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==The Spelfiad (Memoir from 2017, incomplete)==
==The Spelfiad (Memoir from 2017, incomplete)==
I don’t exactly remember December 28th, 2013, but I remember the intrigue leading up to that. I was one of but four members of Ixnay, three of which were members of the World Assembly. The one who
I don’t exactly remember December 28th, 2013, but I remember the intrigue leading up to that. I was one of but four members of Ixnay, three of which were members of the World Assembly. The one who was not – Lacus Magni – was the only surviving product of my 2013 recruiting effort, one of two that I had conducted despite not being Delegate. The other remaining players, Kazomal and the Haunted Woods, were mostly inactive, but the endorsements of myself and Woods kept Kazomal as Delegate, meaning that unless Woods pulled his endorsement, Kazomal would remain. I convinced Lacus Magni – henceforth referred to as Latin – to join the World Assembly. I pulled my endorsement of Kazomal, he endorsed me, and by the 28th of December I became Delegate. I immediately recommenced recruitment efforts, and even moved my own puppet Constantinalia in – against regional rules, I might add – in order to boost the regional population and make it more appealing. I also included an older plotline about a claim on former Brasland - once a cornerstone member of the region who left but had a royal marriage with my country - as an initial offering. It didn’t go anywhere, but the colonial region of Landder (“Land der Bras” as initially formulated) endured for more than two years even as that initial plotline faded.
was not – Lacus Magni – was the only surviving product of my 2013 recruiting effort, one of two that I had conducted despite not being Delegate. The other remaining players, Kazomal and the Haunted
Woods, were mostly inactive, but the endorsements of myself and Woods kept Kazomal as Delegate, meaning that unless Woods pulled his endorsement, Kazomal would remain. I convinced Lacus Magni
I had always wanted to be the Delegate of a region. I always tend to want to be in charge – I guess it’s just in my nature, some accusing me of being power hungry. I suppose that’s true, but I also want to do things in positions of power I get. My rise to the Delegacy was not one that could have been reasonably foreseen – as a 16 year old, I was expelled from Ixnay in 2010 for, among other things, foul language and a poor temperament towards other players. I loved the region, though – I enjoyed the atmosphere the most of all. I had hopped around to several regions before and after – primarily Tyrrhenia – but Ixnay stuck. I don’t know why. I had never really been in a casual roleplaying community. Many, particularly Tyrrhenia, had activity requirements, and I just couldn’t pump out material. I liked the idea of being in a region that cooperated when I had a sudden momentary burst of creativity while simultaneously being a region that would tolerate me sitting around shooting the shit for months with nothing important going on in-universe. ''In hindsight, I'm sure a lot of my failure to produce was a consequence of age; productivity comes with experience.''  
– henceforth referred to as Latin – to join the World Assembly. I pulled my endorsement of Kazomal, he endorsed me, and by the 28th of December I became Delegate. I immediately recommenced
recruitment efforts, and even moved my own puppet Constantinalia in – against regional rules, I might add – in order to boost the regional population and make it more appealing. I also included an older
Though not Delegate, I had launched a major recruiting drive twice, both times primarily relying on roleplay connections I had made on the NationStates onsite forum, especially through a Papal Conclave roleplay. These two efforts occurred once in the fall of 2012 surrounding a plotline I introduced that brought Ixnay forward in time, and then again in 2013 when I undid those and adopted the timeline the region would use until the middle of 2015. That timeline set, as well as my becoming Delegate later in the year, were the two key events to usher in what many of what are now the older players consider the “Classic Era” of Ixnay. I would not have known at the time; not controlling the Delegacy meant any recruiting effort was doomed to fail as the Delegate could not vet potential recruits fast enough. I despaired, finally, after the second recruiting attempt. I conceded that Ixnay was doomed to dwindle and die – at eleven members following the recruiting failure – and that my dreams of a large vibrant region reminiscent of Tyrrhenia or the other great old ladies of the roleplay world were doomed to not come to pass. I guess, then, the 2013 “coup”, if it could be called that, was simply the result of boredom from being on winter break – I was a Sophomore at the '''-REDACTED-''' at the time. I didn’t fully expect it to work – I expected a telegram back from Lacus Magni saying that he just couldn’t bring himself to join the World Assembly. I would have accepted, stirred that I had failed again, and moved on. That is not what came to pass. I became Delegate and determined that I would conform Ixnay to my ideal while trying to stay true to its history and traditions – an extensive, ten year history.
