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A largely homogeneous country throughout most of its history, approximately 93.1% of the population of Ardmore identify as being of Ardmori ancestry. However, Ardmori is not exactly an ethnic group, but rather a national identity that consists of everyone whose grandparents have unanimously identified as being of Ardmori ancestry. As such, most censuses have had an additional question asking what is a given citizen's predominant ethnicity with the choices being between [[Garán people|Garánic]], [[Ænglish people|Ænglish]], and other; the latter being used by people who are either unsure of their ethnic origins, or self-identify as being of either Ardmen or Istroyan ancestry. The exact ethnic origins of an Ardmori citizen is irrelevant for the most part beyond basic recordkeeping.
A largely homogeneous country throughout most of its history, approximately 93.1% of the population of Ardmore identify as being of Ardmori ancestry. However, Ardmori is not exactly an ethnic group, but rather a national identity that consists of everyone whose grandparents have unanimously identified as being of Ardmori ancestry. As such, most censuses have had an additional question asking what is a given citizen's predominant ethnicity with the choices being between [[Garán people|Garánic]], [[Ænglish people|Ænglish]], and other; the latter being used by people who are either unsure of their ethnic origins, or self-identify as being of either Ardmen or Istroyan ancestry. The exact ethnic origins of an Ardmori citizen is irrelevant for the most part beyond basic recordkeeping.

Of those who identify as Ardmori, about three-quarters of Ardmori people identify as being of Garán ancestry. The Garán people were a Gaelo-Istroyo-Gothic ethnic group that originated from the region of [[Carolina]]; the first of the Garán people to have permanently settled in the Ardmori Isles have arrived in the mid-6th Century and by the 9th Century became the predominant ethnic group in the archipelago. It is through the Garán people that much of the aspects of modern Ardmori culture have originated from. The most notable being the Garán clan system which, although it was suppressed in the 14th and 15th Centuries after the Duke's War, serves as the basis for the modern-day community cooperatives. The next-largest ethnic identity within the Ardmori people are the Ænglish, making up approximately 17% , typically the direct descendants of Protestant refugees from mainland Levantia. Due to Ardmore's relative tolerance towards Protestants, a sizeable amount of Ænglish people have opted to stay in Ardmore instead of moving to Crona; it is through the Ænglo-Ardmori that the Arco people, the main ethnic group of [[Arcerion]], descend from with the first permanent Ænglo-Ardmori settlements being established in the late 18th Century. The remaining 8% of the Ardmori people identify as being of different ethnic origins, the two largest being Ardmen and Istroyan; although both ethnic groups have had little known impact in the history of Ardmore, the two groups are most popular amongst cultural revivalist communities.
Of those who identify as Ardmori, about three-quarters of Ardmori people identify as being of Garán ancestry. The Garán people are a Gaelo-Istroyo-Gothic ethnic group that originated from the region of [[Carolina]] and currently reside in both Ardmore (western branch) and Urcea (eastern branch); the first of the Garán people to have permanently settled in the Ardmori Isles have arrived in the mid-6th Century and by the 9th Century became the predominant ethnic group in the archipelago. It is through the Garán people that much of the aspects of modern Ardmori culture have originated from. The most notable of which being the Garán clan system which, although it was suppressed in the 14th and 15th Centuries after the Duke's War, serves as the basis for the modern-day community cooperatives. The next-largest ethnic identity within the Ardmori people are the Ænglish, making up approximately 17% , typically the direct descendants of Protestant refugees from mainland Levantia. Due to Ardmore's relative tolerance towards Protestants, a sizeable amount of Ænglish people have opted to stay in Ardmore instead of moving to Crona; it is through the Ænglo-Ardmori that the Arco people, the main ethnic group of [[Arcerion]], descend from with the first permanent Ænglo-Ardmori settlements being established in the late 18th Century. The remaining 8% of the Ardmori people identify as being of different ethnic origins, the two largest being Ardmen and Istroyan; although both ethnic groups have had little known impact in the history of Ardmore, the two groups are most popular amongst cultural revivalist communities.

