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=== The competition ===
=== The competition ===
The Canasta Company was not alone when the Extranjero project was announced. Hundreds of companies started to form around farming and anything to do with the process of getting food onto ships. Before 1850 Burgundie has enough ships to handle the meager exports that Canespa was producing at the time. But as things began to ramp of the competition became fierce. Companies began to directly compete with each other on what they could export. This is where Tȟatȟáŋka’s knowledge of Burgundie came in. He knew there culture and he knew their language. Through this Tȟatȟáŋka slowly forged a path through the food market and soon became one of the top producers of food in the area. He made deals with the canal owners in secret, making sure the Canasta Company could maintain the lowest prices. This slowly bankrupted smaller companies that got absorbed in the Canasta Company. This was the start of the Canasta Companies aggressive control plan, and its how the Canasta Company would forge its way into the history books.  
The [[Canasta Company]] was not alone when the Extranjero project was announced. Hundreds of companies started to form around farming and anything to do with the process of getting food onto ships. Before 1850 Burgundie has enough ships to handle the meager exports that [[Canespa]] was producing at the time. But as things began to ramp of the competition became fierce. Companies began to directly compete with each other on what they could export. This is where Tȟatȟáŋka’s knowledge of [[Burgundie]] came in. He knew there culture and he knew their language. Through this Tȟatȟáŋka slowly forged a path through the food market and soon became one of the top producers of food in the area. He made deals with the canal owners in secret, making sure the [[Canasta Company]] could maintain the lowest prices. This slowly bankrupted smaller companies that got absorbed in the [[Canasta Company]]. This was the start of the [[Canasta Company|Canasta Companies]] aggressive control plan, and its how the [[Canasta Company]] would forge its way into the history books.  

