Saint Kennera & Pribraltar: Difference between revisions

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The identity of the first humans to make their homes on Saint Kennera and Pribraltar is controversial. Occidental anthropologists, citing Ockham's razor and common sense, maintain that the first humans on the islands were likely tribes related to the modern Montagnardi people. Coscivian anthropologists, citing hard physical evidence in the form of stone artifacts showing commonalities with those of the migratory, pre-Coscivian [[Prehistory_of_Great_Kirav#First_Humans_-_Ice_Bridges_from_Demomap|Demomap Culture]], maintain that the islands were first populated by distant relatives of modern Kiravians. It is the latter theory that enjoys official sanction and is taught in the islands' schools.
Regardless of who first settled them, the twin isles were subsequently colonised by Latins during the [[Latin Heroic Age]], who mined the isles' modest but accessible deposits of {{wp|tin}} and {{wp|copper}} and harvested valuable {{wp|mollusk}}s and their shells.
[Acquired how?]
During the [[Burgo-Audonian_Colonial_Wars#Kiro-Burgundian_Gin_&_Tonic_Race|Kiro-Burgundian Gin & Tonic Race]], Saint Kennera became home to large {{wp|cinchona}} plantations established for strategic reasons by the College of Trade in order to provide protective {{wp|quinine}} to Kiravian military and mercantile personnel in the tropics generally and [[Audonia]] in particular. These plantations, hoped to be safer from Burgundine sabotage than those in the [[Melian Isles]], would not, however, last very long at all, being ruinously burnt by Burgundian saboteurs in [YEAR]. Burgundine success in maintaining the Quinine Gap would pave the way for the waning of Kiravian colonial ambitions in Audonia, making way for unrivalled Burgondese dominance in that region.
Pribraltar, with its ideal natural harbour, was desirable as a base to Odonerene merchants and explorers seeking the riches of Vallos. Vessels sailing for the Keregulan Merchants of the Tropics, the [[Imperial Cola|Imperial Cronan Plantation Company]], and the [[Bay Trading Company]] called there routinely ''en route'' to and fro' [[Eusa]] and [[South Crona]], and later [[Takatta Loa]] and the [[Krasoa Islands]].
Pribraltar is extremely important to the history of the [[Kiravian Civil War]] and, in its aftermath, the [[Kiravian Sunderance]]. Pribraltarian banks were the destination for much of that massive, historically unprecedented {{wp|capital flight}} from [[Great Kirav]] that took place as the Kiravian aristocracy and bourgeoisie hurriedly shipped their riches overseas for safekeeping in fear of a Socialist victory. When that fear was borne out, it was these Pribraltarian banks that were instrumental in financing the survival of the [[Kiravian Remnant]] on Æonara and making its rapid economic and military development goals possible. Capital was drawn not only from the hoarded emigré wealth, but also from foreign investment, much of which originated in [[Caphiria]] and was facilitated through Hekuvian Coscivian financiers and channelled to the Remnant through Pribraltarian banks and Pribraltar-registered trading houses. Pribraltar's financial sector was thus a crucial link in the financial relationships between the embattled Remnant and sympathetic anti-communist powers.
===Since Reunification===
Since [[Kiravian reunification]] the economic fortunes of the islands have never been better. Market liberalisation of the Kiravian mainland meant more deposits in Pribraltarian banks, more shell companies taking up domicile in Pribraltarian postboxes, more yachts in Hāverma's harbour, and more middle-class Great Kiravian tourists touching down on both of the islands. Although the use of computer networks and later {{wp|the Internet}} to accomplish offshore financial transactions did lead to a downturn for local non-financial businesses in the islands that relied on "foot traffic", the net impact on the islands' economy was more than offset by [[the Deluge|the deluge]] of offshore banking that this enabled. The internet also opened up a new revenue stream for Pribraltar's {{wp|gambling industry|gaming sector}}, the profits of which were partially reinvested in improvements to brick-and-mortar casino-resorts.
[Nuke and repave]
[Nuke and repave]

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===St. Kennera===
===St. Kennera===
Saint Kennerans are mostly either [[Fiannria|farmer Chads]] or work in the service industry catering to visitors from Pribraltar. Almost half of working-age citizens domiciled on Saint Kennera work on Pribraltar or further afield.
Saint Kennera has a smaller, less diversified economy than its sister island, dependent on agriculture (and agricultural subsidies), tourism, remittances, and miscellaneous services.
Industry on Saint Kennera is concentrated mainly in alcoholic liquors, crushed stone, food processing, and handicrafts. In 2025 a {{wp|special economic zone}} was designated in Îlaman to attract Pribraltar-based industrial enterprises with lower land and labour costs. Assessments of the special economic zone's success have been mixed.
There are four {{wp|golf resort}}s on Saint Kennera, each targeting a different market segment. There are also three game reserves. Many of the island's upmarket tourist destinations have airstrips or helipads to maximise convenience for affluent guests setting out from Pribraltar. {{wp|Eco-tourism}} also draws visitors - the island has been called "Pribraltar's largest {{wp|Conservation_in_Hong_Kong#Country_parks|country park}}", which is resented by locals but has been embraced as a marketing slogan.
Port Saint Kennera is home to a well-regarded {{wp|aquarium}}.
In terms of sectoral breakdown of employment, Saint Kennerans are mostly either [[Fiannria|farmer Chads]] or work in the service industry catering to visitors from Pribraltar. Almost half of working-age citizens domiciled on Saint Kennera work on Pribraltar or further afield. Many Saint Kenneran households are remittance-dependent.
====Public finance====
The Government of Saint Kennera is financed mainly by {{wp|land value tax}}, a uniform island-wide {{wp|sales tax}}, stamp duties, bond issues, and Kiravian subsidies.

==Notable Saint Kennerans and Pribraltarians==
==Notable Saint Kennerans and Pribraltarians==