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''What is a general overview of your country's path through history?''
===Early History===
===Early History===
During the time period of Great Levantia, young King Galaecius I (Born 441 AD) at only 16 years of age was tasked with expanding the Empire Westwards across the riverlands. He spent the next 45 years battling against Gothic and Gaelic tribes who lived in the regions. King Galaecius I was able to expand the Empire's borders well past what was expected of him, going all the way to what was then the Western border of Gothica. By 481 AD both the regions of Gothica, and Carna fell under King Galaecius I domain. The Levantian Emperor granted King Galaecius I the title of Gothicus for his conquests, and allow him to rule over the new land as King Galaecius I of Calintia. However, King Gothicus Galaecius I and his armies faced a new threat. Due to their conquest in Grussland and Carna, Gothic barbarians from modern day Yonderre having heard of King Galaecius I began descending on the new found Kingdom of Calintia. Northern raids soon turned into a full fledged invasion, and by 492 AD, most of the Northern region of Calinthia including the modern Shimmering Forests were filled with Gothic war camps. Turning his attention North, King Galaecius I fought the Goths back to the Arathian Pass in what would be known as "The Arathian War (492-493 AD)". The Arathian War was notable for battles taking place in the Shimmering Forest as well as across the Montes Aureos mountain range. The most famous battle was that of the Battle of Arathian Pass in 493 AD. The battle saw King Galaecius I outnumbered 43 to 1 by his Gothic counterpart Will of Wandsberg who was King of the Goths in that region. Despite heavy casualties, King Galaecius I eeked out a pyrrhic victory and managed to kick the Goths out temporarily. King Galaecius I was then granted the title of Restitutor Orbis, or "Restorer of the World". 8 years later, Will of Wandsberg and his son would return to Calintia, and in a series of battles forced King Galaecius I back into the Riverlands. Gothic hordes joined forces with local Gaelic tribes and marched on the Empire's heartland. In 502 AD, Great Levantia collapsed shortly after the barbarian invasions.
During the time period of Great Levantia, young King Galaecius I (Born 441 AD) at only 16 years of age was tasked with expanding the Empire Westwards across the riverlands. He spent the next 45 years battling against Gothic and Gaelic tribes who lived in the regions. King Galaecius I was able to expand the Empire's borders well past what was expected of him, going all the way to what was then the Western border of Gothica. By 481 AD both the regions of Gothica, and Carna fell under King Galaecius I domain. The Levantian Emperor granted King Galaecius I the title of Gothicus for his conquests, and allow him to rule over the new land as King Galaecius I of Calintia. However, King Gothicus Galaecius I and his armies faced a new threat. Due to their conquest in Grussland and Carna, Gothic barbarians from modern day Yonderre having heard of King Galaecius I began descending on the new found Kingdom of Calintia. Northern raids soon turned into a full fledged invasion, and by 492 AD, most of the Northern region of Calinthia including the modern Shimmering Forests were filled with Gothic war camps. Turning his attention North, King Galaecius I fought the Goths back to the Arathian Pass in what would be known as "The Arathian War (492-493 AD)". The Arathian War was notable for battles taking place in the Shimmering Forest as well as across the Montes Aureos mountain range. The most famous battle was that of the Battle of Arathian Pass in 493 AD. The battle saw King Galaecius I outnumbered 43 to 1 by his Gothic counterpart Will of Wandsberg who was King of the Goths in that region. Despite heavy casualties, King Galaecius I eeked out a pyrrhic victory and managed to kick the Goths out temporarily. King Galaecius I was then granted the title of Restitutor Orbis, or "Restorer of the World". 8 years later, Will of Wandsberg and his son would return to Calintia, and in a series of battles forced King Galaecius I back into the Riverlands. Gothic hordes joined forces with local Gaelic tribes and marched on the Empire's heartland. In 502 AD, Great Levantia collapsed shortly after the barbarian invasions.
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After the first Great War (in which Randolph I would fight in), the Republic of Calinthia was in disarray. Over 800,000 Calinthian men had died in the war. This was out of a population of 16 million at the time of 1896. By 1903, many Calinthians began questioning the strength of the Republic and how it could so easily throw their young son's lives away. Randolph I, despite now living in Urceopolis, found himself being supported as King by a portion of the far-right Catholic political groups in the Republic. Many had desired to return to the glorious Monarchist past that had led them through so much already. Many Catholics began questioning the motives of those in charge such as Prime Minister Langford Goodwin, an ethnically Ænglish Protestant of the Protestant Left-wing party 'Anglosphere'. Ænglo-phobia was at an all time high, as a conspiracy theory known as "The Great Betrayal" was floated around political groups. A majority of the country believed that the Ænglish political arm of the Calinthian Republic purposefully caused the deaths of mostly Catholic Calinthians as to reduce Catholic support in the Republic's Senate. In 1938, after 2 decades of turmoil, protests, and riots leaving hundreds killed at the hands of police; the Republic was officially overthrown in an event known as the [[First Calinthian Civil War]]. Randolph's son, King Randolph II was crowned as king and the Kingdom of Calinthia was reborn.
