Istrenya: Difference between revisions

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|established_date5 = August 22, 1961
|established_date5 = August 22, 1961
|area_rank =  
|area_rank =  
|area =              Amount of Pixels x 10 = Area in Sq Mi
|area_km2 =              1092386
|population_estimate = 32,124,217
|population_estimate = 32,124,217
|population_census =  
|population_census =  
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While the chaos in Karaba had surged, the neighboring [[Matokté Tashcanate]] had grown as an even larger threat to the stability of Sokalakee. In response, the House of Tkolúúta implemented itself as the ruling dynasty of Sokalakee. The most powerful figurehead in the House, [[Taka'tila I]], became the Woqali, and ordered the House of Wteke'la be exiled to present-day Malentina, where they remained for the next half-century. Taka'tila's reign as Woqali would only last for a few years, and she would eventually die of an unknown illness in 1352. Her successor, [[Taka'tila II]], was very inexperienced at her position, leading to many faults in military campaigns against rogue qoyalets. In 1357, the first wave of Matokté warriors crossed the Malentine Straits into Karaba, where they completely destroyed the city. The next couple of sackings by the Matokté were spread out carefully so that the Sokalakee would not have ample time to rebuild and regroup, giving the nomadic Tashcanate a major advantage in the conflicts. Taka'tila II's inexperience as a political figurehead allowed her to be easily manipulated by her generals into giving them full control of the Sokalakee military. Despite this, the generals were equally inexperienced, and were mostly using Qabóri tactics and strategies, which were grossly misinterpreted due to the lack of communication from Qabór, and left many soldiers confused and caused internal conflict amongst the Sokalakee armies. This was exactly what the Matokté hoped would happen, and it only increased their advantages tenfold.
While the chaos in Karaba had surged, the neighboring [[Matokté Tashcanate]] had grown as an even larger threat to the stability of Sokalakee. In response, the House of Tkolúúta implemented itself as the ruling dynasty of Sokalakee. The most powerful figurehead in the House, [[Taka'tila I]], became the Woqali, and ordered the House of Wteke'la be exiled to present-day Malentina, where they remained for the next half-century. Taka'tila's reign as Woqali would only last for a few years, and she would eventually die of an unknown illness in 1352. Her successor, [[Taka'tila II]], was very inexperienced at her position, leading to many faults in military campaigns against rogue qoyalets. In 1357, the first wave of Matokté warriors crossed the Malentine Straits into Karaba, where they completely destroyed the city. The next couple of sackings by the Matokté were spread out carefully so that the Sokalakee would not have ample time to rebuild and regroup, giving the nomadic Tashcanate a major advantage in the conflicts. Taka'tila II's inexperience as a political figurehead allowed her to be easily manipulated by her generals into giving them full control of the Sokalakee military. Despite this, the generals were equally inexperienced, and were mostly using Qabóri tactics and strategies, which were grossly misinterpreted due to the lack of communication from Qabór, and left many soldiers confused and caused internal conflict amongst the Sokalakee armies. This was exactly what the Matokté hoped would happen, and it only increased their advantages tenfold.