{{main|Languages of Ardmore}}
Ardmore is a monolingual state, meaning that it has only one official language on the national level. Ardmore's official language is [[Garán people|Garán Gaelic]], the Gaelic tongue of the Garán people. Like most Gaelic tongues, Garán Gaelic is an indigenous Levantine language, specifically a member of the Caroline branch of the Gaelic languages. However, the Garán Gaelic language does make use of Istroyan loanwords as a result of the close contact the Celtic ancestors of the Garán people had with the Istroyan people in the frontiers of the Holy Levantine Empire, both groups having been in slavery during that time. Throughout much of Ardmore's history, the Garán Gaelic language has been the primary language of much of the Ardmori Isles, and today approximately 70% of the population of Ardmore speak Garán Gaelic as their primary language and a further 19% speak it as a {{wp|secondary language}}.
The [[Ardmori Ænglish|Ardmori vernacular of the Ænglish language]] is the second-most spoken language in Ardmore. Ænglish was first introduced to the Ardmori Isles during the 16th Century when Ænglish Protestants first arrived as refugees escaping persecution on mainland Levantia. Because of Ardmore's relative tolerance of the Protestants, a sizeable amount of these Ænglish Protestants have opted to stay in Ardmore instead of migrating to Crona where the many settlements of the [[Pharisedom]] were located at. In the 17th and 18th Centuries, Ænglish became the predominant language of the Ardmori elite as the monarchy clamped down on the Garán culture as part of an effort to prevent a repeat of the Duke's War. The preeminent position of the Ænglish language would persist until the end of the monarchy in 1931 after the victory of the pro-Garán socialists in the Civil War. From then on until the 1960s, there were efforts to gaelicize the remaining Ænglish population which were soon stopped when the Ardmori government declared that the Ænglish language would receive official recognition as a regional language, allowing for the language to be taught in schools and for Ænglish language programs to be funded by the state. Approximately 16% of the population in Ardmore speak Ænglish whether as a primary language or as a secondary language.

{{main|Ardmori Ænglican Church|Ænglo-Catholicism|Religion in Ardmore}}
{{Pie chart
| radius = 100
| thumb = left
| caption = Self-reported religious affiliations in Ardmore (2034)
| other =
| label1 =[[Ardmori Ænglican Church|Ænglican]]
| value1 =74.7
| color1 =Red
| label2 =[[Catholic Church|Catholicism]]
| value2 =13.3
| color2 =Yellow
| label3 =[[College of Levantine Churches|Collegiate]]
| value3 =8.7
| color3 =Purple
| label4 =Other
| value4 =3.3
| color4 =Blue
Initially a Catholic country for the first two centuries of its existence, Ardmore was introduced to Ænglish Protestantism in the 16th Century. Unlike in mainland Levantia where they were persecuted and even removed from Levantia altogether in many cases, Ardmore was relatively tolerant towards Protestants, allowing for the faith to grow before soon becoming the basis for the [[Ardmori Ænglican Church]] which eventually overtook the Catholic Church in the late 17th Century and became the kingdom's state religion in the early 18th Century with the [[Arcer Ænglican Church]] in Arcerion being a direct descendant of the Ardmori Church as it was at that time.
Both the Ardmori and Arcer churches would begin to diverge in the late 19th Century when the Ardmori Church began to to come under the influence of the Caroline Movement which sought to incorporate Catholic elements into the Ænglican Church, thus leading to the rise in [[Ænglo-Catholicism]] which remains as the main branch of the Ardmori Church in the present. To this day, the Ænglican Church in Ardmore has the highest percentage of adherents in all of Ardmore with 74.7% of the population being baptized members of the Ænglican Church. [[Catholic Church|Catholicism]] is the second-largest denomination in Ardmore, with 13.3% of the population being adherents to the Catholic Church. [[College of Levantine Churches|Collegiate]] adherents make up 8.7% of the population making it the third-largest denomination in Ardmore, and the remaining 3.3% of the population are adherents of other Christian denominations. It should be noted that although Ardmore is a socialist country and is officially a secular nation, anticlerical measures have never been taken as the Ardmori Church has largely been sympathetic to the socialist cause. As such, the Ardmori Ænglican Church has historically held a notably {{wp|Liberal Christianity|liberal}} and even {{wp|Progressive Christianity|progressive}} approach towards theological interpretation; this is in contrast to the more traditionalistic [[New Ardmori Ænglican Church]] which was established in 1931 as the primary religion of New Ardmore.
The presiding bishop of the Ardmori Ænglican Church is the [[Archbishop of Dunvál]], currently held by [[Thomas Connally]].
