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'''Istrenya''', officially the '''Republic of Istrenya''', is a country in [[Crona]]. It is neighbored by [[Arcerion]] and [[Malentina|Malentine Islands]] across the [[Warrington Strait]], along with sharing a sizable land border on the south portion with [[Tierrador]]. By area is is one of the largest Indigenous countries in South Crona, and one of the most populous. With a population of 32 million, it also is the largest Southern Cronan Indigenous country that was not nominally aligned with [[Varshan]]. The national capital is the city of [[Karaba]], which is also the nation's economic centre and the largest non-[[Occidental world|Occidental]] port in the [[Malentine Sea]], largely due to trade from across the Warrington Strait coming from Arcerion.
'''Istrenya''', officially the '''Republic of Istrenya''', is a country in [[Crona]]. It is neighbored by [[Arcerion]] and [[Malentina|Malentine Islands]] across the [[Warrington Strait]], along with sharing a sizable land border on the south portion with [[Tierrador]]. By area is is one of the largest Indigenous countries in South Crona, and one of the most populous. With a population of 32 million, it is one of the least populous countries in South Crona, only being slightly more populous than [[Asteria]] and [[Porlos]]. The national capital is the city of [[Karaba]], which is also the nation's economic centre and the largest non-[[Occidental world|Occidental]] port in the [[Malentine Sea]], largely due to trade from across the Warrington Strait coming from Arcerion.

Seated at the foothills and lowlands North of the South Istrenyan Mountain Range, Istrenya was largely comprised of disparate river and mountain tribes as far back as 50,000 years ago. Closer to the modern and industrial era, Occidental colonists and traders established trading posts across the Warrington Strait, which eventually became the basis in the late 1700s and early 1800s for the city of Karaba. The following century saw an expansion of trading to the nearby towns of Madara and Sumbe, in the Eastern River Basin, where the majority of the nation's economic and industrial centres remain to this day.  
Seated at the foothills and lowlands North of the South Istrenyan Mountain Range, Istrenya was largely comprised of disparate river and mountain tribes as far back as 50,000 years ago. Closer to the modern and industrial era, Occidental colonists and traders established trading posts across the Warrington Strait, which eventually became the basis in the late 1700s and early 1800s for the city of Karaba. The following century saw an expansion of trading to the nearby towns of Madara and Sumbe, in the Eastern River Basin, where the majority of the nation's economic and industrial centres remain to this day.  
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File:Southern Mountains.jpg|The Southern Mountain Range of Istrenya.
File:Southern Mountains.jpg|The Southern Mountain Range of Istrenya.
File:Eastern River Basin.PNG|The Eastern River Basin of Istrenya, which opens into the city of Karaba.
File:Eastern River Basin.PNG|The Eastern River Basin of Istrenya, which opens into the city of Karaba.
File:Malentinian_Channel.jpg|The Malentinian Channel the separates Istrenyan from Malentina.  
File:Malentinian_Channel.jpg|The Malentine Channel the separates Istrenya from Malentina.  
File:placeholder|Iraso Township in Western Istrenya.  
File:Iraso Istrenya.png|Iraso Township in Western Istrenya.  
File:placeholder|Istrenyan Highlands.
File:Istrenyan Highlands.jpg|Istrenyan Highlands.
File:placeholder|Karaba Bay.
File:Aerial photograph of Helsinki downtown.jpg|Karaba Bay.

