A History of Ixnay (OOC): Difference between revisions

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The Low Golden Age was a period in which activity was buzzing, but the region was still saddled with many Darklanders and other types of malcontents. It forms a prelude to the High Golden Age, also perhaps better known as the Absurranian Era, where the majority of play revolved around the allegiance of the United Islamic Federation, a country established by a player named Absurrania. Abs joined in early or mid-2014 and took a liking to most everything in the region and was briefly aligned with Urcea and LOTA before switching to the Darklanders. As has happened in that time, allegiances ICly also formed essential blocs OOCly. This era was essentially defined by the LOTA vs. Darklands IC and OOC enmity, in many cases the latter especially lead by myself and CESP. The UIF was the critical hinge point of this ICly, and the Audonians - at that time, essentially a player named Malaysii (and future forms of that) as well as Azura and Montemayor - as swing actors. There were some other loose agent players at this time as well, including the aforementioned Palmeria and Sawra as well as the Talion Union, an on-again off-again member of Ixnay from 2013-2019. Insui may have joined around this time as well if that was not already mentioned at some point above. This period was not all sunshine and rainbows. There was a nonsense incident with a member called Sakatia - the happenings and motivations of which I don't really remember - but the country was divided and formed a long-lasting joke about Sakatia ruling the entire region.
The Low Golden Age was a period in which activity was buzzing, but the region was still saddled with many Darklanders and other types of malcontents. It forms a prelude to the High Golden Age, also perhaps better known as the Absurranian Era, where the majority of play revolved around the allegiance of the United Islamic Federation, a country established by a player named Absurrania. Abs joined in early or mid-2014 and took a liking to most everything in the region and was briefly aligned with Urcea and LOTA before switching to the Darklanders. As has happened in that time, allegiances ICly also formed essential blocs OOCly. This era was essentially defined by the LOTA vs. Darklands IC and OOC enmity, in many cases the latter especially lead by myself and CESP. The UIF was the critical hinge point of this ICly, and the Audonians - at that time, essentially a player named Malaysii (and future forms of that) as well as Azura and Montemayor - as swing actors. There were some other loose agent players at this time as well, including the aforementioned Palmeria and Sawra as well as the Talion Union, an on-again off-again member of Ixnay from 2013-2019. Insui may have joined around this time as well if that was not already mentioned at some point above. This period was not all sunshine and rainbows. There was a nonsense incident with a member called Sakatia - the happenings and motivations of which I don't really remember - but the country was divided and formed a long-lasting joke about Sakatia ruling the entire region.

This period, roughly corresponding up through the joining of Heku and Corumm in late 2014, saw a cataclysmic event on the NationStates side of things. The NS Region "Ixnay", which had been founderless since the CTE of All Peoples in ca. 2007, was taken over by raiders in the summer of 2014. After efforts to liberate the region failed, I migrated 90% of the community to "Greater Ixnay", which has been the NationStates vehicle of the community since. The raid occurred at yet another time of my taking a break and occurred in a fumbled handoff of power from Malaysii back to me, although the timing was poorly done on my part and we probably could have done it successfully had we known we were the target of a raid. The raid probably represents a long-term turning point away from NationStates as a viable community organizational tool. At the time, we were using Chatzy and had not long before taken up use of an off-site forum, which became increasingly important in use. By establishing Greater Ixnay, I also solidified myself in the role as founder, establishing a dynamic with other members that would prove to be an issue going forward. It was important to me at the time, however, as my ''primus inter pares'' style leadership role was now anchored in a new, tangible title and position. While for a long time the idea of referring to myself as founder felt as if it were a pretense - All Peoples founded Ixnay in 2003 after all - the title now (as of August 2022) sits well with me, having been in Ixnay longer than anyone in its history and having been there for the transition from Early NS Ixnay to modern Ixnay.
This period, roughly corresponding up through the joining of Heku and Corumm in late 2014, saw a cataclysmic event on the NationStates side of things. The NS Region "Ixnay", which had been founderless since the CTE of All Peoples in ca. 2007, was taken over by raiders in the summer of 2014. The raid occurred at yet another time of my taking a break and occurred in a fumbled handoff of power from Malaysii back to me, although the timing was poorly done on my part and we probably could have done it successfully had we known we were the target of a raid. Malaysii became Interim Delegate as he had been the elected Vice Delegate during the period of absence. The poor guy was jokingly mocked by Abs basically every day for being a poor leader. The jokes were almost all in jest and as far as I know Abs had no ill intent other than believing it should have been him in charge, but Malaysii took it seriously and believed he was hated and loathed, being one of the causes (as well as my summer return from college) for the botched transition. After efforts to liberate the region failed, I migrated 90% of the community to "Greater Ixnay", which has been the NationStates vehicle of the community since. The raid probably represents a long-term turning point away from NationStates as a viable community organizational tool. At the time, we were using Chatzy and had not long before taken up use of an off-site forum, which became increasingly important in use. By establishing Greater Ixnay, I also solidified myself in the role as founder, establishing a dynamic with other members that would prove to be an issue going forward. It was important to me at the time, however, as my ''primus inter pares'' style leadership role was now anchored in a new, tangible title and position. While for a long time the idea of referring to myself as founder felt as if it were a pretense - All Peoples founded Ixnay in 2003 after all - the title now (as of August 2022) sits well with me, having been in Ixnay longer than anyone in its history and having been there for the transition from Early NS Ixnay to modern Ixnay.