plotline about a claim on former Brasland - once a cornerstone member of the region who left but had a royal marriage with my country - as an initial offering. It didn’t go anywhere, but the colonial region
of Landder (“Land der Bras” as initially formulated) endured for more than two years even as that initial plotline faded.
I had always wanted to be the Delegate of a region. I always tend to want to be in charge – I guess it’s just in my nature, some accusing me of being power hungry. I suppose that’s true, but I also want to
do things in positions of power I get. My rise to the Delegacy was not one that could have been reasonably foreseen – as a 16 year old, I was expelled from Ixnay in 2010 for, among other things, foul
language and a poor temperament towards other players. I loved the region, though – I enjoyed the atmosphere the most of all. I had hopped around to several regions before and after – primarily Tyrrhenia
– but Ixnay stuck. I don’t know why. I had never really been in a casual roleplaying community. Many, particularly Tyrrhenia, had activity requirements, and I just couldn’t pump out material. I liked the
idea of being in a region that cooperated when I had a sudden momentary burst of creativity while simultaneously being a region that would tolerate me sitting around shooting the shit for months with
nothing important going on in-universe. ''In hindsight, I'm sure a lot of my failure to produce was a consequence of age; productivity comes with experience.''
Though not Delegate, I had launched a major recruiting drive twice, both times primarily relying on roleplay connections I had made on the NationStates onsite forum, especially through a Papal Conclave
roleplay. These two efforts occurred once in the fall of 2012 surrounding a plotline I introduced that brought Ixnay forward in time, and then again in 2013 when I undid those and adopted the timeline the
region would use until the middle of 2015. That timeline set, as well as my becoming Delegate later in the year, were the two key events to usher in what many of what are now the older players consider
the “Classic Era” of Ixnay. I would not have known at the time; not controlling the Delegacy meant any recruiting effort was doomed to fail as the Delegate could not vet potential recruits fast enough. I
despaired, finally, after the second recruiting attempt. I conceded that Ixnay was doomed to dwindle and die – at eleven members following the recruiting failure – and that my dreams of a large vibrant
region reminiscent of Tyrrhenia or the other great old ladies of the roleplay world were doomed to not come to pass. I guess, then, the 2013 “coup”, if it could be called that, was simply the result of
boredom from being on winter break – I was a Sophomore at the '''-REDACTED-''' at the time. I didn’t fully expect it to work – I expected a telegram back from Lacus Magni saying that he just couldn’t
bring himself to join the World Assembly. I would have accepted, stirred that I had failed again, and moved on. That is not what came to pass. I became Delegate and determined that I would conform
Ixnay to my ideal while trying to stay true to its history and traditions – an extensive, ten year history.
