Malentina: Difference between revisions

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m (Added religious, economic and military sections)
m (Added cultural segments, some geography as well as the pre-colonial history)
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|established_event1 = First mainland settlers arrive
|established_event1 = First mainland settlers arrive
|established_date1 =  756 AD
|established_date1 =  756 AD
|established_event2 = The Confederation of the Seven Tribes
|established_event2 = First Colonial Settlements
|established_date2 =  819 AD
|established_date2 =  1692 AD
|established_event3 = First Colonial Settlements
|established_event3 = Self-Governance of Portlunara
|established_date3 =  1692 AD
|established_date3 =  1899 AD
|established_event4 = Creation of Puerta Luna
|established_event4 = The Starlit Revolution
|established_date4 =  1741 AD
|established_date4 =  1933 AD
|established_event5 = Sale of Puerta Luna
|established_event5 = Conference of the New Confederation
|established_date5 =  1827 AD
|established_date5 =  1987 AD
|established_event6 = Self-Governance of Portlunara
|established_date6 =  1899 AD
|established_event7 = The Starlit Revolution
|established_date7 =  1933 AD
|established_event8 = Conference of the New Confederation
|established_date8 =  1987 AD
|area_rank =  
|area_rank =  
|area =  
|area =  
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The many islands including the three main ones that make up the malentine archipelago are quite similar. One of the most notable features is that with the exception of small regions in the northern-most and southern-most parts of the islands the islands are incredibly flat, with only short hills cut by shallow valleys.
Throughout the islands one can find a quite diverse climate, featuring everything from mangrove swamps, to forest covered plateaus.
Because of economic pressures the vast majority of the island has been reduced to agricultural fields, with only small forests dotting the landscape with a few national parks as the only exceptions.
===First Refugees===
===First Refugees===
Although there is very few records of the times when the first oceanic travelers settled on the Malentine islands, especially since the history was mainly passed down verbally, it is very hard to know exactly when, how many or over how long these first settlers arrived. What is known is that around the year 800 AD there were enough tribes settled on the islands to leave notable archeological evidence. These tribes spent less time warring with each other than one might expect for the period, which together with a few weak pieces of evidence is used by some to advocate that the tribes used their knowledge of ocean travel to raid the mainland.
There is a theory with a lot of support from a number of historical sources that these first settlers were driven from their homelands by the arrival of the Arzalian worshipers of Varshan or other lesser nations following the same faith. Folklore passed down both from other native sources on the mainland as well as within the malentine tribes both help support this belief.
Over the next two centuries the islands population slowly transformed from small local tribes to larger societies of trade and alliances between larger tribes formed from the often forceful unification of the original tribes.
During this period there were two most important developments for the peoples of these lands: The evolving methods for ocean navigation through the use of the sun, moon and stars together with larger boat construction as well as a calendar system based on the lunar phases.
===Confederation of the Seven Tribes===
===Confederation of the Seven Tribes===
It is believed that sometime just before the millennium shift there was a great meeting between the seven strongest of the larger tribes. These seven not only came to an agreement on a large group of agreements that would in a sense join them all together into a single confederation, but also ended this great meeting with a division of the lands of the islands between each other, ensuring that there would be peace between them.
There is a lot of later evidence that this was not in fact the case, and that there were still at least some smaller conflicts between the tribes. But there is also good archeological evidence that the amount of people living on the islands started to grow fast following this period.
===Looming Threat of the Arzali===
===Looming Threat of the Arzali===
Although the exact timing of their arrival is still not quite certain the influence of the Arzali would reach most of the coastline of the malentine sea, and even beyond. While the difficulties of crossing the treacherous waters between the malentine tribes and the Arzali proved to be a hindrance, it wasn't long before the two started interacting. These include the first good archeological evidence for the Malenti raiding settlements on the mainland.
===First and Second Arzali Invasions===
===First and Second Arzali Invasions===
Thanks to records from Varshan it is known that in the early 14th century there were attempts by the Arzali on the coast to subjugate the island tribes raiding their settlements. This lead to the first and second attempted invasions of the islands. The wars were mainly determined by two factors: the treacherous waters and weather around the islands and the tactics used by the island tribes.
While the mainlanders fought the war by attempting to march enough soldiers to the enemy settlements to defeat them directly, the raiders of the island simply spent their time raiding whatever they could, most often during the night. The folklore of the islands specifically speaks of a period called "The Five Nights of Red", where over the course of five nights the tribal confederation burned down almost every single ship belonging to the invading forces, leaving the soldiers who reached the islands completely isolated. Still, through out the conflict the invaders successfully torched most of the two most northern tribes, and while the mainlanders most likely lost far more people and resources through out the war, the tribes simply had far more to lose. In the end the invaders seized their attempts to subjugate the island tribes, instead improving the defenses of the coastal settlements.
===Collapse of the Confederacy===
===Collapse of the Confederacy===
The long-term damage of the invasions would quickly show, as the balance between the tribes on the islands had been shattered. Two tribes almost completely gone and the remaining five in vastly difference shapes. The internal conflicts on the islands ramped up greatly, leaving them far weaker when the first explorers from lands far away arrived.
===Founding of Salcojina===
===Founding of Salcojina===
===The Greeting Agreement===
===The Greeting Agreement===
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The culture of Malentina is a complicated intertwining of the various tribes who inhabited the islands before the arrival of the first colonists from the east, the coscivian-sarpic colonists who made the first settlements on the islands, the aenglo-carnish immigrants who had the most cultural footprint, and the mestizo populations who fall somewhere in between them all. Although large parts of these groups have integrated and melded with each other there are still parts of the nation that work to maintain the old traditions of their culture of origin.
One of the most impactful components of Malenti culture, based in ideas from the earliest tribes, is a focus on nightly activities. Almost all holidays in Malentina are celebrated between dusk and dawn. The focus on leisure happening after dark goes far further however. In Malentina it is actually quite typical for sleep to be divided between a longer nightly rest and a shorter daily one, with the most common division being six-to-two hours. This is also supported by most stores and workplaces to close for a few hours around noon, with work being divided between the morning and afternoon. While the previous behaviors vary greatly across the nation and is less common on the eastern coast one thing that is true almost everywhere is a post-dusk nightly meal eaten just before going to bed.