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===Arrival of Qabór===
===Arrival of Qabór===
Qabóri influence began to increase significantly during the first few centuries AD. With the end of the [[Great Qabóri War]] and the fall of the Abio Woqalate in 677, the rising Qabóri Woqalate began to shift its focus on surrounding neighbors. Sokalakee, having entered numerous economic and military defense agreements with Qabór, which had began the first wave of complete subjugation by Qabór. In 777, Sokalakee had been completely taken over by the Qabóri Woqalate, being divided into 21 qoyalets, based on the tribal makeup of the area.  
Qabóri influence began to increase significantly during the first few centuries AD. With the end of the [[Great Qabóri War]] and the fall of the Abio Woqalate in 677, the rising Qabóri Woqalate began to shift its focus on surrounding neighbors. Sokalakee, having entered numerous economic and military defense agreements with Qabór, which had began the first wave of complete subjugation by Qabór. In 777, Sokalakee had been completely taken over by the Qabóri Woqalate, being divided into 21 qoyalets, based on the tribal makeup of the area. The Woqalate had continued its fair dealings with the Sokalakee tribes, giving the qoyalets some form of autonomy not seen in other Qabóri colonies. By the 9th and 10th centuries, Sokalakee had helped to expand Qabór's sphere of influence to all of South Crona, while also enjoying the benefits with little to no exploitation. In 1033, the small Songun city of [[Karaba]] was founded, and was designated as the main government center of Qabóri Sokalakee.
While Sokalakee was among one of the most guarded areas in South Crona, they were still vulnerable to attacks from foreign powers. The [[North Songun civilization]], which had dominated the North Songun Peninsula, directly rivaled Qabór and its vassals, despite being not as technologically advanced as the former. Depsite this, North Songun outnumbered Qabór, and was able to expend thousands of troops to project their true power. In 1122, North Songunite troops crossed the Malentine Straits into Karaba, where they sacked the city in just three days. This was an unexpected attack on Qabór, and completely caught it off guard, therefore they did not have ample time to react. Once they prepared the Qabóri Army to counterattack, a sizable chunk of northern Istrenya had been conquered through brute force. However, the North Songunite victory would be overshadowed by the swift and surprising Qabóri counterattack. Qabór had sent around 6,000 soldiers to fight alongside the Sokalakee defenses. This had also marked the first use of guns used in war by Qabór. The vast difference in technological advancements had allowed Qabór and Sokalakee to swiftly take down the North Songunite army, and forced a retreat back to their peninsula.
After the war had ended, Sokalakee had suffered major losses and underwent a major rebuilding period. While Qabór offered assistance in the process, it was not nearly enough for the sheer amount of ruin the colony had seen. This strained the relations between Qabór and Sokalakee, and served as a major catalyst to the colony's independence. Towards the beginning of the 12th century, Sokalakee had begun demanding more support from Qabór, especially considering the disparity of aid given to [[Ceylonia|Yapokee]] and [[Porlos|Soqweux]] in comparison to Sokalakee. The argument was that Sokalakee was practically being neglected by Qabór, due to the colony not having much to offer, as opposed to the vast resource pools seen in the Yapokee and Soqweux colonies. This, along with the prolonged consequences of the war against the North Songunites, led to heightened anti-Qabóri sentiment across the colony. In 1267, using Qabóri weapons and military technology, Sokalakee warriors stormed the palace in which the colonial government was based. This began the 10-year long [[Sokalakee Revolution]], which culminated in the withdrawal of Qabór from Istrenya and the establishment of the independent Sokalakee Woqalate.