After the first Great War (in which Randolph I would fight in), the Republic of Calinthia was in disarray. Over 800,000 Calinthian men had died in the war. This was out of a population of 16 million at the time of 1896. By 1903, many Calinthians began questioning the strength of the Republic and how it could so easily throw their young son's lives away. Randolph I, despite now living in Urceopolis, found himself being supported as King by a portion of the far-right Catholic political groups in the Republic. Many had desired to return to the glorious Monarchist past that had led them through so much already. Many Catholics began questioning the motives of those in charge such as Prime Minister Langford Goodwin, an ethnically Ænglish Protestant of the Protestant Left-wing party 'Anglosphere'. Ænglo-phobia was at an all time high, as a conspiracy theory known as "The Great Betrayal" was floated around political groups. A majority of the country believed that the Ænglish political arm of the Calinthian Republic purposefully caused the deaths of mostly Catholic Calinthians as to reduce Catholic support in the Republic's Senate. In 1938, after 2 decades of turmoil, protests, and riots leaving hundreds killed at the hands of police; the Republic was officially overthrown in an event known as the [[First Calinthian Civil War]]. Randolph's son, King Randolph II was crowned as king and the Kingdom of Calinthia was reborn.
===Cold War Period===
===Cold War Period===
The Cold War period in Calinthia was tumultuous for the region. The region of Calinthia would be split in half. Western Calinthia which is predominantly Gothic formed the [[Communist Republic of Calinthia|People's Republic of Calinthia]] (PRC), a [[:en:One-party_state|one-party]] [[:en:Totalitarianism|totalitarian]] dictatorship. The Eastern regions which are predominantly Latin formed the Kingdom of Calinthia. Both nations were at odds with one another and multiple minor wars were fought in Calinthia during the length of the Cold War. Most notable was the [[War of Eracksmarc]] in 1958 in which the PRC under leadership of Premier [[Fredrick Broncroft]] would launch an invasion of the Kingdom of Calinthia and take multiple Northern regions cutting off the Kingdom of Calinthia from their neighbor [[Yonderre]]. The Kingdom of Calinthia would launch a surprise counter-attack across the line of contact that resulted in a large pullback from the PRC across the [[River Uern]]. Here the PRC would build defensive lines over the course of two months with hedgehogs, minefields, anti-tank ditches, and even some concrete bunker emplacements. Two months after the beginning of the war the Kingdom of Calinthia would launch an offensive over the River Uern and despite suffering heavy casualties would push towards [[Yonderre]], securing their trade routes. Unfortunately, King Randolph Constatine III would die from artillery fire near the frontline after meeting with his generals in the pre-lude to the offensive. The war would ultimately end in a stalemate with both sides agreeing to the new border.  
The Cold War period in Calinthia was tumultuous for the region. The region of Calinthia would be split in half. Western Calinthia which is predominantly Gothic formed the [[Communist Republic of Calinthia|People's Republic of Calinthia]] (PRC), a [[:en:One-party_state|one-party]] [[:en:Totalitarianism|totalitarian]] dictatorship. The Eastern regions which are predominantly Latin formed the Kingdom of Calinthia. Both nations were at odds with one another and multiple minor wars were fought in Calinthia during the length of the Cold War. Most notable was the [[War of Eracksmarc]], also known in Calinthia as the [[Homeland War]] in 1958 in which the PRC under leadership of Premier [[Fredrick Broncroft]] would launch an invasion of the Kingdom of Calinthia and take multiple Northern regions cutting off the Kingdom of Calinthia from their neighbor [[Yonderre]]. The Kingdom of Calinthia would launch a surprise counter-attack across the line of contact that resulted in a large pullback from the PRC across the [[River Uern]]. Here the PRC would build defensive lines over the course of two months with hedgehogs, minefields, anti-tank ditches, and even some concrete bunker emplacements. Two months after the beginning of the war the Kingdom of Calinthia would launch an offensive over the River Uern and despite suffering heavy casualties would push towards [[Yonderre]], securing their trade routes. Unfortunately, King Randolph Constatine III would die from artillery fire near the frontline after meeting with his generals in the pre-lude to the offensive. The war would ultimately end in a stalemate with both sides agreeing to the new border.  

