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Puertego operates under civil law though with very little judicial independence and the courts being much more subordinate to the legislature than in most other countries with civil law, the 1997 constitution of Puertego is considered the supreme law of the country consisting entirely of written text with no unwritten conventions on it being considered legitimate. The Constitution of Puertego primarily covers the roles of different government bodies and the powers they have but also guarantees freedom of religion, this being one of the only freedoms written in the Puertegan constitution has been criticized by many international bodies for allowing all manner of human rights abuses and violations of civil rights to take place by the government. All manners of law in Puertego from criminal to family and property are considered federal responsibilities to enforce and uphold as is law enforcement with the government spending 12% of its budget on law enforcement in the country. The Puertegan government has the authority to declare any trial they see fit to be taken to a secret court where the media is unable to report on it.
Puertego operates under civil law though with very little judicial independence and the courts being much more subordinate to the legislature than in most other countries with civil law, the 1997 constitution of Puertego is considered the supreme law of the country consisting entirely of written text with no unwritten conventions on it being considered legitimate. The Constitution of Puertego primarily covers the roles of different government bodies and the powers they have but also guarantees freedom of religion, this being one of the only freedoms written in the Puertegan constitution has been criticized by many international bodies for allowing all manner of human rights abuses and violations of civil rights to take place by the government. All manners of law in Puertego from criminal to family and property are considered federal responsibilities to enforce and uphold as is law enforcement with the government spending 12% of its budget on law enforcement in the country. The Puertegan government has the authority to declare any trial they see fit to be taken to a secret court where the media is unable to report on it.
The Puertegan People's Armed Forced are divided into three main branches the Puertegan People's army, the Puertegan People's Navy, and the Puertegan People's air force. The Puertegan armed forces has an active manpower of 450,000 but if needed could muster a total strength of around 3,000,000 men. The government of Puertego spends 4% of its GDP on the military equating to 16 billion dollars
The Puertegan government has mandatory 2-year military service for all men the day they turn 18 with them not being able to get a job in the country and not being allowed to emigrate out of it unless they've either completed their military service or are currently in the nations reserves. Puertegan soldiers are often regarded as being comparatively poorly trained and equipped to the military of other countries though the government has been trying to offset this by investing more into the mechanical elements of the army with the most impressive weapon made by the government so far being the Type-22 Torres missile. The doctrine of the Puertegan military has primarily been focused on keeping peace with all three major powers around Puertego trying not to sour their relations too much with one power in particular over the others, though despite trying to keep good relations with foreign powers Puertego gets very territorial when it comes to their own territory getting them into many disputes over their history primarily over the Natiserve Bay.
The levels of corruption reported in Puertego have repeatedly been ranked as among some of the worst on the continent with nepotism, bribery, and embezzlement commonplace in the government with it being reported that embezzlement and bribery being equivalent to 12% of the national budget combined, corruption is especially common in law enforcement, education, healthcare, and immigration. The government of Puertego passed an "anti-corruption law" in 2012 corruption still runs rampant in the country with most corruption arrests made in the country being made against political rivals and opposition of the ruling party. Corruption in Puertego runs all the way up to the top level of government with the current president Matthias Torres being suspected of having embezzled as much as 645 million dollars though this has never been proven with the president himself claiming these are lies made up by the opposition to demonize him, so far anyone who has gone public with claiming Torres embezzled the money has been charged by the government with slander. Additionally there have been many cases of the government granting land to foreign investors or to the state run mining or oil company and evicting the villagers currently living on said land with native communities disproportionately, so far as many as 5-8,000 Puertegan natives have been evicted off their land by the government.  
The levels of corruption reported in Puertego have repeatedly been ranked as among some of the worst on the continent with nepotism, bribery, and embezzlement commonplace in the government with it being reported that embezzlement and bribery being equivalent to 12% of the national budget combined, corruption is especially common in law enforcement, education, healthcare, and immigration. The government of Puertego passed an "anti-corruption law" in 2012 corruption still runs rampant in the country with most corruption arrests made in the country being made against political rivals and opposition of the ruling party. Corruption in Puertego runs all the way up to the top level of government with the current president Matthias Torres being suspected of having embezzled as much as 645 million dollars though this has never been proven with the president himself claiming these are lies made up by the opposition to demonize him, so far anyone who has gone public with claiming Torres embezzled the money has been charged by the government with slander. Additionally there have been many cases of the government granting land to foreign investors or to the state run mining or oil company and evicting the villagers currently living on said land with native communities disproportionately, so far as many as 5-8,000 Puertegan natives have been evicted off their land by the government.  
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''Are there any prominent symbols which are well known to represent your country?''
''Are there any prominent symbols which are well known to represent your country?''

