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'''Sabnaki''', officially the '''Dominion of the Sabnaki''', is a country in [[Cusinaut]]. It is neighbored by the [[Algosh Republic]], [[Ashkenang]], and [[Iriquona]].
'''Sabnaki''', officially the '''Dominion of the Sabnaki''', is a country in [[Cusinaut]]. It is neighbored by the [[Algosh Republic]], [[Ashkenang]], and [[Iriquona]].

The Sabnak people trace their ancestry to some of the earliest prehistoric settlers in Cusinaut from [[Alshar]], with some of the oldest archaeological sites on the subcontinent appearing within Sabnaki territory. A cohesive Sabnak culture began to emerge with the advent and spread of writing during the early medieval period, with a unified Sabnak political emerging by the 1400s. Sabnak writing and language differentiates sharply from that of the rest of Cusinaut, whose writing and language is inspired by cross-[[Nysdra]] cultural exchange with [[Varshan]] and other places; accordingly, the Sabnak developed a sense of social isolation from the rest of the subcontinent. As an isolationist society, the Sabnak people fought to keep their borders closed to both their neighbors and the [[Occident]], resulting in a series of brutal wars with the [[Algosh people]] and later [[Northern Confederation]]. In the 19th century, the pre-modern Sabnak confederated state was reformed into a centralized state. The Sabnak people voluntarily receded from isolation and joined the [[League of Nations]] in the 1950s. After the [[Algosh coup|fall of the Northern Confederation]], the Sabnak people resumed their centuries-long skirmishing with [[Algoquona]], the new Algosh state. Within this context, the Sabnak found new allies in the [[Occident]]. Throughout the 2010s, the Sabnak state began a rapid period of military and infrastructure modernization while importing Occidental government advisors and cultural materials. It participated in the [[Final War of the Deluge]], fighting against Algoquona and receiving territory at the conclusion of the war. Foreign investment has led Sabnaki to possess one of the world's fastest growing economies. The economic growth has largely outpaced social and political reform, leading to significant domestic political unrest since [[2010]].
The Sabnak people trace their ancestry to some of the earliest prehistoric settlers in Cusinaut from [[Alshar]], with some of the oldest archaeological sites on the subcontinent appearing within Sabnaki territory. A cohesive Sabnak culture began to emerge with the advent and spread of writing during the early medieval period, with a unified Sabnak political emerging by the 1400s. Sabnak writing and language differentiates sharply from that of the rest of Cusinaut, whose writing and language is inspired by cross-[[Nysdra]] cultural exchange with [[Varshan]] and other places; accordingly, the Sabnak developed a sense of social isolation from the rest of the subcontinent. As an isolationist society, the Sabnak people fought to keep their borders closed to both their neighbors and the [[Occident]], resulting in a series of brutal wars with the [[Algosh people]] and later [[Northern Confederation]]. In the 18th century, the Sabnak people began to grow {{wp|tobacco}}, {{wp|indigo}}, and other cash crops originally present in the [[Occident]], remaining mostly isolated but funding the state and small economy with highly controlled cash crop exports. This era of Sabnaki is known primarily as the "export society", wherein the Sabnak people managed to maintain independence by becoming a reliable provider of goods to the global market; in turn, the society and state gradually transformed to support this economic model. In the 19th century, the pre-modern Sabnak confederated state was reformed into a centralized state. The Sabnak people voluntarily receded from isolation and joined the [[League of Nations]] in the 1950s. After the [[Algosh coup|fall of the Northern Confederation]], the Sabnak people resumed their centuries-long skirmishing with [[Algoquona]], the new Algosh state. Within this context, the Sabnak found new allies in the [[Occident]]. Throughout the 2010s, the Sabnak state began a rapid period of military and infrastructure modernization while importing Occidental government advisors and cultural materials. It participated in the [[Final War of the Deluge]], fighting against Algoquona and receiving territory at the conclusion of the war. Foreign investment has led Sabnaki to possess one of the world's fastest growing economies. The economic growth has largely outpaced social and political reform, leading to significant domestic political unrest since [[2010]]. Observers have noted a growing {{wp|middle class}} becoming increasingly disillusioned with the traditional ruling cliques and planter aristocracy that once held firm control over Sabnak society.  

Sabnaki is a member of the [[League of Nations]].
Sabnaki is a member of the [[League of Nations]].
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====Sabnak state established====
====Sabnak state established====
====Algosh wars====
====Algosh wars====
===Rise of the Export Society===
===War against the Northern Confederation===
===War against the Northern Confederation===
===Modern state established===
===Modern state established===