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By the time the Liang kingdom was reunifying under the leadership of northern elites, the Shang state was leading its own efforts to reunify the lands of the old Xie dynasty. The very first attested instance of [[Daxia]]n habitation of the Guangbei plains to the north is from an Shang dynasty imperial proclamation in 220 CE; granting official town status to the city of Brink which sits at the southern mouth of the Hongse river. Imperial surveyors traveled northbound along the eastern bank of the river encountering small nomadic settlements, its people probably related to the [[Degei Confederation|Degei tribesmen]] living across the river. Imperial authorities erected five wooden forts alongside the river to serve as frontier posts, this territory would be known thereafter as the Right-Bank Frontier province with Brink serving as its first seat. Brink and its hinterlands were dominated by the Houxi clan, linked by marriage to the Imperial family by marriage to a second cousin of the Emperor Cao Mei. The Houxi were thus the beneficiaries of imperial patronage and their province received generous subventions that it otherwise would not be granted given its low population. From 803 CE onwards the Houxi held a monopoly on the office of Imperial Viceroy. It was Viceroy Chang Houxi who first ordered an expedition be mounted across to the other side of the Hongse into what is known as the Koron forest, where Huoxi began setting up numerous logging camps. The exploitation of forested areas became an important source of revenue for the Houxi family who built a palisade and town named Hochi across the river to serve as the logistic center of the operation. The lands ruled by the Huoxi served as advanced posts of Shang dynasty expansion into the Guangbei plains.
By the time the Liang kingdom was reunifying under the leadership of northern elites, the Shang state was leading its own efforts to reunify the lands of the old Xie dynasty. The very first attested instance of [[Daxia]]n habitation of the Guangbei plains to the north is from an Shang dynasty imperial proclamation in 220 CE; granting official town status to the city of Brink which sits at the southern mouth of the Hongse river. Imperial surveyors traveled northbound along the eastern bank of the river encountering small nomadic settlements, its people probably related to the [[Degei Confederation|Degei tribesmen]] living across the river. Imperial authorities erected five wooden forts alongside the river to serve as frontier posts, this territory would be known thereafter as the Right-Bank Frontier province with Brink serving as its first seat. Brink and its hinterlands were dominated by the Houxi clan, linked by marriage to the Imperial family by marriage to a second cousin of the Emperor Cao Mei. The Houxi were thus the beneficiaries of imperial patronage and their province received generous subventions that it otherwise would not be granted given its low population. From 803 CE onwards the Houxi held a monopoly on the office of Imperial Viceroy. It was Viceroy Chang Houxi who first ordered an expedition be mounted across to the other side of the Hongse into what is known as the Koron forest, where Huoxi began setting up numerous logging camps. The exploitation of forested areas became an important source of revenue for the Houxi family who built a palisade and town named Hochi across the river to serve as the logistic center of the operation. The lands ruled by the Huoxi served as advanced posts of Shang dynasty expansion into the Guangbei plains.

Shang officials regarded the southern lands held by the Liang kingdom as Shang territory, they held that as the conquerors of Old Sui, the lands belonged now to Shang. A long epistolary conflict occurred for an entire year, with officials on both sides trading both legalistic arguments and barbs by letter. When one Liang minister undiplomatically referred to the Shang emperor as a ''cow in heat'', war became inevitable. By this point the Shang dynasty had subjugated all of the [[Daxia]]n heartlands and possessed a large and well seasoned army. From its base in the southern Guangbei plains, Shang dynasty forces ravaged the southern Liang lands and incorporating all of the territory previously managed by the Neng dynasty. The northern part of the kingdom which was divided into several dozen semi-independent commanderies was definitely conquered by 825 through a combination of bribery, marriage alliance and short sieges. Part of the Liang kingdom was administratively absorbed into the Right-Bank Frontier province and ruled from Brink while the lower third was reorganized into Sui province.