As Matokté presence grew significantly in Istrenya, many Sokalakee towns and villages saw the same fate as Karaba, and by the end of the 14th century, 75% of Istrenya had been assimilated into Matokté proper. Many Sokalakee nobles fled to the Istrenyan Highlands, and the Woqalate continued as a small pocket of land throughout the southern border with modern-day Tierrador.
As Matokté presence grew significantly in Istrenya, many Sokalakee towns and villages saw the same fate as Karaba, and by the end of the 14th century, 75% of Istrenya had been assimilated into Matokté proper. Many Sokalakee nobles fled to the Istrenyan Highlands, and the Woqalate continued as a small pocket of land throughout the southern border with modern-day Tierrador. Matokté rule had allowed Istrenya to rebuild at a much faster pace than while under Sokalakee, however, the constant warring between the two empires in the central valley of the country made it extremely difficult to remain at a stable state. The political and cultural systems of Sokalakee had been taken over by the Matokté systems, and the people of Sokalakee had been indoctrinated to reject the House of Tkolúúta, which eventually culminated in the fall of the Woqalate in the later 15th century after the House of Tkolúúta fled from the highlands into the Qabóri Woqalate. Ironically, the Sokalakee tribes would begin to push the Matokté out of Istrenya around that same time, and by 1489, the last Matokté ship had left the port of Karaba, for good. After the Matokté withdrawal from the area, the Sokalakee Tribal State was established, which was not governed by a single monarch or ruling house, rather by the chiefs of the many tribes within Sokalakee. This was the first instance of a representative state in South Crona.
The Tribal State was very unstable throughout its 200-year existence. Growing animosity along with economic and cultural disputes between the tribes led to mass tension, which had given the area the nickname of the "Warring Tribes," due to consistent conflicts. Around the middle of the 16th century, the increased presence of Qabóri traders gave way to an unequal economic advantage for most of the tribes on the southern highlands. The acquisition of exotic Qabóri items, along with some goods from Levantia, had enriched the mountainous tribes, while leaving the more northern, coastal tribes to their own abilities, which was not as much due to the pillaging from other tribes. Eventually, the southern tribes would reunite into the [[Qalhéq Kingdom]], which took a large portion of the Istrenyan Highlands, and was one of the richest political entities in Istrenyan history. Using weapons and equipment loaned from Qabór, the Qalhéq Kingdom was able to implement itself as the main entity of Istrenya, expanding its influences to every tribe in the Tribal State. While the Qalhéq state was considered very powerful, they mostly relied on the economic status of the Qabóri Woqalate. When the [[Orixtal Crusade]] began in the mid-17th century, the reduced trading from Qabór practically crippled the Qalhéq Kingdom. Even though the Crusade was a proven victory for the Qabóri-aligned forces and trade with the Qalhéqs had resumed, it was at a fairly reduced rate, and the Kingdom was not able to recover from vast losses economically.