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===Modern History===
===Modern History===
On August 8th, 1994 at age 58, Führerin Decia would relinquish her title and pass it off to her daughter. Her daughter [[Syrilla Constatine II]] would be pronounced Führerin on September 19th, one day before Decia's 59th birthday. On her coronation while only 23 years of age, Führerin Syrilla II promised peace and unity for all Calinthians, but also justice against those who would seek to divide or destroy Calinthia. Many Calinthians supported the coronation with streamers and banners supporting the new, young Führerin. However, Anglei residents of the far North-East feared retribution and increased oppression at the hands of Führerin Syrilla II. This was mainly due to her further speeches on September 26th and 29th where Führerin Syrilla II promised to mass deport Anglish from the nation. This fear would lead to multiple terrorist attacks committed by Anglish extremist group ''[[Our Heartland Division]]'' in the month of October. The most impactful of these terror attacks was the bombing of [[Aurelia Plaza|Aurelia Platz]] on October 24th, 1994. On the same day as the bombing, Führerin Syrilla II would call for immediate mass deportation of all Anglish from Calinthia with the help of the military. After a series of clashes in the North-East between local police forces and the Anglish extremist organizations, the beginning of the 164 Day War, also known as the [[Syrillian War]].   

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File:Helann-Ostburg.webp|Helann-Ostberg, the birthplace of Chancellor Decia and capital city of the State of Ostberg
File:Helann-Ostburg.webp|Helann-Ostberg, the birthplace of Chancellor Decia and capital city of the State of Ostberg
''What is the general explanation of how your country exists within the world?''
===Climate and environment===
===Climate and environment===
Calinthia is a temperate region. However, the Northern mountainous region experiences colder climates than the Southern coastal region.
Calinthia is a temperate region. However, the Northern mountainous region experiences colder climates than the Southern coastal region.
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Calinthia has a long historical military tradition dating back to the time of [[Emperor Galaecius I]]. The first-born son of every Calinthian family is socially expected to serve for at least several years in the Calinthian Armed Forces. While not a requirement, most feel socially pressured into serving their time, while many more willingly volunteer their time. It's common for a single family to have multiple members serving in the military at any given time.{{Main|Calinthian Military}}
Calinthia has a long historical military tradition dating back to the time of [[Emperor Galaecius I]]. The first-born son of every Calinthian family is socially expected to serve for at least several years in the Calinthian Armed Forces. While not a requirement, most feel socially pressured into serving their time, while many more willingly volunteer their time. It's common for a single family to have multiple members serving in the military at any given time.{{Main|Calinthian Military}}
''What kind of people live in your country?''
The main ethnic group of Calinthia is Gothic-Calinthian at 91.3%. Followed up by non-Calinthian Gothic people at 6%. Finally, there exist an Ænglish minority at 2.7%. Calinthian is described as a Latin-Gothic mix. Due to the high intermixing during the existence of the Kingdom of Calinthia, this new admixture of Latin-Gothic peoples came to be referred to simply as 'Calinthian'.
Calinthia is a homogeneous country. The main ethnic group of Calinthia is Gothic-Calinthian at 91.3%. Followed up by non-Calinthian Gothic people at 6%. Finally, there exist an Ænglish minority at 2.7%. Calinthian is described as a Latin-Gothic mix. Due to the high intermixing during the existence of the Kingdom of Calinthia, this new admixture of Latin-Gothic peoples came to be referred to simply as 'Calinthian'. Since 1963, non-Latin or non-Goth individuals are not permitted permanent residence into the country due to the passing of the [[Anti-Foreigner Racial Policy]].
Due to the [[Anti-Anglei Laws of 1952|Anti-Ænglei Laws of 1952]], the Ænglish language is outlawed in any official capacity. Legal documents, public signs, hand-written notes, and even public speaking must be in Calinthian or Gothic. Calinthian and Gothic are the two state languages with Gothic being more prominent in the North West of the country.
Due to the [[Anti-Anglei Laws of 1952|Anti-Ænglei Laws of 1952]], the Ænglish language is outlawed in any official capacity. Legal documents, public signs, hand-written notes, and even public speaking must be in Calinthian or Gothic. Calinthian and Gothic are the two state languages with Gothic being more prominent in the North West of the country.