=== Aggressive control ===
=== Aggressive control ===
The Canasta Company would soon forge a quantity of wealth larger then anything seen in the Cusinaut prior. Food prices were dropping quickly and Tȟatȟáŋka knew he needed to think fast. With the help of his parter, Wíyaka Kiona, Tȟatȟáŋka Amaru laid out a plan to keep the company from bankruptcy. He made a deal with the major companies who owned large sections of the Qumir Canal's. The deal was that the Canasta Company, one of the largest food companies at the time would get a 50% reduction in all transportation costs. In exchange the company would only transport its crops through the select companies that Tȟatȟáŋka made the deal with. In addition to this the Canasta Company got a 40% rebate on all transportation carried out by other companies. This meant that the deal would be devastating for his competition. Not only would all the other companies have to pay more, but the Canasta Company would also be receiving some of that money. The canal companies even gave Tȟatȟáŋka the information on what all of his competitors were shipping and transporting. This meant he could predict all of the other companies moves and strategically lower prices to bankrupt other companies. Critics of Tȟatȟáŋka Amaru often point out this alliance as a shameless power grab that doomed all of his competitors. But in his eyes he was saving the industry. Prices were dropping so low do to so much competition that food was almost getting handed out for free. Tȟatȟáŋka  wanted the industry to stay healthy and running and he believed that by bankrupting all of the smaller companies he could do this.
The [[Canasta Company]] would soon forge a quantity of wealth larger then anything seen in the [[Cusinaut]] prior. Food prices were dropping quickly and Tȟatȟáŋka knew he needed to think fast. With the help of his parter, Wíyaka Kiona, Tȟatȟáŋka Amaru laid out a plan to keep the company from bankruptcy. He made a deal with the major companies who owned large sections of the Qumir Canal's. The deal was that the [[Canasta Company]], one of the largest food companies at the time would get a 50% reduction in all transportation costs. In exchange the company would only transport its crops through the select companies that Tȟatȟáŋka made the deal with. In addition to this the [[Canasta Company]] got a 40% rebate on all transportation carried out by other companies. This meant that the deal would be devastating for his competition. Not only would all the other companies have to pay more, but the [[Canasta Company]] would also be receiving some of that money. The canal companies even gave Tȟatȟáŋka the information on what all of his competitors were shipping and transporting. This meant he could predict all of the other companies moves and strategically lower prices to bankrupt other companies. Critics of Tȟatȟáŋka Amaru often point out this alliance as a shameless power grab that doomed all of his competitors. But in his eyes he was saving the industry. Prices were dropping so low do to so much competition that food was almost getting handed out for free. Tȟatȟáŋka  wanted the industry to stay healthy and running and he believed that by bankrupting all of the smaller companies he could do this.
[[File:CanastaLogo.jpeg|thumb|Canasta Tobacco Division Logo]]
[[File:CanastaLogo.jpeg|thumb|Canasta Tobacco Division Logo]]
This deal between the two industries was short lived. Rumors of an agriculture cartel soon emerged as the canals prices jumped overnight. People were furious and took to the streets protesting. They threatened to burn the Canasta Companies farms and warehouses and even threaten to clog the canals. So the deal was broken off only 7 months after it started. Tȟatȟáŋka was not phased by this. He realized that if he couldn't take over the industry through backroom deals then he would have to do it with force. He wanted to acquire as much farmland as possible. Though the cartel broke off rumors were still shaking over a secret deal still being in place. People, and especially farm owners were increasing paranoid over this and out of sheer fear. One by one companies lined up to be bought out by the Canasta Company. The other owners were happy to cash in and not risking losing it all to a rumored secret deal. This secret cartel never existed but the rumors none the less helped Tȟatȟáŋka dominate the industry. Whenever an owner agreed to sell their company Tȟatȟáŋka would give them two options, either never enter the industry again, or work for the Canasta Company. The choice was clear and many previous entrepreneurs agreed to join the company. Through this the Canasta Company would dominate the industry with the brightest minds working by its side. Tȟatȟáŋka managed to purchase over 70% of all farmland in Canespa's central river valley.  
This deal between the two industries was short lived. Rumors of an agriculture cartel soon emerged as the canals prices jumped overnight. People were furious and took to the streets protesting. They threatened to burn the [[Canasta Company|Canasta Companies]] farms and warehouses and even threaten to clog the canals. So the deal was broken off only 7 months after it started. Tȟatȟáŋka was not phased by this. He realized that if he couldn't take over the industry through backroom deals then he would have to do it with force. He wanted to acquire as much farmland as possible. Though the cartel broke off rumors were still shaking over a secret deal still being in place. People, and especially farm owners were increasing paranoid over this and out of sheer fear. One by one companies lined up to be bought out by the [[Canasta Company]]. The other owners were happy to cash in and not risking losing it all to a rumored secret deal. This secret cartel never existed but the rumors none the less helped Tȟatȟáŋka dominate the industry. Whenever an owner agreed to sell their company Tȟatȟáŋka would give them two options, either never enter the industry again, or work for the [[Canasta Company]]. The choice was clear and many previous entrepreneurs agreed to join the company. Through this the [[Canasta Company]] would dominate the industry with the brightest minds working by its side. Tȟatȟáŋka managed to purchase over 70% of all farmland in [[Canespa|Canespa's]] central river valley.  