===Early Modern===
===Early Modern===
Arcer influence begins

===[[Istrenyan Crisis|Istrenyan Civil War]]===
Going into the 18th century, the Qalhéq Kingdom had began to modernize at a similar pace as the other South Cronan nations. While the kingdom's economy was in a disastrous state, they were still able to stabilize the various regions of the kingdom and begin working toward a common goal. The agricultural sector of the kingdom, which had always been the area's largest and most profitable industry, had picked up the pace and slowly, but surely, the kingdom had returned back to a similar position that it did during Qabóri colonization. The mid to late-18th century for the kingdom also marked the beginning of influence from [[Levantia]], specifically [[Ardmore|Ardmori traders]] going to and from the Warrington Straits. The city of Karaba served as a major port for Ardmori-Qalhéq relations and economic activity. In 1790, Ardmori settlers established the city of [[Kurst Capital Region|Kurst]], which eventually evolved into the large colony of [[Arcerion]]. Less than half a decade later, the [[Arcer Bush Wars|First Bush War]] had engulfed the entirety of Arcerion's coastal region, which was not very far from Karaba. The seven-year war which culminated in an Ardmori-Arcer victory saw the pushback of many of the native tribes in the [[Earplanne]], which strained relations between the Qalhéq Kingdom and Ardmore/Arcerion. Despite the strained relations, the kingdom had nowhere else to turn to. The Qabóri Woqalate had collapsed, and was at a period of internal conflict between several different states for the majority of the early 19th century. Therefore, the Qalhéq Kingdom, still relying on heavy foreign interference to sustain itself, remained in good relations with Arcerion. The later 19th century saw a massive influx of Arcer settlers. In order to not jeopardize the kingdom's relationship with Arcerion and Ardmore, the comfort of these settlers were prioritized over the indigenous population of the kingdom. In 1831, the term "Istrenya" was coined by Arcer philosopher [[Shane O'Cahan]], as a gross and intoxicated mistranslation of the word "Sokalakee," while O'Cahan was attempting to learn the Sokalakee language. Eventually, most of the newer settlers, and even some of the indigenous population, had began calling the land Istrenya. In 1863, the Qalhéq Kingdom officially changed its name to the Istrenyan Kingdom.
The industrialization of Istrenya had began around this time as well. The first textile factory in the country, located in Karaba, was opened in June of 1864. Istrenya had industrialized rather late compared to its fellow Pan-Qabóri nations, who all began the industrial age over half a century earlier. However, due to Istrenya's relatively low population, along with the heavy reliance on agricultural and fishing sector, and the country's unstable economy, Istrenya was unable to rapidly switch to industrialization. In 1867, Istrenyan construction worker [[Utonél Castl'ye]], unhappy with the industrial switch along with the unfair treatment of the indigenous population in favor of the Arcer colonial population, began to rally many of his indigenous colleagues in local Arcer-built bars. These activities began with harassing Arcer nationals on the streets of Karaba while intoxicated and impaired by [[w:Marijuana|marijuana]], however as Castl'ye's movement began to gain traction, it evolved into a steep divide between Ængles and Indigenous Cronan. Castl'ye and his colleagues unanimously determined that the issue was not solely with Ængles, but also with the Istrenyan monarchy under [[King Lúúta'anic]]. In late August of 1867, Castl'ye founded the [[Sokalakee Liberation Movement]], and led a march of close to 300 construction workers on the streets of Karaba. The Arcer monarchy, however, did not see the SLM as a threat, and ordered the King to have all the workers arrested. The subsequent attempts at making arrests resulted in very large and violent riots, which in turn culminated in the [[Great Karaba Fire]] of 1867. Castl'ye and the SLM managed to flee Karaba amidst all the chaos, and took refuge in a small mining town 15 miles south. There, they managed to rally the town's populace into joining the SLM, and soon, news of the SLM's plans to revolt against Lúúta'anic had spread all across Karaba.