===Building a Core===
===Building a Core===
If Ixnay had relied on its strong player relations, I knew I needed to build a community of roleplayers that I knew were primarily social, and so I turned to my old connections. First, those of the Conclave
If Ixnay had relied on its strong player relations, I knew I needed to build a community of roleplayers that I knew were primarily social, and so I turned to my old connections. First, those of the Conclave roleplay; Lacus Magni had joined through this, and I reached out to Kirav and Kistan next. Both players had been in the region during the 2013 effort (Kirav as a puppet), and I knew both had no real ties to their regional communities. Kirav was an older player – a veteran of the late 2000s “golden age of II” like myself, and I knew he would be a big get. It took some maneuvering and negotiation, but he came over with his primary nation soon enough. I considered this a move that improved the outward legitimacy of the region. It should be said I didn’t know if Kirav’s presence actually brought a single member to the region, but my only model for a region at the time was Tyrrhenia, which thrived on the late 2000s-type player. ''A later recollection of events by Burg confirmed that the presence of Kirav did indeed bring the region a certain pedigree of legitimacy, drawing him in.'' In my mind, getting Kirav to join meant that this effort was real. We had landed a pretty decently-sized fish, not a puppet, but the
roleplay; Lacus Magni had joined through this, and I reached out to Kirav and Kistan next. Both players had been in the region during the 2013 effort (Kirav as a puppet), and I knew both had no real ties
real deal. This set the recruiting goals for the next few months that did not truly come to pass – getting disaffected, veteran players. We did acquire a few, but in hindsight it was not where our bread was buttered. My view of NationStates as that late 2000s-style place was out of date but it was the only thing I had to go on.
to their regional communities. Kirav was an older player – a veteran of the late 2000s “golden age of II” like myself, and I knew he would be a big get. It took some maneuvering and negotiation, but he
came over with his primary nation soon enough. I considered this a move that improved the outward legitimacy of the region. It should be said I didn’t know if Kirav’s presence actually brought a single
Soon, several other players came. Most of the Conclave players had not yet responded, but a player from 2013 I had recruited named Talion Union came back. I got two players named Canete and Blue Cross Island from a random roleplay thread, and by the fourth of the year Ixnay had about eleven players. I had already considered myself a success; after all, I had increased the region’s membership by about two hundred percent. That would pale in comparison, however to what would come next.
member to the region, but my only model for a region at the time was Tyrrhenia, which thrived on the late 2000s-type player. ''A later recollection of events by Burg confirmed that the presence of Kirav did indeed bring the region a certain pedigree of legitimacy, drawing him in.'' In my mind, getting Kirav to join meant that this effort was real. We had landed a pretty decently-sized fish, not a puppet, but the
real deal. This set the recruiting goals for the next few months that did not truly come to pass – getting disaffected, veteran players. We did acquire a few, but in hindsight it was not where our bread was
I don’t know what happened – maybe people getting back from their Christmas breaks, but I seemed to be hitting gold on every telegram for the next three weeks. Ixnay was beginning to be a real time commitment – and I don’t mean that in a negative. At the time, my then-girlfriend was staying at her father’s new apartment, which was really an illegal basement in someone’s house in '''-REDACTED-'''. He worked nights, and she wanted to be there, so I spent something like two weeks in this basement. It wasn’t a shithole per se, just small. Her and I were sleeping on the dirty pullout in the living room.
buttered. My view of NationStates as that late 2000s-style place was out of date but it was the only thing I had to go on.
The first memory of Ixnay ever impacting my life in any meaningful way – and someone else noticing, which would become common with the time commitment – was that, while laying together on our respective laptops, she asked me what I was doing when she saw I was editing the region map in Photoshop. I gave some bullshit answer because I didn’t particularly feel like explaining what NationStates was. Soon after, maybe a few days later, I was updating the map several times a day due to the influx. She got frustrated and closed the laptop on me. Suffice to say (not because of this incident mind you), I no longer have her around - but I do have Ixnay.
Soon, several other players came. Most of the Conclave players had not yet responded, but a player from 2013 I had recruited named Talion Union came back. I got two players named Canete and Blue
Cross Island from a random roleplay thread, and by the fourth of the year Ixnay had about eleven players. I had already considered myself a success; after all, I had increased the region’s membership by
One of the early actors we had was a transgender player named Cyllea. This dude – he identified as a male during his time in Ixnay – was a trip. He must have been around fifteen or sixteen and that was my first experience as the regional executive dealing with that kind of age and the erratic behavior that accompanies it. I first, during this time, understood that I was wrong in 2010 when expelled from the region, and I understood what Solisbury, the then-delegate, went through. At this point I took a stance I more or less hold still – I don’t really believe in bans, I believe in patience and that being patient in newer and younger players will reap huge rewards for the region later on, as I believe the younger players who are a bit, for a lack of a better term, “nubby” will grow up in the region and become committed members. I gave Cyllea the Constantinalia nation and it has also gone to several players since, perhaps most successfully Kronata, who became Vice Delegate in 2016. This abortive
about two hundred percent. That would pale in comparison, however to what would come next.