Shang officials regarded the southern lands held by the Liang kingdom as Shang territory, they held that as the conquerors of Old Sui, the lands belonged now to Shang. A long epistolary conflict occurred for an entire year, with officials on both sides trading both legalistic arguments and barbs by letter. When one Liang minister undiplomatically referred to the Shang emperor as a ''cow in heat'', war became inevitable. By this point the Shang dynasty had subjugated all of the [[Daxia]]n heartlands and possessed a large and well seasoned army. From its base in the southern Guangbei plains, Shang dynasty forces ravaged the southern Liang lands and incorporating all of the territory previously managed by the Neng dynasty. The northern part of the kingdom which was divided into several dozen semi-independent commanderies was definitely conquered by 825 through a combination of bribery, marriage alliance and short sieges. Part of the Liang kingdom was administratively absorbed into the Right-Bank Frontier province and ruled from Brink while the lower third was reorganized into Sui province. The region held special importance due to the conquests of the [[Oduniyyad Caliphate]], which advanced to the borders of Guangbei which required the Chen dynasty to expend precious resources to garrison the border and the as of yet fairly depopulated province. The crumbling of Oduniyyad central authority in [[Audonia]] during 860 brought no respite as the new Muslim dynasties that filled in the power vacuum proved equally inclined to wage holy wars as a method of cementing their legitimacy. Parts of the territory west of the Hongse exchanged hands several times, as a result some settling of Muslim peoples took hold.

The region held special importance due to the conquests of the [[Oduniyyad Caliphate]], which advanced to the borders of Guangbei which required the Chen dynasty to expend precious resources to garrison the border and the as of yet fairly depopulated province. The crumbling of Oduniyyad central authority in [[Audonia]] during 860 brought no respite as the new Muslim dynasties that filled in the power vacuum proved equally inclined to wage holy wars as a method of cementing their legitimacy.
===United Cities era===
===United Cities era===
[[File:Tropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber 2766-3 Smeedijzeren slavenhalsboei.jpg|thumb|Slave collar used during the [[United Cities]] period. Slavery was the mainstay of the economy of the [[United Cities]].]]
[[File:Tropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute Objectnumber 2766-3 Smeedijzeren slavenhalsboei.jpg|thumb|Slave collar used during the [[United Cities]] period. Slavery was the mainstay of the economy of the [[United Cities]].]]
Generalized unrest within the [[Daxia|Chen dynasty]] began in 877 with a series of would be usurpers, collectively known as the Four Great Impostors. The most powerful of this was a nobleman by the name of Tengu Peg-Leg who took control over the city of [[Heng]]. His rebellion spread like wildfire across the north and [[Brink]]'s Huoxi clan were among the first noble families to pay him homage. Tengu's assassination marked the end of his Northern Shang state and its transformation into the confederation of the [[United Cities]], of which [[Brink]] and its environs were a founding member. In this period the city of [[Bianyuan]] was known as Brink and functioned as a mostly independent city-state and all the territory in the northwest of the [[United Cities]] was under its hegemony. The practice of slavery was imported from [[Heng]] and the Huoxi clan became one of the great slaver families of the region, taking people into bondage from far and wide. Under the loose coalition of cities, taxation was much lower than under Imperial rule, boosting the economy of the city. Brink-Bianyuan began establishing colonies and cities across modern day Canpei to feed itself and source whatever it could not acquire locally. Over time a localized identity would emerge, with interlocking feelings of patriotism between the colonies and the mother city.
Generalized unrest within the [[Daxia|Chen dynasty]] began in 877 with a series of would be usurpers, collectively known as the Four Great Impostors. The most powerful of this was a nobleman by the name of Tengu Peg-Leg who took control over the city of [[Heng]]. His rebellion spread like wildfire across the north and [[Brink]]'s Huoxi clan were among the first noble families to pay him homage. Tengu's assassination marked the end of his Northern Shang state and its transformation into the confederation of the [[United Cities]], of which [[Brink]] and its environs were a founding member. In this period the city of Brink and functioned as a mostly independent city-state and all the territory in the northwest of the [[United Cities]] was under its hegemony. The practice of slavery was imported from [[Heng]] and the Huoxi clan became one of the great slaver families of the region, taking people into bondage from far and wide. Under the loose coalition of cities, taxation was much lower than under Imperial rule, boosting the economy of the city. Brink-Bianyuan began establishing colonies and cities across modern day Canpei to feed itself and source whatever it could not acquire locally.

