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Tag: 2017 source edit
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Tag: 2017 source edit
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|capital =            San Lina
|capital =            San Lina
|largest_city =      Capital
|largest_city =      Capital
|official_languages = Spanish<br/>English
|official_languages = Spanish
|ethnic_groups =       
|ethnic_groups =       
|religion =          Catholicism
|religion =          Catholicism
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In Puertego the country's repeated and blatant human rights violations remain a significant concern with some of the most common issues regarding the nation's status on freedoms of association, speech, the press, and assembly with the government passing many pieces of legislation allowing them to seriously curb these freedoms with some of them being the 2010 insurrection and riot act which allows the government to break up any gathering peaceful or not if they deem it to soon cause "lawless and disorderly behavior" and the 2011 Defamation act which allows the government to charge people with libel, slander, or attempting to incite public disorder, additionally the government has been criticized by international observers for the status of torture by police and the poor overcrowded conditions in the nations prisons. international bodies have also expressed extreme concern over the nations policy of mass sentencing, detention without trial for up to a year, and the disappearances of human rights advocates at the hands of the nation's security forces and in its prisons. Puertego has repeatedly been ranked as one of the worst countries for press freedom and one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists with blackmail, threats, harassment, and violence all having been reported against the country's security forces by journalists with reports of security forces forcibly shutting down television stations and newspapers also being reported often.
In Puertego the country's repeated and blatant human rights violations remain a significant concern with some of the most common issues regarding the nation's status on freedoms of association, speech, the press, and assembly with the government passing many pieces of legislation allowing them to seriously curb these freedoms with some of them being the 2010 insurrection and riot act which allows the government to break up any gathering peaceful or not if they deem it to soon cause "lawless and disorderly behavior" and the 2011 Defamation act which allows the government to charge people with libel, slander, or attempting to incite public disorder, additionally the government has been criticized by international observers for the status of torture by police and the poor overcrowded conditions in the nations prisons. international bodies have also expressed extreme concern over the nations policy of mass sentencing, detention without trial for up to a year, and the disappearances of human rights advocates at the hands of the nation's security forces and in its prisons. Puertego has repeatedly been ranked as one of the worst countries for press freedom and one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists with blackmail, threats, harassment, and violence all having been reported against the country's security forces by journalists with reports of security forces forcibly shutting down television stations and newspapers also being reported often.
''What kind of people live in your country?''
In 2030 Puertego has a population of 65,278,345 living in the country with an additional 11,000,000 Puertegans legally working abroad. The population of Puertego is very young with it being estimated that around 30% of the population is 14 or younger and only around 4.1% of the population is 65+. Puertego has an annual population growth rate of around 1.4% with the growth mainly being for ethnic Puertegans a mix of Latins and native Puertegans while ethnically native Puertegans have experienced the largest loss losing 67% of their population in Puertego annually. Puertego has a fertility rate of 2.6 children per woman and an infant mortality rate of 19.5 fatalities per 1,000, Puertego has a median age of 27 with the countries fertility rate making this number seem like it will be fairly stable.
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| other =  
| other =  
| label1 = [[1 People]]
| label1 = [[Puertegans]]
| value1 =81.4
| value1 =88.6
| color1 =LightYellow
| color1 =LightYellow
| label2 =[[2 People]]
| label3 =[[Pelaxians]]
| value2 =7.2
| color2 =DarkCyan
| label3 =[[3 People]]
| value3 =3.8
| value3 =3.8
| color3 =LimeGreen
| color3 =LimeGreen
| label4 =[[4 People]]
| label4 =[[Cartadanian]]
| value4 =2.8
| value4 =3.5
| color4 =CadetBlue
| color4 =CadetBlue
| label5 =[[5 People]]
| label5 =[[Latin]]
| value5 =2.2
| value5 =2.7
| color5 =NavajoWhite
| color5 =NavajoWhite
| label6 =[[6 People]]
| label6 =[[Native Puertegan]]
| value6 = 1.4
| value6 = 1.4
| color6 =Pink
| color6 =Pink
| label7 =Other
| value7 =1.2
| color7 =Brown
''What ethnic groups make up your country?''