Tȟatȟáŋka Amaru died in 1862 after suffering 3 consecutive strokes. Medicine at the time could not do anything to save him and he died at 82, vary old for the time. Before his death the company snowballed and came to acquire over 60% of Canespa's farmland. After his death the company soon came to hold an almost complete monopoly on the nation. Now with everyone else gone the Canasta Company started to raise price drastically. This came with many protests in the country but these were all wiped out by offering all employs a large discount on the food they bought from the company. Following this everyone wanted to work for the company. Applications spiked and other industries started to face large unemployment. The Canasta Company saw blood in the water. It started to expand into all industries of Canespian society. First it bought out bakeries and taverns. Then it moved onto textiles and lumber. After that it started to monopolize any industry it could. The path was clear, the Canasta Company was about to define Canespa's legacy, and it was about to outstretch its tentacles and take over the nation. Everyone alive at the time knew that an old era was about to end, and a new, much more corporate one would emerge. The Wasi rule was coming to an end.
Tȟatȟáŋka Amaru died in 1862 after suffering 3 consecutive strokes. Medicine at the time could not do anything to save him and he died at 82, vary old for the time. Before his death the company snowballed and came to acquire over 60% of [[Canespa|Canespa's]] farmland. After his death the company soon came to hold an almost complete monopoly on the nation. Now with everyone else gone the [[Canasta Company]] started to raise price drastically. This came with many protests in the country but these were all wiped out by offering all employs a large discount on the food they bought from the company. Following this everyone wanted to work for the company. Applications spiked and other industries started to face large unemployment. The [[Canasta Company]] saw blood in the water. It started to expand into all industries of [[Canespa|Canespian]] society. First it bought out bakeries and taverns. Then it moved onto textiles and lumber. After that it started to monopolize any industry it could. The path was clear, the Canasta Company was about to define [[Canespa|Canespa's]] legacy, and it was about to outstretch its tentacles and take over the nation. Everyone alive at the time knew that an old era was about to end, and a new, much more corporate one would emerge. The Wasi rule was coming to an end.

=== Government control ===
=== Government control ===
Everything the Canasta Company did before controlling the government was child's play on the international level. The Canasta Company through control of the government would soon become one of the most powerful organizations on the planet. Though 100% control of the government did not occur until the 80s. It was ramping up since the early 1910s. Due to a recession in 1917 the government in Canespa started to go bankrupt. On the verge of collapse the government started to accept funding from the company. Soon the government became more and more reliant on the company for economic matters. Through a process that took decades the Canasta Company struck out its tentacles and took control of the Canespian government. Government officials were bribed, laws were fundamentally broken, and the government became addicted to cash injections from the Canasta Company. In exchange the company would be exempt from certain laws and would pay much lower taxes.   
Everything the [[Canasta Company]] did before controlling the government was child's play on the international level. The [[Canasta Company]] through control of the government would soon become one of the most powerful organizations on the planet. Though 100% control of the government did not occur until the 80s. It was ramping up since the early 1910s. Due to a recession in 1917 the government in [[Canespa]] started to go bankrupt. On the verge of collapse the government started to accept funding from the company. Soon the government became more and more reliant on the company for economic matters. Through a process that took decades the [[Canasta Company]] struck out its tentacles and took control of the [[Canespa|Canespian]] government. Government officials were bribed, laws were fundamentally broken, and the government became addicted to cash injections from the [[Canasta Company]]. In exchange the company would be exempt from certain laws and would pay much lower taxes. The [[Wasi King]] saw the treat. But he couldn't care less, the particular manifestation of the king was lazy and uncaring. He only wanted to live the good life and decided to accept the [[Canasta Company|Canasta Companies]] cash injections to keep himself rich. This led to an effect that started from the 1910s and finally ended in the 80s where the [[Canasta Company]] gained more and more control. The end of the [[Wasi king]] would come with the last manifestation taking his life in 1981. He left the earth childless and destitute. With this the [[Canasta Company]] issued one final round of bribes that saw it become the full head of government. Since then the [[Wasi king]] is yet to return to this world, potentially but not completely gone forever. The [[Canasta Company]] from then on would be the one and only hegemon of [[Canespa]] and the [[Cusinaut]]. It would come to define an era, a people. and a place. This is the start of the corporate era of [[Canespa]].   

