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Fashion in Stenza is at a turning point. Throughout the decades since independence, Stenza has very much tried to follow the latest international trends to be considered modern, with fashion being an integral part of it. The resurgence in popularity of Stenza's Polynesian culture has caused a shift in Stenzan fashion however, with traditionally pieces becoming ever so popular among the culturally proud in Stenza. This has led to an interesting mix of traditional and modern fashion usually referred to as ''Stenzo-Modern'', with the design culture's colorful pieces gaining attention beyond Stenza as well.
Fashion in Stenza is at a turning point. Throughout the decades since independence, Stenza has very much tried to follow the latest international trends to be considered modern, with fashion being an integral part of it. The resurgence in popularity of Stenza's Polynesian culture has caused a shift in Stenzan fashion however, with traditionally pieces becoming ever so popular among the culturally proud in Stenza. This has led to an interesting mix of traditional and modern fashion usually referred to as ''Stenzo-Modern'', with the design culture's colorful pieces gaining attention beyond Stenza as well.
Organized religion has historically been a minor to non-existant entity within Stenzan society, with its ancient tribal religions being outlawed during the colonial era. Independent Stenza started off inheriting its ban on religion, although the government allowed the creation of the [[Polynesian Revivalist Church]] in the 1970s. This religion, which tries to merge what is still known of ancient tribal religions with modern day ideals, was originally used by the state to relay its ideals to those who chose to attend it. By 2014 however, the church had gained independence from the state and gained popularity through interest in Polynesian Revivalism. By 2029, 12.2% of all Stenzans are part of the church, which is closely associated with the [[Polynesian Pact]]. The Polynesian Revivalist Church has been described as a "more modern and down to earth adaption of [[Kapuhenasa]]" by some.
In 2023, the [[College of Levantine Churches]] settled down in Stenza in wake of the revolution a year prior. Although Protestantism has no history in Stenza prior to this day, the church has booked moderate success in gaining the attention of Stenza's citizens. By 2029, 1.7% of Stenza's population identifies as a protestant who attends a CLC connected church. In addition to Stenza's native protestants, CLC connected churches are popular among Stenza's growing numbers of tourists and expats, offering the religious services they are used to in their home countries abroad.

==See also==
==See also==