Puertego is primarily made up of 5 ethnic groups ethnic Puertegans, Pelaxians, Cartadanians, Latins, and native Puertegans. Ethnic Puertegans are a mixture of Puertegan natives and Latins with them forming the largest percentage of the populations while ethnic Pelaxians and Cartadanians form the second and third largest ethnic groups respectively and primarily arrived at Puertego during the country's years when it was colonized largely as wealthy landowners at the time, native Puertegans form the smallest ethnic group in Puertego and despite the Puertegan constitution officially stating that the government will not discriminate based on the grounds of race Puertegan natives are some of the most likely to have their land confiscated by the government without any compensation with up to 1.6 million having been displaced in this way.
''What language or languages do your country's people use? Are there any previously used languages no longer common? Are these languages native to your country or shared with another?''
The population of Puertego overwhelmingly speaks Spanish with around 99.3% of the population being native speakers of the language while the remaining 0.7% are split between many native speakers of languages belonging to small native tribes.
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''What do your country's people believe in religiously, if anything? How many groups are there?''
Puertego is predominantly Catholic with 94.5% of the population reporting belonging to this religion.
''How many people in your country are educated?''
''How many people in your country are educated?''
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''What is your country's education system like? How do the schools work? What do people think about education?''
''What is your country's education system like? How do the schools work? What do people think about education?''
===Attitudes and worldview===
===Attitudes and worldview===
''How do your country's people view life?''
''How do your country's people view life?''
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The infrastructure of Puertego has long been recognized by international observers as being of poor quality with the two main reasons attributed to this being widespread corruption in the government and the prevalence of shanty towns in Puertego's major cities making planning for the locations of infrastructure difficult though there have also been other reasons given that are less widespread than the previous reasons such as the presence of land mines in the country from the nations long history of civil wars with it being estimated that as much as 8% of land in Puertegan territory is unusable due to the presence of landmines on it. However, the government has been making large efforts to try and improve the nation's infrastructure though with them trying to counteract the lack of services in the nations many slums by working with the population there to set up infrastructure in their communities primarily in terms of electricity, sanitation, and water access, the government of Puertego has made much progress with the latter two in recent years with the government with the government connecting around 6.6 million citizens to the nations sewer system and raising the number of citizens with access to clean drinking water by 38%.
The infrastructure of Puertego has long been recognized by international observers as being of poor quality with the two main reasons attributed to this being widespread corruption in the government and the prevalence of shanty towns in Puertego's major cities making planning for the locations of infrastructure difficult though there have also been other reasons given that are less widespread than the previous reasons such as the presence of land mines in the country from the nations long history of civil wars with it being estimated that as much as 8% of land in Puertegan territory is unusable due to the presence of landmines on it. However, the government has been making large efforts to try and improve the nation's infrastructure though with them trying to counteract the lack of services in the nations many slums by working with the population there to set up infrastructure in their communities primarily in terms of electricity, sanitation, and water access, the government of Puertego has made much progress with the latter two in recent years with the government with the government connecting around 6.6 million citizens to the nations sewer system and raising the number of citizens with access to clean drinking water by 38%.
In Puertego the government maintains a national highway system running to major cities and a few of the larger towns though most of rural Puertego has to rely on dirt roads since only 20% of roads in Puertego are paved, maintenance of the road system has always been rather patchy due to embezzlement by officials meaning that the road system is often peppered with potholes. The government provides free public transport in cities with its bus routes going through them, a large reason for this is the large cost of owning a car due to almost all of them having to be imported from other countries and there being a rather limited supply. The government spends around 2% of its annual budget on transportation and maintenance of roads. Puertego currently operates 22 airports including 4 international airports with an additional 6 international airports being planned to be built by the state-owned company, in addition to airports the country has 10 functioning sea ports with an additional 3 under construction.