During the wars of reclamation by the [[Daxia|Zhong dynasty]], Brink and its colonies supplied a great deal of resources and manpower to the armies of the [[United Cities]], with the Warmaster who fought the second invasion to a standstill being of Brink's Huoxi clan. The deterioration of the United Citie's ruling class into despotism and debauchery, the degeneration of its armies into mobs of armed slaves with no morale and conflict between the cities marked the entry of the confederation into a terminal spiral that would see it conquered in the third Zhong invasion. As the furthest from the frontier, Brink was the last major city to come under attack, being starved into submission in 1215. The Huoxi clan was exterminated and almost half of the city's inhabitants expelled from the city. For the next hundred years Brink would become nothing more than a frontier outpost and backwater.
During the wars of reclamation by the [[Daxia|Zhong dynasty]], Brink and its dependencies supplied a great deal of resources and manpower to the armies of the [[United Cities]], with the Warmaster who fought the second invasion to a standstill being of Brink's Huoxi clan. The deterioration of the [[United Cities]] ruling class into despotism and debauchery, the degeneration of its armies into mobs of armed slaves with no morale and conflict between the cities marked the entry of the confederation into a terminal spiral that would see it conquered in the third Zhong invasion. As the furthest from the frontier, Brink was one of the last major cities to come under attack, being starved into submission in 1215. The Huoxi clan was exterminated and almost half of the city's inhabitants expelled from the city. For the next hundred years Brink would become nothing more than a frontier outpost and backwater.
===Imperial rule===
===Imperial rule===
Reorganized as a frontier military province under the name of Guangbei, the region began to gather the renewed attention of central authorities due to the military advances of the [[Oduniyyad Caliphate]] successor states in western [[Alshar]] and fall of the reconstituted Nasrid state, which was under vassalage of the [[Daxia|Zhong dynasty]]. Hundreds of thousands of settler families were moved into the province to reinforce its defenses, quickly tilting the demographic trends against the original nomad inhabitants who ended up almost wholly absorbed by the newcomers. The fall of the new kingdom of Nasrad in XXXX turned Guangbei into an active front against the [[Ghanim]] sultanate and an imperial army was stationed there on a permanent basis. Most of the province east of the Hongse was devastated in the first Zhong-Ghanim war which saw Muslim forces push east up to the river before their crossing attempts were defeated.
[[File:MongolCavalrymen.jpg|thumb|[[Degei Confederation|Degei]] mounted archers in the service of the Prince of Guangbei in a hunt.]]
Reorganized as a frontier military province under the name of Guangbei, the region began to gather the renewed attention of central authorities due to the military advances of the [[Oduniyyad Caliphate]] successor states in western [[Audonia]] and the fall of the reconstituted Nasrid state, which was under vassalage of the [[Daxia|Zhong dynasty]]. Hundreds of thousands of settler families were moved into the province to reinforce its defenses, quickly tilting the demographic trends against the original nomad inhabitants who ended up almost wholly absorbed by the newcomers. The fall of the new kingdom of Nasrad in 1278 turned Guangbei into an active front against the [[Ghanim]] sultanate and an imperial army was stationed there on a permanent basis. Most of the province west of the Hongse was once again devastated in the first Zhong-Ghanim war which saw Muslim forces push east up to the river before their crossing attempts were defeated. As the local elites had not yet fully recovered from the purge of the Huoxi clan, discussions on what to do with the province took place, the need for strong leadership at the local level was clear. Emperor Huichen's younger brother, an impetuous prince by the name of Tao volunteered himself to 'tame the border' in his brother's name, an offer that was taken at face value.
At this point the province of Guangbei became an hereditary appanage of Emperor [[Huichen]]'s only full blood brother, Prince Tao. As ruler of Guangbei, Tao also had command of significant military forces to protect the western and northern borders of the empire from invading forces circumventing the Arik mountains to the south and attacking through the flat plains. The rule of Tao and his descendants over the province brought much development to the localities under their possession, a royal paved road was built from Sui province in the south all the way to the old lands of the Liang in the far north and a system of ferries were built to traverse and ferry goods via the Hongse river. Many stone bridges were constructed across and forts built on both ends for defense and customs checks during this period. Over the years the court of the Princes of Guangbei also began to adopt some of the cultural practices of the [[Degei Confederation|Degei]] and 'Northern Daxian' peoples that were their subjects, for example they adopted as one of their titles the [[Degei Confederation|Degei]]'s Atabeg and certain Liang fashion styles. In general the Princes of Guangbei were faithful to the imperial center even as their original Zhong blood diluted over time. By the fall of the Zhong dynasty, the old loyalty was frayed and there was only a desultory act of support for the Zong against the rising tide of the Qian dynasty. When Qian messengers arrived at [[Brink]] to demand the submission of Guangbei, the Prince Tong acquiesced without fuss, an act which the Qian rewarded with confirmation of his position and a scepter of carved jade.