Expecting an insurrection to occur soon, King Lúúta'anic ordered for Karaba to be fortified, with armed guards patrolling the city limits at all times, in hopes of limiting the amount of participants from reaching the city center. Despite this, the second SLM insurrection was nearly four times the size of the last one, and they were quickly able to storm past the King's defenses. Lúúta'anic, shocked by this, fled Karaba on a trade ship to Kurst before the SLM could reach his palace. Once they entered the Karaba city center, Castl'ye declared that the ruling house of Istrenya had no more authority over the land, and established the Republic of Istrenya in its place. Castl'ye implemented itself the first President of Istrenya, and quickly began to distance the country from Arcerion's foreign influence, which marked the end of Ardmori and Arcer psuedo-colonialism over Istrenya. Around this time saw the return of the Qabóri Woqalate, now referred to as Tierrador, back to its former state. Castl'ye met with the [[Woqali of Tierrador]] on numerous occasions. Owing to the vast cultural similarities between the two nations, Castl'ye was able to broker Istrenya's way into the Tierradorian sphere of influence, and quickly established allied relations with [[Porlos]], [[Ceylonia]], and [[Ormatia]]. Another notable though controversial action by Castl'ye was reducing the amount of industrialization of Istrenya, bringing a large swath of the country's economy to a screeching halt. This was met with mixed reactions from Istrenyans, because while Castl'ye saw industrialization as a form of Ardmori imperialism, many Istrenyans had begun to accept the vast economic and societal benefits of industrializing. In 1876, [[Tataía II|Woqali Tataía II]] had convinced Castl'ye to reverse the anti-industrialization policies, in which he did soon after. This led to a massive economic boom for Istrenya entering the 1880s.
Castl'ye's tenure as Istrenya's first president was long and eventful, however it would come to an end in September of 1893, when he died of [[w:Pneumonia|pneumonia]]. His successor, SLM assistant leader [[Natééko Atoba'asi]], immediately took office following his death, and continued on many of the policies that Castl'ye implemented. Istrenya, much like Tierrador, stayed neutral during the [[First Great War]], though was slightly involved in the [[Arcer Bush Wars|Third Bush War]] in late 1903 to 1904. In 1906, Atoba'asi signed into effect a ban on marijuana, a very popular substance used amongst the Istrenyan people. This was considered a catalyst in Atoba'asi's quick exit from office just three years later, though none of his successors made an effort to reverse the ban. In 1912, the [[Qanačee Commerce Group]] was founded by a group of Istrenyan marijuana farmers, and by doing so, they had begun the age of Istrenyan illegal drug trade. The QCG was one of several cartels that would be established during the beginning of the 20th century, and they mostly engaged in trading illicit substances such as marijuana, [[copium]], [[w:Alcoholic beverages|alcoholic drinks]], and [[w:cocaine|cocaine]]. The QCG mostly operated throughout Istrenya, evading Istrenyan authorities, however they began to operate within the borders of other South Cronan nations, most notably Tierrador and Arcerion. This once again strained Istrenya's relationships with both nations, the former of which they considered to be a great ally. By the 1930s, cartel activity had practically taken over daily Istrenyan life. The Istrenyan economy had returned to a disastrous state once again, and a lot of industries lost laborers to drug farming and trade.
===Late Modern===
When Populist leader [[A'kale Treo]] became President in 1954, he began reopening the country to Arcer foreign influence once again. This decision was met with mixed reactions, with the lower-class rejecting what they called "double colonization," both by Tierrador and now Arcerion. Arcer diplomats were given visa-free access to Istrenya under the guise of business activity, however, it is believed that the diplomats were also engaging in commerce with cartels such as the QCG and KB-22. Arcer influence had also attempted to keep many of the Istrenyan middle class wages quite low for the area, and when Istrenyan laborers attempted to unionize against the low wages, President Treo and other government officials were met with pressure from the Arcer government to turn them away. This was the status quo for most of Istrenya for the remainder of the 1950s until an altercation between two Arcer diplomats and unionized farmers left the officials hospitalized after being brutalized. This began a domino effect which culminated in the [[Istrenyan Crisis]]. It was the first all-out conflict on Istrenyan soil since the Great Karaba Fire in 1867. [[Ma'kle Tytosh]], a former aide to President Treo, founded the [[National Istrenyan People's Front]], or NIPF, and sparked riots occurring all over the country. By late 1959, Tytosh had begun the [[March to Karaba]], a movement politicized and publicized as the means from which they would free Istrenya from foreign corporate and political interference.
Arcerion, fearing for the safety of its citizens and interests, responded quickly to the unfolding political crisis in Istrenya by mobilizing its troops in peacekeeping efforts. This was met with fierce resistance from the Tierradorian government, and [[Walakee State|Walakee]] dictator [[Pedro Gomez]] threatened mobilization against Arcer forces, though the mobilization never came. Gomez quickly lost popularity in Istrenya after this supposed empty threat. Meanwhile, Tytosh and the NIPF was able to establish the socialist People's Republic of Istrenya, which was meant to take over the entire country and unite it under a socialist banner.

