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The smallest member in the Popular Left Coalition is the [[Borbonist Workers' Party of Ardmore]] (POBA). As the name implies, POBA is a {{wp|communist}} party based upon the tenets espoused by Rumahokian revolutionary hero [[Vito Borbon]]. The party was founded in 2001 by radical members of the Syndicalist Party who felt largely inspired by the revolutionary zeal found in both the Ardmori Civil War and in Rumahoki's [[Velvet Revolution]], and the pre-feudal society that governed the Ardmori Isles. The POBA advocates for the immediate transition to communism as well as gradually converting Ardmore into a confederation of semi-independent labor councils. The official ideology of POBA is described by members as being "Ardmori-Borbonism" which most political scholars have a difficult time describing it with some calling it {{wp|anarcho-syndicalism}}, others calling it {{wp|anarcho-communism}}, and more calling it {{wp|libertarian socialism}}. Most members of POBA are generally in their young adulthood, but there exists a sizeable amount of members who are beyond that particular demographic.
The smallest member in the Popular Left Coalition is the [[Borbonist Workers' Party of Ardmore]] (POBA). As the name implies, POBA is a {{wp|communist}} party based upon the tenets espoused by Rumahokian revolutionary hero [[Vito Borbon]]. The party was founded in 2001 by radical members of the Syndicalist Party who felt largely inspired by the revolutionary zeal found in both the Ardmori Civil War and in Rumahoki's [[Velvet Revolution]], and the pre-feudal society that governed the Ardmori Isles. The POBA advocates for the immediate transition to communism as well as gradually converting Ardmore into a confederation of semi-independent labor councils. The official ideology of POBA is described by members as being "Ardmori-Borbonism" which most political scholars have a difficult time describing it with some calling it {{wp|anarcho-syndicalism}}, others calling it {{wp|anarcho-communism}}, and more calling it {{wp|libertarian socialism}}. Most members of POBA are generally in their young adulthood, but there exists a sizeable amount of members who are beyond that particular demographic.
====Opposition parties====
Ardmore's opposition parties have partly descended from the political establishment parties that have existed during the latter years of the former kingdom. As much of these current incarnations of those old parties have not been established until the year 2000, very few opposition parties actively support the restoration of the deposed Ardmori monarchy; not much is known about the remaining members of the House of Rosmore as many have either passed away or have had their lines extinguished through marriage. As such, royalist parties are generally considered to be on the {{wp|far-right politics|far-right}} due to their intense anti-socialist rhetoric and desire to avenge the fallen monarchy. The more mainstream opposition parties have accepted republicanism even if they do not agree with the current structure of the cooperative republic. As noted above, no opposition party may hold more than one-third of the representative seats in the General Assembly.
The largest opposition party in the General Assembly is colloquially known as the [[Left Party (Ardmore)|Left Party]], though its official name is "Left, Ardmore's Liberal Party" (CPLA). Despite the party calling itself "left", it is in fact a {{wp|center-right politics|center-right}} party that espouses {{wp|classical liberalism}} with a heavy lean towards {{wp|agrarianism}} and {{wp|right-libertarianism|libertarianism}}. The CPLA decries the cooperatives as nothing more than the state's tool of coercion and believes that the individual laborer should be free to refuse to join a cooperative, something which is not possible under existing Ardmori law. At the same time, the CPLA calls for the immediate {{wp|privatization}} of the means of production, the introduction of {{wp|tax cuts}}, and the reduction of {{wp|social welfare}}. Ultimately, the CPLA is unique in that it has no pre-Civil War predecessor as the modern form of libertarianism that it advocates for did not emerge until the 1970s in opposition to the increasing "{{wp|statism}}" of established liberal political parties.
The second-largest opposition party in the General Assembly is the [[Conservative Democratic Party (Ardmore)|Conservative Democratic Party]] (PDC). A {{wp|Christian democratic}} party with its origins in the pre-Civil War [[Ardmori Social Party]], the PDC calls for a "moral republicanism" in Ardmore. Although a supporter of {{wp|liberal conservatism}}, the PDC wishes to maintain a moderate social safety net as well as a limited form of {{wp|economic intervention}} to curb the worst excesses of a market economy. The PDC makes no preference towards whether it supports enshrining the [[Catholic Church|Catholic]] faith or the [[Ardmori Ænglican Church|Ænglican]] faith into the constitution; most PDC politicians have only states that the party only wishes to enshrine Christianity as the religion that defines Ardmore's national character. Of all the opposition parties, it is the only mainstream opposition party to call for a referendum on whether the Ardmori monarchy should be restored, a fact that has often led to PDC members being put under investigation due to possible foreign interference though there have been no conclusive results over whether or not the PDC is indeed subject to foreign interference.
The rest of the opposition parties in the General Assembly are simply far too small to warrant much public attention in most elections. The largest of these fringe parties is the [[Ardmori People's Party]] (CPA), a {{wp|national conservative}} and {{wp|monarchist}} party that claims to be the heir of the political beliefs espoused by the former Prince-Regent of New Ardmore and is immensely pro-Urcea in its foreign policy and supports reunification with New Ardmore. The least fringe of the Ardmori fringe parties is the {{wp|social liberal}} [[Renewal Party of Ardmore]] (PAA), which aligns itself with the PDC in most elections due to their shared support for a moderate welfare state and a mild state interventionism in the economy even if both parties differ on key social stances. To the right of the CPA is the [[Social Credit Party (Ardmore)|Social Credit Party]] (PCS), which as its name implies supports the theory of {{wp|social credit}} which has had its greatest popularity in various overseas Kiravian possessions; social credit in Ardmore is seen as an alternative to socialism to a small minority of Ardmori voters. To the furthest right is the [[United People's Party]] (PPA), which was banned in 2006 due to its extreme far-right views and a strong anti-Ænglish sentiment; the current party leadership lives in exile in Kelekona.

===International Relations===
===International Relations===