AI's made to "win using the coldest logic and computational power-pending
*14- Abominable AI's made to "win using the coldest logic and computational power-pending
*15- Chen's menagerie- needs more animals [[Chen's Menagerie]]
*15- Chen's menagerie- needs more animals [[Chen's Menagerie]]
*16- pink salt taxation-pending
*17- the Delegated Committee-pending
*18- pancho cachondo-needs input [[Pancho Cachondo]]
*21- Plascrete/hypersteel-pending
*21- Plascrete/hypersteel-pending
*24- Bags of milk-pending
*25- Corummese Car and Automata Manufactory-COCAM-needs more lore [[Standard People's Compact Vehicle]]
*25- Corummese Car and Automata Manufactory-COCAM-needs more lore [[Standard People's Compact Vehicle]]
*27- corummese MULTIPASS
*27- corummese MULTIPASS-pending
*28- mirzak monorail run by artificial intelligence aka roborail-[[Mirzak Automated Monorail System]] incomplete
*28- mirzak monorail run by artificial intelligence aka roborail-[[Mirzak Automated Monorail System]] incomplete
*29- something with treacle
*30- corummese nuclear program- link with [[Lixin Ji]]
*30- corummese nuclear program- link with [[Lixin Ji]]
*31-Friar Quintulo Batiato as antipope or sedevacantism church-[[Democratic Christian Church of Corumm and the East]]-incomplete
*31- [[Democratic Christian Church of Corumm and the East]]-incomplete
*32- Strandbeests weird corummese art- pending
*33- corummese captagon to undermine rivals-[[Drug trade in Corumm]]-done ish [[Opodo Corporation]]
*33- corummese captagon to undermine rivals-[[Drug trade in Corumm]]-25% complete
*39- Virtuous Worms - [[Virtuous Worms]] wip
*34 incentivized creamer
*41- penitentiary system-pending
*35- Hoagie, who or what is
*43- [[South Seas Development Company]] - A colonial conglomerate developing industries in Zhijun and colonial Stenza, possibly Rusana too under a subsidiary. wip 30%
*37- tiempo radio fiscal
*38- cheap kamikaze planes/made out wood/cardboard-[[Expendable Aerial Vehicle]] WIP
*39- Virtuous Worms - [[Virtuous Worms]]
*40- Litroli ?????????
*41- penitentiary system
*42- pachinko
*43- [[South Seas Development Company]] - A colonial conglomerate developing industries in Zhijun and colonial Stenza, possibly Rusana too under a subsidiary.
*44- add green crab and asian carp to fauna/food  
*44- add green crab and asian carp to fauna/food  
*45- corumm-rusana-canpei economic corridor
*45- corumm-rusana-canpei economic corridor
*46- mosaic gelatine mass-produced condensed milk from Cao meets standard jello rations
*47-corummese MMO gold farmers
*48- Indigenous person in future Xisheng in 1980: living under corrupt shithole democracy, Same person in 2030: shackled all day as DNA samples are unwillingly collected by the authorities, leaving little more than a rambling sack of bones connected to an IV
*49- rich people donate dna to create sacks of flesh with organs to replace their aging organs and live longer
*49- rich people donate dna to create sacks of flesh with organs to replace their aging organs and live longer
*50- Corummese gene therapy experiments on Cronan natives to try and transform them into Corummese finally halted not due to ethical reasons but because “they might infiltrate our society”
*51- imperial trinket/Amiable Ecumene/Zone of Absolute Fortune
*51- imperial trinket/Amiable Ecumene/Zone of Absolute Fortune
*53-dry counties
Es de reciente data la concentración de poder político alcanzada por Morena. Eso incide en la actuación de sus miembros. En él hay dos clases de políticos: los de origen priista y aquellos que, por haber actuado al margen del aparato gubernativo, no estaban acostumbrados a obedecer. Los políticos formados en la disciplina priista no han tenido dificultad en adaptarse al nuevo amo; saben obedecer y disciplinarse. Los otros, con sus asegunes, aunque lamen el yugo, no se han acostumbrado a él. Son la excepción y pocos. El poder y las canonjías que su ejercicio implica son la mejor escuela para aprender los rudimentos de la disciplina. Obedecer, y obedecer bien, deriva de la costumbre. Nadie nace dócil; no es natural obedecer. Son la educación, los castigos y los premios los que permiten el sometimiento.
*54-Daxian monarchs giving patents of authority to vassals- tie into [[Tributary system of Imperial Daxia]]
*55-some sort of grandiose defensive line
The degree of the Party's concentration of power is a recent development. This has an effect in the attitudes of its members. Within Party structures there are two types of politicians: those with origins in the NRF and those that, by virtue of having been outside the government apparatus, are not accustomed to obedience. Politicians formed in the NRF tradition of discipline have had no difficulty in adapting to the new masters; they know how to obey and be disciplined in their actions. The others, while being under the same yoke, are not used to it. Power and the perks that come with exercising it provide the best schooling on the rudiments of discipline. To obey, and obey well, is the product of routine. No one is born docile; obedience is not natural. It is education, and the use of the carrot and the stick that enable subjugation.
*56-GW2 Daxian mini front in Caldera in support of Faneria
*57-daxian colonization of peratra/australis article
*58-palace school for dwarfs to become generals and shit
*59-early daxian computers based on the zhivkov balgarsko model
The Exclusionary Mandates of Maruhkite Selection: All Are Equal
*60-substitute kingship ritual/occultation of the emperor
*61-the scream box
1: That the Supreme Spirit Akatosh is of unitary essence, as proven by the monolinearity of Time.
1: That Shezarr the missing sibling is Singularly Misplaced and therefore Doubly Venerated.
1: That the protean substrate that informs all denial of (1) is the Aldmeri Taint.
1: That the Prophet Most Simian demonstrated that monothought begets Proper-Life.
1: That the purpose of Proper-Life is the Expungement of the Taint.
1: That the Arc of Time provides the mortal theater for the Sacred Expungement.
1: That Akatosh is Time is Proper-Life is Taint-Death.