=== Late Modern ===
Mosquito War
Mosquito War

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==== Contemporary Istrenya ====
==== Contemporary Istrenya ====

== Government ==
== Politics ==
Istrenya is a presidential constitutional republic. It is governed via principles established by the [[1961 Istrenyan Constitution|1961 Constitution]], which features the aforementioned presidential system, a unicameral legislative body, known as the [[National Congress (Istrenya)|National Congress]], which represents the population of Istrenya at-large, and a judicial branch, which consists of the Istrenyan High Court. Despite many of the rights outlined in the 1961 Constitution, most of the political power in the country is held by the executive branch, more specifically by the [[President of Istrenya]]. The country is a unitary state, separated into [[Qoyalets of Istrenya|21 qoyalets]]. The qoyalets, despite not having strong governments, still maintain control over petty bureaucratic affairs within their jurisdiction.
Istrenya is a presidential constitutional republic. It is governed via principles established by the [[1961 Istrenyan Constitution|1961 Constitution]], which features the aforementioned presidential system, a unicameral legislative body, known as the [[National Congress (Istrenya)|National Congress]], which represents the population of Istrenya at-large, and a judicial branch, which consists of the Istrenyan High Court. Despite many of the rights outlined in the 1961 Constitution, most of the political power in the country is held by the executive branch, more specifically by the [[President of Istrenya]]. The country is a unitary state, separated into [[Qoyalets of Istrenya|21 qoyalets]]. The qoyalets, despite not having strong governments, still maintain control over petty bureaucratic affairs within their jurisdiction.

Most of the power in Istrenya is vested in the executive branch of the government. Since 2014, there have been pushes to establish a checks and balances system within the government, however despite all of the progress that has been made, there is still a large gap between the executive branch and the rest of the government. The current President of Istrenya is [[M’Kole Tysh’le]], who has been in power since 2025. The president is usually selected through a free election process, which occurs every four years since 1961. Every Istrenyan National over the age of 17 is required to cast a vote in the presidential election, incurring a fine of 550 Istrenyan Pounds (or $150) for not participating. The president of Istrenya is the commander-in-chief of the Istrenyan military, is able to issue an suspensive veto to legislative bills before they become law, which the National Congress would be unable to override, and appoints the members of the Executive Offices along with other government officials, who administer and enforce Istrenyan laws and policies through their respective agencies. The Constitution does not mention term limits for the president, therefore it is common to see Istrenyan presidents serving until death.
Most of the power in Istrenya is vested in the executive branch of the government. Since 2014, there have been pushes to establish a checks and balances system within the government, however despite all of the progress that has been made, there is still a large gap between the executive branch and the rest of the government. The current President of Istrenya is [[M’Kole Tysh’le]], who has been in power since 2025. The president is usually selected through a free election process, which occurs every four years since 1961. Every Istrenyan National over the age of 17 is required to cast a vote in the presidential election, incurring a fine of 550 Istrenyan Pounds (or $150) for not participating. The president of Istrenya is the commander-in-chief of the Istrenyan military, is able to issue an suspensive veto to legislative bills before they become law, which the National Congress would be unable to override, and appoints the members of the Executive Offices along with other government officials, who administer and enforce Istrenyan laws and policies through their respective agencies. The Constitution does not mention term limits for the president, therefore it is common to see Istrenyan presidents serving until death.

The legislative branch of Istrenya is mainly composed of the National Congress, a unicameral legislature which is responsible for drafting, deciding, and enforcing legislations throughout the entire country. As of 2035, there are 331 representatives serving in the National Congress. Elections for the National Congress take place in the same cycle as the presidential election, however the National Congress elections take place in the winter of that election year, as opposed to the presidential election taking place in the spring of said year. Similar to the presidential election, all Istrenyan nationals are required to vote, however the penalty for not voting in this election is less severe, only incurring a fine of 100 Istrenyan Pounds (or around $30). Unlike the president, the 1961 Constitution establishes limits of three 4-year terms, or 12 years, for representatives of the National Congress, however it is very rare to see a representative serve more than two full terms.
The legislative branch of Istrenya is mainly composed of the National Congress, a unicameral legislature which is responsible for drafting, deciding, and enforcing legislations throughout the entire country. As of 2035, there are 331 representatives serving in the National Congress. Elections for the National Congress take place in the same cycle as the presidential election, however the National Congress elections take place in the winter of that election year, as opposed to the presidential election taking place in the spring of said year. Similar to the presidential election, all Istrenyan nationals are required to vote, however the penalty for not voting in this election is less severe, only incurring a fine of 100 Istrenyan Pounds (or around $30). Unlike the president, the 1961 Constitution establishes limits of three 4-year terms, or 12 years, for representatives of the National Congress, however it is very rare to see a representative serve more than two full terms.