===Sokalakee Woqalate===
===Sokalakee Woqalate===
The new Sokalakee Woqalate was established in 1277, with many issues afoot. They mostly included the mass divide between the many subgroups and tribes throughout the country, as most of the groups, which mostly inhabited the rural areas, supported Qabóri integration more than independence due to the several benefits of trade with the more advanced empire. Once Qabór had cut ties with Sokalakee, and shut down all trade to and from, it diminished any incentive for the agricultural settlements to produce up to their quota, as the rewards were either minimal or nonexistent. The beginning of the 14th century saw the Woqalate at its worst, as the divide had only grown, with no solution in sight. The Woqali of Sokalakee, at the time [[Aukl'e I]] until her death in 1345, practically neglected her duties as the monarch of the country. This had strained the relationship between the Sokalekee nobility and the proletariat, causing a rift in the Sokalakee culture and society. In June 1343, members from the contesting [[House of Tkolúúta]] had confidentially instigated the peasant class of Karaba to storm the Woqali's palace in Karaba, in one of several major insurrections to occur in the 1340s. There, the peasants captured several Sokalakee military generals and held them hostage for four months, while they continued on with the mass insurrections, hoping to depose the ruling [[House of Wteke'la]].
While the chaos in Karaba had surged, the neighboring [[Matokté Tashcanate]] had grown as an even larger threat to the stability of Sokalakee. In response, the House of Tkolúúta implemented itself as the ruling dynasty of Sokalakee. The most powerful figurehead in the House, [[Taka'tila I]], became the Woqali, and ordered the House of Wteke'la be exiled to present-day Malentina, where they remained for the next half-century. Taka'tila's reign as Woqali would only last for a few years, and she would eventually die of an unknown illness in 1352. Her successor, [[Taka'tila II]], was very inexperienced at her position, leading to many faults in military campaigns against rogue qoyalets. In 1357, the first wave of Matokté warriors crossed the Malentine Straits into Karaba, where they completely destroyed the city. The next couple of sackings by the Matokté were spread out carefully so that the Sokalakee would not have ample time to rebuild and regroup, giving the nomadic Tashcanate a major advantage in the conflicts. Taka'tila II's inexperience as a political figurehead allowed her to be easily manipulated by her generals into giving them full control of the Sokalakee military. Despite this, the generals were equally inexperienced, and were mostly using Qabóri tactics and strategies, which were grossly misinterpreted due to the lack of communication from Qabór, and left many soldiers confused and caused internal conflict amongst the Sokalakee armies. This was exactly what the Matokté hoped would happen, and it only increased their advantages tenfold.
As Matokté presence grew significantly in Istrenya, many Sokalakee towns and villages saw the same fate as Karaba, and by the end of the 14th century, 75% of Istrenya had been assimilated into Matokté proper. Many Sokalakee nobles fled to the Istrenyan Highlands, and the Woqalate continued as a small pocket of land throughout the southern border with modern-day Tierrador.

===Early Modern===
===Early Modern===
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Beginning in December 2008, the Istrenyan National Congress began unloading a series of harsh agricultural reforms, which included the lowering and even elimination of the minimum support price of several crops. Because of this, hundreds of thousands of Istrenyan farmers began protesting the agricultural reforms, with many labor unions prompting them to go on strike until the reforms were reversed. This led to a mass shortage of agricultural products throughout the country, with food prices skyrocketing to nearly double of what they were pre-reform. Because of this, the [[Istrenyan Heartland Movement]] was established by Tierradorian activists in late February 2009, with over 1.1 million Tierradorian citizens participating in donating leftover food to Istrenyans who were affected the most by the shortages. In April 2009, a leaked audio file of then-President [[K'wola Tatarni]] mocking the protesting Istrenyan farmers and the protest as a whole, causing mass outrage throughout the country. Later that month, police in major Istrenyan cities began arresting and using brute force against protesting farmers. This turned what was originally meant to be peaceful into violent riots. These riots were one of the largest cases of civil unrests in Istrenyan history. The Istrenyan government declared martial law in June 2009, and deployed the Istrenyan Army into various Istrenyan cites to deter the riots. Following harsh international pressure, President Tatarni resigned from office in late August 2009, and was replaced by current President [[M'Kole Tysh'le]]. Tysh'le reversed many of the reforms, and negotiated the reinstatement of a lower, but still sustainable, minimum support price with the farmers, effectively ending the Rice Riots in October of that year.
Beginning in December 2008, the Istrenyan National Congress began unloading a series of harsh agricultural reforms, which included the lowering and even elimination of the minimum support price of several crops. Because of this, hundreds of thousands of Istrenyan farmers began protesting the agricultural reforms, with many labor unions prompting them to go on strike until the reforms were reversed. This led to a mass shortage of agricultural products throughout the country, with food prices skyrocketing to nearly double of what they were pre-reform. Because of this, the [[Istrenyan Heartland Movement]] was established by Tierradorian activists in late February 2009, with over 1.1 million Tierradorian citizens participating in donating leftover food to Istrenyans who were affected the most by the shortages. In April 2009, a leaked audio file of then-President [[K'wola Tatarni]] mocking the protesting Istrenyan farmers and the protest as a whole, causing mass outrage throughout the country. Later that month, police in major Istrenyan cities began arresting and using brute force against protesting farmers. This turned what was originally meant to be peaceful into violent riots. These riots were one of the largest cases of civil unrests in Istrenyan history. The Istrenyan government declared martial law in June 2009, and deployed the Istrenyan Army into various Istrenyan cites to deter the riots. Following harsh international pressure, President Tatarni resigned from office in late August 2009, and was replaced by current President [[M'Kole Tysh'le]]. Tysh'le reversed many of the reforms, and negotiated the reinstatement of a lower, but still sustainable, minimum support price with the farmers, effectively ending the Rice Riots in October of that year.