Guangbei was in several ways a testing ground for policies the Qian would later replicate in other parts of their growing colonial empire, official toleration of Guangbei's Muslims on the western plains was later applied on [[Truk]] specifically because it worked in pacifying these populations in Guangbei. Guangbei's local territorial army had a greater proportion of non-[[Daxia]]ns than was the norm in other parts of the empire, their way of handling and training native recruits was later used in Qian [[Peratra]]. All things considered the Qian period was a time of expanding urbanization of Guangbei and relative prosperity, although the sedentarization of the local tribal peoples brought some social discord, as did imperial taxation.
===Modern era===
===Modern era===
====Disintegration of Imperial authority====
====Disintegration of Imperial authority====
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The National Union of Canpei(NUC) is the largest and oldest party in the High Council of State. An avowed conservative party, it leans towards traditional values and moderate state intervention in economic affairs. However unlike typical conservative parties, the NUC does not heavily feature nationalist themes in its ideology. After the [[Daxia]]n invasion that restored it into government, the party 'sanitized' its foundational documents and adopted an almost subservient direction to [[Daxia]]n priorities. The NUC has a two thirds majority on the High Council. Opposition to the ruling NUC comes from a variety of smaller parties such as the centrist Party of the Democratic Center and the leftist Broad Leftist Front. Both of these parties are under constant political and judicial pressure, losing their party registry several times, having some of their leaders and lawmakers arrested under various charges such as 'slandering the judiciary'. Another smaller party that has gained in popularity with some sectors is the Unification Party, its main goal being unification with [[Daxia]], for reasons of historical ties and claims that Canpei would be much better off economically in a real union with its southern neighbor.
The National Union of Canpei(NUC) is the largest and oldest party in the High Council of State. An avowed conservative party, it leans towards traditional values and moderate state intervention in economic affairs. However unlike typical conservative parties, the NUC does not heavily feature nationalist themes in its ideology. After the [[Daxia]]n invasion that restored it into government, the party 'sanitized' its foundational documents and adopted an almost subservient direction to [[Daxia]]n priorities. The NUC has a two thirds majority on the High Council. Opposition to the ruling NUC comes from a variety of smaller parties such as the centrist Party of the Democratic Center and the leftist Broad Leftist Front. Both of these parties are under constant political and judicial pressure, losing their party registry several times, having some of their leaders and lawmakers arrested under various charges such as 'slandering the judiciary'. Another smaller party that has gained in popularity with some sectors is the Unification Party, its main goal being unification with [[Daxia]], for reasons of historical ties and claims that Canpei would be much better off economically in a real union with its southern neighbor.
[[File:UB_downtown.jpg|thumb|City of [[Brink]], capital and important economic hub of Canpei.]]
[[File:Erdenet_01.jpg|thumb|City of Erden in Jizhou province.]]
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[[File:UB_downtown.jpg|thumb|City of [[Brink]], important economic hub of Canpei.]]
[[File:DEPTC_ATM-1273_20190113.jpg|thumb|Light truck manufactured by Canpei's Yanhua.]]
Canpei has a gross domestic product of $851 billion, a robust and growing economy despite the disadvantage of being landlocked. Canpei's economy grew by 4.2% on 2030 and the lowest growth in the previous ten years was 2.2 in 2015. Canpei is a mid level income country with a GDP per capita of $26,624. Canpei's most important economic partners are [[Rusana]], [[Huoxia]], Ankivara and [[Daxia]]. The country has adopted [[Daxia]]'s currency to facilitate trading and financial transactions with its most important partner. As it has no independent access to the sea, Canpei makes use of the port of [[Zong]] to transport all of its international trade, under an economic compact with [[Daxia]] all truckers from Canpei have expedited border passage and custom checks on their way to [[Zong]]. Canpei's economy is highly dependent on exports, major products for export include diesel trucks, construction equipment, shoewear, textiles, wind generator technology rubber and agricultural products.
