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===Northern Confederation===
===Northern Confederation===
The four constituent members of the Republic were founding members of the [[Northern Confederation]], a loose political alliance of tribes, cities, and statelets of [[Cusinaut]] intended to maintain internal political harmony and project a unified defense against [[Occidental]] encroachment. The Honeoye and rival Algosh were among the leading members of the Confederation. The Confederate period lead to relative peace, including decreased border conflict between the four constituent peoples of the Republic. The growing power of the Honeoye and Algosh, increased Occidental interference, and decreased internal cohesion lead to the gradual dissolution in the Confederation, culminating in the [[War of the Northern Confederation]] in the late 2000s.

===Algosh domination===
===Algosh domination===
{{Main|Treaty of Narasseta}}
The collapsing Northern Confederation could not agree on a course of action in the [[War of the Northern Confederation]] against the intervention of [[Urcea]] in the internal affairs of the Confederation. Without Confederate sanction, the [[Algoquona|Algosh]] lead military action against Urcea, leading a smaller coalition of Confederation members from north and west of the conflict area. While Algosh forces fought against the Urceans, the Confederation's essential dissolution into non-functioning paved the way for the diplomatic protections that smaller Confederation members enjoyed to also dissolve. Citing wartime necessity and the need for a unified front, the Algosh invaded most of the Confederation's members with a handful of non-Algosh allies, who were organized as the first autonomous chiefs of [[Algoquona]]. All four of the constituent members of what would become the Republic - the Honeoye, the Gowandis, the Canandaigua, and the Saranac - had been neutral in the war with [[Urcea]], but had provided the Algosh the ability to pass through their territory on the way to the conflict. All four members resisted the Algosh invasion but due to the superior forces of the Algosh, as well as their familiarity with the four peoples' territories and position of troops already inside their territories, each of the four quickly fell in succession. They were reorganized as [[Algoquona#Chiefdoms|chiefdoms]] within the Algoquonan system. [[the Cape|The Cape]] and many Occidental nations, especially [[Carna]], objected, but most recognized the annexation as a ''fait accompli''. The conquests were recognized by [[Urcea]] in the [[Treaty of Narasseta]] which formally ended the War of the Northern Confederation.
The four peoples began immediate, low-level resistance to Algosh domination. The various resistance efforts were never numerous nor well organized enough to present a serious threat to [[Algoquona]], with the most serious incidents being minor ambushes by guerilla forces on military caravans. The destruction of most of the professional Algoquonan military in 2017's [[Operation Western Blizzard]] lead to bands of guerillas seizing many villages and large segments of territory but failing to organize or seize major cities. The conflicts between Algoquona and the Occident between 2016 and 2017 had the effect of abrogating the [[Treaty of Narasseta]], giving guerillas and locals access to Occidental weapons and supplies. Unfortunately for resistance efforts, Algoquona made pacifying the region their top priority following the conflicts with the Occident. Newly conscripted forces, as well as tribal militias from Algoquona's western subjects, launched a major offensive into the four peoples' territories. The area was classified as an "ongoing warzone" by the [[League of Nations]] in 2018-19, with the Algosh ultimately triumphing and reestablishing control of the entire territory by August 2019. Settlement efforts by Algosh colonists intensified following the conclusion of the conflict. Large numbers of guerrillas and militiamen were captured by the Algosh but, due to their lack of military resources because of [[Operation Western Blizzard]], these men were mostly conscripted into the Algoquonan military for service against the Occident. Put under the command of Algosh commandants, these forces made up a large segment of the new Southern Army, training on the border with New Yustona. Leaders among the Algosh believed that the conscripted forces could not be used against other peoples of [[Cusinaut]], but would be dependable fighting against Occidental encroachment.

===Final War of the Deluge===
===Final War of the Deluge===