Cities of Kiravia: Difference between revisions

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''See [[Cities of Æonara]]''
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'''Belarus''' (Coscivian: ''Belārus'', pron. /bel·AYR·ʌs/) is a city in the Kiravian state of Kastera.
'''Belarus''' (Coscivian: ''Belārus'', pron. /bel·AYR·ʌs/) is a city in the Kiravian state of Kastera.
Initially named Alþisar, the city was renamed in 21121 in honour of Árelius Pelāruv, a Kiravian general born in the city who later fought for Kommenori in the IxNapoleonic wars. In Greek, Pelāruv’s name was rendered as Avrelios Pelairos, and in Latin it was rendered Aurelius Belærus or Aurelius Belarus. The name’s similarity to that of the nation of {{wp|Belarus}} is thus entirely coīncidental.
Initially named Alþisar, the city was renamed in 21121 in honour of Árelius Pelāruv, a Kiravian general born in the city who later fought for Kommenori in the IxNapoleonic wars. In Greek, Pelāruv’s name was rendered as Avrelios Pelairos, and in Latin it was rendered Aurelius Belærus or Aurelius Belarus. The name’s similarity to that of the nation of {{wp|Belarus}} from the speculative fiction novel [[19th-20th Century Earth]] is thus entirely coïncidental.

Belarus is home to the famous [[University of Belarus]], a national leader in scientific research and varsity athletics, as well as Belarus State University (a public institution), and Aurelian College (a Coscivian Orthodox one).
Belarus is home to the famous [[University of Belarus]], a national leader in scientific research and varsity athletics, as well as Belarus State University (a public institution), and Aurelian College (a Coscivian Orthodox one).
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'''Companies based in Devinsar'''
'''Companies based in Devinsar'''
*None anymore lmao
*None anymore lmao
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==Central Æonara==
===New Kartika===