===Local governance===
===Administrative divisions===
[[File:Istrenya qoyalets.png|thumb|Map of Istrenya's 21 Qoyalets]]
[[File:Istrenya qoyalets.png|thumb|Map of Istrenya's 21 Qoyalets]]

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Despite the majority of the nation being in a particularly warm climate, [[w:ice hockey|ice hockey]] is the second most popular sport in Istrenya. Hockey is watched by 10 million Istrenyans, which is almost one-third of the country’s population. The country has one [[Orixtal Hockey League|OHL club]], the [[Karaba Mountaineers]], which began play in 1998 and is the most popular Istrenyan hockey team. Istrenya also has a major junior hockey league, the [[Istrenyan Hockey League]], which is contested by 18 teams and is one of the four leagues of the [[South Cronan Hockey League]], which serves as a direct feeder league to the [[OHL Draft]]. Some notable Istrenyan OHL players include [[Akolá Tuka]], [[L’Kelek Chavez]], [[Aphío Waso’k]], and [[Fred Y’kasak]]. Other notable Istrenyan OHL personnel include [[Levar Xirótin]], who is of [[Coscivian civilisation|Coscivian]] descent and serves as the head coach for the [[Wadičaq Phantoms]].
Despite the majority of the nation being in a particularly warm climate, [[w:ice hockey|ice hockey]] is the second most popular sport in Istrenya. Hockey is watched by 10 million Istrenyans, which is almost one-third of the country’s population. The country has one [[Orixtal Hockey League|OHL club]], the [[Karaba Mountaineers]], which began play in 1998 and is the most popular Istrenyan hockey team. Istrenya also has a major junior hockey league, the [[Istrenyan Hockey League]], which is contested by 18 teams and is one of the four leagues of the [[South Cronan Hockey League]], which serves as a direct feeder league to the [[OHL Draft]]. Some notable Istrenyan OHL players include [[Akolá Tuka]], [[L’Kelek Chavez]], [[Aphío Waso’k]], and [[Fred Y’kasak]]. Other notable Istrenyan OHL personnel include [[Levar Xirótin]], who is of [[Coscivian civilisation|Coscivian]] descent and serves as the head coach for the [[Wadičaq Phantoms]].

== Demographics ==

As of 2035, Istrenya has an estimated population of 32,167,499. The country is an outlier in terms of development, being one of the least developed countries in South Crona, with some areas of the country having one of the highest rates of poverty in the region. Despite this, Istrenya has relatively stable natural population growth, and efforts have been made to assist lower-income communities throughout the country. As of October 2031, Istrenya's fertility rate declined slightly to 1.72 children per woman, below the replacement rate of 2.04, and considerably below the high of 3.19 in 1940. Istrenya's fertility rate and crude birth rate nonetheless remain among the highest in South Crona. Istrenya has a very young population as well, with the average age being 32.6 years, along with one-fifth of the country being younger than 40. The average life expectancy is relatively high despite its shortcomings in development, at about 71.9 years.
As of 2035, Istrenya has an estimated population of 32,167,499. The country is an outlier in terms of development, being one of the least developed countries in South Crona, with some areas of the country having one of the highest rates of poverty in the region. Despite this, Istrenya has relatively stable natural population growth, and efforts have been made to assist lower-income communities throughout the country. As of October 2031, Istrenya's fertility rate declined slightly to 1.72 children per woman, below the replacement rate of 2.04, and considerably below the high of 3.19 in 1940. Istrenya's fertility rate and crude birth rate nonetheless remain among the highest in South Crona. Istrenya has a very young population as well, with the average age being 32.6 years, along with one-fifth of the country being younger than 40. The average life expectancy is relatively high despite its shortcomings in development, at about 71.9 years.
