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===Early Modern===
===Early Modern===
The turn of the 14th century established the Kingdom of Septemontes as a major component of western Almadaria; the turn of the 16th century established it as a major power of Vallos. The  
The turn of the 14th century established the Kingdom of Septemontes as a major component of western Almadaria; the turn of the 16th century established it as a major power of Vallos. Bolstered by a close and bordering on parternalistic relationship with the Vagercatores, or Merchant Kingdoms, and itself under the maritime umbrella of the [[Oustec]], the Kingdom of Septemontes traded along the western shores of [[Vallos]], reaching even far enough to access the sophisticated luxury resources of mainland [[Sarpedon]]. Silver, limes and spices, and leathers from the burgeoning rancher culture forming in the Astol Plains were loaded onto indigenously-built trade ships, sent across the sea in exchange for luxury textiles, new crops, and ideas readily taken in by the advantage-seeking Kingdom of Septemontes. The dogma of the Kingdom was changed, and with the Catholic Church and increasing sophistication of the monarchy, the newly-coronated House of Duque seemingly embraced the example of the [[House de Weluta|de Welutas]]. The Kingdom of Septemontes, under Asunción Duque I and Asunción Duque II, underwent reform to streamline royal authority within the Kingdom and amalgamate its constituents, including the Kingdom of Auctodoria, the Vagercatores, and more recent territorial additions.     
Riding the boom in prosperity in the early half of the 1500s, the Kingdom of Septemontes set its sights to Vallos as a whole. Near-modern [[Oustec|Oustecian]] ships loaned in exchange for Septemontes textiles and cattle bolstered the navy of the Kingdom, giving them an edge against what was perceived to be the most logical route for expansion; the Polynesians. The extent of the so-called 'Polynesian Kingdoms' as they were homogenously called, stretched south beyond the territory of the [[Neo-Tainean Empire]] and the Gulf of Natsolea which until that point had been the foremost barrier to invasion, and with the land also came cash crops, more mineral wealth, and labor (which beyond the economic benefit, also lay a reward in converting the heathens). The 'Polynesian Kingdoms' were primarily the Riiti Kingdom in the north, the Poutu Kingdoms in the east, and Whakaparu Kingdom in the southwest; the first came under attack in 1553, starting the [[Polynesian Wars]] (1553-1668). Unlike earlier conquests of Septemontes, the cultural and religious differences led to a drastically different result. The soldiery were not only warriors, but explorers and proponents of Catholicism; conversion and massacre went hand in hand. The Royal Army of Septemontes sent heavily armed raiders that easily overwhelmed their southern neighbors, weakened from lack of trade and the Septemontes advantage of gunpowder and horses, as a vanguard for the settlers, missionaries, and administrators that followed.   
The relative success of the Polynesian Wars bolstered the image of the Kingdom of Septemontes, allowing ''Rei'' Asunción Duque II to incorporate the Neo-Tainean Empire under their tutelage through the Barrienda Compact of 1588 and expand their influence over Vallos subcontinent. Riding this wave of power and influence, the Reis of Septemontes rapidly involved themselves, mostly in conflicts, in the affairs of Vallos as a whole, ranging from interventions on behalf of the Kingdom of Oustec to participation in the Southern Route, often selling Polynesians conquered during war to depopulate and remove resistance to Septemontes settlement.                                 
Meanwhile, many monarchs of the House of Duque chose to look inward. Against the backdrop of expansionism and prosperity, Catholicism became more of a driving force in Septemontes. In order to bridge the divide between the Tainean and ex-Latin populations, the Catholic Church of Almadaria in full support with the House of Duque sought to embrace the hybrid culture of the two living in Septemontes lands; this new  force, compacted around the Church, became ‘cuasliatino’. The Decree of Asunción Duque I of 1538 made Latino-Tainean the language of the royal court and that of the land, though often pidgins between Latin and Tainean languages were used in day-to-day life. Developing in tandem, however, with the cultural programs and movements of Cuasilatino-ism and the ethnic alliance between Tainean and Latin was a more volatile racial supremacist ideology predicating itself on Cuasilatino– in this view, Cuasilatinos were bestowed the right to rule over the stretch of Undecimvirate-controlled Vallos (as there were no direct, ‘pure’ descendents of the Latin invaders), the evidence of this being the success of rapidly-unifying Septemontes over all other groups in Vallos with the rise of the pirate kingdoms. Moreover, the ''Rei'' of Septemontes, by the workings of the court, was not necessarily a privilege afforded to royal heritage but rather on ethnic grounds– hence the usage of common names in their rulers. This worked to further solidify the Kingdom by legitimizing itself not only on religious but racial grounds.                                 