=== 1980-2000 ===
=== 1980-2000 ===
The [[Canasta Company]] now had more control then it ever had before, soon after taking full control of the government the company started to break up and buy out any industry that hadn't already fallen to its grasp. Through a series of tax increases on other major companies and fraudulent claims being made other companies were torn to shreds. By 1998 the last remaining company outside of the [[Canasta Company]] was bought out and creating another company become completely illegal in the country. After gaining complete control the [[Canasta Company]] had no more lands left to conquer in the country. It had peaked as some would say. But the company had only just completed its first phase. Now that it had the country, it would have to make the country rich and raise the maximum value it could reach. The company started to pour buckets of money into first the school system, then other things like electricity and healthcare. he original executives who first led the country all had lived and learned in foreign lands and were ready to bring that knowledge and prosperity to [[Canespa]].They brought in modern farming equipment and started to issue the creation of research departments. As all of these new developments came in the population exploded. As of 2034 the [[Canespa|Canespian]] population has more than doubled since 1980 and is still skyrocketing. The schooling system was completely reworked later on and a new system for farming was created. Laws were changed and different types of provinces were created. This period is known as the second golden age of [[Canespa]] and is still ongoing.But this isn't a story about Canespa, it's a story about the Canasta Company. And while they might seem to be the same entity, that couldn't be further from the truth. In the next few decades the Canasta Company would start a new project, an international one. Nothing would change though, the Canasta Company was always going to go back to it's old ways of backdoor dealings and shady bribes to further its power. The story of the Canasta Company would not end any time soon.

=== 2000 and onward ===
=== 2000 and onward ===
Following the start of the population boom the [[Canasta Company|Canasta Companies]] ambitions grew. It soon stretched out into [[Maloka]], [[Caracua]] and [[Netansett]]. It even started in portions of [[Burgundie]] and [[Audonia]]. The company started to think bigger and realizing the incredibly fragile situation in [[Varshan]], decided to step in. The story of the company is not just one of corruption bribes and hunger for power. But even since the days of Tȟatȟáŋka Amaru the company has been vary, vary generous to the people it serves. In a move that was both a power grab and a step forward in helping [[Varshan]] the [[Canasta Company]] started to sign many deals with the powers that overlooked the [[Varshan|Varshani]] territory. Through these deals the company would come to be the largest food producer in [[Varshan]] and the rest of the [[Crona]]. In addition to its charity in [[Varshan]] the company has started projects in the [[Isles Evangeline]] in order to help boost the agricultural industry in the area. It helped the people of [[Maloka]] and their struggling economy. The company was vary charitable in that it would seek out any area that was struggling and try to help it out. But even with its charitable nature the companies thirst for more would always drive it to do anything to grow.

== Industry ==
== Industry ==

=== Farming ===
=== Farming ===
Farming is the second industry the company ever dipped its toes into and it has never pulled them out since. The [[Canasta Company]] is the single largest producer of food in the world it produces a total of 750 million metric tones of food each year. This is enough food to feed a vary large portion of the globe and is more then any other organization in history. Its largest sector of farming is potato production followed by wheat.

=== Fishing ===
=== Fishing ===
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=== Daxia ===
=== Daxia ===
In an international deal with Canespa, Daxia agreed to open the borders of Xisheng for transportation as long as an 11% fee was paid on all products passing through. Currently no products are passing through Xisheng.
In an international deal with Canespa, Daxia agreed to open the borders of Xisheng for transportation as long as an 11% fee was paid on all products passing through. Currently no products are passing through Xisheng. Additionally in a recent deal Daxia was officially allowed access to Canespa's territorial waters in order to probe them for potential monetary resources. The Canasta Company has been promised a royalty if any potential resource is found.  

=== Alstin ===
=== Alstin ===
In an international deal with Alstin the company gained access to Purepec Port in Alstin. The port currently handles all crops produced in Varshan that pertain to the Canasta Company.
Following a deal between Canespa and the [[Alstin|United Republic]], the company was permitted access to [[Purépec|the Port of Purépec]] in Alstin. The port currently handles all crops produced in neighboring Varshan that pertain to the Canasta Company.
=== Caphiria ===
=== Bavogia ===
=== Pelaxia ===
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