Pelaxian discovery of the sea route to Audonia: Difference between revisions

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The route would be later know by Qian's scholars as [[The Southern Route]].
The route would be later know by Qian's scholars as [[The Southern Route]].
Spices were always considered the gold of the of Polynesia and Alshar. Cinnamon, ginger, cloves, black pepper and turmeric had long been products which were difficult to obtain in Sarpedon and brought in by caravans and experienced merchants coming from the Caphiria.
A merchant of Albalitor describes the overland spice route as follows: Only the markets of Venceia then scattered these spices all over Sarpedon, great in cost, and without guaranteed arrival. In 1300s, with the establishment of the Third Empire, the trade from Vencia reduced to a great degree due to the an increase of Coscivian piracy around Sarpedon. The advantage of the Pelaxians to establish a sea route therefore virtually free of assault – however, covered in perils in the sea – showed itself rewarding and outlined a large income to the Crown in the future. Pelaxia directly linked the spice producing regions to their markets in Sarpedon.
In March 1603, Pogiano was at the head of an expedition that weighed anchor from Albalitor. Under his control were three ships: the galleon Jesús María, of 600 tons and 30 cannons, Nuestra Señora de la Visitación and Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes. The expedition was entrusted by the King Jerónimo l, to suppress the incursions of Coscivian privateers in the seas to the south of Loa Republic.
Historians conjecture that they penetrated to a latitude of (64° S) in the Okatian Sea, and made port in the Freda Island. If correct, this would be the farthest south that anyone had travelled, at that time. Subsequently, several merchant vessels reported being blown south of 60° S in severe weather.
Around the year 1611, Pogiano attempted to undertake an exploration of the beyond Australis, and gathered information about an almost legendary Qian's Corumm, whose kingdom was located far to the west in Alshar, and sailed to it reaching it in 1613.