This is not to say that, despite the outgrouping of all others, that the ethnic alliance that fell under the umbrella ‘Cuasilatino’ was by any means on even ground. ''Rei'' Godofredo Velasquez (1619-1649) instituted a system of ''Herasure'', or ‘Fairness’, which is to mean a system of preferentially appointing fair-skinned (typically those that fall more on the ‘Latin’ side of the Cuasilatino spectrum) denizens over their more Tainean counterparts. This policy, eventually turned ''de facto'' law of the land, extended towards even provincial administrators and bureaucrats, reserving most government positions for Latin-passing subjects. This pressed many Taineans, mixed Cuasilatinos, and long-since naturalized Polynesians to the bottom of the social hierarchy that extended from the royal gardens to agricultural settlements. This system of discrimination was especially prominent in the unification of the Neo-Tainean Empire, where many Neotaineans saw their lands seized and their status lower than even the Kingdom of Septemontes’ Taineans.                 
====Oustec Entanglements====
====Oustec Entanglements====
The positive relationship between the Kings of Oustec and the Reis of Septemontes was important to both, but it necessarily demanded compromise on both sides. Security on their southern and northern frontiers respectively was a mutual goal; in 1598 the Kingdom of Septemontes lended portions of its Royal Army to the capture and handoff of Arona. Once this was completed, and Septemontes looked beyond its Polynesian borderlands, the tax instituted by Oustec on their foreign policy became their agricultural support for their ally and involvement in their wars. In 1601, the Kingdom of Septemontes entered the long-running Levantine Resistance War (1598-1684), a low-intensity conflict against encroaching Burgundii groups on the side of the Kingdom of Oustec. Meanwhile,
====Barrienda Compact and Unification====
====Barrienda Compact and Unification====
====Meridonial War and Collapse of the House of Duque====
===New Republic===
===New Republic===

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===Foreign Affairs===
===Foreign Affairs===
Established by the Constitution of Almadaria, the basis of national defense is embodied by the [[Armed Forces of Almadaria]] (FAA). Tracing its lineage from the twentieth-century Republican Army and the Royal Army of Septemontes, the Armed Forces of Almadaria comprises of the Almadarian Land Forces, the Navy, and the Air Forces as its main components. Control of the FAA lies under the jurisdiction of the President and the [[Ministry of Defense (Almadaria)|Ministry of Defense]], though as an institution it is obliged to defend and protect the Constitution.   

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=== Employment, Growth Rate, and Inflation ===
=== Employment, Growth Rate, and Inflation ===
The LFPR (labor force participation rate) since 2010 for Almadaria has hovered around 83.2%, or a labor pool of approximately 40,600,000, largely in part due to early employment (the average Almadarian typically acquires a job around age 16) and an abundant minimal-labor job market which suits itself for longer life and later retirement. Since the economic recovery from the 2018 recession, unemployment has maintained consistent around 11%, contributed to by expansive government-funded social networks, including healthcare. Inflation has historically been a problem of the Almadarian economy, afflicting the nation periodically in the 20th Century, but increased financialization and government regulation have minimized the variation in value of the [[Valverde]], limiting inflation by 3.55% every year. Growth in the public sector of the economy typically trails behind the normally-successful private sector, due to government focus and investment being prioritized there.  
The LFPR (labor force participation rate) since 2010 for Almadaria has hovered around 83.2%, or a labor pool of approximately 40,600,000, largely in part due to early employment (the average Almadarian typically acquires a job around age 16) and an abundant minimal-labor job market which suits itself for longer life and later retirement. Since the economic recovery from the 2018 recession, unemployment has maintained consistent around 11%, contributed to by expansive government-funded social networks, including healthcare. Inflation has historically been a problem of the Almadarian economy, afflicting the nation periodically in the 20th Century, but increased financialization and government regulation have minimized the variation in value of the [[Valverde]], limiting inflation by 3.55% every year. Growth in the public sector of the economy typically trails behind the normally-successful private sector, due to government focus and investment being prioritized there.