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| name                    = Primóra
| native_name            =
| native_name_lang        =
| settlement_type        = {{wp|Independent city|Free City}}
| image_skyline          = File:South_Street_Seaport_NYC.jpg
| image_alt              =
| image_caption          =
| etymology              =
| nickname                =
| latd                    =
| longd                  =
| coordinates_type        =
| coordinates_region      =
| coordinates_display    = inline, title
| subdivision_type        = Country
| subdivision_name        = [[File:KiravianFlag.png|25px]] [[Kiravian Federacy]]
| subdivision_type1      = State
| subdivision_name1      = [[File:HanoramFlag.png|25px]] [[Hanoram]]
| subdivision_type2      = Countyship
| subdivision_name2      = ''none''
| population              = 6,690,420
| website                = <!-- {{URL|}} -->
''Main article: [[Primóra]]''
''Main article: [[Primóra]]''
'''Primóra''' is the largest city in [[Hanoram]] and a major port on [[Míhanska Bay]]. As the northernmost ice-free port on the Eastern Seaboard, Primóra has important trade and transport links with the cities of Upper and Central Kirav.
As the northernmost reliably ice-free port on the eastern seaboard of Great Kirav, Primóra has long been an important trading centre, and was especially prominent during the Age of the Sail as a base for commercial exchange with and colonisation of [[Crona]], [[Polynesia]], [[Audonia]], and [[Alshar]] by mercantile groups such as the [[Bay Trading Company]]. The Imperial Cronan Plantation Company, predecessor of the [[Paulastra|Paulastran]] beverage supergiant [[Imperial Cola]], was founded in Primóra in 1578.
The city's population is over 90% Coscivian, with the largest non-Coscivian minorities being Gaels, Tryhstians, Slakonians, [[Woolzi Kiravians|Woolzi Arabs]], and Kommenorenes. Major Coscivian ethnosocial groups living in Primóra include Antarem, Æran, Paisonic Coscivians, Porphyrian Coscivians, and Eastern Highlanders. The majority of all Porphyrian Coscivians in the world live in Primóra and its environs, and Porphyro-Coscivian culture is an important component of the city's ethnic and cultural mixture.
[Stuff about universities here]
Primóra has a prominent place in Kiravian intellectual life and is noted for its contributions to {{wp|high culture}}. The vast wealth brought to the city by mercantile activities has helped to fund numerous artistic, scholarly, and philanthropic organisations promoting the finer things in life. The Primóra Conservatory (affiliated with X University since YYYYY) is the most highly-regarded in the nation for instruction in both Coscivian and international music, and the Primóra Symphony Orchestra is considered on-par with its counterpart in [[Valēka]]. Primórans are extremely proud of their city's literary heritage, and are able to count numerous great authors among their number, inxluding W, X, Y, and Z.
During the {{H:title|1980s-1990s AD|21160s-21170s}}, Primóra was instrumental in the development of the ''vothrimèn'' ("synthtone") genre of Kiravian electronic music. Along with [[Escarda]] and [[Xūrosar]], it was one of the genre's main regional scenes, with Primóra synthtone distinguishable by its darker, heavier style.
The city is home to the Primóra Warhawks of the Federated Fieldball League.
'''Kallumsar''' is a city in central Hanoram and the seat of County Épinor. It is the second-largest city in the state.
Kallumsar is considered the core city of Hanoram's traditional Tínorem culture, with the Tínorem remaining the largest single Coscivian ethnosocial group in the city, followed by Antarem, Æran, and Lærem.
Kallumsar is roughly equidistant from the national capital, [[Kartika]], the state capital [[Cities of Kiravia#Varyakivon|Varyakivon]], and the state economic hub [[Cities of Kirav#Primóra|Primóra]]. Becaue of its location, it has become very popular with commuters, particularly young parents employed in these cities and keen on maintaining access to urban amenities but seeking a more traditional environment and lifestyle for their families.
| name                    = Hértevin
| native_name            =
| native_name_lang        =
| settlement_type        = City
| image_skyline          = File:Maryland 410 at maryland 355 20090122 134846 1 crop.jpg
| image_alt              =
| image_caption          =
| etymology              =
| nickname                =
| latd                    =
| longd                  =
| coordinates_type        =
| coordinates_region      =
| coordinates_display    = inline, title
| subdivision_type        = Country
| subdivision_name        = [[File:KiravianFlag.png|25px]] [[Kiravian Federacy]]
| subdivision_type1      = State
| subdivision_name1      = [[File:HanoramFlag.png|25px]] [[Hanoram]]
| subdivision_type2      = Countyship
| subdivision_name2      = [[Ardrossan Countyship|Ardrossan]]
| population              = 78,698
| website                = <!-- {{URL|}} -->
'''Hértevin''' is a {{wp|sattelite city}} of [[Kartika]], located in the [[Kiravian]] state of [[Hanoram]], known for its pleasant environment and high standard of living, consistently ranking highly in listings of the best places to live in the Kartika metropolitan area and the Federacy at large. It is regarded as a highly walkable city dense with opportunities for shopping, dining, entertainment, and cultural experience.
Hértevin has a heavily service-based economy, including professional services both linked to government in Kartika and serving private citizens of the surrounding area, biomedical research, and high-end retail, dining, and hospitality services geared towards the affluent population of the capital region. It is home to several major medical and bioscience institutions, including the '''Hértevin Medical Cantonment''', a [[Kiravian Forces]] hospital and headquarters of the Kiravian Army Medical Corps, the '''Federal Physiological Institute''', and the federal '''Countercontagion Agency'''. A number of private biomedical engineering, pharmaceutical, and research firms drawing on the human capital generated by these institutions and the wider Federal Capital Region's institutions of higher learning have established themselves in the city. Hértevin is also home to a branch office of the Ixnay International Health Organisation.
Hértevin is a high-income community whose residents are largely [[Class in Kiravia|republican-class]], belonging primarily to the segments that correspond to the Western {{wp|upper-middle class}}. More affordable real estate, lower taxes, and a better public education system than the [[District of Coīnvra]], combined with immediate proximity to the capital and a well-developed public transit structure make Hértevin attractive to young professionals and republican-class families tied to the District. As a result, a significant portion of Hértevin residents are employed in the governance, legal, and scientific sectors.
Due to the high concentration of medical and life science establishments in the city, Hértevin has more physicians per capita than any Kiravian settlement with over 1,000 people. According to a Hanoram government survey, more death certificates are issued in Hértevin than any city in the state besides [[Primóra]], a statistical outlier owing to the presence of the Federal Medical Cantonment.
The population of Hértevin is predominantly (87%) Coscivian, but diverse in terms of the different Coscivian ethnosocial groups represented.
The Merïem, Norboriem, Formem, Vortarem, Engrïem, Kóursem, and Antarem are all present in large numbers, and the Kalistem are particularly prominent due to their high rate of involvement in the sciences and medicine. Hanoram's traditionally-dominant Tínorem, Southern Tańrisem, and Æran groups are relatively rare in the city, as is typical of the inner Kartika suburbs. Hértevin is home to a small but significant Francophone community of [[Axionnes|Axiench]] and [[Vannois|Vannoisien]] expatriates, most of whom are involved in diplomacy or the medical field. The [[Western Orthodoxy|Audonian Orthodox]] parish of St. Cyprien serves the Vannoisien community, and Mass is offered in French at Hértevin's two Catholic churches, St. Margareta Maria and St. Ioanna Arcá.
Hértevin is served by the Capital Metropolitan Transit Authority's Blue Line, with stops at Hértevin Station and Cantonment Station. Bus service is provided by the CMTA, Ardrossan County Transit, and the Hanoram State Transit Authority, offering connexions to the rest of the Kartika metropolitan area and most of Hanoram.