In Puertego the government maintains a national highway system running to major cities and a few of the larger towns though most of rural Puertego has to rely on dirt roads since only 20% of roads in Puertego are paved, maintenance of the road system has always been rather patchy due to embezzlement by officials meaning that the road system is often peppered with potholes. The government provides free public transport in cities with its bus routes going through them, a large reason for this is the large cost of owning a car due to almost all of them having to be imported from other countries and there being a rather limited supply. The government spends around 2% of its annual budget on transportation and maintenance of roads. Puertego currently operates 62 airports including 4 international airports with an additional 6 international airports being planned to be built by the state-owned company, in addition to airports the country has 10 functioning sea ports with an additional 3 under construction.
Almost all of the energy in Puertego is provided by non-renewable sources with the nation being a large importer of oil, natural gas, and coal as well as a large extractor of these resources in its own borders, though it has been attempting to transition to more green methods of energy production with three nuclear power plants currently under construction in the country and expected to be fully operational in the next 3-4 years along with new hydro power being introduced for the first time in Puertego's history. Close to all the nation's electricity is provided by the state-owned utility company which provides electricity to the nation's citizens. The government has been trying to provide more of its citizens with electricity by building new infrastructure for it, but this has proven difficult for the government due to the large amount of shanty towns in Puertego's cities with it being estimated that as many as 54% of Puertegans live in a slum, currently only around 45% of Puertegan citizens have access to electricity in their home.
Almost all of the energy in Puertego is provided by non-renewable sources with the nation being a large importer of oil, natural gas, and coal as well as a large extractor of these resources in its own borders, though it has been attempting to transition to more green methods of energy production with three nuclear power plants currently under construction in the country and expected to be fully operational in the next 3-4 years along with new hydro power being introduced for the first time in Puertego's history. Close to all the nation's electricity is provided by the state-owned utility company which provides electricity to the nation's citizens. The government has been trying to provide more of its citizens with electricity by building new infrastructure for it, but this has proven difficult for the government due to the large amount of shanty towns in Puertego's cities with it being estimated that as many as 54% of Puertegans live in a slum, currently only around 45% of Puertegan citizens have access to electricity in their home.
The constitution of Puertego specifically states that the government must offer free healthcare to all its citizens though the quality is notoriously poor with overcrowding meaning that often times patients have to share beds, unsanitary conditions, and long wait times, there is also lots of corruption in the government run healthcare with embezzlement being commonplace in the nation's hospitals and many patients reporting doctors demanding bribes to write prescriptions for them. However there have been attempts by the government to increase the quality by cracking down on corruption in the industry with much heavier monitoring of staff and administrators, additionally the government has begun building clinics in rural communities with no access to regular hospitals and also provides cheap clean drinking water and free vaccinations to all citizens with the latter being attributed to a large reason for the country almost eradicating certain diseases like Polio. The government spends around 7% of its annual budget on its healthcare system. Puertegan life expectancy at birth is currently sitting at 72 years, in the nations hospitals there are 9 doctors per 10,000 citizens. Puertego has a fertility rate of 2.6 children for every woman though teenage pregnancy is extremely common in Puertego with the average age for having a child being just 17.3, Puertego has an infant mortality rate of 19.5 infant deaths per 1,000.
The constitution of Puertego specifically states that the government must offer free healthcare to all its citizens though the quality is notoriously poor with overcrowding meaning that often times patients have to share beds, unsanitary conditions, and long wait times, there is also lots of corruption in the government run healthcare with embezzlement being commonplace in the nation's hospitals and many patients reporting doctors demanding bribes to write prescriptions for them. However there have been attempts by the government to increase the quality by cracking down on corruption in the industry with much heavier monitoring of staff and administrators, additionally the government has begun building clinics in rural communities with no access to regular hospitals and also provides cheap clean drinking water and free vaccinations to all citizens with the latter being attributed to a large reason for the country almost eradicating certain diseases like Polio. The government spends around 7% of its annual budget on its healthcare system. In the nations hospitals there are 9 doctors per 10,000 citizens.
''How advanced is your country? Is it an innovator, or does it largely import new developments?
''How advanced is your country? Is it an innovator, or does it largely import new developments?
[[Category: NonCanon]]
[[Category: NonCanon]]