“mentorship” has worked successfully on a few occasions, particularly with two players called Absurrania (who will be discussed in depth later) and The United States of North Amerigo, though there have been others over the years.
By the end of the month of January 2014, as new members came in daily, we had an astounding 43 members. If you asked me at that point, I would have told you my work was basically complete. In the years 2003-2013, Ixnay’s membership height was 44, which I would soon tie in February. We had formed a core membership. The key additions including Aerolah, Malaysii, and Luxew, three players we absorbed from a region we annexed called Audonia. ''At this time, Ixnay adopted the "subregion" model - annexing existing NationStates regions under the Ixnay umbrella with promises of autonomy and culture retention in addition to separate parts of the forum and self-governance. Audonia was the first such subregion.'' Kistan agreed to return, an older player named Pauldustllah joined, we annexed a region called The Darklands, another subregion, and we even had three veteran players called Yalos, Arcerion, and San Pellegrino Romana (albeit through a puppet) join. The annexation of the Darklands was somewhat controversial both on our side and in their region and would prove to be the first fight of many relating to their relationship with us. Other players that would come to stay, such as Sawra, Pelaxia, and Absurrania, joined during this time as well.
I think the map included for this period really tells the story. I had wanted a vibrant region, and this region was vibrant, even the map was colorful. It was not without its challenges, but this was truly a kind of naïve period for the region. We had acquired our base core members that would carry us for the next year and beyond, and the fault lines had not yet completely formed between players. The only issues that the region had at the time was a player named Sakatia who threatened to DDoS the regional forum in March while impersonating a player called The Sovietyeto, who was still in the region as of 2016-17. There was also a growing but extant fault between Kazomal and myself, who did not necessarily like the direction the region was going, seemed vaguely resentful of my 2013 recruiting efforts, and, in my belief, never particularly liked me from the time I was forced out of Ixnay in 2010. Still, the region existed in relative peaceful coexistence. As mentioned, we had a regional core that sustained us for a year and a half and partially beyond that. The only “core, older” players missing by this early stage were Kuhlfros and Cartadania, the former of which had done Conclave roleplay and both lived in the same region.

I don’t know what happened – maybe people getting back from their Christmas breaks, but I seemed to be hitting gold on every telegram for the next three weeks. Ixnay was beginning to be a real time
One of the innovations of this time period was the Regional Congress. This was a long-desired ask of members of the region dating back to the Classic Era and we finally implemented it. Back in this period, there was a sort-of unclear blending between the IC and OOC responsibilities of Delegate and regional governance, so the Delegacy existed in an IC capacity atop an IC regional governance, which included the new Regional Congress. Truly, the Regional Congress became an exercise to signal my experience with legislative proceedings to total strangers online, but in my view, it was the most effective and worked the best of any regional government or League of Nations before or since. It had a rules committee which considered proposed legislation, there was open debate on legislation, and the bills had real consequences for how the region existed in the IC universe - such as land and sea usage and the like.
commitment – and I don’t mean that in a negative. At the time, my then-girlfriend was staying at her father’s new apartment, which was really an illegal basement in someone’s house in '''-REDACTED-'''.
He worked nights, and she wanted to be there, so I spent something like two weeks in this basement. It wasn’t a shithole per se, just small. Her and I were sleeping on the dirty pullout in the living room.
