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=== Aggressive control ===
=== Aggressive control ===
The Canasta Company would soon forge a quantity of wealth larger then anything seen in the Cusinaut prior. Food prices were dropping quickly and Tȟatȟáŋka knew he needed to think fast. With the help of his parter, Wíyaka Kiona, Tȟatȟáŋka Amaru laid out a plan to keep the company from bankruptcy. He made a deal with the major companies who owned large sections of the Qumir Canal's. The deal was that the Canasta Company, one of the largest food companies at the time would get a 50% reduction in all transportation costs. In exchange the company would only transport its crops through the select companies that Tȟatȟáŋka made the deal with. In addition to this the Canasta Company got a 40% rebate on all transportation carried out by other companies. This meant that the deal would be devastating for his competition. Not only would all the other companies have to pay more, but the Canasta Company would also be receiving some of that money. The canal companies even gave Tȟatȟáŋka the information on what all of his competitors were shipping and transporting. This meant he could predict all of the other companies moves and strategically lower prices to bankrupt other companies. Critics of Tȟatȟáŋka Amaru often point out this alliance as a shameless power grab that doomed all of his competitors. But in his eyes he was saving the industry. Prices were dropping so low do to so much competition that food was almost getting handed out for free. Tȟatȟáŋka  wanted the industry to stay healthy and running and he believed that by bankrupting all of the smaller companies he could do this.
This deal between the two industries was short lived. Rumors of an agriculture cartel soon emerged as the canals prices jumped overnight. People were furious and took to the streets protesting. They threatened to burn the Canasta Companies farms and warehouses and even threaten to clog the canals. So the deal was broken off only 7 months after it started. Tȟatȟáŋka was not phased by this. He realized that if he couldn't take over the industry through backroom deals then he would have to do it with force. He wanted to acquire as much farmland as possible. Though the cartel broke off rumors were still shaking over a secret deal still being in place. People, and especially farm owners were increasing paranoid over this and out of sheer fear. One by one companies lined up to be bought out by the Canasta Company. The other owners were happy to cash in and not risking losing it all to a rumored secret deal. This secret cartel never existed but the rumors none the less helped Tȟatȟáŋka dominate the industry. Whenever an owner agreed to sell their company Tȟatȟáŋka would give them two options, either never enter the industry again, or work for the Canasta Company. The choice was clear and many previous entrepreneurs agreed to join the company. Through this the Canasta Company would dominate the industry with the brightest minds working by its side. Tȟatȟáŋka managed to purchase over 70% of all farmland in Canespa's central river valley.
Tȟatȟáŋka Amaru died in 1862 after suffering 3 consecutive strokes. Medicine at the time could not do anything to save him and he died at 82, vary old for the time. Before his death the company snowballed and came to acquire over 60% of Canespa's farmland. After his death the company soon came to hold an almost complete monopoly on the nation. Now with everyone else gone the Canasta Company started to raise price drastically. This came with many protests in the country but these were all wiped out by offering all employs a large discount on the food they bought from the company. Following this everyone wanted to work for the company. Applications spiked and other industries started to face large unemployment. The Canasta Company saw blood in the water. It started to expand into all industries of Canespian society. First it bought out bakeries and taverns. Then it moved onto textiles and lumber. After that it started to monopolize any industry it could. The path was clear, the Canasta Company was about to define Canespa's legacy, and it was about to outstretch its tentacles and take over the nation. Everyone alive at the time knew that an old era was about to end, and a new, much more corporate one would emerge. The Wasi rule was coming to an end.

=== Government control ===
=== Government control ===