==== Contemporary Istrenya ====
== Government ==
Istrenya is a presidential constitutional republic. It is governed via principles established by the [[1961 Istrenyan Constitution|1961 Constitution]], which features the aforementioned presidential system, a unicameral legislative body, known as the [[National Congress (Istrenya)|National Congress]], which represents the population of Istrenya at-large, and a judicial branch, which consists of the Istrenyan High Court. Despite many of the rights outlined in the 1961 Constitution, most of the political power in the country is held by the executive branch, more specifically by the [[President of Istrenya]]. The country is a unitary state, separated into [[Qoyalets of Istrenya|21 qoyalets]]. The qoyalets, despite not having strong governments, still maintain control over petty bureaucratic affairs within their jurisdiction.
Istrenya is a presidential constitutional republic. It is governed via principles established by the [[1961 Istrenyan Constitution|1961 Constitution]], which features the aforementioned presidential system, a unicameral legislative body, known as the [[National Congress (Istrenya)|National Congress]], which represents the population of Istrenya at-large, and a judicial branch, which consists of the Istrenyan High Court. Despite many of the rights outlined in the 1961 Constitution, most of the political power in the country is held by the executive branch, more specifically by the [[President of Istrenya]]. The country is a unitary state, separated into [[Qoyalets of Istrenya|21 qoyalets]]. The qoyalets, despite not having strong governments, still maintain control over petty bureaucratic affairs within their jurisdiction.

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Istrenya, like most Qabóri-influenced nations, calls its administration subdivisions ''qoyalets'', which is the [[Qabóri language|Qabóri]] word for "province." There are 21 of these qoyalets in Istrenya. Istrenya is a unitary state, though there is a substantial amount of autonomy for the qoyalets. Historically, the qoyalets have rarely changed since Qabóri subjugation, owing to various subgroups of the four major tribes of the country. The qoyalets are governed by a three-branch system, similar to the central Istrenyan government. The qoyalets have an elected qoyalet legislature, which are directly-elected via popular vote within the respective qoyalet, along with a non-partisan premier, appointed directly by the President of Istrenya. The qoyalet legislature supervises elected officials, debates and votes on budgets, plan regional development, execute public investment projects, promote economic activities, and manage public property.
Istrenya, like most Qabóri-influenced nations, calls its administration subdivisions ''qoyalets'', which is the [[Qabóri language|Qabóri]] word for "province." There are 21 of these qoyalets in Istrenya. Istrenya is a unitary state, though there is a substantial amount of autonomy for the qoyalets. Historically, the qoyalets have rarely changed since Qabóri subjugation, owing to various subgroups of the four major tribes of the country. The qoyalets are governed by a three-branch system, similar to the central Istrenyan government. The qoyalets have an elected qoyalet legislature, which are directly-elected via popular vote within the respective qoyalet, along with a non-partisan premier, appointed directly by the President of Istrenya. The qoyalet legislature supervises elected officials, debates and votes on budgets, plan regional development, execute public investment projects, promote economic activities, and manage public property.

