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The '''foreign relations of the Kiravian Federacy''' are the sum of relationships between Kiravia and foreign states and other entities, carried out according to the priorities and interests of [[Kiravia#Foreign Policy|Kiravian foreign policy]].
The '''foreign relations of the Kiravian Federacy''' are the sum of relationships between Kiravia and foreign states and other entities, carried out according to the priorities and interests of [[Kiravia#Foreign Policy|Kiravian foreign policy]].

==Sovereign States==
Kiravia and Heku currently enjoy good relations despite a general absence of formal agreements. Both are major capitalist economies (which creates a large volume of trade between the two nations) and pursue broadly {{wp|political realism|realist}} foreign policies. Nonetheless, the governments of both countries have long expressed interest in greater coöperation, especially in commercial matters, and the Kiravian State Executive has shown support for a Latin-Hekuvian initiative to promote the [[Imperial Latin language]].
Kiravia has very good relations with the [[Alstin|United Republic]].
Relations between the Kiravian Federacy and [[Ardmore]] are tense and generally quite poor. The Ardmori Coöperative Republic and the [[Kiravian Union]] both emerged as {{wp|revolutionary socialism|revolutionary socialist}} states after winning civil wars in the 1930s, and would remain very closely aligned despite their differing models of socialism. The {{wp|rump state}}s formed by the defeated anti-communist forces in their respective civil wars, the [[Kiravian Remnant]] and [[Republic of Ardmore]], would likewise forge a close alliance against their common enemies. The Kiravian Union collapsed in 1985 and the [[Kiravian reunification|the nation was reunified]] under the former Remnant government, breaking off relations with Ardmore. The Republic of Ardmore became a 'free state' within the [[Kiravian Collectivity]] under the name of [[New Ardmore]] in 1989. Although this was protested as imperialism by the Coöperative Republic, it did conclude the {{wp|dual sovereignty}} issue and clear a path for diplomatic relations to resume in 2007 as part of Ardmore's broader exit from {{wp|isolationism}} and the [[Lamar Tannen|Tannen administration]]'s shift toward a more post-ideological foreign policy. Despite this modest progress, there remains significant mutual distrust between the two states, and the [[Falinlaig Gap]] separating Ardmore and New Ardmore is closely surveilled by both militaries. Disputes over {{wp|fisheries}} and other marine resources in the archipelago are a recurring issue, and so far a comprehensive agreement on maritime affairs has proven elusive. Much intergovernmental contact between the KF and Ardmore is consular in nature.
Relations between Kiravia and [[Avonia]] have historically been neutral to the extent they were not coloured by the positions of Avonia's larger and more consequential neighbours. Since 1954, Kiravian policy towards Avonia has been largely subsumed under its policies toward the wider [[Levantine Union]]. Relations soured as a result of [[Ænglophobia|Ænglophobic]] pogroms that took place in many Kiravian localities in 2033 in response to the [[2033 Winnecomac County crisis|Winnecomac Crisis]].
''See '''[[Kiro-Burgoignesc relations]]'''''
A major turning point in Kiro-Burgoignesc relations came after the Civil War when the anti-communist Kiravian Remnant, exiled to the overseas territories, looked to all anti-communist states for diplomatic solidarity, financial backing, and {{wp|foreign direct investment|direct investment}} in their sagging postwar economy. Over the objections of many influential military figures in his clique, Prime Executive [[Séan Kæśek]] chose to move past historic emnity with Burgundie. This would clear the way for warm relations and extensive coöperation in numerous areas of mutual interest.
Modern relations between Kiravia and [[Caergwynn]] are strong, and are reïnforced by common membership in the [[Kilikas-Boreal Cooperative Zone]].
Proximity and a history of cultural and demographic exchange underpin Kiro-Caeric relations. There is an ethnic Caeric diaspora in Kiravia, particularly noticeable in places like the [[Darran Valley]]. Caeric missionaries sponsored by the [[Association of Free Churches of Caergwynn|Association of Free Churches]] were responsible for the establishment of [[Methodism in Kiravia]], now the country's largest Protestant confession.
Kiravia is a major importer of key Cartadanian exports such as [[Coffee production in Cartadania|coffee]] and [[Energy_in_Cartadania#Other_fossil_fuels|petroleum]], both of which are crucial to the continued functioning of the Kiravian economy.
===the Cape===
We love the Cape, don't we folks?
During the [[Kiravian Sunderance|Sunderance]] the [[Kiravian Remnant]] forged alliances with all major anti-communist powers; however, relations between the Remnant and Caphiria became ''exceptionally'' close.
[[List_of_Kiravian_academics#S.P._Vérannív|S.P. Vérannív]], Professor of International Relations at [[Kartika Ignatian University]] and senior research fellow at the [[Vertex Institute]], summarises Kiro-Daxian relations as "antagonistic ''and'' pragmatic", with his choice of {{wp|Conjunction (grammar)|conjunction}} intimating that both the usual antagonistic state of the relationship and the brief periods of détente and coöperation it experiences are driven primarily by practical concerns, mainly relating to their respective networks of {{wp|overseas territories}}.

