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Tag: 2017 source edit
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|'''United Pribraltar Party'''<br><small>''Plaiduv Ænūrix Pribraltarsk''</small>
|'''People's Republican Party'''<br><small>''Plānokéaritax Plaiduv''</small>
|<center>{{Infobox political party/seats|13|30|hex=#008B8B}}</center>
|<center>{{Infobox political party/seats|13|30|hex=#008B8B}}</center>
| [[Coscivian National Congress|CNC]]
| [[Shaftonist-Republican Alliance|SRA]]
| {{wp|Conservatism}}, {{wp|Coscivian nationalism}}, Pro-statehood
| {{wp|Conservatism}}, [[Shaftonist democracy]], [[Coscivian nationalism]], Pro-statehood
| style="background-color:#7CFC00" |
| style="background-color:#7CFC00" |
|'''Pribraltar Freedom Party'''<br><small>''Plaiduv Helvikorō Pribraltarē''</small>
|'''Pribraltar Freedom Party'''<br><small>''Plaiduv Helvikorsk Pribraltarsk''</small>
|<center>{{Infobox political party/seats|10|30|hex=#7CFC00}}</center>
|<center>{{Infobox political party/seats|10|30|hex=#7CFC00}}</center>
|[[Kiravia of Regions|KR]]
|[[Kiravia of Regions|KR]]
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|'''Pribraltarian Libertarian Party'''<br><small>''Pribraltarix Libertarisēx Plaiduv''</small>
|'''Pribraltarian Libertarian Party'''<br><small>''Pribraltarix Libertarisēx Plaiduv''</small>
|<center>{{Infobox political party/seats|6|30|hex=#FFD700}}</center>
|<center>{{Infobox political party/seats|6|30|hex=#FFD700}}</center>
|[[Liberty Group|LG]]
|[[Kiravian Free Alliance|KFA]]
| {{wp|Libertarian conservatism}}, {{wp|Localism}}, Pro-free association
| {{wp|Libertarian conservatism}}, {{wp|Localism}}, {{wp|Associated state|Pro-free association}}
| style="background-color:#DC143C" |
| style="background-color:#DC143C" |
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|<center>{{Infobox political party/seats|2|30|hex=#DC143C}}</center>
|<center>{{Infobox political party/seats|2|30|hex=#DC143C}}</center>
|[[New Deal Alliance|NDA]]
|[[New Deal Alliance|NDA]]
| [[Kirosocialism]], {{wp|Left-wing nationalism}}, Pro-status quo
| [[Kirosocialism]], {{Social democracy}}, {{wp|Left-wing nationalism}}, Pro-status quo
| style="background-color:#DAA520" |
| style="background-color:#DAA520" |
|'''Christian & Coscivian Democrats'''<br><small>''Xristo-Kośkikéaritax Plaiduv''</small>
|'''Union of Christian Democrats'''<br><small>''Thūra Xristokéaritarisēskya''</small>
|<center>{{Infobox political party/seats|0|30|hex=#DAA520}}</center>
|<center>{{Infobox political party/seats|0|30|hex=#DAA520}}</center>
|[[Caritist Social Union|CSU]]
|[[Caritist Social Union|CSU]]
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===Political Development===
The main split in the partisan-political landscape on Pribraltar is over the island's future political status. The People's Republican Party and Union of Christian Democrats seek admission to the Kiravian Federacy as a full overseas state, though the PRP has downplayed this plank of its platform somewhat as the island's economy has developed. The PRP draws support mainly from upper-middle class native-born Pribraltarians educated in Kiravia, the Umcaran and Æonaran Coscivian communities, those parts of the business sector doing direct business with Kiravia, and those employed in the defence industry, as well as much of the lower middle class and those with strong right-wing or Coscivian nationalist inclinations. The UCD, which is most resolutely pro-statehood, originally had especially devout Catholic and Apostolic Christians as its core constituency, but has expanded to count Pribraltar residents of Saint Kenneran origin, who are ardently pro-statehood, as its largest voter bloc. Although outperformed by the PFLP in local elections, the PRP routinely leads in federal elections.
Pribraltarian politics have their roots in the island's liberation movement when previously independent militia groups joined together to form the Pribraltarian Republican Army. Even with their forces consolidated into a single organisation, the leaders of the formerly autonomous militias who now made up the PRA High Command retained differences of opinion with regard to military decisions and with the liberation movement's political programme. After the formation of the Coscivian People's Republic government-in-exile in Kartika, liberation leaders of different ideological and programmatic tendencies organised themselves into political parties. Those of a conservative persuasion whose nationalism was rooted in Coscivian identity - representing the majority of the liberation movement - formed the United Pribraltar Party. Those whose nationalism was more of a reaction against the Hardwelute state's suppression of individual rights and rooted in a local Pribraltarian rather than pan-Coscivian identity formed the Pribraltarian Libertarian Party. Members of the former Kirosocialist and left-wing nationalist militias formed the Convist Party of the Pribraltarian People's Republic, while a small coterie of young, pragmatically-minded officers formed the Party of Pribraltarian Democrats.  
The parties participating in the government-in-exile were unanimous in their insistence on full and immediate separation from Hardwell, and all welcomed the support of the Kiravian Federacy and Umcara. Partisan disagreements on matters of military strategy also faded away with the formation of the Joint Military Commission and the increased involvement of Umcaran and Kiravian military advisors. However, the Pribraltarian Libertarians took a more cautious attitude toward the influence of the larger Coscivian nations, fearing that too much involvement by their governments would result in Pribraltar being annexed by one of them once the war was won. The Convists did not object to Kiravian involvement on principle, but worried about it being used as leverage to ensure that Pribraltar adopted Kiravian and Umcaran capitalism and opened its markets to foreign corporations. The Pribraltarian Democrats also sought to avoid full integration with Kiravia if possible, but were not adamantly opposed to it and had been in contact witht he Party of Kiravian Democrats about the possibility of becoming the PKD's local branch if annexation occured.
An additional party that formed during this time, the Party for Cronan Integration, disavowed the armed struggle and did not participate in the government-in-exile. Instead, it worked within the existing political structure and stood for elections to the Hardwellian Parliament, hoping to secure autonomy for St. Kennera and Pribraltar by peaceful means.

