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=== Chincha Cuenca ===
=== Chincha Cuenca ===
Chincha Cuenca has a larger population then any of Canespa's other divisions including the capital. Its four largest cities are in order (largest to smallest population) Musuq K'anchay, Rapikuna, Kimsa ñiqi, and Hamuq City. Chincha Cuenca is controlled by House Kanchi and has been for centuries. Due to House Kanchi's influence the area is vary nationalistic compared to the rest of Canespa and has a large sense of pride in the country. The people of Chincha Cuenca have a vary positive view on how Canespa will turn out and believe strongly in the countries success. Musuq K'anchay is the third largest City in Canespa followed closely by Rapikuna in fifth. While the area is unique in its urbanization it still has a vary large agricultural industry especially around wheat and corn.

=== Qulla Cuenca ===
=== Qulla Cuenca ===
Quella Cuenca has a lot of similarities with its north-west neighbor. It is in the same general collection of cities and is geographically vary close. It is similarly controlled by House Kanchi. Though unlike Chincha Cuenca, Qulla Cuenca has a substantially smaller population, only being the 8th largest Suyukuna population wise. Its two largest cities (largest to smallest) are Tukuy and Asllata. Quella Cuenca's most produced crop is tobacco with 54% of the crop being tobacco. This, along with being in the interior of Canespa creates a more relaxed mood then most areas of Canespa. The area is so relaxed that even the Canasta Company considers it the least productive Suyukuna for indoor productivity.

=== Norte Ilaqtakuna ===
=== Norte Ilaqtakuna ===