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Most of the nations struggles are rooted in the demographic conflict between the Ænglo-Ardmori and native populations. Ever since the genocide of the Starlit Revolution, Ænglish-speaking nations such as Arcerion and Alstin have held a particular investment in ensuring the local Neo-Waakabii extremist cells are destroyed post-haste. Because of these foreign interests it has been commonplace for the last 30 years for Malentines to be the target for foreign airstrikes. In recent years, however, Malentina has seen a shift in their approach to local insurgencies. With military assets provided by Tierrador they have started cracking down on terrorist cells on their own, while at the same time distancing themselves from Arcerion. These actions have caused a diplomatic incident surrounding Malentina which risks becoming a flashpoint for a power struggle over who holds influence over Malentina.
Most of the nations struggles are rooted in the demographic conflict between the Ænglo-Ardmori and native populations. Ever since the genocide of the Starlit Revolution, Ænglish-speaking nations such as Arcerion and Alstin have held a particular investment in ensuring the local Neo-Waakabii extremist cells are destroyed post-haste. Because of these foreign interests it has been commonplace for the last 30 years for Malentines to be the target for foreign airstrikes. In recent years, however, Malentina has seen a shift in their approach to local insurgencies. With military assets provided by Tierrador they have started cracking down on terrorist cells on their own, while at the same time distancing themselves from Arcerion. These actions have caused a diplomatic incident surrounding Malentina which risks becoming a flashpoint for a power struggle over who holds influence over Malentina.

== Etymology ==
Malentina is a somewhat modern name taken from the term commonly used in [[Ænglish language|Ænglish]] to refer to the indigenous tribes living on the islands that the nation now encompasses, that being ''Malentinu''. This term developed from combining the names of the two most populous indigenous tribes on the islands, which are the ''Maaleens'' and the ''Tinuuds''. The name was created by the indigenous tribes as a way for them to "reclaim" their home islands, which by the time of the name's formulation had been under the rule of Occidental colonists for many years, for themselves. There still exists a small minority within the Ænglo-Ardmori population who still use the former colonial name of [[Pertoolua]] from before 1933; ironically Pertoolua comes from the butcherization of the name used for the Cartadanian colony of [[Porto Lua]]
Malentina is a somewhat modern name taken from the term commonly used in [[Ænglish language|Ænglish]] to refer to the indigenous tribes living on the islands that the nation now encompasses, that being ''Malentinu''. This term developed from combining the names of the two most populous indigenous tribes on the islands, which are the ''Maaleens'' and the ''Tinuuds''. The name was created by the indigenous tribes as a way for them to "reclaim" their home islands, which by the time of the name's formulation had been under the rule of Occidental colonists for many years, for themselves. There still exists a small minority within the Ænglo-Ardmori population who still use the former colonial name of [[Pertoolua]] from before 1933; ironically Pertoolua comes from the butcherization of the name used for the Cartadanian colony of [[Porto Lua]].

== Geography ==
The many islands that the make up the Malentine archipelago are dominated by the three main islands of [[Tikaandu]], [[Hileenkopp]] and [[Wolviikipp]], in order of size. These three islands have mostly quite similar features although Tikaandu features by far the most fresh water making it the centre of the Malentine part of what was once the North Songun civilization. One of the most notable features of the island is that the islands are incredibly flat with only short hills cut by shallow valleys. Except for several smaller regions in the northern-most and southern-most parts of the islands. This made the islands ideal for plantation agriculture, before the earth of its vast plains were eroded by years of exploitation.
The many islands that the make up the Malentine archipelago are dominated by the three main islands of [[Tikaandu]], [[Hileenkopp]] and [[Wolviikipp]], in order of size from biggest to smallest. These three islands have mostly quite similar features although Tikaandu features by far the most fresh water in any of the main islands, which has historically made it the center of the Malentine islands, a fact that was made more apparent during the latter years of the North Songun civilization and even in the years following its collapse on the mainland. One of the most notable features these islands have is that they are noted to be incredibly flat with highest elevations being limited to small hills which are cut by shallow valleys, save for several smaller regions in the northernmost and southernmost areas of the islands which are largely level with the sea. The islands were once one of the most ideal areas for plantation-based agriculture, but due to intensive over-farming and overall irresponsible decision-making during the pre-Starlit years these lands have largely lost their arability after many years of exploitation and environmental damage.

Throughout the islands one can find a quite diverse climate, featuring everything from mangrove swamps, to forest covered plateaus.
The climate throughout the archipelago is noted for its diversity, featuring many biomes ranging from mangrove swamps to forest-covered plateaus. However, due to the economic pressures which were brought upon during the colonial era and pre-Starlit years, the vast majority of the islands have had many of their natural features destroyed to make way for farmland and plantation fields with the sole remnants being small forests that dot the landscape as well as national parks. These acts of environmental damage have been responsible for an overall increase in highly destructive floods since the 1920s as well as the overall worsening of storms. It has only been since the mid-1990s when there has been a significant effort to reverse these damages which has been met with some success since then as some of the worst effects of the consequences brought upon by over a century of environmental damage have started to become somewhat more mild in recent years.
Because of economic pressures the vast majority of the island has been reduced to agricultural fields, with only small forests dotting the landscape with a few national parks as the only exceptions. In modern times there have been significant attempt to reverse these changes at least partially, at the very least to an extent which may prevent further destruction of the islands natural ecosystem.