''See [[Kérvoak]]''
| name                    = Kérvoak
| native_name            = Céairbheoac
| native_name_lang        =
| settlement_type        = City
| image_skyline          = File:Copenhagen_Overgaden_and_Kalvebod_Brygge_IMG_5601.jpg
| image_alt              =
| image_caption          =
| etymology              =
| nickname                =
| latd                    =
| longd                  =
| coordinates_type        =
| coordinates_region      =
| coordinates_display    = inline, title
| subdivision_type        = Country
| subdivision_name        = [[File:KiravianFlag.png|25px]] [[Kiravian Federacy]]
| subdivision_type1      = State
| subdivision_name1      = [[File:IlánovaFlag.png|25px]] [[Ilánova]]
| subdivision_type2      = Countyship
| subdivision_name2      = Kérvoak
| population              = 764,323
| website                = <!-- {{URL|}} -->
'''Kérvoak''' is the largest city of the island state of [[Ilánova]], as well as its economic hub and leading port.
Organisations based in Kérvoak include the left-wing nationalist Saor Cíarabh political party, the Ilánova Ornithological Society, the Institute for the History of Pre-Modern Urban Gardening, the Cod Wars Veterans Memorial Foundation, and Your Mom.
Kérvoak is known for its three grand universities: Kāmeþorn University, Kérvoak Imperial College, and St. Cóemgen's College. Kāmeþorn University is a state-funded but largely autonomous élite institution that orders its curriculum and governance according to the Kaltan Rule, having been founded by emigrants from the Old Coscivian province of Kalta. It is known for having played an important role in the Kilikas Enlightenment. Imperial College, governed according to the Classical Coscivian rule, is also state-funded but, like Kāmeþorn, independent of the Ilánova State University System; and St. Cóemgen's is a private college affiliated with the [[Insular Apostolic Church]] and steeped in its ancient scholarly traditions, where {{wp|Classical Gaelic}} is the language of instruction for most courses. St. Ailerán's College and the University of Kérvoak are located further afield, but maintain satellite campuses in the city to supplement their business programmes.
The largest ethnic group in Kérvoak are Ilánovan Féinem of mixed Gaelic and Coscivian ancestry, who predominate across most of the island. Due to the city's importance to the Kilikas Sea trade, substantial and deeply-rooted communities of [[Bergendii]], Fiannrians, and Faneriai have lived in Kérvoak for centuries, as well as many Kiravians of partial Levantine ancestry who may identify with their Levantine heritage to varying extents.
The working languages of the city government are Kiravic Coscivian and Gaelic, though only 22% of residents speak Kiravic natively. ''Oilánovarona''' - a divergent dialect heavily influenced by Gaelic in its lexicon, syntax, and prosody - is the everyday language of the Féinem population and has been adopted by multigenerational Kévoakites of other backgrounds. [[Burgundian Language|Burgundian]], [[Lebhan language|Lebhan]], and Levantine Latin are widely understood, to the point where monolingual visitors speaking any of these languages can go about their business fairly easily.

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'''Íarþasar''' (English: ''Weston'') is the largest city in [[Ilfenóra]] and among the largest directly on the West Coast. It is a major shipping port. It makes beer n' shit, and the surrounding region is known for the distinctive flavour of its whiskeys, owing to the unique chemical profile of peat from the nearby temperate rainforests and {{wp|cloud forest|cloud forests}}.
'''Íarþasar''' (English: ''Weston'') is the largest city in [[Ilfenóra]] and among the largest directly on the West Coast. It is a major shipping port. It makes beer n' shit, and the surrounding region is known for the distinctive flavour of its whiskeys, owing to the unique chemical profile of peat from the nearby temperate rainforests and {{wp|cloud forest|cloud forests}}.

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'''Nevisar''' is a coastal city of [[Ilfenóra]]. It serves as the state's financial centre and is home to most Ilfenóran banks, invesment banks, and venture capital firms, and insurance companies, as well as the regional offices of several nationwide and international finance firms and the Farravonian Metallurgical Exchange. Companies involved in capital-intensive industries such as information technology, ..., and ... have also become concentrated in Nevisar. The city has an illustrious maritime history dating back to WHEN and the Farravonian coastal trade, and has important shipping links to [[Æonara]], [[Umcara]], [[the Cape]], [[Paulastra]], and more recently [[Caphiria]] and [[Mid-Atrassic Crona|Atrassic Crona]]. Since 21199, Nevisar has been the headquarters of the [[Kiravian Navy|Kiravian Navy's]] Western Fleet after its command staff and ordinance facilities were relocated from [[Saar-Silverda]].
'''Nevisar''' is a coastal city of [[Ilfenóra]]. It serves as the state's financial centre and is home to most Ilfenóran banks, invesment banks, and venture capital firms, and insurance companies, as well as the regional offices of several nationwide and international finance firms and the Farravonian Metallurgical Exchange. Companies involved in capital-intensive industries such as information technology, ..., and ... have also become concentrated in Nevisar. The city has an illustrious maritime history dating back to WHEN and the Farravonian coastal trade, and has important shipping links to [[Æonara]], [[Umcara]], [[the Cape]], [[Paulastra]], and more recently [[Caphiria]] and [[Mid-Atrassic Crona|Atrassic Crona]]. Since 21199, Nevisar has been the headquarters of the [[Kiravian Navy|Kiravian Navy's]] Western Fleet after its command staff and ordinance facilities were relocated from [[Saar-Silverda]].