==Economy and Infrastructure==
The economy of Puertego is considered a mixed model economy based largely on natural resource extraction primarily via agriculture, fishing, and mining, manufacturing primarily of steel, chemicals, and textiles, and remittances from Puertegans living and working abroad with the final providing an estimated $32.5 billion each year from the 11 million Puertegans working abroad making up 8% of GDP. The economic liberalizations brought by the incumbent president have switched the country from an extraction based planned economy to a more market based one split between extraction and industry, the country has adopted much greater economic freedoms than it had under any previous governments with the Special Investment Zones established under him meant to attract foreign investment through very reduced regulations and taxes to business operating there, though the government also maintains monopolies with their state run industries which operate primarily in utilities and natural resources. Economic growth in the nation has been relatively steady with the economy growing by an average of 6-7% each year since 2008 primarily attributed to the Special Investment Zones established at the time, foreign investors in Puertego get many benefits from the government for investing in the SEZ's including temporary subsidies for their businesses, introductory tax rates being set up for their business, and tax shelters being used so that not all the wealth they make from the business is subject to taxation in Puertego, these practices have widely gotten Puertego labeled as a tax haven. The poverty rate in Puertego is around 3% of the population living on less than $1.90 a day, 45% living on less than $3.20 a day, and 82% living on less than $5.50 a day, in addition the Puertegan government offers very little in terms of social welfare for average citizens, this combination means that there is a large amount of street crime in the nation's cities and a large black market estimated to be worth around $22 billion with this being allowed to happen by pervasive corruption in almost all levels of the government. Due to a rather large focus on natural resources the economy of Puertego can be very affected by natural disasters such as forest fires or floods. Unemployment in Puertego currently sits at approximately 1.2% due to the almost universally guaranteed job offered to citizens in government run industries, the 1.2% of the workforce that are unemployed are often some of the most destitute members of society due to the lack of many welfare programs that many other countries offer, workforce participation in Puertego sits at 80% of the population or 52,000,000 citizens. Puertego has an import to export ration of 1:12 though this number is predicted to rise in the future by the government who claim that they hope to get it to 1:20 in the next ten years though the validity of this hope has been called into question, Puertego's main exports are steel, raw minerals primarily gold, copper, and tin, chemicals, textiles, agricultural products primarily rubber, tobacco, and sugar while the country's main imports are electronics, fossil fuels, medicine, food, and fertilizer. Puertego has a debt to GDP ratio of 77% and a credit rating of BB+ primarily due to the many governments that came before the current regime running deficits that spiraled the country into 4 different debt crises throughout its history, the national debt of Puertegto is currently being reduced by the government.
The economy of Puertego is considered a mixed model economy based largely on natural resource extraction primarily via agriculture, fishing, and mining, manufacturing primarily of steel, chemicals, and textiles, and remittances from Puertegans living and working abroad with the final providing an estimated $32.5 billion each year from the 11 million Puertegans working abroad making up 8% of GDP. The economic liberalizations brought by the incumbent president have switched the country from an extraction based planned economy to a more market based one split between extraction and industry, the country has adopted much greater economic freedoms than it had under any previous governments with the Special Investment Zones established under him meant to attract foreign investment through very reduced regulations and taxes to business operating there, though the government also maintains monopolies with their state run industries which operate primarily in utilities and natural resources. Economic growth in the nation has been relatively steady with the economy growing by an average of 6-7% each year since 2008 primarily attributed to the Special Investment Zones established at the time, foreign investors in Puertego get many benefits from the government for investing in the SEZ's including temporary subsidies for their businesses, introductory tax rates being set up for their business, and tax shelters being used so that not all the wealth they make from the business is subject to taxation in Puertego, these practices have widely gotten Puertego labeled as a tax haven. The poverty rate in Puertego is around 3% of the population living on less than $1.90 a day, 45% living on less than $3.20 a day, and 82% living on less than $5.50 a day, in addition the Puertegan government offers very little in terms of social welfare for average citizens, this combination means that there is a large amount of street crime in the nation's cities and a large black market estimated to be worth around $22 billion with this being allowed to happen by pervasive corruption in almost all levels of the government. Due to a rather large focus on natural resources the economy of Puertego can be very affected by natural disasters such as forest fires or floods. Unemployment in Puertego currently sits at approximately 1.2% due to the almost universally guaranteed job offered to citizens in government run industries, the 1.2% of the workforce that are unemployed are often some of the most destitute members of society due to the lack of many welfare programs that many other countries offer, workforce participation in Puertego sits at 80% of the population or 52,000,000 citizens. Puertego has an import to export ration of 1:12 though this number is predicted to rise in the future by the government who claim that they hope to get it to 1:20 in the next ten years though the validity of this hope has been called into question, Puertego's main exports are steel, raw minerals primarily gold, copper, and tin, chemicals, textiles, agricultural products primarily rubber, tobacco, and sugar while the country's main imports are electronics, fossil fuels, medicine, food, and fertilizer. Puertego has a debt to GDP ratio of 77% and a credit rating of BB+ primarily due to the many governments that came before the current regime running deficits that spiraled the country into 4 different debt crises throughout its history, the national debt of Puertegto is currently being reduced by the government.
===Industries and Sectors===
===Industries and Sectors===
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''How advanced is your country? Is it an innovator, or does it largely import new developments?
''How advanced is your country? Is it an innovator, or does it largely import new developments?
The Puertegan People's Armed Forced are divided into three main branches the Puertegan People's army, the Puertegan People's Navy, and the Puertegan People's air force. The Puertegan armed forces has an active manpower of 450,000 but if needed could muster a total strength of around 3,000,000 men. The government of Puertego spends 4% of its GDP on the military equating to 16 billion dollars
The Puertegan government has mandatory 2-year military service for all men the day they turn 18 with them not being able to get a job in the country and not being allowed to emigrate out of it unless they've either completed their military service or are currently in the nations reserves. Puertegan soldiers are often regarded as being comparatively poorly trained and equipped to the military of other countries though the government has been trying to offset this by investing more into the mechanical elements of the army with the most impressive weapon made by the government so far being the Type-22 Torres missile. The doctrine of the Puertegan military has primarily been focused on keeping peace with all three major powers around Puertego trying not to sour their relations too much with one power in particular over the others, though despite trying to keep good relations with foreign powers Puertego gets very territorial when it comes to their own territory getting them into many disputes over their history primarily over the Natiserve Bay.
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