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Archæological and anthropological studies of the Upper Atrassic region have been, until very recently, precluded by the reclusive and obscurantist Varshani régime, and by the region's natural remoteness and inaccessibility. With the toppling of the Zûrg and advent of Kiravian control, new studies, mostly Kiravian and government-sponsored, have been planned but have yet to report findings. As such, little is known with reasonable certainty about the region's early history. The highland areas that would become Upper Atrassic Crona share a common elevated, rugged terrain, and have been the home of ethnic minorities, often termed "hill tribes" (Varshani: ''tàriq !oža'', Kiravic: ''alteryamin'') that have, relative to lowland peoples, succeeded in maintaining a measure of their autonomy and cultures in this state-repelling landscape. Although the distance of the region from the historical core of Varshan, its treacherous terrain, and its low economic utility shielded the hill tribes from total subjugation and destruction by Varshan, they were nonetheless subject to frequent slaving raids and military forays. As reported by T.L. Námkéag, a Tîkonderogan brave and Kiravian auxilliary officer and corroborated by medical examinations of survivors, the Varshani military tested chemical weapons on mountain villages during the 1980s and early 1990s.

Hailstorm Warriors
Some Kiravians and Occidentals travelled through the region during the [[Bootleg Wars]], and operated smuggling networks through the mountains.

Debellation of Varshan
During the [[Final War of the Deluge]], the region became engulfed in the Mountains of Terror Campaign. Faced with a gruelling tug-of-war against a robust Varshani defence in the Yaviža Gap and Zenoctalan Plateau, the Kiravian Army sought to create new pathways into Varshan through the Mountains of Terror, hoping that Kiravian air superiority, experienced and well-equipped Kiravian alpine regiments, and hostile local populations would deliver an advantage over the Varshani. This plan immediately saw setbacks as Kiravian aerial assaults proved less successful and more costly than anticipated, forcing High Command to confront more seriously the issue of how to conduct ground troops to Varshani positions overland.
General V.R. Ẍusyk, placed in command of the mountain campaign, looked to the local indigenous communities for help, and forged a series of alliances with the hill tribes to coöperate against Varshan. Kiravia provided humanitarian and medical assistance to hill communities and armed tribal militia who were loaned out as auxilliary units. The Army also recruited volunteers to serve as scouts, guides, interpreters, and commandos, embedded in Kiravian regular units. This coöperation dramatically improved the mobility of Kiravian troops through the mountains and the reliability of supply chains, and increased the success rate of strikes on Varshani positions.
This rapid loss of Varshan's previously absolute confidence in the Mountains of Terror as a barrier against a Kiravian incursion forced the Varshani military, already under severe strain from Occidental and Corummese advances on other fronts, to divert some troops from the Yaviža-Zenoctalan lines to the Nužul Plateau and the rim of the Širaq Basin. It also put the Varshani expeditionary force in Telonaticolan at risk of being cut off.

The territory that would become Upper Atrassic Crona was contained within the Northern Division of the Kiravian Occupation Zone, later renamed the Highland Division. During the transition to civil administration, Area A was separated to become the Trust Territory of A, and Area B was separated as the Montagnard Transitional State. What remained of the Highland Division was officially detached from Varshan and placed under civil administration as Upper Atrassic Crona.
The territory that would become Upper Atrassic Crona was contained within the Northern Division of the Kiravian Occupation Zone, later renamed the Highland Division. During the transition to civil administration, Area A was separated to become the Trust Territory of A, and Area B was separated as the Montagnard Transitional State. What remained of the Highland Division was officially detached from Varshan and placed under civil administration as Upper Atrassic Crona.