I was a beast upon the earth, a salamander or an eel. Water passed through
I was a beast upon the earth, a salamander or an eel. Water passed through
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They’ll never come to terms with the breakup of the USSR,“ Mežviets says. As Russia’s leaders themselves have declared: Russia ends where it is stopped.
They’ll never come to terms with the breakup of the USSR,“ Mežviets says. As Russia’s leaders themselves have declared: Russia ends where it is stopped.

It’s a conqueror’s mindset,Everyone around them are enemies.
It’s a conqueror’s mindset, Everyone around them are enemies.
==Technical description of DaxNet censorship methods==
*Content Filtering System: Daxia's national intranet employs a content filtering system designed to monitor and filter internet traffic within the country. This system analyzes the content of web pages, emails, instant messages, and other forms of online communication to determine whether they contain restricted or prohibited content.
*Blacklisting: The content filtering system maintains a blacklist of websites, URLs, or keywords that are deemed inappropriate or against the nation's policies. When users attempt to access content matching these criteria, the system blocks their access and displays an appropriate message indicating the reason for the restriction.
* Deep Packet Inspection (DPI): To identify and categorize internet traffic, the content filtering system uses deep packet inspection techniques. DPI involves analyzing the content and metadata of data packets flowing through the network, allowing the system to detect and categorize specific types of content, including text, images, videos, or file downloads.
*URL Filtering: The content filtering system also employs URL filtering to restrict access to specific websites or web pages. URLs on the blacklist would be blocked, preventing users from accessing those sites directly. Additionally, the system also maintains a whitelist of approved websites to ensure access to authorized content.
*Keyword Filtering: The content filtering system employs keyword filtering to identify and block content containing specific keywords or phrases that are deemed sensitive, controversial, or against government policies. The system scans the content of websites, emails, and other communications to detect and block such content based on predefined keyword lists.
*DNS Manipulation: The national intranet's infrastructure implements DNS manipulation techniques to redirect users attempting to access restricted websites to alternate pages or display an error message. By altering the DNS responses, the system will redirect users to specific servers or prevent access to blacklisted websites by resolving their domain names to different IP addresses.
*SSL/TLS Inspection: In order to inspect and filter encrypted traffic, the content filtering system employs SSL/TLS inspection techniques. This involves decrypting and analyzing the contents of encrypted connections to identify restricted or prohibited content. The system acts as a middleman, decrypting and inspecting the traffic before re-encrypting and forwarding it to the intended recipient.
*Monitoring and Logging: The censorship system within Daxia's national intranet includes comprehensive monitoring and logging capabilities. This enables authorities to track and record user activities, including the websites visited, search queries made, and communications exchanged. These logs provide a means for auditing, investigation, and enforcing censorship policies.

*Enforcement and Penalties: The national intranet's censorship system is be backed by legal frameworks and penalties to enforce compliance. Violations of censorship policies will result in losing intranet access, fines, and legal actions against individuals or organizations found to be circumventing or violating the censorship measures.
==Levantine Exploration==
Kiravian explorers were the first "occidentals" to make contact with the peoples of modern Rusana however from their introduction in the 1500s to the establishment of the Martillian Protectorate over the Kingdom of Lakadu it was often overlooked compared to the riches of Daxia. The Ularien Trading Company of Martilles first established contact with the Kingdom of Lakadu in 1616. With Kiravias well established trade with Daxia for far eastern goods the Martilliens negotiated a treaty with the Lakadui to secure ports at first for raiding Kiravian shipping as it passed westerward, laden with Daxian goods but eventually the privateers sought more. They obverved the resentments that the Lakadui held for their neighbors in Barpubad and offered to supply them with mercenaries and to instruct their armies in the lessons learned from the Great Confessional War. Throughout the 1620s and 30s the Lakadui and Barpubadi clashed in minor skirmishes in which the Lakadui became increasingly victorious. While the Levantines did not offer a superiour military product their doctrine of war was so foreign to that part of the world that it proved shocking to the Barpubadi. In a series of violent battles the Lakadui made massive gains into the islands south of Barpubad's coast. These islands long contested between Barpubad and Daxia were captured and an emissary was dispatched to the Emperor's court and a back to the King in Lakadu. In a master stroke the Martillien mercenaries sold the inner ring of islands to Daxia and formally opened relations with that nation, and also demonstrated to the King of Lakadu what could be achieved if he remanded more power to the Martilliens. In this masterstroke the Martilliens secured their future in the region and became friendly with the greatest power in Alshar, Daxia. Whereas the Kiravians were merely traders, the Martilliens offered concrete results to the Imperial Daxian Court. In 1650, the Kingdom of Lakadu was formalized as a protectorate of the Duchy of Martilles. This was only possible by brokering a treaty with the Daxian Court that recognized its sovereignty and promised to support Daxia in the event of an invasion from Barpudad, Ghanim, or the as yet unexplored Tanhai. For as long as the southeast coast Levantines maintained colonies in the area they respected this treaty, one of the only in that time.
With the Great Slavery Revolt on the western shores of Alshar the various colonial administrators had to make a choice as the revolt became a full-scale war, one that the Levantine colonists were losing badly. Would they cast their lot in with their fellow colonists, draining the defensive resources from their own colonies, ignore the plight of their brethren, try to balance both, or abandon their colonial ambitions altogether. The viceroy of Pyrithi Colony attempted to find a balance.