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| subdivision_name1      = [[File:KaviskaFlag.png|25px]] [[Kaviska]]
| subdivision_name1      = [[File:KaviskaFlag.png|25px]] [[Kaviska]]
| subdivision_type2      = Countyship
| subdivision_type2      = Countyship
| subdivision_name2      = Trár?
| subdivision_name2      = [[Trár Bridges Countyship|Trár Bridges]]
| population              = Xmillion
| population              = Xmillion
| website                = <!-- {{URL|}} -->
| website                = <!-- {{URL|}} -->
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Due to changes in the economic environment and technology after liberalisation, Trár faced the challenge of transitioning from traditional heavy industry to a new economic base. This transition was difficult for the city, as it required significant changes to the local economy and workforce. Many workers who were trained in traditional manufacturing skills found it difficult to adapt to the new, more technologically advanced manufacturing processes, and the city experienced significant unemployment and population loss as displaced workers relocated to cities like Valēka with better job opportunities, leading to {{wp|urban decay}}, though the decline was not nearly as acute in Trár as it was in many inland industrial centres and smaller {{wp|monotown|monotowns}}. Local authorities have worked to encourage diversification of the economy and development of new industries, including technology and advanced manufacturing. The Trár-Tragen metropolitan area is the second-largest per-capita recipient of grant money from the federal [[Kiravian Development Executive#Structural Adjustment Fund|Structural Adjustment Funds]], much of which has been invested in education and training programs to help its workforce adapt to the changing economy and leave Trár better-equipped to weather economic downturns and changes in the global marketplace. Since the 2010s AD, Trár has experienced a pronounced economic upturn, due in large part to the relocation of some Valēka-based corporate headquarters to Trár's more affordable commercial real estate market and lower taxes.
Due to changes in the economic environment and technology after liberalisation, Trár faced the challenge of transitioning from traditional heavy industry to a new economic base. This transition was difficult for the city, as it required significant changes to the local economy and workforce. Many workers who were trained in traditional manufacturing skills found it difficult to adapt to the new, more technologically advanced manufacturing processes, and the city experienced significant unemployment and population loss as displaced workers relocated to cities like Valēka with better job opportunities, leading to {{wp|urban decay}}, though the decline was not nearly as acute in Trár as it was in many inland industrial centres and smaller {{wp|monotown|monotowns}}. Local authorities have worked to encourage diversification of the economy and development of new industries, including technology and advanced manufacturing. The Trár-Tragen metropolitan area is the second-largest per-capita recipient of grant money from the federal [[Kiravian Development Executive#Structural Adjustment Fund|Structural Adjustment Funds]], much of which has been invested in education and training programs to help its workforce adapt to the changing economy and leave Trár better-equipped to weather economic downturns and changes in the global marketplace. Since the 2010s AD, Trár has experienced a pronounced economic upturn, due in large part to the relocation of some Valēka-based corporate headquarters to Trár's more affordable commercial real estate market and lower taxes.

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Notable companies based in Xéulev include [[Orbital Resonance SAK]]. The Xéulev Hall of Onions is an agricultural {{wp|futures exchange}} offering contracts on products such as onions, leeks, {{wp|buckwheat|Coscivian cuckwheat}}, and frozen poultry preparations. The Hall of Onions was originally an open-air market for onions and leeks delivered to Xéulev by barge from the exceptionally fertile onion-growing villages upriver.
Notable companies based in Xéulev include [[Orbital Resonance SAK]]. The Xéulev Hall of Onions is an agricultural {{wp|futures exchange}} offering contracts on products such as onions, leeks, {{wp|buckwheat|Coscivian cuckwheat}}, and frozen poultry preparations. The Hall of Onions was originally an open-air market for onions and leeks delivered to Xéulev by barge from the exceptionally fertile onion-growing villages upriver.

