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As part of the overall plan to Occidentalize the nation's economy, Autocrat Maitsoi Taphanso implemented a policy in [[2018]] to seize plots of land for the construction of major infrastructure, such as highways in exchange for half of fair market value. This program inevitably put the government and ruling classes in opposition to the nation's powerful planter classes, as their cash crop farms occupied the vast majority of the land area in the interior part of Netansett. Several attempts were made by leading planters to end the policy, but by [[2024]] it was clear these efforts had failed. In response, about a third of the Council of Ministers and the Chief Minister, aligned with the planters and owning large plots of lands themselves, resigned in protest. This had the effect of both alienating the planter class from the political ruling elite Tsailists but also practically removing the influence of the planters in government. Accordingly, between [[2025]] and [[2030]], the rate of land seizures accelerated, except many of these lands were auctioned off to private Netanic economic interests or even to foreign investers, deeply angering the planter elite. This divide set the administration of Autocrat Taphanso and the planter elite on a political collision course in the 2030s.
As part of the overall plan to Occidentalize the nation's economy, Autocrat Maitsoi Taphanso implemented a policy in [[2018]] to seize plots of land for the construction of major infrastructure, such as highways in exchange for half of fair market value. This program inevitably put the government and ruling classes in opposition to the nation's powerful planter classes, as their cash crop farms occupied the vast majority of the land area in the interior part of Netansett. Several attempts were made by leading planters to end the policy, but by [[2024]] it was clear these efforts had failed. In response, about a third of the Council of Ministers and the Chief Minister, aligned with the planters and owning large plots of lands themselves, resigned in protest. This had the effect of both alienating the planter class from the political ruling elite Tsailists but also practically removing the influence of the planters in government. Accordingly, between [[2025]] and [[2030]], the rate of land seizures accelerated, except many of these lands were auctioned off to private Netanic economic interests or even to foreign investers, deeply angering the planter elite. This divide set the administration of Autocrat Taphanso and the planter elite on a political collision course in the 2030s.
Netansett is an {{wp|autocracy|autocratic}} republic, with most governing authority established in the nation's chief executive, a position usually translated as "Autocrat". The Autocrat nominally shares responsibility of governing with the Council of Ministers, comprised of the various ministerial heads he appoints, an the Urban Council, which seats proportionally represented elected officials of the forty largest cities, towns, and villages. The Urban Council nominally holds significant budget oversight, but membership is largely considered to be an honorary post marking one out for future responsibilities within the public ministries. In practice, most observers have noted that Urban Council membership is mostly restricted to the historic planer aristocracy or individuals with ancestral ties to former government or military leaders. The Autocrat and Urban Council members are elected to non-fixed terms of office, with 7-9 years usually elapsing between each Urban Council election. Autocrats may hold elections to end their term, but this practice is rare, and usually elections for the office of Autocrat only take place on the death of the sitting Autocrat. Despite these limits, the [[League of Nations]] has observed elections in the country to be "mostly fair", with limited instances of voter suppression but also limited opportunities for Netanic people to vote.
{{main|Politics of Netansett}}
Netansett is a {{wp|federation#De_facto_federations|semi-federal}} {{wp|assembly-independent republic}} under an {{wp|anocracy|authoritarian semi-democracy}}. The current form of government that runs Netansett is often described by many countries as an {{wp|autocracy|autocratic}} republic, which has been in power since 1840, it having succeeded the confederal Kiravic dependency of the [[Hukon League]]. The international community, specifically the [[League of Nations]] considers Netansett to have a "mostly fair" electoral system through various observations over the years, with voter suppression being surprisingly low despite the consistently low {{wp|voter turnout}}. Netansett is notable for being a highly-centralized federation, often being given the term "semi-federation" due to the high central government oversight.

Netansett has been described as an {{Wp|ethnostate}}, in which non-Netanic individuals are traditionally viewed as transients with limited civil, political, and economic rights.
{{main|Autocrat of the Netansetts|Council of Ministers (Netansett)}}
Most governing authority is consolidated and established in the person of the nation's {{wp|chief executive}}; this position is usually referred to as the [[Autocrat of the Netansetts|Autocrat]]. According to the [[Constitution of Netansett|constitution]], the Autocrat nominally shares the responsibility of governance with the Council of Ministers, the official advisory body to the Autocrat comprising of various ministerial heads that are appointed by the Autocrat himself, and the Urban Council, the nation's {{wp|unicameralism|unicameral}} legislature. In practice, the Autocrat wields significant authority in many aspects of Netansett's government, and generally rules for life; very few Autocrats have chosen to retire. Despite the largely powerful role held by the Autocrat, most Netanic Autocrats since the 1930s have ruled as {{wp|benevolent dictators|benevolent leaders}}, opting to allow for elected representatives who have limited power as well as granting the citizenry token {{wp|civil liberties}}. Whenever an Autocrat passes away or retires, an election is held wherein candidates are selected from amongst the membership of the Council of Ministers and the Urban Council and are voted directly by the populace. There are currently no known legal methods of forcibly removing an Autocrat from power, mostly due to the Autocrat almost always having the loyalty of the military as well as there having been no precedent for such a hypothetical eventuality.
The [[Council of Ministers (Netansett)|Council of Ministers]] is nominally the official advisory body and the {{wp|cabinet (government)|governing cabinet}}. Its membership comprises entirely of appointees selected by the Autocrat, and the constitution states that the Council shares executive power with the Autocrat, with the latter serving as the chair of all Council meetings. In actuality, the Council serves as a collegiate mouthpiece for the Autocrat, with all members being personal friends and associates of the Autocrat. Ministers generally remain in the Council for approximately a decade before voluntarily retiring; this custom allows for the Council to remain dynamic over long periods of time, though their successors are often their proteges who have been trained with the expectation that they would be guaranteed a seat once their predecessor retires. The head of the Council of Ministers is the [[Chief Minister of Netansett]], who typically serves as the Autocrat's {{wp|second-in-command}} in a capacity similar to that of a {{wp|vice president}} in most {{wp|presidential republics}}.
{{main|Netanic Urban Council}}
The [[Netanic Urban Council|Urban Council]] is the {{wp|uncameralism|unicameral}} legislature of Netansett. It is comprised of forty members, each representing the largest municipalities and townships, and is elected by the general public under a system of {{wp|proportional representation}}. The constitution gives the Urban Council significant budgetary oversight, but in practice membership is seen as honorary which usually marks each member out for future responsibilities that could win them an appointment into the Council of Ministers. Many international observers have noted that the membership of the Urban Council always consists of both members of the planter aristocracy and friends and associates of either the incumbent Autocrat or a previous Autocrat. There is no set amount of years for a term in the Urban Council, with the average being seven to nine years before the Autocrat dissolves the current session of the Urban Council to make way for a legislative election. Very few people outside of the planter aristocracy or an Autocrat's inner circle has been able to be elected into the Urban Council, and those that have are often those who have won the Autocrat's favor.
===Local governance===
===Local governance===