Food in Malentina is heavily focused on a mixture of large variations of fish, crustaceans, large insects and lambs, served with corn cooked in a variety of ways as well as a number of local spices.

== Demographics ==
== Demographics ==
Malentina is a nation that suffers from a combination of too much cultural, religious and ideological diversity, leading to a nation only loosely held together by the inequality of power between the average citizen and the ruling class. Only through the support of radical elements to maintain a loyal military is the ruling body able to keep the nation together.

=== Linguistic Demographics ===
=== Linguistic Demographics ===
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The nation also maintains a steady mining sector, mainly focused on cheap metals like nickle and zinc. The islands used to produce a good amount of paper products in the 19th and 20th centuries but a combination of deforestation and preservation efforts have almost wiped this sector out completely.
The nation also maintains a steady mining sector, mainly focused on cheap metals like nickle and zinc. The islands used to produce a good amount of paper products in the 19th and 20th centuries but a combination of deforestation and preservation efforts have almost wiped this sector out completely.

The islands also happen to be a great place to catch large amounts of high value crustaceans as well as other fishing products to a lesser extent..
The islands also happen to be a great place to catch large amounts of high value crustaceans as well as other fishing products to a lesser extent.
While the nation still largely relies on hydrocarbons for energy generation thanks to it's very flat geography improved further by the reduction in forested areas the islands are perfect for wind-power turbines. At this point they have successfully implemented enough turbines to make up 17% of their electrical output, with plans laid to double this by the end of 2040.
