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To Become A member of the [[Board of Executives]] a person must be of atleast the age of 25 (though this is rare) and have proved themself within the [[Canasta Company]] working there way up the chain of command. Each executive is required to have a designated heir that holds a high ranking position in the company while also being of the same house. As for the [[Wasiexu]]. They are voted on by the [[House Union]]. Usually there are only 3-4 runners for the position considering the strict requirements. Additionally the foreign spot is chosen by the other executives and not by the previous foreigner.   
To Become A member of the [[Board of Executives]] a person must be of atleast the age of 25 (though this is rare) and have proved themself within the [[Canasta Company]] working there way up the chain of command. Each executive is required to have a designated heir that holds a high ranking position in the company while also being of the same house. As for the [[Wasiexu]]. They are voted on by the [[House Union]]. Usually there are only 3-4 runners for the position considering the strict requirements. Additionally the foreign spot is chosen by the other executives and not by the previous foreigner.   

===Federal subdivisions===
===Federal Subdivisions===
The country while mostly governed from the capital [[Canestapa]] has sub divisions based upon the [[Qumir Canals]]. These divisions were created by the [[Canasta Company]] in order to manage the country better, 13 of these divisions exist. They mean almost nothing on a political level but they do have some economic differences and each one has a center city (capital) which is usually the city at the start of the regions canal system. Each division needs to report its harvests and all of its transports.
The country while mostly governed from the capital [[Canestapa]] has sub divisions based upon the [[Qumir Canals]]. These divisions were created by the [[Canasta Company]] in order to manage the country better, 13 of these divisions exist. They mean almost nothing on a political level but they do have some economic differences and each one has a center city (capital) which is usually the city at the start of the regions canal system. Each division needs to report its harvests and all of its transports.
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Education up to ones 12th birthday is mandatory and training programs are free if you agree to go into that profession after the program is over. This means that in a general sense most Canespians are educated. Only a few training programs are deemed as higher education by other countries though. So only around 4% of Canespians engage in high education.  
Education up to ones 12th birthday is mandatory and training programs are free if you agree to go into that profession after the program is over. This means that in a general sense most Canespians are educated. Only a few training programs are deemed as higher education by other countries though. So only around 4% of Canespians engage in high education. Literacy rates in the country are 98.9% 

==Culture and Society==
==Culture and Society==
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In order to qualify for a certain training program you need to either have shown certain skills by doing skill camps in your younger years or maintain certain grades for more executive type training programs. Skill camps are week long camps that you can decide to participate in during your general education. For 3 separate weeks during the school year school is canceled and skill camps open up in there place. There are fall, winter and spring skill camps. Some skill camps only have one location in the country while some have many. Some notable skill camps include the football camp, the harvesting camp, the planting camp, the leadership camp, the peace and order camp, the military camp, the technology and discovery camp, the religious studies camp, and last but not least the politics camp.   
In order to qualify for a certain training program you need to either have shown certain skills by doing skill camps in your younger years or maintain certain grades for more executive type training programs. Skill camps are week long camps that you can decide to participate in during your general education. For 3 separate weeks during the school year school is canceled and skill camps open up in there place. There are fall, winter and spring skill camps. Some skill camps only have one location in the country while some have many. Some notable skill camps include the football camp, the harvesting camp, the planting camp, the leadership camp, the peace and order camp, the military camp, the technology and discovery camp, the religious studies camp, and last but not least the politics camp.   

===Attitudes and worldview===
===Attitudes and Worldview===
The people of [[Canespa]] view life as a connection to the earth that individuals have to play a part in. In their opinion other countries lack a connection to the earth, and that this will play a role in most of there failures. They believe that in order to maintain balance [[Canespa]] must keep its connections to Mother Nature in order to feed the people of the world. The [[Canasta Company]] while being a government and corporation plagued with corruption and power hungry individuals has always, under the guidance of [[House Wasi]], kept its promise of maintaining its connection to the Earth and guaranteeing the safety of the people. Canespian's have little connection with fellow Cronan natives. Instead they tend to align themselves with whoever can benefit the country itself. This leads to a fairly open view about other people and nations and the people of Canespa rarely judge concepts that are irregular to them.   
The people of [[Canespa]] view life as a connection to the earth that individuals have to play a part in. In their opinion other countries lack a connection to the earth, and that this will play a role in most of there failures. They believe that in order to maintain balance [[Canespa]] must keep its connections to Mother Nature in order to feed the people of the world. The [[Canasta Company]] while being a government and corporation plagued with corruption and power hungry individuals has always, under the guidance of [[House Wasi]], kept its promise of maintaining its connection to the Earth and guaranteeing the safety of the people. Canespian's have little connection with fellow Cronan natives. Instead they tend to align themselves with whoever can benefit the country itself. This leads to a fairly open view about other people and nations and the people of Canespa rarely judge concepts that are irregular to them.   
=== Day to Day Life ===
Canespian's--northern and southern, all work for the Canasta Company. No profession has been saved from its monopoly and all other organizations/companies are effectively banned from the country. This has lead to every aspect of life being controlled by the company. If you live in the cities you most likely live in a small but comfortable apartment that has the necessities for life and some commodities to. If you live and work on a farm then you most likely life in an llaqta. Am llaqta is a small village that consists of about 20 some houses with some small shops and stores that are run with semi-autonomy. These llaqta's are set up around large farms and everyone who lives in the llaqta works said farm. From that you receive your pay minus your living expenses and needs. Anything categorized as a want or commodity can be bought with the meager pay. Canespian's have on average five kids that are entirely funded by the government with large raises given to anyone based on the number of kids they have. The kids in each llaqta are usually picked up for school by a biofuel run bus. While the kids are at school the parents will work the farms and help the shops remain functional.

===Kinship and family===
===Kinship and family===
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Medical care is provided by the [[Canasta Company]], because of the agricultural nature of [[Canespa]] the hospitals in the country are required to possess at least 3 electric or biofuel helicopters. This is so that they can quickly reach any point in the country and back to a hospital as quick as possible. Healthcare in the nation is not entirely free but is heavily insured if you are an employee of the Canasta Company.  
Medical care is provided by the [[Canasta Company]], because of the agricultural nature of [[Canespa]] the hospitals in the country are required to possess at least 3 electric or biofuel helicopters. This is so that they can quickly reach any point in the country and back to a hospital as quick as possible. Healthcare in the nation is not entirely free but is heavily insured if you are an employee of the Canasta Company.  
Labor is all controlled and conducted by the [[Canasta Company|Canasta Corporation]]. While individuals do have a choice in profession, if one job is lacking numbers they will take less skilled individuals from others to make up for it. Most citizens end of in farming as its seen as a good hard working profession in [[Canespa]]. Most enter the workforce by sixteen or seventeen due to the lack of high education in the country.     
Labor is all controlled and conducted by the [[Canasta Company|Canasta Corporation]]. While individuals do have a choice in profession, if one job is lacking numbers they will take less skilled individuals from others to make up for it. Most citizens end of in farming as its seen as a good hard working profession in [[Canespa]]. Most enter the workforce by sixteen or seventeen due to the lack of high education in the country. There are no labor unions in Canespa and they are strictly outlawed. Similarly there is no minimum wage and the Canasta Company has full control in what people receive, are payed, and what they have access to.     
[[File:Canespa Canals.png|thumb|Relative locations of the Qumir Canals (Inflated size)]]
[[File:Canespa Canals.png|thumb|Relative locations of the Qumir Canals (Inflated size)]]