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The [[Kiravia Securities Depository Trust]], the {{wp|central securities depository}} serving Kiravian financial markets, is headquartered in Kantrasar and conducts most of its operations there. Before Kiravian reunification, the KSDT was based in [[Sirana]].
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Śervinak is seen as a working-class city inhabited by many of the dockworkers, construction personnel, and other blue- and grey-collar workers who keep the Federacy's largest city running, and most Śervinak residents have embraced this identity. The largest ethnic groups in the city are Æran Coscivians and Paisonic Coscivians, who each account for around one-quarter of the population. Eskean Coscivians, Cosco-Yetruenes, Damèts, Triathan Coscivians, Melotes, Kaśuvan Coscivians, Rumeli Coscivians, and [[Faneria|Fanerians]] are also present in significant numbers. The overwhelming majority of Śervinak residents are "Greens", meaning fans of the Valēka Metropolitans fieldball team in [[Intracity Sporting Rivalry in Valēka|the Valēka area's bizarre, politically-charged intracity sporting rivalry]], in contrast to neighbouring Cantrasar, which is populated almost entirely by "Blues" (fans of the opposing Valēka Conquerors).
Śervinak is seen as a working-class city inhabited by many of the dockworkers, construction personnel, and other blue- and grey-collar workers who keep the Federacy's largest city running, and most Śervinak residents have embraced this identity. The largest ethnic groups in the city are Æran Coscivians and Paisonic Coscivians, who each account for around one-quarter of the population. Eskean Coscivians, Cosco-Yetruenes, Damèts, Triathan Coscivians, Melotes, Kaśuvan Coscivians, Rumeli Coscivians, and [[Faneria|Fanerians]] are also present in significant numbers. The overwhelming majority of Śervinak residents are "Greens", meaning fans of the Valēka Metropolitans fieldball team in [[Intracity Sporting Rivalry in Valēka|the Valēka area's bizarre, politically-charged intracity sporting rivalry]], in contrast to neighbouring Cantrasar, which is populated almost entirely by "Blues" (fans of the opposing Valēka Conquerors).

===Havre de Grace===
| name                    = Érskinsar
| name                    = Havre de Grace
| native_name            =  
| native_name            = Avrēdegra
| native_name_lang        =
| native_name_lang        =
| settlement_type        = {{wp|State Capital}}
| settlement_type        = Territorial Capital
| image_skyline          = File:Vancouver buildings.JPG
| image_skyline          = File:Grand Customs Palace of Havre de Grace.jpeg
| image_alt              =  
| image_alt              =  
| image_caption          =  
| image_caption          = Grand Customs Palace in Havre Grace in 1854 AD.
| etymology              =  
| etymology              = [[Burgoignesc language|Burgoignesc]] for "Grace Harbour"
| nickname                = The [[Valēka]] of Punth
| nickname                =  
| latd                    =  
| latd                    =  
| longd                  =  
| longd                  =  
Line 763: Line 545:
| subdivision_type        = Country
| subdivision_type        = Country
| subdivision_name        = [[File:KiravianFlag.png|25px]] [[Kiravian Federacy]]
| subdivision_name        = [[File:KiravianFlag.png|25px]] [[Kiravian Federacy]]
| subdivision_type1      = State
| subdivision_type1      = Territory
| subdivision_name1      = [[File:Teal Ensign.png|25px]] [[Rovaīon]]
| subdivision_name1      = [[File:SeváronsaFlag.png|25px]] [[Seváronsa]]
| subdivision_type2      = Countyship
| subdivision_type2      = Countyship
| subdivision_name2      = Érskin
| subdivision_name2      = [[Fayetev Countyship|Fayetev]]
| population              = 354,219
| population              = 186,930
| website                = <!-- {{URL|}} -->
| website                = <!-- {{URL|}} -->
| blank_name_sec1        = Climate
| blank_info_sec1        = Thermotropical oceanic

'''Érskinsar''' is the capital and largest city of the Kiravian overseas island-state of [[Rovaīon]], and the largest city in all of Kiravian [[Cusinaut]]. The oldest [[Coscivian]] settlement on the western side of [[Crona]], Érskinsar was founded in [[Year]] as a fortified trading post to support the long-distance maritime trade between Alshar and [[Great Kirav]], and has long served as an important conduit connecting the Kiravian colonies in Cusinaut to the Kiravian and international economies. One of the wealthiest and most highly-developed cities of the Cusinaut subcontinent, Érskinsar claims to be the home of its first stock exchange, established in 1838 AD, as well as some of its oldest and largest fully Cusinaut-based private banks, and its oldest museum of art, the Ranśak Galleries.
'''Havre de Grace''' (Coscivian: ''Avrēdegra'') is the capital and largest city of the overseas territory of [[Seváronsa]]. It was founded in 1649 AD by the [[Bergendii]] navigator [[Jean-Zechariah Gullouing deLoreanne]] on land purchased from the native chief [[Bumi the Duped]] in exchange for an assortment of Levantine manufactures. Bergendii mariners bestowed the settlement its name in honour of its commodious {{wp|natural harbour}}. From 1654 to 1896 AD, it was the capital of the Burgoignesc [[St. Nicholas Colony]], and was retained as the seat of colonial administration after three of the islands comprising the St. Nicholas Colony were ceded to Kiravia as part of the diplomatic settlement concluding the [[War of St. Brendan's Strait]].