Kiravia's closest neighbour in Ixnay, [[Faneria]] and Kiravia both have a long history of isolationism that has given historians few records of formal interaction between the two powers before the Ixnay Contemporary Era. Nonetheless, Kiravians have long admired the traditionalism and martial spirit of the Fanerian, with the famed Kiravian poet Tevasur Kaledrian basing his epic poem ''Warriors Across the Strait'' on Fanerian folklore. In the 2030s (UC) Kiravia and Faneria were strong allies and founding members of the [[Levantia and Odoneru Treaty Association]] and often coördinated in military affairs, such as their 2014 joint invasion of the Jakrelian Occupation Zone in Sakatia.
Kiravia has close ties to its nearest effective neighbour Faneria that predate historical accounts. Contemporary Kiro-Fanerian relations are robust and intensely amical, underpinned by extensive cultural commonalities, mutual diaspora populations, military and technical coöperation, and more.

(((((Relations between the two nations declined sharply after Kaiserin Nirna's rise to power and Faneria's subsequent reälignment towards the [[Northern Union]], which put the close neighbours on opposing sides of the [[Great Cold War]]. Even after the breakup of the Northern Union, Faneria has yet to repair its relationship with Kiravia and other LOTA states.))))) NOTE: from kistan: let's chat about retconning this a bit, since the cold war is retconned now. still gonna keep the regime change in some form, but more subdued.

Kiravia has enjoyed excellent relations with [[Fiannria]] since the latter's entry onto the Ixnay regional stage. The two nations are linked by both a bilateral alliance treaty negotiated in [[Kartika]] and by membership in [[Levantia and Odoneru Treaty Association|LOTA]]. Shared religious values and Celtic cultural influences, commercial relations, and a mutual interest in science and technology. As a major energy market, the Kiravian government has given considerable attention to Fiannrian advances in energy technology.

In 21204, Fiannria and Kiravia agreed to adopt the [[Platinum lira|platinum lira]] as a common auxiliary currency to facilitate trade, travel, and investment between the two countries. In 21205, the allied powers commenced a joint invasion of Qyronia and a subsequent counterinsurgency campaign that was completed in 21206 with each nation annexing a portion of the former Qyronian archipelago.

===Latin Empire===
Kiravia and the [[Latin Empire]] enjoy quite friendly relations grounded in cultural and religious ties and shared founding membership in the [[Levantia and Odoneru Treaty Association]], headquartered in the Latin capital of [[Castellum ab Alba]]. As the heartland of Græco-Roman culture in Levantia, Lacus Magni has always been held in high regard by Kiravians, as is evident in then-[[Prime Executive of the Kiravian Federacy|Prime Executive]] [[Eridan Vriĥtur]]'s letter to his Chief Foreign Executive stating "Even the proudest and most rightfully proud culture has another to which it looks for as an example of grandeur, nobility, and sophistication. Some look to London or [[Saint Nazaire]], but we look to the fine cities of Dericania and [[Monavia]]. If we are, as the academics in Madisar say, [[Anti-Westernism in Kiravia|inescapably doomed to be Westernised]], then by all means let us not be Anglicised or Gallicised, but Romanised on Castellum's model."

Along with the Levantian powers and Kazomal, [[Leasath]] is a major pole of regional power in Ixnay. Relations between Kiravia and Leasath are cordial and constructively neutral. Though Kiravian ties with the country are not nearly as close as they are with LOTA members and its non-LOTA allies and partners, the two regional heavyweights enjoy regular, profitable trade and often have coïnciding geopolitical aims. While the Kiravian people hold, overall, a lukewarm opinion of Leasath on account of its Francophone culture and institutional secularism, the foreign policy establishment has a good working relationship with the country, giving it the respect due to it as a regional leader.
There is a long history of positive diplomatic intercourse between Kiravia (and its predecessor states) and the [[Qustantistan|Qustanti Caliphate]], dating as far back as the [[Crusades#Third_Crusade_(1144)|Third Crusade]] when the Kiravian-based [[Elamite Order]] lent support to the Qustanti Revolt against the Western Caliph that established Qustantistan as an independent polity.  

Maritime boundaries between Qustantistan and the [[Melian Isles]], long ambiguous and a moderately important point of contention between Qustantistan and Kiravia, were settled by the 1974 [[Cities of New Ardmore#Dunway|Dunway Accord]], which also created a framework for coördination in related matters such as {{wp|fisheries management}} and {{wp|maritime safety}}.
As the two most powerful nations of Coscivian heritage, Kiravia and [[Livensóla]] have a longstanding alliance built upon centuries of cultural, economic, and political interaction. As Coscivians, Livensólans are easily able to travel to and take up residence in the Kiravian Empire, and both countries waived tariffs with each other long ago. Kiravia and Livensóla fought alongside one another in the Great Ocean War, and continue intelligence sharing, military technology exchanges, and joint military exercises to this day.

===North Amerigo===
The Qustantistani {{wp|sovereign wealth fund}} has contributed to reconstruction and development projects in the [[Mid-Atrassic States]].
Kiravia and North Amerigo enjoy an extremely close relationship in economic, military, and diplomatic affairs. Amerigo is widely considered Kiravia's strongest non-LOTA ally.