The raid, I think, may have ended the influence of the Darklanders as they may have only been tenuously connected to us at the time anyway - a survey of the maps would reveal they remained on the map so we can assume some partial activity, but their time in the sun OOCly had come to a close.. Some of them did come along and camped in the new region, mostly inactive, until 2019 or so. The latter half of 2014 was pretty eventful for the region as a whole as the refounding more or less constituted a philosophical, if not canonical, reboot. A new charter was issued for Ixnay by Kiravia (I believe) and myself in consultation, combining many long-standing rules of the NationStates forum "International Incidents", which was the primary style guide and roleplaying background for most countries and remained a kind of spiritual predecessor for Ixnay play well into 2019. Other sources for the charter included half remembered or implemented standards for the region created in the earlier months of the Spelfine era, and included strict guides for elections. This charter, the Fundamental Statute, was intended to end many of the OOC squabbling about democracy and other governance issues that defined much of 2014. The preamble of the Fundamental Statute read ''"With our refounding and exodus/migration to a new region, it was discussed that the focus needs to be put back into RP and not on OOC disputes. To this end, myself and several other members came up with a system that will serve the region well in this capacity."'' With respect to ending the disputes, the Statute was a success. However, with respect to focusing it back on IC events, I would qualify it as a failure. In NationStates regions, a founder and delegate share power. The position of Delegate was decided by whoever had the most in-game endorsements and could functionally work as a democracy provided endorsements were given to the elected leader. The refounding and Fundamental Statute fulfilled regional hopes for democracy but kicked off the era of OOC Politics being front and center in the region, an institution in which Absurrania thrived and primarily focused. The era to come also became incredibly legalistic with strict and hotly debated limitations on who could vote and how elections could take place. Abs was the first delegate of this era, taking office on September 1st, 2014. He would have functional executive control of Ixnay, alongside myself, for the next nine months.
The raid, I think, may have ended the influence of the Darklanders as they may have only been tenuously connected to us at the time anyway - a survey of the maps would reveal they remained on the map so we can assume some partial activity, but their time in the sun OOCly had come to a close.. Some of them did come along and camped in the new region, mostly inactive, until 2019 or so. The latter half of 2014 was pretty eventful for the region as a whole as the refounding more or less constituted a philosophical, if not canonical, reboot. A new charter was issued for Ixnay by Kiravia (I believe) and myself in consultation, combining many long-standing rules of the NationStates forum "International Incidents", which was the primary style guide and roleplaying background for most countries and remained a kind of spiritual predecessor for Ixnay play well into 2019. Other sources for the charter included half remembered or implemented standards for the region created in the earlier months of the Spelfine era, and included strict guides for elections. This charter, the Fundamental Statute, was intended to end many of the OOC squabbling about democracy and other governance issues that defined much of 2014. The preamble of the Fundamental Statute read ''"With our refounding and exodus/migration to a new region, it was discussed that the focus needs to be put back into RP and not on OOC disputes. To this end, myself and several other members came up with a system that will serve the region well in this capacity."'' With respect to ending the disputes, the Statute was a success. However, with respect to focusing it back on IC events, I would qualify it as a failure. In NationStates regions, a founder and delegate share power. The position of Delegate was decided by whoever had the most in-game endorsements and could functionally work as a democracy provided endorsements were given to the elected leader. The refounding and Fundamental Statute fulfilled regional hopes for democracy but kicked off the era of OOC Politics being front and center in the region, an institution in which Absurrania thrived and primarily focused. The era to come also became incredibly legalistic with strict and hotly debated limitations on who could vote and how elections could take place. Abs was the first delegate of this era, taking office on September 1st, 2014. He would have functional executive control of Ixnay, alongside myself, for the next nine months.