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Carthinova (talk | contribs)
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===Ethnic Demography===
===Ethnic Demography===
A comprehensive formal census of the Mid-Atrassic States has yet to be conducted. Demographic figures are extrapolated from civil registries (which likely do not reflect the native population at large), and estimates from MAS authorities and the Kiravian Army based on resource consumption and other evidentiary touchstones.
A comprehensive formal census of the Mid-Atrassic States has yet to be conducted. Demographic figures are extrapolated from civil registries (which likely do not reflect the native population at large), and estimates from MAS authorities and the Kiravian Army based on resource consumption and other evidentiary touchstones.
{{Pie chart
|thumb = right
|title= Ethnic Makeup (Estimated)
|caption = Ethnic Makeup (Estimated)
|label1 = Montagnards, Southerners
|value1 = 38.0
|color1 = Goldenrod
|label2 = Čikibriki
|value2 = 12.0
|color2 = DarkRed
|label3 = Chapatec
|value3 = 10.0
|color3 = Firebrick
|label4 = Copacaban
|value4 = 8.0
|color4 = IndianRed
|label5 = Qoptanquatl
|value5 = 6.0
|color5 = Salmon
|label6 = Other Cronite
|value6 = 19.0
|color6 = LightPink
|label7 = Varshani
|value7 = 4.0
|color7 = MediumPurple
|label8 = Immigrant
|value8 = 3.0
|color8 = Teal
====Native peoples of the Northern Division and Free State====
====Native peoples of the Northern Division and Free State====
Nanzitolclatl was a multiëthnic country, and the Mid-Atrassic states have inherited its ethnic diversity. The largest ethnic groups whose homelands would become fully or partially incorporated into the Mid-Atrassic states after the dissolution of Nanzitolclatl are the Chapatec, the historically {{wp|privilege|privileged}} Čikibriki, and the Copacaban people. Other native peoples inhabiting the territory in appreciable numbers include the Čapticolani, Čezequaki, Qoptanquatl, Symantek, and [[Sugondese people]]. Clear-cut boundaries between ethnic zones were generally absent in Nanzitolclatl, but have hardened since the Deluge as a result of war and instability conducing the territorialisation of ethnic communities, as well as Kiravian policies such as internal resettlement and the designation of self-administered zones to function as ethnostates within the Mid-Atrassic commonwealth. Čikibriki people, previously found all across the country as a dominant minority, are now concentrated mainly near the Northern Division's western border in the Frontier Military District, [[Rigo Joint Security Area]], and Nanzi-Čikibrik SAZ. On the other hand, Chapatec people - whose traditional range corresponds roughly to the boundaries of the Chapatec Free State - expanded their geographic footprint during the Deluge and are now found living in many different provinces.
Nanzitolclatl was a multiëthnic country, and the Mid-Atrassic states have inherited its ethnic diversity. The largest ethnic groups whose homelands would become fully or partially incorporated into the Mid-Atrassic states after the dissolution of Nanzitolclatl are the Chapatec, the historically {{wp|privilege|privileged}} Čikibriki, and the Copacaban people. Other native peoples inhabiting the territory in appreciable numbers include the Čapticolani, Čezequaki, Qoptanquatl, Symantek, and [[Sugondese people]]. Clear-cut boundaries between ethnic zones were generally absent in Nanzitolclatl, but have hardened since the Deluge as a result of war and instability conducing the territorialisation of ethnic communities, as well as Kiravian policies such as internal resettlement and the designation of self-administered zones to function as ethnostates within the Mid-Atrassic commonwealth. Čikibriki people, previously found all across the country as a dominant minority, are now concentrated mainly near the Northern Division's western border in the Frontier Military District, [[Rigo Joint Security Area]], and Nanzi-Čikibrik SAZ. On the other hand, Chapatec people - whose traditional range corresponds roughly to the boundaries of the Chapatec Free State - expanded their geographic footprint during the Deluge and are now found living in many different provinces.