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m (Text replacement - "Kuhlfros" to "Fiannria")
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The effects of the Fiannrian Enlightenment spread far beyond the shores of Levantia. Having completed his education in Adenbourough, in 1648, Ludwig auf Seroniezen, the son of the Viceroy of Drovana, returned home mind whirring with Enlightenment principles. He wanted a level of home rule for Drovana and the other Fiannrian colonies in Crona.
The effects of the Fiannrian Enlightenment spread far beyond the shores of Levantia. Having completed his education in Adenbourough, in 1648, Ludwig auf Seroniezen, the son of the Viceroy of Drovana, returned home mind whirring with Enlightenment principles. He wanted a level of home rule for Drovana and the other Fiannrian colonies in Crona.

Starting in the 1652, Ludwig, by then the Viceroy himself, sent numerous petitions and treatises to Kuhlfros, asking for recognition of a free and independent state in Crona. Despite the Fiannrian Enlightenment, the petitions in favor of self governance and free will were ignored due to the importance of the Cronan colonies to the Fiannrian economy. In 1698 a massive canal project failed, sending the colonial empire spiraling into debt.
Starting in the 1652, Ludwig, by then the Viceroy himself, sent numerous petitions and treatises to Fiannria, asking for recognition of a free and independent state in Crona. Despite the Fiannrian Enlightenment, the petitions in favor of self governance and free will were ignored due to the importance of the Cronan colonies to the Fiannrian economy. In 1698 a massive canal project failed, sending the colonial empire spiraling into debt.

Ludwig and a group of the Drovanan elite, in order to clear the debt of Drovana, bought the province from Kuhlfros and established a free duchy in its place. Neighboring Fakona was also able to buy its freedom from Kuhlfros, but its Viceroy was a poor money manager and the new state immediately defaulted. Seroniezen stepped in, using the influence he had built over the last few decades and negotiated the Treaty of Fakona of 1670 creating the Kingdom of Fakolan and naming himself Otto I.
Ludwig and a group of the Drovanan elite, in order to clear the debt of Drovana, bought the province from Fiannria and established a free duchy in its place. Neighboring Fakona was also able to buy its freedom from Fiannria, but its Viceroy was a poor money manager and the new state immediately defaulted. Seroniezen stepped in, using the influence he had built over the last few decades and negotiated the Treaty of Fakona of 1670 creating the Kingdom of Fakolan and naming himself Otto I.

Building on existing relationships with merchants from all across Greater Ixnay, in particular from Burgundie, the fledgling kingdom created a modern and massive trading hub at Kanzar, the capital both of the province of Fakona and the kingdom itself. Over the next two decades, with this new revenue, Otto I bought out the remaining Fiannrian colonies of Eitweise (1678), Leiseng (1685), Duitsen (1688) and Horholme (1691). Having come upon all of the new land peaceably, and sharing the Northern Levantine culture, the reign of Otto I saw a massive economic boom.
Building on existing relationships with merchants from all across Greater Ixnay, in particular from Burgundie, the fledgling kingdom created a modern and massive trading hub at Kanzar, the capital both of the province of Fakona and the kingdom itself. Over the next two decades, with this new revenue, Otto I bought out the remaining Fiannrian colonies of Eitweise (1678), Leiseng (1685), Duitsen (1688) and Horholme (1691). Having come upon all of the new land peaceably, and sharing the Northern Levantine culture, the reign of Otto I saw a massive economic boom.
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Stephan Heneriks was not bookish like his father. Of all of his topics of instruction, he had taken to his military studies the most. He was sent to the finest military school in Kuhlfros and fought in a series of campaigns in the Burgundian colonies in southern Punth for his Burgundian cousins Archdukes Rienholdts VI and VII. Stephan gained great acclaim not only as a successful commander of the Burgundian forces, but also because upon his return to Kanzar he had circumnavigated the world, one of the only kings to have held that accolade before the advent of commercial flight.
Stephan Heneriks was not bookish like his father. Of all of his topics of instruction, he had taken to his military studies the most. He was sent to the finest military school in Fiannria and fought in a series of campaigns in the Burgundian colonies in southern Punth for his Burgundian cousins Archdukes Rienholdts VI and VII. Stephan gained great acclaim not only as a successful commander of the Burgundian forces, but also because upon his return to Kanzar he had circumnavigated the world, one of the only kings to have held that accolade before the advent of commercial flight.