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Upriver expansion of Kiravian settlement was undertaken mainly by [[Ensciryan Coscivians]] and [[Northern Coscivians]] drawn by promises of landownership and new opportunities. These intrepid pioneers established communities and brought with them their rich traditions. Over time, the Ensciryans intermarried with the indigenous populations, forming unique cultural expressions and building prosperous towns and villages.
Upriver expansion of Kiravian settlement was undertaken mainly by [[Ensciryan Coscivians]] and [[Northern Coscivians]] drawn by promises of landownership and new opportunities. These intrepid pioneers established communities and brought with them their rich traditions. Over time, the Ensciryans intermarried with the indigenous populations, forming unique cultural expressions and building prosperous towns and villages.
[Conflict and coëxistence with the natives]
The colonial economy of Porfíria relied on four sectors: Maritime trade and fishing in the coastal regions; timber, shipbuilding and {{wp|naval stores}}; agriculture, and (to a lesser extent in the colony's early stages) mining. The region's abundant coastal waters teemed with fish, providing a valuable resource for sustenance and trade. Both the Kiravians and Yonderians recognised the economic potential of these fisheries and established fishing outposts along the coastline. The fishing industry flourished, with salted and dried fish becoming a sought-after commodity in Crona and [[Alshar]]. This thriving trade network not only brought wealth to the colonies but also facilitated cultural exchange and interaction with international markets.
Agriculture played a significant role in the colonial economy of Porfíria, and employed a plurality of Porfírian workers. The soil and climatic conditions of southern Cusinaut were not ideal for agriculture, but were sufficiently favourable to the cultivation of [[Agriculture in Great Kirav#Crops|Kiravian staples]] by farmers from the Highlands and upper latitudes with experience farming in a similar environment. The Ensciryans, with their agricultural expertise, introduced new farming techniques and crops to the region, cultivating potato, {{wp|Buckwheat|Coscivian cuckwheat}}, ''{{wp|Agriculture_in_Great_Kirav#Cereals|dralm}}'', oats, and gourds. Stock raising of [[sheep]], dairy cattle, and swine was also a major source of value. Surplus produce was traded mainly to other colonies with lower agricultural output, such as [[Thýstara]], and as provisions to visiting ships. The agricultural sector not only provided sustenance for the growing population but also contributed to the economic growth and social stability.