The United Pribraltar Party controlled the Auditorium and the Prime Executure for the duration of the war, and remained in full control of the government during the transitional period between the CPR regaining possession of the island and the first democratic election. However, during this transitional period as the Pribraltarian government acclimated to reality of governing the island and the task of planning for its future, disagreements over the numerous policy options available to the new administration and alternative visions for the country's long-term political status caused the longstanding consensus within the UPP to break down. One of the new political tendencies that emerged during this time was the idea that instead of acceding to the Kiravian Federacy, Pribraltar would be better served by continuing its provisional autonomous but dependent status indefinitely, allowing it to benefit from economic and institutional ties to the region's largest economy and the protection of the Kiravian military while also benefitting from remaining outside Kiravian trade and regulatory régimes. Supporters of this vision, who were mostly liberal conservatives and market liberals in outlook, thought that a balance between independence and Kiravian integration would let Pribraltar best leverage its position along a major trade corridor, and create the possibility of becoming a venue for offshore finance.
The Pribraltar Freedom Party is more economically liberal, fiscally conservative, and socially moderate than the PRP and supports maintaining Pribraltar's status quo vis-a-vis the Kiravian Federacy, which it believes is to the island's benefit by allowing it to earn revenue as a tax, finance, and registration haven and reëxport hub. The Pribraltarian Libertarian Party is libertarian-conservative and supports affirmatively moving towards an unambiguous relationship of {{wp|associated state|free association}} with the Kiravian Federacy.  The PFP and PLP run on a joint list, the PFLP List, and have overlapping bases of support, being most strongly supported by Kiravian-born persons living in Pribraltar, much of the upper-middle class (especially those not educated in Great Kirav), and those parts of the business sector mainly serving foreign clients, as well as the Lusophone community. The PLP holds special appeal for the upper class and many native Pribraltarians with strong localist inclinations.  

The Coscivian People's Republic's first democratic election pitted these pro-status quo liberal conservatives, who split off to form the Pribraltar Freedom Party (PFP), against the UPP who ran on a Coscivian nationalist platform emphasising their leading role in the war of independence and promising "swift progress towards ensuring Pribraltar's rightful place as an equal member of the Coscivian superpower federation," the Party for Cronan Integration, and the two other parties that had been part of the government-in-exile. The UPP won the largest number of seats (13 out of 30), but lost control of the Auditorium to a coalition formed by the PFP (10 seats) and PLP (6 seats), with the CPRP winning the remaining two seats. However, as Pribraltar is a semi-presidential republic and the UPP wartime Prime Executive Visikur Hôsiverin was not due for reëlection for another six years, the UPP was able to retain some power in the executive. Hôsiverin and Prime Secretary Diarmuid Arden were able to compromise on a policy agenda that would include:
The CPPPR mainly represents the interests of the working class against the generally pro-business PRP and PFLP. It is internally divided between a more hardline Convist and Kirosocialist camp and a more moderate Kiro-social-democratic camp. Its strongest supporters are dockworkers, maritime and construction workers, service workers, and those on public assistance. Many people of Capetian and Sydonan origin support the CPPPR. The CPPPR has officially run on a pro-status quo platform in the modern era, but there is wide disagreement among party members about political status.
The Party for Cronan Integration has sidestepped the issue of political status by advocating multilateral integration between Pribraltar and Saint Kennera as equal partners with the Kiravian Federacy, [[The Cape]], Umcara, and whatever the fuck Azi is now, instead of Kiravian statehood or free association. Although it continues to promote Cronan Integration in its communications, the PCI has a vague and elastic plaform on other issues and functions mainly as a catch-all anti-establishment party. Politicians who have resigned or been expelled from their party for whatever reason often defect to the PCI and seek reëlection on its ballot line, with mixed success.

==Society and Culture==
==Society and Culture==