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By mid-1993 the BSP had been given the directive to begin the repression of the [[Communist Party of Corumm]] (CPC) and its armed wing, the [[Army of Common Men]] (ACM). Operation Dendron decapitated the communist political leadership and left the party directionless however the cell structure of the ACM prevented most of its leaders from being found out and killed. This operation also had the secondary effect of rendering the CPC and the political path almost irrelevant in the conflict to come. Dendron marked the beginning of a bloody period of state terrorism as the government sought to crush the armed resistance of the ACM by any means necessary. Hundreds of thousands of left-wing activists, students, journalists, writers and anyone suspected of sympathizing with the political left were imprisoned, tortured and killed. The ACM responded by unleashing a wave of terrorist bombings, hit and run attacks on military and police targets and killing of government employees as reprisals. Increasing efficiency in intel gathering on the ACM resulted in the design and implementation of Operation Eschaton, which succeeded in killing hundreds of leadership figures all across the country.
By mid-1993 the BSP had been given the directive to begin the repression of the [[Communist Party of Corumm]] (CPC) and its armed wing, the [[Army of Common Men]] (ACM). Operation Dendron decapitated the communist political leadership and left the party directionless however the cell structure of the ACM prevented most of its leaders from being found out and killed. This operation also had the secondary effect of rendering the CPC and the political path almost irrelevant in the conflict to come. Dendron marked the beginning of a bloody period of state terrorism as the government sought to crush the armed resistance of the ACM by any means necessary. Hundreds of thousands of left-wing activists, students, journalists, writers and anyone suspected of sympathizing with the political left were imprisoned, tortured and killed. The ACM responded by unleashing a wave of terrorist bombings, hit and run attacks on military and police targets and killing of government employees as reprisals. Increasing efficiency in intel gathering on the ACM resulted in the design and implementation of Operation Eschaton, which succeeded in killing hundreds of leadership figures all across the country.

Finding itself increasingly cornered in urban areas by the security organs, the bulk of the ACM moved into the countryside whilst leaving only smaller three-man cells in the cities. In rural areas the organization had a degree of grassroots support, especially in the poorer west part of the country. PCD initiated security reforms had not yet reached these locales and the local security forces were too weak to suppress the ACM on their own. While the ACM had appeared to be on the backfoot or even the edge of defeat at the end of 1995, its move to the countryside allowed it breathing room to reconstitute itself and Operation Eschaton had not yet taken an irreversible toll. It coerced peasants to join its force in increasing numbers and began expanding an area of actual territorial control that surrounded several provincial cities. By the summer of 1996 the ACM had recovered in numbers and stormed the city of Khov, defeating the local garrison and with the local police force fleeing without a fight. The ACM declared a Khov Socialist Republic and invited the 'revolutionary' sectors of the city to join its forces. The government responded by initiating a special combined operation by Army and BSP battalions to clear the city and the surrounding area. Power and water were shut off to the city, roads blockaded and supplies turned back while a massive artillery bombardment began. ACM forces attempted to repeatedly break the siege by using truck bombs and exploiting the temporary gaps created but air power turned them back everytime. After two months of sluggish advance amid heavy fighting, the government was in position to assault Khov and did so starting in September 1996. Of note in the [[Battle of Khov]] is the participation of a new entity called the [[Peace Brigade]], which had links but was not subordinated to the BSP. It is rumored however that the Peace Brigade was the brainchild of [[Prib Dodd]], head of BSP at the time.
Finding itself increasingly cornered in urban areas by the security organs, the bulk of the ACM moved into the countryside whilst leaving only smaller three-man cells in the cities. In rural areas the organization had a degree of grassroots support, especially in the poorer west part of the country. PCD initiated security reforms had not yet reached these locales and the local security forces were too weak to suppress the ACM on their own. While the ACM had appeared to be on the backfoot or even the edge of defeat at the end of 1995, its move to the countryside allowed it breathing room to reconstitute itself and Operation Eschaton had not yet taken an irreversible toll. It coerced peasants to join its force in increasing numbers and began expanding an area of actual territorial control that surrounded several provincial cities. By the summer of 1996 the ACM had recovered in numbers and stormed the city of Khov, defeating the local garrison and with the local police force fleeing without a fight. The ACM declared a Khov Socialist Republic and invited the 'revolutionary' sectors of the city to join its forces. The government responded by initiating a special combined operation by Army and BSP battalions to clear the city and the surrounding area. Power and water were shut off to the city, roads blockaded and supplies turned back while a massive artillery bombardment began. ACM forces attempted to repeatedly break the siege by using truck bombs and exploiting the temporary gaps created but air power turned them back everytime. After two months of sluggish advance amid heavy fighting, the government was in position to assault Khov and did so starting in September 1996. Of note in the [[Battle of Khov]] is the participation of a new entity called the [[Peace Brigade]], which had links but was not subordinated to the BSP. It is rumored however that the Peace Brigade was the brainchild of [[Prib Dodd]], head of BSP at the time. Three more weeks of fierce urban fighting ensured that most of Khov was destroyed and the brutality of the Peace Brigade made sure most of the population followed their city into oblivion. Only three members of the ACM's Directorate survived the battle and fled the fall of the city using tunnels dug under the city, escaping further west.
===Suppression of the Right===
===Suppression of the Right===
===Taming the Army===
===Taming the Army===