== Society ==

Istrenyan culture is significantly impacted by its location, as the country historically served as a crossroads of the cultural influences of Tierradorian and Ænglish traditions. Mainstream Istrenyan culture is a mix between the South Cronan indigenous culture, mostly stemming from centuries of Qabóri influence, and, more recently, Ængle culture, specifically that of [[Arcerion]]. Despite being closer to Arcerion politically, Istrenya is more culturally tied to Tierrador, with most elements of Istrenyan daily life barring near-perfect similarities to its southern neighbor. Since the 1950s, Istrenyan media, mostly music and film, became very widespread and mainstream throughout South Crona. Despite this, the cultural divide between indigenous Cronans and Istrenyan Ængles has negatively impacted the country’s day-to-day life.
Istrenyan culture is significantly impacted by its location, as the country historically served as a crossroads of the cultural influences of Tierradorian and Ænglish traditions. Mainstream Istrenyan culture is a mix between the South Cronan indigenous culture, mostly stemming from centuries of Qabóri influence, and, more recently, Ængle culture, specifically that of [[Arcerion]]. Despite being closer to Arcerion politically, Istrenya is more culturally tied to Tierrador, with most elements of Istrenyan daily life barring near-perfect similarities to its southern neighbor. Since the 1950s, Istrenyan media, mostly music and film, became very widespread and mainstream throughout South Crona. Despite this, the cultural divide between indigenous Cronans and Istrenyan Ængles has negatively impacted the country’s day-to-day life.
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Despite the majority of the nation being in a particularly warm climate, [[w:ice hockey|ice hockey]] is the second most popular sport in Istrenya. Hockey is watched by 10 million Istrenyans, which is almost one-third of the country’s population. The country has one [[Orixtal Hockey League|OHL club]], the [[Karaba Mountaineers]], which began play in 1998 and is the most popular Istrenyan hockey team. Istrenya also has a major junior hockey league, the [[Istrenyan Hockey League]], which is contested by 18 teams and is one of the four leagues of the [[South Cronan Hockey League]], which serves as a direct feeder league to the [[OHL Draft]]. Some notable Istrenyan OHL players include [[Akolá Tuka]], [[L’Kelek Chavez]], [[Aphío Waso’k]], and [[Fred Y’kasak]]. Other notable Istrenyan OHL personnel include [[Levar Xirótin]], who is of [[Coscivian civilisation|Coscivian]] descent and serves as the head coach for the [[Wadičaq Phantoms]].
Despite the majority of the nation being in a particularly warm climate, [[w:ice hockey|ice hockey]] is the second most popular sport in Istrenya. Hockey is watched by 10 million Istrenyans, which is almost one-third of the country’s population. The country has one [[Orixtal Hockey League|OHL club]], the [[Karaba Mountaineers]], which began play in 1998 and is the most popular Istrenyan hockey team. Istrenya also has a major junior hockey league, the [[Istrenyan Hockey League]], which is contested by 18 teams and is one of the four leagues of the [[South Cronan Hockey League]], which serves as a direct feeder league to the [[OHL Draft]]. Some notable Istrenyan OHL players include [[Akolá Tuka]], [[L’Kelek Chavez]], [[Aphío Waso’k]], and [[Fred Y’kasak]]. Other notable Istrenyan OHL personnel include [[Levar Xirótin]], who is of [[Coscivian civilisation|Coscivian]] descent and serves as the head coach for the [[Wadičaq Phantoms]].

== Demographics ==
=== Linguistic Demographics ===
As of 2035, Istrenya has an estimated population of 32,167,499. The country is an outlier in terms of development, being one of the least developed countries in South Crona, with some areas of the country having one of the highest rates of poverty in the region. Despite this, Istrenya has relatively stable natural population growth, and efforts have been made to assist lower-income communities throughout the country. As of October 2031, Istrenya's fertility rate declined slightly to 1.72 children per woman, below the replacement rate of 2.04, and considerably below the high of 3.19 in 1940. Istrenya's fertility rate and crude birth rate nonetheless remain among the highest in South Crona. Istrenya has a very young population as well, with the average age being 32.6 years, along with one-fifth of the country being younger than 40. The average life expectancy is relatively high despite its shortcomings in development, at about 71.9 years.
===Ethnic groups===
Istrenya is mostly dominated by Indigenous Cronans, with 82% reporting ancestry from multiple tribes.


