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==The Spelfiad (Memoir from 2017, incomplete)==
==The Spelfiad (Memoir from 2017, incomplete)==
I don’t exactly remember December 28th, 2013, but I remember the intrigue leading up to that. I was one of but four members of Ixnay, three of which were members of the World Assembly. The one who was not – Lacus Magni – was the only surviving product of my 2013 recruiting effort, one of two that I had conducted despite not being Delegate. The other remaining players, Kazomal and the Haunted Woods, were mostly inactive, but the endorsements of myself and Woods kept Kazomal as Delegate, meaning that unless Woods pulled his endorsement, Kazomal would remain. I convinced Lacus Magni – henceforth referred to as Latin – to join the World Assembly. I pulled my endorsement of Kazomal, he endorsed me, and by the 28th of December I became Delegate. I immediately recommenced recruitment efforts, and even moved my own puppet Constantinalia in – against regional rules, I might add – in order to boost the regional population and make it more appealing. I also included an older plotline about a claim on former Brasland - once a cornerstone member of the region who left but had a royal marriage with my country - as an initial offering. It didn’t go anywhere, but the colonial region of Landder (“Land der Bras” as initially formulated) endured for more than two years even as that initial plotline faded.
I don’t exactly remember December 28th, 2013, but I remember the intrigue leading up to that. I was one of but four members of Ixnay, three of which were members of the World Assembly. The one who was not – Lacus Magni – was the only surviving product of my 2013 recruiting effort, one of two that I had conducted despite not being Delegate. The other remaining players, Kazomal and the Haunted Woods, were mostly inactive, but the endorsements of myself and Woods kept Kazomal as Delegate, meaning that unless Woods pulled his endorsement, Kazomal would remain. I convinced Lacus Magni – henceforth referred to as Latin – to join the World Assembly. I pulled my endorsement of Kazomal, he endorsed me, and by the 28th of December I became Delegate. I immediately recommenced recruitment efforts, and even moved my own puppet Constantinalia in – against regional rules, I might add – in order to boost the regional population and make it more appealing. I also included an older plotline about a claim on former Brasland - once a cornerstone member of the region who left but had a royal marriage with my country - as an initial offering. It didn’t go anywhere, but the colonial region of Landder (“Land der Bras” as initially formulated) endured for more than two years even as that initial plotline faded.

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===Growing Fissures and First Fights===
===Growing Fissures and First Fights===
I decided in March, as I have been increasingly known to do, take a quick break from the region. There was a few reasons for this. 1. It was a period of increasing intensity in real life events at school,
I decided in March, as I have been increasingly known to do, take a quick break from the region. There was a few reasons for this. 1. It was a period of increasing intensity in real life events at school, particularly Republican clubs and the Student Government, but moreso 2. I was undergoing the experience of the end of my relationship which had been going on for nearly three years. I don’t mean to use this as an excuse, but to provide some context as for why I did this the first time. In my stead, the head of the Darklands, a player called Kauvara, who had been elected Vice Delegate (an invention popularly demanded and implemented in January to account for a lack of elected Delegacy) took control of the region. In the course of three weeks (dating March 8th through March 22nd, 2014), several changes were proposed, others were implemented, such as a regional supreme court of some kind, which I strongly opposed. The court became something of a pet project of Sawra and ended up being
particularly Republican clubs and the Student Government, but moreso 2. I was undergoing the experience of the end of my relationship which had been going on for nearly three years. I don’t mean to use
this as an excuse, but to provide some context as for why I did this the first time. In my stead, the head of the Darklands, a player called Kauvara, who had been elected Vice Delegate (an invention
popularly demanded and implemented in January to account for a lack of elected Delegacy) took control of the region. In the course of three weeks (dating March 8th through March 22nd, 2014), several
changes were proposed, others were implemented, such as a regional supreme court of some kind, which I strongly opposed. The court became something of a pet project of Sawra and ended up being
Upon my return, as has become somewhat recurrent and pattern-forming, there was some anger with me for trying to reassert myself as Delegate. Public opinion shifted - briefly - in favor of Kauvara and
the Darklanders and it was a struggle, but ultimately, which the support of the old guard and others, I managed to reassume the Delegacy and ultimately mitigate some of the harmful effects of the changes.
Upon my return, as had become somewhat recurrent and pattern-forming, there was some anger with me for trying to reassert myself as Delegate. Public opinion shifted - briefly - in favor of Kauvara and the Darklanders and it was a struggle, but ultimately, which the support of the old guard and others, I managed to reassume the Delegacy and ultimately mitigate some of the harmful effects of the changes. This was the flashpoint, in my view, of later feuds between myself and the Darklanders. Infamously, around this time, they took issue with my saying that Ixnay was “not a democracy”, not pretended to be, yet they took a screencap (or threatened to) as if I had ever intimated otherwise.  
This was the flashpoint, in my view, of later feuds between myself and the Darklanders. Infamously, around this time, they took issue with my saying that Ixnay was “not a democracy”, not pretended to
be, yet they took a screencap (or threatened to) as if I had ever intimated otherwise.