Canpei has a gross domestic product of $851 billion, a robust and growing economy despite the disadvantage of being landlocked. Canpei's economy grew by 4.2% on 2030 and the lowest growth in the previous ten years was 2.2 in 2015. Canpei is a mid level income country with a GDP per capita of $26,624. Canpei's most important economic partners are [[Rusana]], [[Huoxia]], Ankivara and [[Daxia]]. The country has adopted [[Daxia]]'s currency to facilitate trading and financial transactions with its most important partner. As it has no independent access to the sea, Canpei makes use of the port of [[Zong]] to transport all of its international trade, under an economic compact with [[Daxia]] all truckers from Canpei have expedited border passage and custom checks on their way to [[Zong]]. Canpei's economy is highly dependent on exports, major products for export include diesel trucks, construction equipment, shoewear, textiles, wind generator technology rubber and agricultural products.
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Canpei is a historical agricultural producer of some importance thanks to the irrigation along the banks of the Hongse river that traverses the country from north to south. As recently as 2000, agriculture supplied 60 percent of employment. In 2020, agriculture and forestry contributed 11.4 percent to the GDP; in rural areas, farm jobs supply about half of employment. Canpei's agricultural exports are successful in foreign markets and the country's farmers have been noted for best practices and sustainable farming. Rice is the most important crop in the country and some 40% of land used for agriculture goes to the planting of rice alone. Tapioca, sugarcane, pineapples, palm oil, bananas and mangos are also crops that are popular with Canpei's growers. Canpei has designated 15% of its land for the timber industry and another 25% as protected forests. Forests have been set aside for both conservation and recreation, and timber forests are available for the forestry industry. Between 1992 and 2010, exports of logs and sawn timber increased from 50,000 to 2,000,000 cubic meters per year.
Canpei is a historical agricultural producer of some importance thanks to the irrigation along the banks of the Hongse river that traverses the country from north to south. As recently as 2000, agriculture supplied 60 percent of employment. In 2020, agriculture and forestry contributed 11.4 percent to the GDP; in rural areas, farm jobs supply about half of employment. Canpei's agricultural exports are successful in foreign markets and the country's farmers have been noted for best practices and sustainable farming. Rice is the most important crop in the country and some 40% of land used for agriculture goes to the planting of rice alone. Tapioca, sugarcane, pineapples, palm oil, bananas and mangos are also crops that are popular with Canpei's growers. Canpei has designated 15% of its land for the timber industry and another 25% as protected forests. Forests have been set aside for both conservation and recreation, and timber forests are available for the forestry industry. Between 1992 and 2010, exports of logs and sawn timber increased from 50,000 to 2,000,000 cubic meters per year.
The Canpei Self Defense Force is responsible for maintaining the country's international borders secure, providing relief in cases of dire natural disasters and aiding in internal order tasks on request of the President.  
The Canpei Self Defense Force (CSDF) is responsible for maintaining the country's international borders secure, providing relief in cases of dire natural disasters and aiding in internal order tasks on request of the President. The CSDF is has two components: the Land Forces and the Air Force, there is no navy as Canpei has no access to the ocean, the Land Forces do keep a maritime capacity to operate on the Hongse river. As of 2034 there are 150,000 active personnel in the Land Forces and 8,000 personnel in the Air Force. The CSDF maintains universal conscription of males and females starting at the age of 18, mandatory military service lasts for two years, or three years in case of civic equivalence.
Canpei is committed to the principle of international neutrality in all conflicts and it is constitutionally prohibited for its armed forces to be deployed abroad, even should there exist a mandate by the [[League of Nations]]. Canpei even declined a request by [[Daxia]] to provide troops for its contingent fighting in [[Varshan]] during [[the Deluge]]. Canpei does maintain military to military relations with [[Daxia]], the two nations hold joint military exercises on an annual basis and much of the CSDF's equipment is procured with [[Daxia]]n companies like [[Diaoyu]].
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