Kiravia is home to one of the largest populations of adherents to [[Qustanti Islam]] outside the borders of Qustantistan itself. This creates an important constituency in Kiravia in favour of friendly relations with Qustantistan and creates a space for substantive {{wp|public diplomacy}} and {{wp|paradiplomacy}} through faith-based NGOs affiliated with the sect.
Kiravian relations with [[Pelaxia]] historically mirrored Kiravian relations with Pelaxia's closest ally Sawra (see below). Since the 2030s (UC), the Federacy has had a cordial though distant relationship with Pelaxia, a distance attributable to Pelaxia's generally centre-left and social-democratic political orientation. The two nations conduct regular trade relations, with Pelaxia being a major exporter of olive oil and certain energy resources to Kiravia.

===Takatta Loa===
As the first- and third- largest economies in Ixnay, respectively, the Kiravian-[[Paulastra|Paulastrani]] relationship is one of great importance to the region. The Kiravian foreign policy establishment views Paulastra, the most powerful mainland nation in Sarpedon, as a key partner in security and state-building on that continent, and Kiro-Paulastrani relations are centred upon economic interests, military and intelligence coöperation in Sarpedon, and the promotion of national sovereigntism. The two nations, while not linked by formal agreements until 21205, had extensive commercial contact and were generally seen as having a strong partnership falling short of a true alliance. In 21205, Paulastra was admitted to the [[LATA]], thereby becoming a formal ally of the Federacy. Both nations participated in the [[LATA Invasion of Snowlandish]] in early 21206. Even after the Imperial Kingdom's withdrawal from the LATA, the Kiro-Paulastrani bilateral relations have remained excellent.
Kiravian leadership have long looked to [[Takatta Loa]] as their premier partner in [[Vallos]]. The foundation of this relationship was laid in the period from the late 1600s to 1875 AD when the Empire of Takatta Loa acted as a "proxy empire" of Kiravia, an arrangement that saw the Loa vastly expand their territorial control across much of southern Vallos with Kiravian military, technological, and financial backing in return for administering the conquered territories for the benefit of Kiravian political and commercial interests (principally plantations producing tropical {{wp|cash crop}}s for Kiravian mercantile groups such as the [[Bay Trading Company]], [[Kerēgulan Merchants of the Tropics]], and the [[Imperial Cola|Imperial Cronan Plantation Company]]). Kiravian paramountcy came to an end with the abdication of Empress Raikanao'oko and the [[Takatta Civil War]]. Diplomatic relations were reëstablished on a modern, equalitarian basis in the early 20th century.

Kiravia is the largest market for the popular Paulastrani soft drink [[Imperial Cola]].

Kiravia and Sawra differ drastically in their approaches to foreign policy and regional politics. While Kiravian policy is strongly [[wikipedia:Realism (international relations)|realist]] (specifically [[wikipedia:Neorelism (international relations)|neo-]] or [[wp:Neoclassical realism|neoclassical]] realist), Sawran foreign policy is the epitome of [[wp:Liberalism (international relations)|liberal internationalist]] and [[wp:Institutional liberalism|neoliberal institutionalist]] ideals. As a result, while Sawra favours regional integration, federalism, and a supranational Regional Government to ensure peace and prosperity, Kiravia is fiercely [[National sovereigntism|national sovereigntist]] and believes that regional stability is better ensured by maintaining a favourable balance of power among states. However, ideological differences aside, relations between the two nations are benign. Indeed, Kiravian policymakers see Sawra, along with Pelaxia and Paulastra, as the most stable countries in Sarpedon and important potential partners in improving that continent.

The first formal interaction between [[Urcea]] and Kiravia occured when the Federacy assumed sovereignty over a portion of [[San Immanuel]], a colony from which Urcea was int he process of withdrawing. Ties strengthened significantly when the [[Andrus Candrin|Candrin administration]] pivoted the Federacy's foreign policy focus toward the [[Ixnay]] region and prescribed alignment with Urcea as the leading regional power. Urcea and Kiravia have a strong alliance founded on economic ties, apostolic Christian values, shared centre-right and capitalistic policies, and common geopolitical aims.

Urcea and Kiravia, along with [[Lacus Magni]] and [[Faneria]], are the founding and leading members of the [[Levantia and Odoneru Treaty Association]] and coördinate closely on issues affecting Ixnay. The Kiro-Urcean alliance enjoys broad popular and political support in Kiravia, with 97% of Kiravians holding "very positive" or "positive" opinions on the country.
==Other Entities==

===Holy See===
===League of Nations===

==International Organisations==

===Esperance International===
The Kiravian Federacy has a productive, if politically contentious, working relationship with the humanitarian NGO Esperance International. Under the [[Andrus Candrin|Candrin]] administration in 21207, the Federacy invited Esperance International to establish a bureau in Parska, [[Kyllera]] to administer humanitarian and development aid in the Western Highlands. The Federacy affirms Esperance International's neutrality and sovereignty over the island of New Prospect, and provides significant logistical support for the organisation, but remains suspicious of its {{wp|liberal internationalism|liberal internationalist}} goals.

==See Also==
==See Also==