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By the end of 1790, John Hughes left Frederick Marlborough as the commander and governor of the small Carnish colony. They had erected a small palisade and earth berms, and expanded the artillery revettment using spare four and six pound cannons from the frigates. Hughes set sail in the ''Windswept,'' with the ''Rednose'' following closely, bound for Carna to inform the King of the successful establishment of a Crown colony.  
By the end of 1790, John Hughes left Frederick Marlborough as the commander and governor of the small Carnish colony. They had erected a small palisade and earth berms, and expanded the artillery revettment using spare four and six pound cannons from the frigates. Hughes set sail in the ''Windswept,'' with the ''Rednose'' following closely, bound for Carna to inform the King of the successful establishment of a Crown colony.  

Hughes informed the King of the success, and the Crown Royalty of Carna was overjoyed. They demanded an immediate follow-up expedition, with a dozen more ships packed with excited colonists to explore the new land. Most of these settlers were Ænglish and Gaelic, and this immigration trend would continue, giving Arcerion a dual cultural heritage. Hughes also travelled with a Royal Decree backdated for January 3rd, 1790 declaring the creation of the Carnish Colony of Crona, and naming him Crown-Governor. Although he is the first Crown-Governor of Arcerion, in the recognized history by the Confederate Parliament, Frederick Marlborough is the first head-of-government in Arcerion. Hughes would leave in late 1971 with a second flotilla of a fourteen ships, including ''Windswept'', and would return to the colony, first landing several ships at what he was bemused to learn was now no longer Hughes' Town, but 'Kurst.' He then took six ships, and landed three apiece along the Songun Shore of the colony to the South, one of these ships, ''Chester'', becoming fouled in rocks not far from a large stretch of moorland, which ironically became the settling place for the future bustling port city of Chester-on-Moore. The smaller port city to the South of this was also established, Port Hughes was settled, which Hughes joked finally gave his name some meaning on the continent.
Hughes informed the King of the success, and the Crown Royalty of Carna was overjoyed. They demanded an immediate follow-up expedition, with a dozen more ships packed with excited colonists to explore the new land. Most of these settlers were Ænglish and Gaelic, and this immigration trend would continue, giving Arcerion a dual cultural heritage. Hughes also travelled with a Royal Decree backdated for January 3rd, 1790 declaring the creation of the Carnish Colony of Crona, and naming him Crown-Governor. Although he is the first Crown-Governor of Arcerion, in the recognized history by the Confederate Parliament, Frederick Marlborough is the first head-of-government in Arcerion. Hughes would leave in late 1971 with a second flotilla of a fourteen ships, including ''Windswept'', and would return to the colony, first landing several ships at what he was bemused to learn was now no longer Hughes' Town, but 'Kurst.' He then took six ships, and landed three apiece along the Songun Shore of the colony to the South, one of these ships, ''Chester'', becoming fouled in rocks not far from a large stretch of moorland, which ironically became the settling place for the future bustling port city of Chester-on-Moore. The smaller port city to the South of this was also established, Port Hughes was settled, which Hughes joked finally gave his name some meaning on the continent.  

By the eve of 1793, two major settlements, Kurst and Chester-on-Moore had been established, and multiple smaller homesteads and farms had begun to appear, with the new settlers taking to irrigating, tilling, and farming the land, and raising and breeding the livestock that had survived the journey from Carna.   
By the eve of 1793, two major settlements, Kurst and Chester-on-Moore had been established, and multiple smaller homesteads and farms had begun to appear, with the new settlers taking to irrigating, tilling, and farming the land, and raising and breeding the livestock that had survived the journey from Carna. Unexpectedly, in the spring of 1793, more sails were spotted on the horizon from Port Hughes' small coastal battery, and they hailed them using signal flags. The ships were additional expeditionary and settlers sent by the Carnish Crown, including 12 pounder guns, horses, gold pieces, and other necessary resources to establish a more permanent presence. The ships were divided, with a pair staying anchored off the coast of Port Hughes, and the remainder carrying on up the coast to Kurst. 
In Kurst, the Crown-Governer's mansion had begun the process of being constructed, as had Fort Ellis, named for one of the men killed in the initial A'awaska raid of 1790. With the arrival of additional ships, the growing colony now numbered well over a thousand, with Chester-on-Moore rivaling this. Construction on a larger jetty and berthing for ships was begun, and other key infrastructure such as windmills had undergone improvements since the initial once were built in 1790. Individual ships by themselves or in small groupings would arrive and deliver supplies and new settlers, and the small colony swelled. Kurst now had distinct districts and a bustling main road, including a pair of popular pubs, both served by the same brewery.   
=== First Bush War ===
=== First Bush War ===
=== Second Bush War ===
=== Second Bush War ===