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===The western front opens===
===The western front opens===
The first month and a half of the war in mainland Sarpedon was characterized by low level skirmishing. Beginning with the declarations of war by the western allies in late July, both the allies and Caphiria were generally unprepared for large scale fighting. The western allies declared immediate mobilization, which would take time, while the Caphirians were caught generally unaware and had to divert a significant portion of its concentrated forces in [[Urlazio]] west. Both sides took advantage of the other's general unpreparedness with quick strategic raids, destroying power plants, railway junctions, and other important infrastructure in the borderlands. Cartadania, in particular, used a high volume of these small raids to shield their true intentions, namely, a major buildup on their border with [[Vachena]] rather than on the Caphirian border. Caphirian and Vachenan intelligence both believed that a major Cartadanian offensive into western Caphiria or along the Urlazian border were imminent, both due to successful deception as well as the belief that the allies sought to relieve pressure on Talionia. The potential additional requirements to the west induced Caphiria to launch one last major Urlazian offensive on 18 March, which failed to destroy the Kingdom but succeeded in bottling up allied forces along a narrow front.
====Invasion of Vachena====
====Invasion of Vachena====
Cartadanian military leaders viewed their deception as largely complete by 20 March with the 18 March offensive on Talionia. Cartadania's true intentions became clear on 24 March when the majority of the country's forces crossed the [[Vachena]]n border, beginning a full invasion of the country. The Vachenan military was largely caught unprepared, and by 27 March they had withdrawn about 75 miles from the border to the next available defensive line. The invasion had the effect of frustrating Caphirian aims of continuing to concentrate resources on Talionia. In order to relieve pressure on Vachena, a large number of Imperial Legion divisions were ordered to western Urlazio on 26 March. Legion commanders, under pressure from political leaders in Venceia, organized a general offensive against the Cartadanian provinces of [[Triessa]] and [[São Andreas]] to begin no later than 5 April 1935. The resulting offensive, hastily assembled, began on 5 April as intended with significant logistical and operational issues. Despite the issues, the Caphirian offensive on Urlazio is believed by many historians to have potentially saved Vachena from being completely knocked out of the war at this relatively early juncture, requiring a halt of Cartadanian offensive operations in the country by 7 April.
====Urlazio loses priority====
====Urlazio loses priority====
=====The national redoubt=====
=====The national redoubt=====