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===Industries and Sectors===
===Industries and Sectors===
The services sector of the Almadarian economy is its strongest, led first and foremost by its financial services industry, as well as the telecommunications industry and information technology industry, followed closely by a mature retail industry and real estate market.  Initially agricultural, Almadaria experienced a brief period of industrialization before rapidly financializing in the later period of the 20th Century. The core of the sudden shift towards financialization lies in the early origins of the Almadarian banking system in the ''Vagercatores'', or the Merchant Kingdoms, that emerged after the fall of the Caphirian Undecimvirate, with the first bank in Almadaria founded in Interumina in 1549. After the [[Second Great War]], the Edmundo Virgen Administration (1948-58) led the charge towards increased financialization of the economy in an attempt to sidestep increasing agricultural and mineral preponderance of Almadaria's neighbors and the developed and first-class manufacturing economies of the Burgoignac [[Equatorial Ostiecia]]. This way, necessary political and societal reforms that made up President Virgen's administrative platform could be funded without being dependent on mineral, energy, or up-till-then uncompetitive industries. It was during this time the CLN passed several banking secrecy laws in the 1950's, which began to attract futures contracts for the real mineral resources of Almadaria. The increased investment was then used to double down on financial infrastructure, beginning the so-called cycle of a 'runaway' financial economy while the government used the dividends for small, sophisticated projects.     
The services sector of the Almadarian economy is its strongest, led first and foremost by its financial services industry, as well as the telecommunications industry and information technology industry, followed closely by a mature retail industry and real estate market.  Initially agricultural, Almadaria experienced a brief period of industrialization before rapidly financializing in the later period of the 20th Century. The core of the sudden shift towards financialization lies in the early origins of the Almadarian banking system in the ''Vagercatores'', or the Merchant Kingdoms, that emerged after the fall of the Caphirian Undecimvirate, with the first bank in Almadaria founded in Interumina in 1549. After the [[Second Great War]], the Edmundo Virgen Administration (1948-58) led the charge towards increased financialization of the economy in an attempt to sidestep increasing agricultural and mineral preponderance of Almadaria's neighbors and the developed and first-class manufacturing economies of the Burgoignac [[Equatorial Ostiecia]]. This way, necessary political and societal reforms that made up President Virgen's administrative platform could be funded without being dependent on mineral, energy, or up-till-then uncompetitive industries. It was during this time the CLN passed several banking secrecy laws in the 1950's, which began to attract futures contracts for the real mineral resources of Almadaria. The increased investment was then used to double down on financial infrastructure, beginning the so-called cycle of a 'runaway' financial economy while the government used the dividends for small, sophisticated projects.     
==== Agriculture and Fishing ====
==== Mining ====
==== Energy ====
==== Manufacturing ====
==== Construction ====

==== Financial Services ====
==== Financial Services ====
The financial services economy collects the lion's share of domestic and foreign investment, growth, and policy focus. There are more than 411 distinct financial firms and cooperatives in Almadaria, from which come seven of the ten richest Almadarian citizens. The financial services come primarily in the form of banking in its commercial and investment forms, as well as financial exports, insurance, foreign exchange brokerage, as well as advising and analysis. [[Grupo Caballero]], an Almadarian firm worth 34.6 billion [[Universal Standard dollar|USD]], provides accounting services to international organizations such as the [[Vallosian Economic Association]].   
The financial services economy collects the lion's share of domestic and foreign investment, growth, and policy focus. There are more than 411 distinct financial firms and cooperatives in Almadaria, from which come seven of the ten richest Almadarian citizens. The financial services come primarily in the form of banking in its commercial and investment forms, as well as financial exports, insurance, foreign exchange brokerage, as well as advising and analysis. [[Grupo Caballero]], an Almadarian firm worth 34.6 billion [[Universal Standard dollar|USD]], provides accounting services to international organizations such as the [[Vallosian Economic Association]].   
''What exchange systems are used within your country's economy?''
==== Telecommunications ====
''How do people in your country procure medical care? How is it paid for?''
==== Information Technology ====
''How do people in your country get around? Is there a major highway system as well as sea- and airports?''
==== Retail ====
''What type of energy keeps your nation going? Are you renewable or use fossil fuels, and if you are renewable, how recently did your country transition?''
==== Real Estate ====
''How advanced is your country? Is it an innovator, or does it largely import new developments?''
==== Education ====
==== Research and Development ====
==== Public Sector ====
Transportation, public health and healthcare
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