The first memory of Ixnay ever impacting my life in any meaningful way – and someone else noticing, which would become common with the time commitment – was that, while laying together on our
respective laptops, she asked me what I was doing when she saw I was editing the region map in Photoshop. I gave some bullshit answer because I didn’t particularly feel like explaining what NationStates
was. Soon after, maybe a few days later, I was updating the map several times a day due to the influx. She got frustrated and closed the laptop on me. Suffice to say (not because of this incident mind you),
I no longer have her around - but I do have Ixnay.
One of the early actors we had was a transgender player named Cyllea. This dude – he identified as a male during his time in Ixnay – was a trip. He must have been around fifteen or sixteen and that was
my first experience as the regional executive dealing with that kind of age and the erratic behavior that accompanies it. I first, during this time, understood that I was wrong in 2010 when expelled from the
region, and I understood what Solisbury, the then-delegate, went through. At this point I took a stance I more or less hold still – I don’t really believe in bans, I believe in patience and that being patient in
newer and younger players will reap huge rewards for the region later on, as I believe the younger players who are a bit, for a lack of a better term, “nubby” will grow up in the region and become
committed members. I gave Cyllea the Constantinalia nation and it has also gone to several players since, perhaps most successfully Kronata, who became Vice Delegate in 2016. This abortive
“mentorship” has worked successfully on a few occasions, particularly with two players called Absurrania (who will be discussed in depth later) and The United States of North Amerigo, though there have
been others over the years.
By the end of the month of January 2014, as new members came in daily, we had an astounding 43 members. If you asked me at that point, I would have told you my work was basically complete. In the
years 2003-2013, Ixnay’s membership height was 44, which I would soon tie in February. We had formed a core membership. The key additions including Aerolah, Malaysii, and Luxew, three players we
absorbed from a region we annexed called Audonia. ''At this time, Ixnay adopted the "subregion" model - annexing existing NationStates regions under the Ixnay umbrella with promises of autonomy and
culture retention in addition to separate parts of the forum and self-governance. Audonia was the first such subregion.'' Kistan agreed to return, an older player named Pauldustllah joined, we annexed a
region called The Darklands, another subregion, and we even had three veteran players called Yalos, Arcerion, and San Pellegrino Romana (albeit through a puppet) join. The annexation of the Darklands
was somewhat controversial both on our side and in their region and would prove to be the first fight of many relating to their relationship with us. Other players that would come to stay, such as Sawra,
Pelaxia, and Absurrania, joined during this time as well.
I think the map included for this period really tells the story. I had wanted a vibrant region, and this region was vibrant, even the map was colorful. It was not without its challenges, but this was truly a
kind of naïve period for the region. We had acquired our base core members that would carry us for the next year and beyond, and the fault lines had not yet completely formed between players. The only
issues that the region had at the time was a player named Sakatia who threatened to DDoS the regional forum in March while impersonating a player called The Sovietyeto, who is, as of 2016, still in the
region. There was also a growing but extant fault between Kazomal and myself, who did not necessarily like the direction the region was going, seemed vaguely resentful of my 2013 recruiting efforts,
and, in my belief, never particularly liked me from the time I was forced out of Ixnay in 2010. Still, the region existed in relative peaceful coexistence. As mentioned, we had a regional core that sustained
us for a year and a half and partially beyond that. The only “core, older” players missing by this early stage were Kuhlfros and Cartadania, the former of which had done Conclave roleplay and both lived
in the same region.
One of the innovations of this time period was the Regional Congress. This was a long-desired ask of members of the region dating back to the Classic Era and we finally implemented it. Back in this
period, there was a sort-of unclear blending between the IC and OOC responsibilities of Delegate and regional governance, so the Delegacy existed in an IC capacity atop an IC regional governance, which
included the new Regional Congress. Truly, the Regional Congress became an exercise to signal my experience with legislative proceedings to total strangers online, but in my view, it was the most
effective and worked the best of any regional government or League of Nations before or since. It had a rules committee which considered proposed legislation, there was open debate on legislation, and
the bills had real consequences for how the region existed in the IC universe - such as land and sea usage and the like.

===Growing Fissures and First Fights===
===Growing Fissures and First Fights===