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== Demographics ==
== Demographics ==
{{See also|Demographics of Cartadania}}
{{Historical populations
|title      =
|type        =
|align      = right
|1800 |1681
|1810 |3228
|1820 |5716
|1830 |8814
|1840 |17891
|1850 |29341
|1860 |37615
|1870 |51982
|1880 |71330
|1890 |113906
|1900 |129954
|1910 |376002
|1920 |489130
|1930 |517323
|1940 |629013
|1950 |813942
|1960 |1003248
|1970 |1279336
|1980 |1572834
|1990 |1783752
|2000 |1825680
|2010 |1909948
|2020 |2001871
|2030 |2213407
The Cartadania Office of the Census certified that, as of 1 July 2030, the population of Amar stood at 2,213,207, solidifying its position as the fifth-most populous city in Cartadania and the most populous locality within the Commonwealth of Porta Bianca. Within this diverse urban landscape, various ethnic backgrounds contribute to the city's rich demographic background.
The majority, constituting 54.3 percent of the population, identifies with [[Cartadanians|Pardo Cartadanian]], or northern Sarpedonian heritage (i.e., [[Caphiria]]n or [[Pelaxia]]n). Cronan descent, the second largest of the ancestry groups, comprises 21.8 percent of the population, adding to the city's multicultural landscape. Approximately 13.4 percent of residents trace their origins to Polynesian and/or broadly Vallosi roots, while 7.3 percent identify with Levantine heritage. A smaller yet distinct group, at 2.2 percent, claims Alshari ancestry. Finally, all other people groups comprise less than one percent of the city's population.
According to the 2026 linguistic census conducted by the Government of Porta Bianca, Cartadanian stands as the predominant language, with near-universal comprehension. Pelaxian follows closely as a widely spoken tongue, with a 95% comprehension rate among the populace. Moreover, 72.3% of residents demonstrate proficiency in speaking Pelaxian, while 79% can read it, and 53% can write in the language. This linguistic competency in Pelaxian can be attributed to a comprehensive language immersion educational program, mandated at both federal and state levels, as well as the linguistic similarity between the two languages, considered to be around 85%.
In addition to Cartadanian and Pelaxian, Amar boasts a significant presence of North Vallos languages, prominently including Burgoignesc and Latin. The linguistic landscape further diversifies with the incorporation of indigenous languages like Yunis, as well as various other Taínean languages and English.
=== Religion ===
{{See also|Religion in Cartadania}}
[[File:Barcelona - Basilica de la Merced 36.jpg|thumb|left|175px|Statue within the Basilica do São Gonçalo in Amar.]]
Amar's religious demographics depict a more nuanced demographic than is seen elsewhere in the country, reflecting the evolving landscape of spiritual beliefs and affiliations. In a 2022 survey conducted by the city government, a notable shift emerged as 41.5% of residents identified themselves as Catholic. This marked the first instance where less than half of respondents identified with Catholicism, aligning with the broader nationwide trend of declining Catholic adherence.
Subsequent data from a 2029 survey conducted by sociologists at the University of Porta Bianca revealed that 48.2% of Amar's residents identified as Catholic, with 9.9% practicing Catholics and 38.3% identifying as non-practicing Catholics. The evolving religious fabric of the city thus mirrors the national landscape, characterized by a diminishing Catholic majority.
Among the diverse array of religious affiliations, Islam emerges as the largest minority faith, representing 4.9% of Amar's population, approximately 108,457 adherents. A range of other religions, including Judaism, contribute to the remaining 6.4%. Intriguingly, a significant portion of the population, totaling 47.2% of respondents, identify as Irreligious, signifying one of the highest proportions in the country. This dynamic shifting in religious composition has made apparent Amar's evolving beliefs in contemporary Cartadania.
== Economy ==
== Economy ==
[[File:Singapore (SG), JW Marriott Hotel Singapore South Beach -- 2019 -- 4432.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Certi Esmeralda Hotel in the Emerald Hill district.]]
[[File:Singapore (SG), JW Marriott Hotel Singapore South Beach -- 2019 -- 4432.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Certi Esmeralda Hotel in the Emerald Hill district.]]