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The rise of the [[Coscivian Emperor|Emperors]], who imposed the [[Four Laws and Four Rites]], forming a tribal confederacy capable of overwhelming any individual hostile tribe and also capable of maintaining peace and cohesion within itself, opened an exit from the Age of Blood for the tribes of Éorsa. The population growth brought on by decreased mortality from warfare enabled the Lawful Tribes to expand territorially into larger (though still thoroughly tribal) political-territorial units, and enhanced the military strength of the Commonwealth as a whole. Using the traditional narratives as a source, it would appear that the key military advantage ensuring the security of the Lawful Commonwealth was its primitive form of {{wp|collective security}}: Lawful tribes were safe from attack than Lawless tribes because they could rely upon neighbouring Lawful tribes for assistance in a simple threat environment wherein numerical superiority was sufficient to guarantee victory. The deterrent effect of collective security allowed the Lawful tribes to become more populous as they were spared the extremely high death rates from warfare that afflicted the Lawless tribes, providing additional fighting-age men that galvanised the deterrent effect. The Lawful Commonwealth would eventually include most of the tribal territories on Ilánova, and it is possible that some nearby areas of the Kiravian mainland (i.e. coastal [[Harma]]) may have somehow participated in or imitated its model.
The rise of the [[Coscivian Emperor|Emperors]], who imposed the [[Four Laws and Four Rites]], forming a tribal confederacy capable of overwhelming any individual hostile tribe and also capable of maintaining peace and cohesion within itself, opened an exit from the Age of Blood for the tribes of Éorsa. The population growth brought on by decreased mortality from warfare enabled the Lawful Tribes to expand territorially into larger (though still thoroughly tribal) political-territorial units, and enhanced the military strength of the Commonwealth as a whole. Using the traditional narratives as a source, it would appear that the key military advantage ensuring the security of the Lawful Commonwealth was its primitive form of {{wp|collective security}}: Lawful tribes were safe from attack than Lawless tribes because they could rely upon neighbouring Lawful tribes for assistance in a simple threat environment wherein numerical superiority was sufficient to guarantee victory. The deterrent effect of collective security allowed the Lawful tribes to become more populous as they were spared the extremely high death rates from warfare that afflicted the Lawless tribes, providing additional fighting-age men that galvanised the deterrent effect. The Lawful Commonwealth would eventually include most of the tribal territories on Ilánova, and it is possible that some nearby areas of the Kiravian mainland (i.e. coastal [[Harma]]) may have somehow participated in or imitated its model.
The peace brought on by the expansion of the Lawful Commonwealth allowed for the advancements of the High Neolithic to take pleace earlier on Éorsa than on the mainland, including the first stone settlements since the Society II culture and the intensive cultivation of {{wp|polyculture}}s with {{wp|crop rotation}}.

It follows that the Lawful Commonwealth could only be defeated ''{{wp|Africa|in toto}}'' by an adversary if a countervailing tribal alliance was able to assemble more fighters, or if the Commonwealth itself became unable to maintain its own cohesion. The available sources from {{wp|oral literature}} maintain that the latter happened: After the death of the Emperor Akˣɛ, a struggle for succession ensued between five different claimants, each with the backing of different cohorts of tribal allies. The civil war - if it can be called that - resulting from this dispute is said to have ended inconclusively, with each faction diminished into a small splinter confederacy under the leadership of its preferred Emperor. There is no clear archæological evidence to confirm nor controvert this narrative. Tradition maintains - and later history would appear to confirm - that even after the splintering of the Lawful Commonwealth, members of the former Lawful Tribes "carried the Law with them to the edges of the Sea," taken to mean that they would go on to emigrate from Éorsa and establish new Lawful settlements along the coast of mainland Great Kirav and in Suderavia-Levantia.
It follows that the Lawful Commonwealth could only be defeated ''{{wp|Africa|in toto}}'' by an adversary if a countervailing tribal alliance was able to assemble more fighters, or if the Commonwealth itself became unable to maintain its own cohesion. The available sources from {{wp|oral literature}} maintain that the latter happened: After the death of the Emperor Akˣɛ, a struggle for succession ensued between five different claimants, each with the backing of different cohorts of tribal allies. The civil war - if it can be called that - resulting from this dispute is said to have ended inconclusively, with each faction diminished into a small splinter confederacy under the leadership of its preferred Emperor. There is no clear archæological evidence to confirm nor controvert this narrative. Tradition maintains - and later history would appear to confirm - that even after the splintering of the Lawful Commonwealth, members of the former Lawful Tribes "carried the Law with them to the edges of the Sea," taken to mean that they would go on to emigrate from Éorsa and establish new Lawful settlements along the coast of mainland Great Kirav and in Suderavia-Levantia.