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===Nationalist renewed interest and restoration===
===Nationalist renewed interest and restoration===
The ruins of the Anglasweorc would lay without notice for several centuries following the Nordmontaine War, with its structures continuing to crumble. Many local builders would use the remaining famous polished limestone for other structures, and by the early 19th century scholars noted the "palatial" nature of nearby Ænglish stables and feeding troughs. As [[Ænglish people|Ænglish]] nationalism began to reemerge in the 19th century, Ænglish historians began to take an interest in the weorc. The first archaeological efforts began at sites along the weorc in 1864, and a small segment of wall was uncovered and partly restored by local authorities in 1872. Funds for these efforts were limited and would slow for the next half century. The creation of the first Ænglish state since the 16th century - established by 1884's [[Concordat of Donnebourg]] - lead to a significant influx of funds and attention for projects related to the archaeology and history of the Ænglish people. The new state of [[Anglei]] began to make these areas its priority by 1900, and a great deal of work uncovering the weorc began in 1907. Some efforts to restore the walls and forts were successful, providing for the organized wall and fort ruins visible today. The weorc was declared to be largely uncovered by Anglei's archaeoligcal authority in 1927.
====Second Great War====
====Second Great War====
During the [[Second Great War]] and following [[Urcea|Urcean]] occupation of [[Anglei]] in 1935, [[Yonderre]] began work building defences towards its south east. The defences would run along the river [[Avonne]] alongwhich the Anglasweorc in [[Yonderre]] stood. Yonderian planners contemplated converting the earthen wall into an anti-tank trench and assigned 31st, 35th and 42nd Engineer Battalions of the [[Yonderian Defence Force]] to carry out the work. Had the proposal been implemented, it would have destroyed the structure.
During the [[Second Great War]] and following [[Urcea|Urcean]] occupation of [[Anglei]] in 1935, [[Yonderre]] began work building defences towards its south east. The defences would run along the river [[Avonne]] alongwhich the Anglasweorc in [[Yonderre]] stood. Yonderian planners contemplated converting the earthen wall into an anti-tank trench and assigned 31st, 35th and 42nd Engineer Battalions of the [[Yonderian Defence Force]] to carry out the work. Had the proposal been implemented, it would have destroyed the structure.

Hearing of the plans, Ænglish archaeologist James Teller immediately telephoned the head of the [[University of Collinebourg]]'s archaeological department and was even put in touch with [[Grand Duke of Yonderre]] [[Joanus X de Martigueux]] himself. Teller argued strongly against the destruction of an important remnant of "Levantine civilization" and Joanus authorized him to stop the construction of the anti-tank trench. He informed Teller that a written order would be dispatched but that it would take several days to arrive. Teller then drove to the site and ordered the commanding [[Yonderian Defence Force|YDF]] officers to immediately stop the construction process. When the local [[Yonderian Defence Force|YDF]] commander refused, Teller threatened him with reprisals from the [[Grand Duke of Yonderre|Grand Duke]] himself. Construction was called off and the Grand Duke's written order arrived two days later countering the [[Yonderian Defence Force|YDF]]'s original instructions.
Hearing of the plans, Ænglish archaeologist James Teller immediately telephoned the head of the [[University of Collinebourg]]'s archaeological department and was even put in touch with [[Grand Duke of Yonderre]] [[Joanus X de Martigueux]] himself. Teller argued strongly against the destruction of an important remnant of "Levantine civilization" and Joanus authorized him to stop the construction of the anti-tank trench. He informed Teller that a written order would be dispatched but that it would take several days to arrive. Teller then drove to the site and ordered the commanding [[Yonderian Defence Force|YDF]] officers to immediately stop the construction process. When the local [[Yonderian Defence Force|YDF]] commander refused, Teller threatened him with reprisals from the [[Grand Duke of Yonderre|Grand Duke]] himself. Construction was called off and the Grand Duke's written order arrived two days later countering the [[Yonderian Defence Force|YDF]]'s original instructions.
===Modern preservation efforts===
===Modern preservation efforts===