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Syliria is industrized somewhat in a Sense, It uses outdated Farming equipment such as older Tractors from The 60s and 70s, The capital is also A bit behind Even Syliria's Military is outdated, largely Equiped with AKM's and older Tanks, with its Air force using MIG 29's as its main fighter.
Syliria is industrized somewhat in a Sense, It uses outdated Farming equipment such as older Tractors from The 60s and 70s, The capital is also A bit behind Even Syliria's Military is outdated, largely Equiped with AKM's and older Tanks, with its Air force using MIG 29's as its main fighter.
[[File:Sylirianmilitaryexercise.png|thumb|Sylirian Tank in a military exercise, Al-safra, 2009]]
[[File:Sylirianarmy.png|thumb|Sylirian Military exercise, Al-safra, 2009]]
[[File:Sylirianarmy.png|thumb|Sylirian Military exercise, Al-safra, 2009]]
Sylirians are Warriors by Heart as Syliria's Military is 300,000 thausand Strong, Despite this some analyst say its very weak as the vast majority of Sylirians Are in the army due to Conscription, Syliria's military equipment is also quite Outdated already being outdone by its neighbours, Syliria's Army is stuck in the 1970s and 80s with its equipment, and sometimes Struggles to mantain it all, they only Show off its military in Military Parades every  August 7th when Syliria Celebrates The beggining of Haqiqatist Rule. Syliria often performs Military Exercises to prove its might and are often broadcasted on Sylirian Television, Syliria also has 2 paramilitary Groups, Alwasi Haqiqatun, and the Peoples Civil defence, the second being Civillians who are to take arms in case of a invasion by any power, While Alwasi Haqiqatun often serves as a secret police force however in case of invasion it is to defend the country. it is around 40,000 strong.
Sylirians are Warriors by Heart as Syliria's Military is 300,000 thausand Strong, Despite this some analyst say its very weak as the vast majority of Sylirians Are in the army due to Conscription, Syliria's military equipment is also quite Outdated already being outdone by its neighbours, Syliria's Army is stuck in the 1970s and 80s with its equipment, and sometimes Struggles to mantain it all, they only Show off its military in Military Parades every  August 7th when Syliria Celebrates The beggining of Haqiqatist Rule. Syliria often performs Military Exercises to prove its might and are often broadcasted on Sylirian Television, Syliria also has 2 paramilitary Groups, Alwasi Haqiqatun, and the Peoples Civil defence, the second being Civillians who are to take arms in case of a invasion by any power, While Alwasi Haqiqatun often serves as a secret police force however in case of invasion it is to defend the country. it is around 40,000 strong. Syliria also preforms a lot of Military exercices as a part of a propaganda campaign to brew fear into the populace, as making them think they are on the constant brink of invasion it actively keeps people patriotic. This is also a point of content in the international community as how militarized Syliria is has made many nations suspicious of if Syliria has Weapons of mass destruction.  