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====Megalithic Coscivians====
====Megalithic Coscivians====
[[File:CoscivianMesolithicReligion.jpg|thumb|Megalithic Coscivian religion combined Emperor-centred ancestor worship with Moon worship (selenolatry).]]
The diffusion of megalithic technology took place chiefly in a coastwise manner, flowing outward from [[Ilánova|Éorsa]] with seaborne emigrants and establishing itself first in coastal beachheads before gradually extending into the hinterland, presumably through a mix of settler expansion and the adoption of megalithic techniques from the Éorsan settlers by neighbouring peoples. Present academic orthodoxy in Kiravia maintains that the emergence of megalithic building on Éorsa and its spread to the Éorsan diaspora overseas was made possible by the much greater social stability enjoyed by the Lawful tribes of the island, but made ''imperative'' by their particular religious system of Emperor-ancestor worship and Lunar Monotheism, which demanded monumental funerary structures and celestial timekeeping complexes-''cum''-temples in service to the Ancestors, the Ascended Emperor, and the Divine Moon.
The diffusion of megalithic technology took place chiefly in a coastwise manner, flowing outward from [[Ilánova|Éorsa]] with seaborne emigrants and establishing itself first in coastal beachheads before gradually extending into the hinterland, presumably through a mix of settler expansion and the adoption of megalithic techniques from the Éorsan settlers by neighbouring peoples. Present academic orthodoxy in Kiravia maintains that the emergence of megalithic building on Éorsa and its spread to the Éorsan diaspora overseas was made possible by the much greater social stability enjoyed by the Lawful tribes of the island, but made ''imperative'' by their particular religious system of Emperor-ancestor worship and Lunar Monotheism, which demanded monumental funerary structures and celestial timekeeping complexes-''cum''-temples in service to the Ancestors, the Ascended Emperor, and the Divine Moon.