Many Kiravian federal agencies have their Cusinaut regional offices there, including the Kiravian Post, the Federal Circuit Court for Cusinaut and the Admiralty Courts, the Customs Agency, the Federal Investigative Service, the Migration Authority, the [[Kiravian Security Executive]], the Countercontagion Agency, the Small and Medium Enterprises Bureau, and the Federal Lands Bureau. Additionally, the Cusinaut Colonial Authority, Cusinaut Inter-agency Security Coördination Commission, and the Punth Infrastructural Development Authority are headquartered in Érskinsar.
Havre de Grace is the economic and commercial hub of the entire Seváronsa territory.

The economy of Érskinsar is supported by transportation and shipping, transcontinental and intercontinental trade, and finance. Due to its very high standard of living relative to the surrounding region, Érskinsar is able to attract the investment and skilled personnel necessary to provide high-value services such as specialised medical care, consulting, market research, higher education, and fine tailoring to the wider Cusinautic market.
The Coscivian name of the city, ''Avrēdegra'', is an attempt at phonetic assimilation of the original [[Burgoignesc language|Burgoignesc]] name.
Érskinsar is territorially coterminous and {{wp|consolidated city-county|administratively consolidated}} with County Érskin. The Érskin City & County Commission exercises both municipal and comital powers.

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The site of Keremonta has been inhabited (albeit discontinuously) by humans since the Palæolithic. The earliest unmistakable human artifacts found in its immediate vicinity belong to a remote extension of the [[Vandarch]]-based [[Packer Culture]] known as the Green Bay Packers.
The site of Keremonta has been inhabited (albeit discontinuously) by humans since the Palæolithic. The earliest unmistakable human artifacts found in its immediate vicinity belong to a remote extension of the [[Vandarch]]-based [[Packer Culture]] known as the Green Bay Packers.

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'''Sarávak''' ({{wp|Cornish language|Covine}}: ''ƷaraỼak'') is a city in [[Suderavia]] on the Demomap Isthmus which connects Suderavia to the [[Levantine]] mainland, directly abutting the {{wp|international border}} between the Kiravian Federacy and [[Unintra]]. It is the third-largest city in the state, after Keremonta and the capital, Xromîda.
'''Sarávak''' ({{wp|Cornish language|Covine}}: ''ƷaraỼak'') is a city in [[Suderavia]] on the Demomap Isthmus which connects Suderavia to the [[Levantine]] mainland, directly abutting the {{wp|international border}} between the Kiravian Federacy and [[Unintra]]. It is the third-largest city in the state, after Keremonta and the capital, Xromîda.

The city limits encompass the Sarávak Border Control Station, operated by the [[Kiravian Territorial Executive|Liminal Integrity Service]], the Kiravian Federacy's only overland {{wp|border crossing}} outside of [[Cusinaut]], which is an enforcement point for Kiravian {{wp|customs}} and migration laws. The station's drive-through checkpoint includes a road interchange to facilitate the switchover from {{wp|Left- and right-hand traffic|right-hand to left-hand traffic}} for inbound vehicles.
The city limits encompass the Sarávak Border Control Station, operated by the [[Kiravian Security Executive|Liminal Integrity Service]], the Kiravian Federacy's only overland {{wp|border crossing}} outside of [[Cusinaut]], which is an enforcement point for Kiravian {{wp|customs}} and migration laws. The station's drive-through checkpoint includes a road interchange to facilitate the switchover from {{wp|Left- and right-hand traffic|right-hand to left-hand traffic}} for inbound vehicles.

