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== History ==
== History ==
Brief history
The first settlement on the Foxhey islands occurred shortly after the cessation of the First Bush War. In 1801 the Corwn Governor of the Arcer colony sent a trio of whaling ships escorted by a Royal Arcer Naval Service sloop to explore the Northern portions of the Malentine Sea. Finding the bay that would eventually become Port Gibson, they established a small shore post from where they could survey the larger and smaller islands of the area. Originally named the "Gibson Settlement" after the sloop's Captain, Frederick Gibson, it was later renamed Foxhey upon a declaration by the Ardmori Crown.
Ships steadily increased the settlement of the main colony at the Gibson Settlement, and with Crown Governor approval it was declared a town by Royal Decree in 1811. Foxhey formed its own Parliament in 1820, just nineteen years after the colony was first founded, with the small population of the early 1800s having exploded to now fifteen thousand Arcers, Gaels, and Ængles settled across the main island, although most centered on Port Gibson. The Foxhey parliament ratified the articles of confederation in 1824, becoming the third Arcer Governorate, joining Northlea and Moorden.
Foxhey continued to expand into the late 1800s, and although modern industrial improvements such as a modern rail network or stree lamps were late to follow, the vast amount of shipping passing into the Northern Malentine used Foxhey as a stepping stone into Central Crona. Foxhey also helped with the establishment of Dunborough and Oakham, both of which were a few day's sail from Port Gibson. A significant increase in shipbuilding also began as the island was able to import cheap lumber from Central Cronan indigenous peoples, shipping it to the island for construction of galleys and merchantmen to then resell to Indigenous seafaring tribes or other Occidental commercial ventures. These shipyards would form the nascent cell to eventually help develop modern warships in the post-war era of the 1950s and 1960s.
In the modern era, Port Gibson and Foxhey are the maritime center of power for Arcerion. Much of the governorates are based on fishing, maritime commerce and trading, ship building, and a limited tourist industry that mostly caters to wealthy Levantine citizens looking to utilize the island's golf courses, country clubs, and equestrian facilities.
== Population ==
== Population ==
demography stats
demography stats