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There are multiple counties within Calinthia, all of which owe and have sworn allegiance to the Constatine royal family.
There are multiple counties within Calinthia, all of which owe and have sworn allegiance to the Constatine royal family.
While Calinthia is an Absolute Monarchy, the government allows political representatives of the people to exist. These come in the form of four political parties: ''Kalinthische Republikanische Partei'' (KRP), ''Partito Lealista Monarchico'' (LM)'', Die Volkszukunftspartei'' (VK), and ''Partito del Movimento Nazionalista'' (MN)''.'' All except KRP support the royal family and the monarchy, but view the way in which the monarchy should exist differently. The Loyalist Monarchy party (LM) support the current form of monarchy which is absolute monarchy. The Nationalist Monarchists Party (MN) supports a more traditional form of government headed by an absolute monarch. ''Die Volkszukunftspartei'' is a Fascist National Socialist party which supports Queen Decia as ''Führerin''. Finally., the Calinthian Republican Party (KRP) supports a radical reformation of the government in which the monarch has no control over the population.
Calinthia is a Unitary Party Totalitarian Dictatorship under ''Die Volkszukunftspartei'' (VK)(The People's Future Party). VK is an authoritarian, ultra-nationalist and socialist political party that advocates for Calinthian expansion and anti-communist territorial expansion. VK is in charge of all aspects of the government and economy. Adherence to party doctrine is expected in all aspects of life from work to home. It is common for the average household to have a picture or even multiple of the Chancellor to show their support for the party and nation. This is not a new tradition as many Calinthians had photos of King Randolph Constatine III or the late Queen Syrilla Constatine I. Many within VK advocate for the capitulation of all communist nations of the world. In 2009, Vice-Chancellor [[Rudolph Egerts]] made a speech in which he claimed "All Communist-pig nations will bow before Calinthian might" and that "Communism is the greatest threat to peace on Earth and must be eradicated before its toxic roots take hold once again in Calinthia". 
The former three political parties prior to 1961 were as follows: ''Partito Lealista Monarchico'' (LM)'', Die Volkszukunftspartei'' (VK), and ''Partito del Movimento Nazionalista'' (MN)''.'' All supported the royal family and the monarchy, but viewed the way in which the monarchy should exist differently. The Loyalist Monarchy party (LM) supported the a Constitutional Monarchy. The Nationalist Monarchists Party (MN) supported a more traditional form of government headed by an absolute monarch. Finally, ''Die Volkszukunftspartei'' is a Fascist National Socialist party which supports Queen Decia as ''Führerin''.
The vast majority of the Nationalist Monarchists Party (MN) are Protestants who view the Catholic Church as a hindrance on Calinthia. As per the party's leader [[Gunther Albricht]], "the Catholic Church has held back the Constatine royal family for generations, as unified Calinthians it is important for us to move ahead from the old ways that failed us and to instead embrace national socialism under Protestantism". This view is steadily gaining support since the early 2000s. In 2004, polling was conducted showing party popularity experiencing a 20% increase since 1994. This makes them the second most popular political party right behind the predominantly Catholic Loyalist Monarchy Party by 28%.
The Loyalist Monarchy Party (LM) is the most popular party in Calinthia with 56% of support among the Calinthian populace. Despite being the most prominent party, they have recently been losing popularity to the Protestant Nationalist Monarchists Party (MN) who hold 40% of the support among Calinthians.
The third and by far least popular party in Calinthia is the Calinthian Republican Party (KRP) with only 4% of support from Calinthians. The main supporters of the party are Northern Calinthians who are from regions which were formerly Communist or part of the Anglei-Republic which broke off from the Calinthian government during the Calinthian Civil War.