Cross-boundary travel and trade, duty-free retail, and federal expenditure related to the border post contribute to a municipal economy otherwise based on pulp and paper manufacture, meat and dairy processing, and public services.   
Cross-boundary travel and trade, duty-free retail, and federal expenditure related to the border post contribute to a municipal economy otherwise based on pulp and paper manufacture, meat and dairy processing, and public services.   
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As is typical of the rest of the state, most Sarávak residents are Suderavian Coscivians, [[Fhainn]], Covines, or Skithanawites. Around five thousand Unintrans reside in the city. Most are expatriate Unintran nationals, though there are also a few naturalised or [[Civil status in Kiravia|meticised]] Unintran-Kiravians and a larger number of natural-born Kiravians of Kiravian and Unintran parentage.
As is typical of the rest of the state, most Sarávak residents are Suderavian Coscivians, [[Fhainn]], Covines, or Skithanawites. Around five thousand Unintrans reside in the city. Most are expatriate Unintran nationals, though there are also a few naturalised or [[Civil status in Kiravia|meticised]] Unintran-Kiravians and a larger number of natural-born Kiravians of Kiravian and Unintran parentage.

| name                    = Tolôn
| native_name            = Tolhõ
| native_name_lang        =
| settlement_type        = City
| image_skyline          = File:Bangkok - Sukhumvit Road Area (SF0001).jpg
| image_alt              =
| image_caption          =
| etymology              =
| nickname                =
| latd                    =
| longd                  =
| coordinates_type        =
| coordinates_region      =
| coordinates_display    = inline, title
| subdivision_type        = Country
| subdivision_name        = [[File:KiravianFlag.png|25px]] [[Kiravian Federacy]]
| subdivision_type1      = State
| subdivision_name1      = [[File:ValtéraFlag.png|25px]] [[Valtéra]]
| subdivision_type2      = Countyship
| subdivision_name2      = Valźan
| population              = 2,602,480
| website                = <!-- {{URL|}} -->
| blank_name_sec1        = Climate
| blank_info_sec1        = Thermotemperate oceanic
'''Tolôn''' is the largest city of Valtéra and the principal port on the southern coast of [[Great Kirav]].
Tolôn is the leading port for Kiravian trade with [[Cartadania]] and [[Heku]], and is particularly important as the main port of entry for Kiravian {{wp|oil and gas}} imports from Cartadania and for coffee imports from both countries. It is also an important base for Kiravian oil and gas exploration in the northern Sea of Odoneru and for colonial imports of sea oil from [[Uruvun]]. It is a crucial link in Great Kirav's energy supply chain, as the site of three large oil refineries and the terminus of five oil and three gas pipelines running northward and north-eastward to supply Central Kirav and the populous Northeastern, Mid-Continental, and Mínhanska Bay regions with fuel. On the export side, Tolôn is the main port of departure for products from Central Kirav, South Kirav, and Northwestern Kirav southbound to [[Ixnay (continent)|Continental Ixnay]], [[Pribraltar]], the [[Melian Isles]], [[Sydona]], and the [[Sakhalin Islands|Sakhalins]]. 
Tolôn Naval Harbour is the administrative headquarters of the Kiravian Navy's Southern Fleet (its areal command responsible for the Sea of Odoneru), while the operational headquarters is located in Èusamur, [[Uruvun]]. 
Tolôn has an ethnically diverse population. The city was founded by [[Valosian Coscivians|Valosian]] and Kostiatem Coscivians, who are still present in the city in large numbers and dominate its political establishment. Other ethnic groups with large communities in Tolôn include Swamp Coscivians and [[South Kiravians]] from neighbouring parts of the region, Korlem Coscivians from nearby Korlēdan, Tryhstians, Ispem and Kālatem Coscivians, Hâlatem Coscivians, Sea Coscivians, members of the primarily nomadic Tānkem Coscivian people who traditionally migrate along the South Coast, Alkharvis, Melotes, Cartadanians, Hekuvians Hekuvian Coscivians, Rumeli Coscivians, Slakoscivians, Woolzi Arabs, [[Deep South Coscivians]], Low Antaric Coscivians, Pribraltarian and St. Kenneran Coscivians, and Daxian. Due to the large Tryhstian and Cartadanian populations and the city's strong business ties to Cartadania and the Tryhstian Littoral, Portuguese is widely spoken in the city. Most restaurants in Tolôn offer Portuguese menus, and most cinemas show films with Portuguese subtitles.
'''Companies based in Tolôn'''
*[[Kiro-Audonian SakOil]]
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==West Æonara==
| name                    = Sar-i-Pául
| native_name            = ''Sarípáuv''
| native_name_lang        =
| settlement_type        = City
| image_skyline          = File:Dsc (226974481).jpeg
| image_alt              =
| image_caption          =
| etymology              =
| nickname                =
| latd                    =
| longd                  =
| coordinates_type        =
| coordinates_region      =
| coordinates_display    = inline, title
| subdivision_type        = Country
| subdivision_name        = [[File:KiravianFlag.png|25px]] [[Kiravian Federacy]]
| subdivision_type1      = State
| subdivision_name1      = [[File:Flag of Guatapé (Antioquia).svg|25px]] [[Æonara|West Æonara]]
| subdivision_type2      = Countyship
| subdivision_name2      = Averystŵv