I believe my own personal failings (for lack of a more accurate term) also caused some tension. One of the players of The Darklands, a guy named Constitutional Empire of Scocialist (sic) Provinces and I could not agree on anything and particularly on any issue of values - he was a militant atheist and claimed to be some kind of drug using fornicating degenerate, though I suspect there was a great degree of LARP involved there. It was natural we would clash on just about everything. I don’t know to this day whether or not he and the others - particularly an uppity Dutchman named Prizyetsa - really cared about democratization issues or just played them up publicly as a defensible pretext to dislike me. Whatever the case, a “Urcea-CESP” brawl would basically ensue night-in and night-out for months in 2014, only subsiding later on but never truly going away until the Darklanders left.  
I believe my own personal failings (for lack of a more accurate term) also caused some tension. One of the players of The Darklands, a guy named Constitutional Empire of Scocialist (sic) Provinces and I
could not agree on anything and particularly on any issue of values - he was a militant atheist and claimed to be some kind of drug using fornicating degenerate, though I suspect there was a great degree of
There was also some general drama going on in the region mostly independent of my involvement. The Sovietyeto became a large problem even for the Darklanders and was kicked on down to the continent of Ixnay. Through some questionable but mostly legitimate means, he came to acquire a large portion of territory. Eventually, had one of many incidents leading to a “rage quit” of sorts, necessitating division of his territory in May via a decree of the Delegate. This was perhaps the high water mark of the IC/OOC blending. This partition was one of the major beginnings of a point of serious contention in the region that gripped the region until its resolution in the middle of 2015. This point of contention would later drive Kazomal, who had been in the region in some form or another since its beginning, from the region due to disputes between other players and himself.  
LARP involved there. It was natural we would clash on just about everything. I don’t know to this day whether or not he and the others - particularly an uppity Dutchman named Prizyetsa - really cared
about democratization issues or just played them up publicly as a defensible pretext to dislike me. Whatever the case, a “Urcea-CESP” brawl would basically ensue night-in and night-out for months in
Another troublemaker named the Eorlingan Empire also came to stir up chaos in the region around this time. He began making broadsides against the fundamental roleplay mechanics of the region at the time - mainly, using in-game stats to determine in-character national characteristics, but also general godmodding mini-maxing. He would play a role in helping me redraw the Ixnay region map (he redrew the Darklands for me) that is still in use today, but was another individual who was generally curmudgeon-like. ''As can be noted within the map gallery, at this point I redrew the map to a larger, clearer form, still used mostly today.''  
2014, only subsiding later on but never truly going away until the Darklanders left.
There was also some general drama going on in the region mostly independent of my involvement. The Sovietyeto became a large problem even for the Darklanders and was kicked on down to the
It was also around this time that the first true notion of complaining about LOTA came to be. LOTA, the “[[Levantia and Odoneru Treaty Association]]”, was an in-character alliance of Kirav, Urcea, Kistan, Kuhlfros, and the Latin Empire. It was the most powerful alliance in-universe (especially during the era of game stats) and generally complaints were lobbied that its power stifled roleplay. In retrospect I will admit there was probably some truth in this - fear of a LOTA intervention in one’s affairs probably did, indeed, stifle roleplay. This time period was probably the first high watermark for LOTA. LOTA was opposed by the Darklanders ICly (and OOCly) and, despite clear superiority, the Darklanders, and particularly CESP, argued for their superior based on technological means and other questionable WMD developments. This gave rise, later, to the reference of deus ex machina in game technology as “Norftek” (in reference to the Northern Union, or the Darklands), also used as a term of general mockery for players claiming technological superiority.
continent of Ixnay. Through some questionable but mostly legitimate means, he came to acquire a large portion of territory. Eventually, had one of many incidents leading to a “rage quit” of sorts,
==The 2022 Recollection Collection==
necessitating division of his territory in May via a decree of the Delegate. This was perhaps the high water mark of the IC/OOC blending. This partition was one of the major beginnings of a point of
serious contention in the region that gripped the region until its resolution in the middle of 2015. This point of contention would later drive Kazomal, who had been in the region in some form or another
since its beginning, from the region due to disputes between other players and himself.
Another troublemaker named the Eorlingan Empire also came to stir up chaos in the region around this time. He began making broadsides against the fundamental roleplay mechanics of the region at the
time - mainly, using in-game stats to determine in-character national characteristics, but also general godmodding mini-maxing. He would play a role in helping me redraw the Ixnay region map (he redrew
the Darklands for me) that is still in use today, but was another individual who was generally curmudgeon-like. ''As can be noted within the map gallery, at this point I redrew the map to a larger, clearer
form, still used mostly today.''
It was also around this time that the first true notion of complaining about LOTA came to be. LOTA, the “[[Levantia and Odoneru Treaty Association]]”, was an in-character alliance of Kirav, Urcea, Kistan,
Kuhlfros, and the Latin Empire. It was the most powerful alliance in-universe (especially during the era of game stats) and generally complaints were lobbied that its power stifled roleplay. In retrospect I
will admit there was probably some truth in this - fear of a LOTA intervention in one’s affairs probably did, indeed, stifle roleplay. This time period was probably the first high watermark for LOTA. LOTA
was opposed by the Darklanders ICly (and OOCly) and, despite clear superiority, the Darklanders, and particularly CESP, argued for their superior based on technological means and other questionable
WMD developments. This gave rise, later, to the reference of deus ex machina in game technology as “Norftek” (in reference to the Northern Union, or the Darklands), also used as a term of general
mockery for players claiming technological superiority.