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Virtually every macro-region of Great Kirav, along with [[Koskenkorva]], has claimed for itself the distinction of having hosted the geographic nucleus of the [[Lawful Commonwealth]], but among those scholars who accept its historicity, the most commonly held position is that it was located on the island now known as [[Ilánova]].
Virtually every macro-region of Great Kirav, along with [[Koskenkorva]], has claimed for itself the distinction of having hosted the geographic nucleus of the [[Lawful Commonwealth]], but among those scholars who accept its historicity, the most commonly held position is that it was located on the island now known as [[Ilánova]].
The rise of the Emperors, who imposed the Four Laws and Four Rites, forming a tribal confederacy capable of overwhelming any individual hostile tribe and also capable of maintaining peace and cohesion within itself, opened an exit from the Age of Blood for the tribes of Éorsa. The population growth brought on by decreased mortality from warfare enabled the Lawful Tribes to expand territorially into larger (though still thoroughly tribal) political-territorial units, and enhanced the military strength of the Commonwealth as a whole.

Using the traditional narratives as a source, it would appear that the key military advantage ensuring the security of the Lawful Commonwealth was its primitive form of {{wp|collective security}}: Lawful tribes were safe from attack than Lawless tribes because they could rely upon neighbouring Lawful tribes for assistance in a simple threat environment wherein numerical superiority was sufficient to guarantee victory. The deterrent effect of collective security allowed the Lawful tribes to become more populous as they were spared the extremely high death rates from warfare that afflicted the Lawless tribes, providing additional fighting-age men that galvanised the deterrent effect. It follows that the Lawful Commonwealth could only be defeated ''{{wp|Africa|in toto}}'' by an adversary if a countervailing tribal alliance was able to assemble more fighters, which is what the sources say happened. The Great Law chant includes the narrative of the Lawful Commonwealth's demise as an apologetic for its model of governance, essentially saying that its only flaw was that it worked too well, allowing the Lawful tribes to raid and displace the Lawless tribes further and further until the retreating Lawless tribes formed a grand alliance to counterattack and overwhelm the outer villages of the Commonwealth, after which the inner villages, being unprepared for war, fell swiftly. The Commonwealth was dissolved and Emperor Akˣɛ died a glorious and noble death in battle, but, the Chant says the scattered survivors of the Lawful tribes "carried the Law with them to the edges of the Sea," taken to mean both the east Kiravian coast and Suderavia-Levantia.
Using the traditional narratives as a source, it would appear that the key military advantage ensuring the security of the Lawful Commonwealth was its primitive form of {{wp|collective security}}: Lawful tribes were safe from attack than Lawless tribes because they could rely upon neighbouring Lawful tribes for assistance in a simple threat environment wherein numerical superiority was sufficient to guarantee victory. The deterrent effect of collective security allowed the Lawful tribes to become more populous as they were spared the extremely high death rates from warfare that afflicted the Lawless tribes, providing additional fighting-age men that galvanised the deterrent effect. It follows that the Lawful Commonwealth could only be defeated ''{{wp|Africa|in toto}}'' by an adversary if a countervailing tribal alliance was able to assemble more fighters, which is what the sources say happened. The Great Law chant includes the narrative of the Lawful Commonwealth's demise as an apologetic for its model of governance, essentially saying that its only flaw was that it worked too well, allowing the Lawful tribes to raid and displace the Lawless tribes further and further until the retreating Lawless tribes formed a grand alliance to counterattack and overwhelm the outer villages of the Commonwealth, after which the inner villages, being unprepared for war, fell swiftly. The Commonwealth was dissolved and Emperor Akˣɛ died a glorious and noble death in battle, but, the Chant says the scattered survivors of the Lawful tribes "carried the Law with them to the edges of the Sea," taken to mean both the east Kiravian coast and Suderavia-Levantia.