| population              = 422,625
| website                = <!-- {{URL|}} -->
'''Sar-i-Pául''' (Æonaran Coscivian) or '''Sarípáuv''' (Kiravic Coscivian) is the largest city in the Kiravian state of [[West Æonara]] and the second-largest city on the island of [[Æonara]], after [[Cities of Kiravia#Sirana|Sirana]]. Located across the Snávin Strait from [[the Cape]], it is a major port of entry to the Kiravian Federacy and a conduit for trade with the Cape and Paulastra.
Sarípáuv was established on June 2, 1674, and was intended as a trade outpost for Kiravia on Æonara. Located in a bay that had natural defenses and sitting at the southern approaches of the Snávin Strait, this small outpost quickly developed into a large town within a generation. Kiravia mobilized significant military and economic support for the fledgling city, and fearing an attack on the part of forces from Crona, construction began on the [[Snávin Wall]] in 1729. This fortification was massive, but it was not a literal wall. Instead, it was a series of fortifications going north from Sarípáuv to [[Kaesek]]. The Snávin Wall was made up of fortresses, batteries, artillery, barracks, and military roads, taking over two decades to complete. Employing thousands of workers, Paulastrans was introduced into the workforce in 1735 to speed up the completion of the project. In 1756, the project was completed. In that time, Sarípáuv had grown from a large town into a city, and ships traveling from Crona to other continents were forced to pass through the city. Paulastrans who had worked on the Snávin Wall had moved into the city, and very quickly the character of the city changed. What was before a mostly an ethnic Kiravian settlement was now transformed into a multi-national city. Portions of the city became home to various ethnic groups who spoke their mother tongues, and racial conflict soon developed. Paulastrans, who were treated as cheap labor, quickly grew into the largest minority. Kiravians, insecure at the top, reacted by force. However, in 1774, on the city's centennial, it was reported in local newspapers that Kiravians barely held onto a majority, and Paulastrans were quickly growing as a minority.
New industries came to Sarípáuv around this time. Although international shipping was the largest employer, whaling and fishing grew steadily as well, and this brought canning and more Paulastrans. The Industrial Revolution hit the city around this time as well, with mechanization of industries seeing fewer Kiravians in essential positions, replaced with low-level automation or Paulastrans. Local newspapers even nicknamed the city Sar-i-Pául due to the situation, and in 1820, when Paulastrans became one of the largest groups in the city. Although Æonaran Coscivan quickly became the dominant language, Paulastran was also widely known by much of the population. Æonaran Coscivians, Umcaran Coscivians, Paulastrans, Sinyolans, and Kir peoples made up the fabric of Sarípáuv in 1820. In 1848, protests took place in the city, demanding union rights. The [[Sar-i-Pául Revolt]] took place from May 1848 to February 1849, forcing the city government to make significant changes to its charter. On February 14, 1849, Sarípáuv was formally renamed to Sar-i-Pául. At this point, Paulastran saw 95% of the population having a "good command" of Paulastran", including 72% of the Coscivan population. This situation remained stable for over a century. In the 1940s, following the conclusion of the [[Second Great War]], much of the Snávin Wall fell into disrepair, and while ethnic conflicts disappeared, post-war development erased the violence.
In the modern-day, Sar-i-Pául is a unique city and is often regarded as the financial capital of Æonara. Although the Snávin Wall is now gone, trade with the Cape and its economic prosperity has continued. The [[Port of Sar-i-Pául]], officially established in 1986, remains a frequent port of call for vessels traveling from Crona to other continents to the east. [[Sar-i-Pául International Airport]] is also a common layover location for aircraft traveling between Crona and Levantia. The service sector after the 1940s quickly became the dominant industry in Sar-i-Pául, with restaurants, bars, clubs, and adult entertainment being popular. Luxury goods are also popular in the city, with local brands often sold across Kiravia. Despite past conflicts, Sar-i-Pául has a proud cultural and civic tradition, its heritage as a multi-cultural city often superseding the historic stereotype of interracial strife. Instead, it is a center of international trade and regional culture.
| name                    = Sodapelen
| native_name            =
| native_name_lang        =
| settlement_type        = Condado
| image_skyline          = File:ひので斎場.jpg
| image_alt              =
| image_caption          =
| etymology              =
| nickname                =
| latd                    =
| longd                  =
| coordinates_type        =
| coordinates_region      =
| coordinates_display    = inline, title
| subdivision_type        = Country
| subdivision_name        = [[File:KiravianFlag.png|25px]] [[Kiravian Federacy]]
| subdivision_type1      = State
| subdivision_name1      = [[File:Flag of Guatapé (Antioquia).svg|25px]] [[Æonara|West Æonara]]
| subdivision_type2      = Countyship
| subdivision_name2      = Averystŵv
| population              = 42,625
| website                = <!-- {{URL|}} -->
'''Sodapelen''' is a commuter suburb of Sar-i-Paul.