=== Religious Demographics ===
== Economy ==

In 2030, Istrenya had a [[w:Gross domestic product|gross domestic product]] of $525 billion. Its top trading partners are [[Arcerion]], [[Tierrador]], [[Porlos]], and [[Ceylonia]]. While Istrenya is not as rich in natural resources as other South Cronan nations, it does possess a sizable quantity of [[w:Petroleum|petroleum]] and [[w:Lithium|lithium]]. In 1998, Istrenya brokered the [[Lithium Deal]] with Tierrador, which allowed Tierradorian miners to enter the country and extract lithium. This deal did not last long, however, as international pressure from Arcerion and [[Alstin]] forced the deal to end in 2002. Many critics argue that the current Istrenyan state is merely a client state of Arcerion, due to Arcer dominance of the Istrenyan GDP. Istrenya is considered a developing country, though has made very significant steps towards full development in the past two decades. The increased economic influence from Tierrador has helped boost the country's economy in numerous ways. The nation's GDP has seen consistent growth since the 2000s, allowing it to become a more liberalized economy. Istrenya's economy is categorized as a mixed economy, still with sizable amounts of government influence. The nation's vast economic growth has begun an upward trend in terms of economic growth and fiscal stability. Despite this, a large portion of the country's economy relies heavily on [[w:Remittance|remittances]], due to many Istrenyans in the workforce going to work overseas.
In 2030, Istrenya had a [[w:Gross domestic product|gross domestic product]] of $525 billion. Its top trading partners are [[Arcerion]], [[Tierrador]], [[Porlos]], and [[Ceylonia]]. While Istrenya is not as rich in natural resources as other South Cronan nations, it does possess a sizable quantity of [[w:Petroleum|petroleum]] and [[w:Lithium|lithium]]. In 1998, Istrenya brokered the [[Lithium Deal]] with Tierrador, which allowed Tierradorian miners to enter the country and extract lithium. This deal did not last long, however, as international pressure from Arcerion and [[Alstin]] forced the deal to end in 2002. Many critics argue that the current Istrenyan state is merely a client state of Arcerion, due to Arcer dominance of the Istrenyan GDP. Istrenya is considered a developing country, though has made very significant steps towards full development in the past two decades. The increased economic influence from Tierrador has helped boost the country's economy in numerous ways. The nation's GDP has seen consistent growth since the 2000s, allowing it to become a more liberalized economy. Istrenya's economy is categorized as a mixed economy, still with sizable amounts of government influence. The nation's vast economic growth has begun an upward trend in terms of economic growth and fiscal stability. Despite this, a large portion of the country's economy relies heavily on [[w:Remittance|remittances]], due to many Istrenyans in the workforce going to work overseas.
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== Military ==
[[File:Istrenyan Army.png|thumb|Members of the Istrenyan Army clash with protestors in Karaba during the 2009 Rice Riots. ]]
[[File:Istrenyan Army.png|thumb|Members of the Istrenyan Army clash with protestors in Karaba during the 2009 Rice Riots. ]]
The Istrenyan military is relatively small, and has continued to shrink since the Istrenyan Civil War. The Army doubles in its role as a national gendarmerie, and lacks much of the heavy equipment, radios, and modern weaponry in order to be an effective fighting force. Concurrent to this, the military has long been plagued by corruption amongst its senior officials and been unable to procure new equipment, relying instead on international aid of intervention by Arcerion when there is issues with insurgents, subversive groups, or rebels.  
The Istrenyan military is relatively small, and has continued to shrink since the Istrenyan Civil War. The Army doubles in its role as a national gendarmerie, and lacks much of the heavy equipment, radios, and modern weaponry in order to be an effective fighting force. Concurrent to this, the military has long been plagued by corruption amongst its senior officials and been unable to procure new equipment, relying instead on international aid of intervention by Arcerion when there is issues with insurgents, subversive groups, or rebels.  
