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The Arcer Army is entirely based around regiments and Corps. However this can be confusing as the term ''regiment'' can refer to multiple different sizes or types of organizations. It can mean an administrative grouping of disparate subunits with a shared identity (ie. Royal Regiment of Arcerion Horse Artillery), or a tactical unit. In general, Arcer regiments are administrative groupings of tactical formations (usually battalion-strength), and the Regimental headquarters serves in a staff, professional development training, and support role whereas the Brigades maintain operational and tactical control of their military training.  
The Arcer Army is entirely based around regiments and Corps. However this can be confusing as the term ''regiment'' can refer to multiple different sizes or types of organizations. It can mean an administrative grouping of disparate subunits with a shared identity (ie. Royal Regiment of Arcerion Horse Artillery), or a tactical unit. In general, Arcer regiments are administrative groupings of tactical formations (usually battalion-strength), and the Regimental headquarters serves in a staff, professional development training, and support role whereas the Brigades maintain operational and tactical control of their military training.  

The oldest Arcerion Regiment to still exist is the the Arcerion Loyal Militia, whose colours and battle honours are now part of the Royal Moorden Regiment as the result of amalgamation during the mid-1800s. While this technically makes the Royal Moorden Regiment the oldest, the Royal Arcerion Regiment was established in 1809, making it the most senior. 
Arcerion has several honorifics and monikers for their regiments that while historically were used to edenote a type of regiment, ie. 'Grenadiers or 'Guards,' this now is for heritage only and all infantry regiments are either light or mechanized. 
In the Arcer Regimental System, the tactical regiment or battalion is the basic fundamental building block and its commanding officer has a considerably larger amount of autonomy and authority than under more corporate or continental systems. Divisional or Brigade staff will not insert themselves into the day-to-day operation of a battalion to avoid micromanagement, placing a larger emphasis on the battalion's officers and NCOs. In this construct, the regimental sergeant major (RSM) is a key stakeholder in regimental life, responsible to the CO for unit discipline and the behaviour of the NCOs. 
=== Armour and Cavalry ===
=== Armour and Cavalry ===
There exists on a singular Arcer armorued formation comprised of main battle tanks, the Arcerion Tank Regiment (ATR). Now, the Arcerion Tank Regiment serves both an administrative function as the Regimental HQ, but also has several tactical regiments, 1 ATR and 3 ATR.
Cavalry in Arcerion is lighter armoured or reconnaissance formations used to screen, harass, and flank. These are usually battalion-strength, but maintain an administrative HQ making them a regiment. Comprised of Troops and Squadrons, these formations are grouped with other armoured units, and their size may vary.
=== Artillery ===
=== Artillery ===
In Arcerion all artillery is grouped under two administrative Regiments, the Royal Regiment of Arcer Horse Artillery (RRAHA), and the Regiment of Arcerion Artillery (RAA). The former is usually defined as an administrative regiment with tactical subunits, comprised of 105mm and 155mm batteries, whereas the Regiment of Arcerion Artillery provides combat support with forward observers, UAS, and intelligence.
=== Infantry ===
=== Infantry ===
Administrative infantry regiments are compsied of one or more battalions. When a regiment has only one battalion, the battalion may have exactly the same name as its Regiment. For example, the Presdale Light Infantry consists of a single battalion of infantry, but still retains a Regimental HQ. More than one battalion in a regiment means that there is numbering even if there is only a singular battalion. Numbers may be non-consecutive, and there may be additional honorifics or titles associated with either the Regimental, Battalion, or Company designations.
=== Corps ===
=== Corps ===
The Arcer Army also has several battalion-sized tactical regiments that are considered to be part of a Corps, as having multiple regiments of this type was deemed unfit or not efficient. For example, the Royal Arcerion Engineers (RAE), have several tactical regiments such as 3rd Combat Engineer Regiment, but maintains the colours and heritage of the Corps. This is more common in support functions such as the Royal Arcerion Logistics Corps or the Royal Arcerion Medical Corps.
== Modern Usage and Legacy ==
== Modern Usage and Legacy ==

=== Regimental Muster Lists ===
Reported to the Confederate Parliament, this is a yearly report that is a carry over from reports sent by the Crown-Governor to Carna reporting on military affairs and the number of standing soldiers.